Fate: Limited Released Until April 30, 2020: Episode Three of Season Two Finale (Demon Gate Series Book 12)

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Fate: Limited Released Until April 30, 2020: Episode Three of Season Two Finale (Demon Gate Series Book 12) Page 7

by Nicholas Bella

  “Vahiel, the king!” Nasini gasped as she ran to Adriel’s side.

  “He will be fine, it will pass,” Vahiel said, then proceeded to grab Adriel’s hand, slicing it with a silver dagger. He then placed both Dogu Stones in the King’s palm and closed it so the stones could absorb the king’s blood. All the while, Adriel writhed in pain, but he kept his hand closed until all of a sudden, his body stiffened and his hand opened, revealing the stones. They were glowing silver with a bright red orb in the middle.

  “It is done, you’re connected, my Liege,” Vahiel said. He took one of the stones and closed Adriel’s hand around the other, which seemed easy to do. “You must hold on to this, my Liege.”

  Adriel looked to be recovering; his chest heaved as he righted himself in his chair. “Let’s end this.”

  Vahiel nodded and walked over to where we were standing. He gave Rohan the stone. “Once I lower the barrier here, go and show no mercy.”

  Rohan smirked. “As if that’s something this lot needs to be told.”

  Vahiel gave us all a look. “True. For King Adriel.”

  “For King Adriel,” we all said.

  Vahiel returned to his position beside our king, Nasini already in place. The others took positions around the room, ready for the incoming attack. Raphael was standing among them, blade in hand. He was a badass warrior and I could only hope to be as vicious and strategic in battle as he was. I prayed that we all survived, lord knew we’d taken enough hits since Katashniel had broken free. Vahiel spoke words in our demonic language too ancient for me to understand. I supposed I should syphon it from our Agoto line, that knowledge. I hadn’t done so, because it was a language demons didn’t universally speak. Only the real old ones like the lords knew it. So, it wasn’t all that important. Hell, I wondered if Nasini even knew it. Questions to get answers to if we survived.

  I actually felt the barrier go down, there was a static electricity to the air that washed over me, giving me tingles throughout my limbs. I didn’t have time to focus on that, because Rohan was teleporting us to where Katashniel was. We landed and I didn’t have time to put up my right arm before a demon clocked me with a left hook. The impact of the blow sent me tumbling to the floor. I didn’t even get a chance to look around before it happened. Hell, I didn’t really know what Katashniel looked like, but I was sure we’d figure it out soon.

  I rolled out of the way of a heavy foot coming down and turned to face my attacker. He was a towering demon, all brawn and nasty looking. He was in his full demonic form, scales, red eyes, horns and sharp teeth, the thing nightmares are made of. I didn’t give a shit. I directed my fire at him, setting him ablaze with my power. It was a reason why Agotos were precious to the king and I planned on proving it in this battle. Sure, other demons had fire abilities, but few as powerful as ours. I sat up and looked around, trying to get my shit together. We were inside a hall of sorts. There were beds lining the walls and chairs and sofas in one section of the room with a large television.

  I guessed this was their way of protecting their boy, Katashniel, especially after the shamans had been taken out. I saw Brian stab one demon while ashing another. Rohan had turned into his full demonic form and was taking on six demons at once. He slashed at one while his tail knocked two more across the room in separate directions. He grabbed another demon and bit down on his head and reared back, decapitating the demon. Blood squirted from the gaping hole, splashing his face like a geyser. He tossed the body at another demon, then charged forward.

  I didn’t have much time to catch the sights before another demon was coming at me. I aimed my fire at him, but it had no effect as he ran through it. Okay, I found that to be shocking. Just how powerful was this motherfucker? I looked at his aura to see it was bright white, which meant he was a lieutenant. One step down from a lord. This was about to be one hell of a fight. He screamed at me, blowing a balloon of fire in my direction. I felt the heat, but it didn’t harm me. I rose to my feet and looked at the demon as he growled at me.

