Cannon (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina Book Series 5)

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Cannon (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina Book Series 5) Page 9

by Lane Hart

  “I hope so.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Waking up is usually a slow process for me. I hit the snooze button a few times and sleep an extra hour or so before I make myself roll out of bed.

  Not this morning.

  For some reason, I’m in a hurry to get up and get a shower.

  No, not some reason.


  Knowing she’s in the house and probably already awake, I hop up as soon as my eyes open. She’s like my own pot of coffee that gets me going.

  I want to make sure she’s okay after last night, and I figure she’ll be ready to get to her office as soon as possible. At least I hope she does. If those assholes last night have made her change her mind about running, then I am definitely going to track them down and kill them.

  By the time I come out of my bedroom, fresh from a shower and dressed in a dark pair of jeans, a dark gray hoodie and plain tee under my cut, I can hear voices from the kitchen and smell the sweet cinnamon scent of her coffee in the air.

  “Guess you two finally met,” I say when I see Hannah and Madison sitting together at the table. Madison is as flawless as ever in her light gray pantsuit, her hair pulled back so tight I bet it gives her headaches. Her makeup is perfect and not even her lipstick is smudged from drinking coffee from one of our mugs. Hannah, on the other hand, looks like she couldn’t care less what she looks like, wearing one of Conrad’s old rock tees and a pair of jogging pants. Her blonde ponytail is messy and falling, strands of hair nearly in front of her face, but she doesn’t care. Both women are equally beautiful, but only one of them looks relaxed and carefree.

  “Madison caught me with my hand in the pickle jar this morning,” Hannah says when she looks over at me with a grin. “And aren’t you up bright and early?” she teases.

  “I didn’t want to keep her waiting,” I say with a nod of my chin at Madison, who finally turns her face to look at me full on. “Good morning. How did you sleep?”

  “Not great,” she answers.

  “Yeah, me either,” I reply.

  “At least I have my coffee,” she says, raising her mug in a salute to me with a small smile on her face.

  “No pickles to go with it I hope,” I joke with my nose wrinkled.

  “I wish I didn’t like them. I swear I do,” Hannah says. “But the baby wants what the baby wants.”

  I grab the container of orange juice from the fridge and pour myself a glass. “I’m surprised Conrad has left you down here alone for this long.”

  “He was finally sleeping, so I left him alone. He’s been tossing and turning the last few nights,” Hannah replies.

  “Good.” I know my brother is worried about everything from the baby to getting arrested and whether or not the MC will be earning the much-needed revenue that all the Kings need, especially us to help support our parents. Hell, I’ve been overwhelmed, and I’m not the one about to be a daddy.

  “I better go slip back in bed before he notices I’m gone and gets up,” she says when she gets out of her seat and starts toward the stairs. “Nice meeting you, Madison.”

  “You too,” Madison calls back, and it sounds genuine. So, I guess it is possible for her to be nice to some people and not act like she’s better than them.

  “So, what’s the plan for the day?” I ask when I take my seat in front of Madison and drink my juice. I’ve never been much of a big breakfast person.

  “I’ve been thinking…” she starts, her dark eyes lowered to her mug on the table. I brace myself, afraid that she’s about to say that all this bullshit isn’t worth it. Instead, the corners of her lips lift and she says, “What do you think Bailey will say when I call a press conference today and accuse him of sending those men to threaten me?”

  “Holy shit,” I mutter since I wasn’t expecting that at all. “That would be savage as shit.”

  “So, you think I should do it?” she asks as if she honestly wants my opinion, for whatever reason.

  “Hell yes. Calling him out, telling everyone in the city that he tried to hurt you, not only will it put the spotlight on you for the campaign, costing him some voters, especially female ones, but it’ll also keep you safe. He can’t afford to come after you again because it’ll be out in the open. He’ll be the number one suspect if a hair on your head is hurt.” For a second, I realize that this also means that Madison probably won’t need me or the prospects on twenty-four-seven security detail, which I don’t like the thought of. Pushing that aside, I shake my head, and tell her, “It’s a great plan, and you’re a genius to think of it. I just want to be able to see his face when it all goes down.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Yeah, I do. And I was planning on having words with Bailey today anyway, to let him know that the Savage Kings are backing you and know about those men.”

  “I don’t know if you should confront him…” Madison trails off.

  “No violence. Just a few of the Kings, standing outside of his house looking threatening. What he did to you will still be much worse than us warning him to back off.”

  “Then it’s a plan. I’ll get the media list from Harlen and start setting it up,” Madison says confidently. “And screw waiting on a permit for a gathering. I’ll have it right outside of the police station, making sure to put some of the blame on them for not showing up when I needed help.”

  “What’s the worst that can happen? They’re not going to arrest you in front of news cameras.”

  “Exactly,” she agrees.

  “I guess you’re ready to get to the office?”

  “I am if you are.”

  “Me too,” comes a voice from the dark living room, making my heart stop as I jump up from the chair before I remember that one of the prospects was in here sleeping.

  “Jesus,” Madison says when she gets to her feet, clutching her chest. “How long has he been there?”

  “Since about midnight,” Lucas says as he stretches his arms over his head.

  “Jake’s still outside?” I ask.


  “In the freezing cold?” Madison exclaims.

  “He was going to hang out in his car with the heat on. It beats the tent we lived in for over a week,” Lucas says, leaning his arms over the arm of the sofa.

  “Tents?” she repeats when she turns to me in confusion.

  “This isn’t their first time on guard detail,” I assure her. “And alternating between our sofa and the car every other night has to be better than the tent. Roman wouldn’t let them inside the apartment complex when they were watching out for Tessa.”

  “And what happened to her?” she asks in concern.

  “Now she’s engaged to Verek, one of our MC brothers.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes widen, and she suddenly looks even more alarmed.

  “Don’t look so worried. I’m not the marrying type,” I assure her with a grin. “Now come on, let’s get to work on ruining Bailey’s day.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “I just can’t believe someone would do that,” Lily says after she hears my story about the night before.

  “I couldn’t either, but it happened. These two were there.” I wave my hand at the two prospects, who are hard at work on addressing more postcards. They both look up long enough to tell their side of the story.

  And stupidly, I keep looking out the front windows of the office, as if expecting to see Cannon come walking up. I won’t see him until later this afternoon, after the press conference, because he said he had Savage Kings business that included confronting Bailey while I was talking to the media. Basically, they would be a distraction while we get set up and started at the police station. I have no doubt that he’s still pulling strings there through the new police chief, who I also plan to call out today. I have nothing to hide about the scary incident, but those men sure as hell do.

  “Do you think the media will actually show up today?” Lily asks.
  “I know they will,” I tell her. “Because I’m going to give them a dramatic story that will make headlines.”

  “And you really called 9-1-1, and they didn’t show up?”

  “They didn’t show up. Cannon said they wouldn’t, and he was right. At the time, I was pissed and terrified, but now I plan to use it against them. What woman wants to live in a city where law enforcement refuses to show up when men break into her house and attack her?” I ask in outrage.

  “You should definitely say that later today,” Lucas comments without pausing in his work. He seems much more alert today than Jake, who had to sleep in his car. I’ll make sure he gets relieved early tonight so that he can catch up on his sleep…

  Which reminds me, do I really need Cannon and the prospects keeping an eye on me all day and night after the press conference? Cannon was right — Bailey would be a fool to try and send someone after me again once I go public with what he did. But that doesn’t mean he absolutely won’t. In fact, he could be so furious with me talking about it publicly that he decides he really wants me dead and out of his way. It’s a small chance, but it’s not one I want to bet my life on. And maybe I just feel safer having the guys around. Not to mention I could definitely use the free work on the campaign. After spending yesterday and last night together, it’s like we’re almost…friends.

  I never would have thought that was possible after meeting Cannon the first day. Now, I’m glad he was so persistent, or I might have been hurt beyond repair last night. Possibly not killed but horribly assaulted by those two men in a way that I wouldn’t have been able to overcome.

  “Do you think Cannon will let y’all go home after the press conference?” I can’t help but ask the prospects.

  “No,” both of them answer simply.


  “Not a chance,” Jake mutters, not sounding all that happy about it. In fact, even Lucas notices and kicks him in the shin. “Ow! What?” he asks the other man.

  “Would you rather be sitting in the clubhouse losing to me at cards for the next four weeks?”

  “No, I guess not,” Jake responds. “Sorry, Madison. I’m just exhausted.”

  “I know. I am too,” I tell him.

  “I can’t wait until this is all over and Roman gets the business up and running again,” Jake remarks.

  “Maybe I can help with that,” I say, and they both finally look up from the pile of address labels and postcards.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I may be able to put some pressure on the city and see if they’ll give the permits back. Although, I probably need to know all the details first, see a copy of the notices.”

  “That would be awesome,” Lucas agrees.

  “The least I can do since the Savage Kings are keeping me safe.”

  Lucas chuckles as he gets back to work. “I don’t know about the others, but Cannon would take a bullet for you.”

  “Yeah, he would,” Jake agrees with a smirk. “Which is hilarious since he won’t even take a number from any other woman.”

  The two seem to be laughing at their own inside joke, but I can’t help but wonder if they’re right – that Cannon is going above and beyond what most men would do to keep me safe. That thought shouldn’t make me happy, but it does. It has me absolutely elated, which is not something I’m used to feeling.


  “Why didn’t you call and tell me all this last night?” Roman asks after I finish telling the entire table about the shit going down with Madison.

  “Everything happened so fast,” I admit with a shrug. “My first priority was making sure Madison was okay and not shaken enough to drop out of the race because of that fat fuck. I didn’t think there was much you could do, so I didn’t bother you.”

  “If someone attacks a woman in my town, I want to know about it,” Roman declares.

  “Hopefully it won’t happen again; but if any assholes show up, I’ll make sure you’re the first person I call.”

  “You think she’ll still need protection after the announcement?” Winston speaks up and asks, rubbing his closely trimmed black beard in thought.