  “I hope you got something else besides fire to take me out,” the demon said.

  “I can say the same thing about you, bitch,” I retorted.

  I tightened the grip on my dagger and charged his ass. Of course, I could have sucked his soul, but that would leave me vulnerable. So, it was out of the question. I jabbed, but he dodged. I tried to stab him several times, but each time, he dodged the attack like some fucking ninja. Another demon came out of nowhere and tackled me from the side, taking me down. He grabbed my hands while the other tried to snatch my blade away.

  Fire might not work on my first attacker, but I was going to see about the second one. I conjured it and I felt my flames and heard his scream right before his ashes fell on me. He was good and dead. I returned my full attention back to the demon who had just landed one nasty ass punch. I felt the dizziness hit me, which meant this demon would get the better of me if I wasn’t careful. Again, I tried to stab him, but he grabbed my hand, blocking my attack.

  He climbed on top of me, forcing the blade away from him and toward my chest. Shit! If this spelled blade stabbed me, I was dead. Vahiel’s magic was no joke and he had warned that the weapons he’d given to Brian, Raphael, and me could kill us. So, we had to be extra cautious. This demon was stronger than I was and I could feel the blade inching closer to my chest. I had no choice. I opened my Agoto up, syphoning his soul as I fed.

  He screamed and his force on the blade weakened as his white soul flowed from his body into mine. His corpse fell on top of me as I quaked from the pleasure of devouring a very powerful demon’s life. My cock exploded in my pants, filling my underwear with spunk, and my limbs were useless, which was what I had wanted to avoid.

  I could see a demon standing over me. He kicked the corpse of the other demon off me, then grabbed my blade. I was willing myself to move; if I could just conjure enough energy to teleport, I could avoid being killed by my own weapon. He raised the blade above me and I closed my eyes as his hand came down. Oh god, this was it!

  “Gah!” I heard a gargled gasp and opened my eyes to see the bloody end of a blade protruding through the demon’s neck. I looked behind him and saw Ade as he took back his blade. Blood splattered all over me from the wound, but I didn’t care. At least I was still alive.

  “Can you move?” he asked.

  My orgasm had passed along with the worst of the paralysis. I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Good, get up.” He offered me his hand and I took it. “Try not to feed again, we might not be able to save you next time.”

  “I didn’t have a choice,” I said, then reached down, retrieving my blade.

  “Then stick by my side,” Ade said.

  Okay, that, I could do. I stood by his side, watching Ade’s back as he watched mine and took on the demons who kept coming. Man, Vahiel wasn’t lying when he said this would be a battle. Sweat was pouring from all of my pores, but I still had a lot of energy. I was ashing, burning, and slicing as many demons as I could and Ade was making one hell of a partner. He grabbed one demon by his head and literally twisted it off like a cap to a bottle and tossed the head at another demon who was rushing toward us, but stopped when the head of his comrade thumped against his chest. I took the time he spent in shock to ash him and he screamed as his body turned to dust.

  Lord Oria was crippling at least sixty demons with her power. They wailed in terror as they scrambled to get away from whatever they were seeing. Brian was ashing two demons and he teleported before popping up behind another to stab her in her back. An arm flew across the room from Lord Rohan’s direction and he was surrounded by body parts and pools of blood. His fur was caked in it along with bits and pieces of flesh. It was pure carnage, but we were thinning the herd.

  “I’m going to feed, watch my back,” Ade said.

  “You know it,” I said. The man had saved my life… I had his back.

  I turned to see him devouring the souls of the demons Oria had trapped by their own fear.
The multicolored souls of sixty-eight demons simply flowed into Ade’s mouth and his body stiffened with the power of that feeding. He cried out in ecstasy as he collapsed to the floor, his body going into convulsions during what I was sure was one hell of an orgasm. Probably more than one.