  “Fuck yeah she will,” Verek answers. “One of two things will happen — either Bailey will back down like a scared pussy, or he’ll come after her harder because she embarrassed him. That a chance you willing to take?” He directs the question at me.

  “God, no,” I answer.

  “It’s not a risk I want to take either,” Roman says. “Shit could get real ugly, real fast if Bailey thinks he’s losing.”

  “I agree,” Conrad says. “He’ll want to retaliate before backing down.”

  “Which means, we should be expecting the police to show up at our door with a warrant for your arrest any second now,” I tell him.

  “Most likely,” he agrees with a sigh.

  “You’ll have the best attorney money can buy,” Roman assures him. “And all of us will look out for Hannah and the baby until you’re back.”

  “Thanks,” Conrad says sadly. While he appreciates everyone’s offers to help, I know that what he really wants is to not need it.

  “Speaking of kids,” Winston says, unable to hide his grin. “Zoe’s getting induced on Friday.”

  “Hey! Congratulations! About time!” everyone tells him.

  “Sorry to change the subject,” Winston tells me directly. “I just wanted you all to know I’ll be MIA for a few weeks unless there’s an emergency you need me for.”

  “We’ll try not to bother you,” Roman assures him. “Enjoy as much time as you can with Zoe and your baby girl.”

  “Thanks, prez.”

  I don’t have to look at my brother to know that he’s not exactly jealous but envious because he may not get to be here for the birth of his son or daughter. But I’ll do everything I can to make sure he’s with Hannah.

  “Now,” Roman says to get everyone’s attention. “Cannon’s mentioned doing some sort of fundraiser event for Madison. I won’t make it a requirement for everyone to help out; but even without meeting the woman, I know she’s a better bet for the Kings in town than her opponent. What we need is to come up with a place for a large gathering and a way to bring as many people in as possible.”

  “The dealership is empty,” Conrad points out. “It’s big enough to hold several hundred people since we don’t plan to bring in any new inventory until shit settles down.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Roman agrees. “Now, how do we get people there?”

  “We could give away one of the repaired bikes we salvaged,” Winston suggests. “Slap some Savage Kings logos on it. People would spend a ton to pretend like they’re one of us.”

  “Good idea. What else?” Roman asks.

  “We won’t have to dress up for this, will we?” Leo asks quietly.

  “No, I don’t think we’ll go the formal route, unless Cannon thinks that’s necessary…” Roman trails off.

  I shake my head. “Nah. No tuxes, nothing formal. That’s not how the Savage Kings do shit.”

  “Good,” Roman says, and everyone at the table looks relieved.

  “Mardi Gras is coming up,” Nolan says from the far end of the table. It’s what’s known to the Kings as Nomad’s Land since Hugo, Nolan, and Abel aren’t locals but Nomads who decided to move to the area to join our chapter. They don’t say much and stick mostly to themselves, doing what Roman says to do, but they don’t really interact with most of us outside of the clubhouse.

  “Yeah?” Roman asks.

  “Who doesn’t like topless women?” Hugo asks with a chuckle.

  “How about the woman who is the guest of honor,” I comment since I know without a doubt that Madison wouldn’t go for that.

  “What if we try doing the opposite?” Verek asks. “Shirtless men in masks selling beads that the women get to remove and put on themselves for a price.”

  “It’s got potential, but I don’t think my wife would let me go around a room full of women, letti
ng them run their hands over my chest,” Roman says.

  “Zoe either,” Winston agrees.

  “I couldn’t do that to Tessa,” Verek comments.

  “And while I may not even get to be there, my girlfriend is pregnant, so that’s a hell no for me, if I’m still a free man when the event goes down,” Conrad says.

  “Yeah, yeah. Quit your whining, you pussy whipped pansies. That still leaves…” Nolan does a quick count. “Six single men. Eight, if we decide to include the prospects.”

  “Whoever sells the most beads gets bragging rights as having the best body and maybe the cash pool the contenders throw together. That is, if you’re brave enough to go against these big guns?” Hugo asks as he flexes his biceps.

  “I’m in,” Nolan agrees with a rare smile.

  “Me too,” Abel says.

  “Hell, I haven’t been touched by a woman in weeks,” Leo admits. “I’m in, especially if I get to wear a mask.”

  “Okay, so that’ll bring in plenty of women, but what about men? We need them to vote for Madison too,” I remind them.

  “Men will come to try and win the Harley,” Winston says. “And they’ll have to buy raffle tickets at say, twenty bucks a piece, for a chance.”

  “There you have it,” Roman says. “What do you think? Will all of this meet Madison’s approval?”

  “I’ll have to ask her, but she’s pretty desperate for campaign funds, so the sooner the better.”

  “Locals are calling the front all day long asking when we’ll be opening the club again,” Leo says. “It wouldn’t take but a few days to put the word out.”

  “So, maybe next Saturday? That would give us a little over a week to get the bike ready, the beads, some food, alcohol and decorations. We could sell those glittery masks at the door to the women,” I suggest.

  “Maybe men too if they’ve got ugly mugs,” Nolan says with a chuckle.


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