  A demon tried to attack him, but I ashed his ass and stabbed another in the groin when he tried to be slick and pop up from behind me. No matter where I stabbed their ass, they would die, but at least that one would suffer first. There was one final cry before a demon had his heart ripped out by Silas, who tossed the heart to Rohan, and he ate it, which was kind of gross, if I was being honest. I didn’t let my guard down, but I did look around to see the place was covered with dead bodies and parts. Piles of them in some places.

  “It’s… over,” I heard Ade say as he struggled to sit up. I offered him my hand, but he held his up. “I still need a minute.”

  I chuckled and nodded. My chest was heaving as I looked around again to see that we were the last ones standing. Oria was by two demons, both in a helpless state. One looked paralyzed, while the other was cowering in fear, hands over his eyes. Must have been Mahmet and Katashniel. I took a good look at the sons of bitches. The one who I thought was Katashniel was actually very handsome. Too bad he was a piece of shit. He had the same silver eyes that Adriel had, but his hair was so black and shiny, it looked like oil or tar. He was also tanned and it was pretty clear that this was a body he was powerful enough to conjure. One he made into solid form to house his soul.

  Mahmet had a silver aura and I was betting he’d possessed the body he was inhabiting. He looked average. Blond hair, blue eyes, looked to be about six-six. The Aryan nation would have loved a specimen like him. I felt a pat on my calf and looked down to see Ade holding out his hand. I gave him some aide to get to his feet and he shook off the rest of the lingering effects of his orgasm.

  “It looked like it was a good one,” I said.

  He laughed. “One of the best. Rare for me. It’s not often I get to kill and feed on that many souls.”

  “I bet.”

  “So, is it over?” Brian asked.

  I turned to see my boy looking like one kickass demon. He was bloody, sweaty, panting, and I was proud of him. But more than that, I was so grateful he was alive. Neither of us would have survived had Raphael not whooped our asses into shape. I owed a lot to that man. Maybe when we got back home and showered, I would show him how much he mattered to me. I knew he was alive, because I could still feel his life force connected to mine. Our king was alive because Katashniel was, so all was looking good.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I heard Rohan say.

  He was back in his human form, and thank goodness. Demon dog Rohan was something to be afraid of in and of itself. Silas didn’t have as much blood on him as the rest of us, but his sword was dripping with it. I had managed to get a glimpse of him in battle, and demons literally fell to their feet when they got close to him, their bodies going into convulsions as he weakened them with pleasure, then cut off their heads. He was another demon lord that proved he wasn’t one to fuck with. We all made our way over to Oria. She put her hands on Katashniel and Mahmet’s helpless bodies, and Rohan put his hand on her shoulder. We were all holding hands, and he teleported us back to where our king was.

  I looked around soon as I landed and saw the battle was still going, but not strong. Nasini couldn’t feed, because she was the main defense for our king as Vahiel was busy with his spells. Time to get busy. I rushed toward one demon, stabbed her in the back, and I attacked another, slamming my blade into their throat. I closed my eyes for a second as their blood splashed over me, hot and wet, but not long enough to leave myself open to an attack.

  “Tremble before your king!” Lord Oria yelled, and the hundred or so demons that were in the room all reacted to what she was showing them.

  “No!” some of them screamed as they tried to flee. They clawed at the door and tried to jump through windows, but nothing happened, which meant Vahiel had created a spell to trap everyone in place once they got there.

  That explained a lot, because I wondered why the demons didn’t flee from us when we were fighting. He lowered the barrier to give us a chance to get inside Katashniel’s hideout, then raised it to keep everyone inside that he wanted to keep. I said it before and I’d say it again, Vahiel was one badass motherfucker. With the demons indisposed thanks to their own fears, Ade and Nasini put an end to them. Finally, it was over. Well, not quite… But the battle… yeah… that was over.



  I was fucking exhausted. I mean, dead on arrival kind of exhausted. All I wanted to do was go home, shower, and sleep for like a year. But before I did that, I wanted to see Katashniel and Mahmet get what was coming to them. I had to say, during the battle, I felt invigorated and I didn’t even really remember everything that happened during the fight. I was just glad we all made it. The one thing I did remember was Andre nearly dying. I wanted to get to him, but I had been busy with three demons at the time. Thank god Ade had been all business. I didn’t know what I would have done if we had lost Andre or Raphael.

  I walked over to him now, wrapping my arms around him. “Thank god you’re okay,” I said.

  He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. “Yeah, baby boy, I’m good.”

  “Get rid of these bodies,” I heard Lord Oria say. “Their filth shouldn’t be near our king.”

  I released Andre and turned to look at the hundreds of bodies all over the place. I thought more demons had come to attack the king than what we had to deal with. There looked to be a thousand at least. Wow. There were bodies piled up nearly to the ceiling and barely a clean spot on the floor that didn’t have a body or body part on it. The entire floor was slick with blood and I slipped a few times as I made my way through the sea of carnage, burning everything in sight, even the blood.

  “When we finish ashing these bodies, can you just open up a few windows and blow the remains out?” Isabella asked Vahiel. “I really don’t feel like sweeping.”

  I turned to look at the powerful demon who was now sitting on the floor and leaning against the king’s chair. He looked to be as exhausted as I felt. I bet doing all that magic had really taken it out of him. He just nodded. Adriel still looked as helpless as when we had left. But then again, so was Katashniel. I continued to dispose of the bodies and mess along with my fellow Agotos, as we were the only ones who could make it a quick clean-up.

  “That is one nifty trick,” Lord Dakkar said as he took a seat on one of the comfy sofas.

  “It is,” I said, then used more energy to turn another body to ash. I could tell I wouldn’t be able to do too much more as my body was ready to break the fuck down. I didn’t even feel like doing the clean-up as it was, but a command from a lord was one I had to follow. By the time we’d finished our task, Vahiel had regained his strength enough to work some more magic. He restored Adriel to his power and at the same time, Katashniel recuperated.

  He leaped to his feet, eyes blaring red, monstrous fangs bared and roaring in rage. “I’ll kill you!” he growled at Adriel.

  Our king rose from his chair, laughing at the threat. “You’re free to try, brother.”

  “My Liege, I can weaken him—”

  Vahiel’s words were cut off by a sharp wave of Adriel’s hand. “I will face this maggot as I once faced my father.”

  “You dare speak about our father; you were never worthy to spurt from his loins. He should have squirted you in the shit and piss-filled gutter instead,” Katashniel stated as he flexed his clawed hands.

  Again, Adriel only laughed, unfazed by the insult. “Are you done?”

  “I will wear your skull as my crown once I’m king,” Katashniel threatened.

  “And I don’t normally feed on the raw flesh of demons, but I will enjoy devouring your heart once I rip it from your chest,” Adriel said, coming with the most awesome threat of the night in my humble op
inion. For a half-demon, he knew how to talk shit with the best of them. I and all the demons still there were about to get one hell of a show and I, for one, couldn’t wait to see our king bring Katashniel to his end.

  With that, Katashniel lunged at Adriel, the movement fast and precise and fully lethal in intent. He collided into Adriel as if trying to tackle him to the floor, but our king couldn’t be moved. Adriel kneed Katashniel in the stomach and at the same time, elbowed him in his back before Katashniel could retreat with a grimace.

  “Still think you can take me?” Adriel asked with a cock of his silver eyebrow.

  “Anyone can be defeated,” Katashniel groused.

  This time, Adriel advanced on him, claws swinging in strategic attacks. It was so quick, I could see Katashniel blocking and dodging, but they were coming too fast for him to get his offense going. Blood was splattering in every direction from the wounds Adriel was giving his half-brother. He ended his attack with a powerful kick to Katashniel’s abdomen, sending the demon sailing across the room. His body crashed into the bar, shattering all the expensive bottles of liquor and glass shelving. He fell out of sight, but we could all hear his groans of pain.

  “You come into this world, threaten my rule!” Adriel was yelling now. I could practically taste his ire and it was thick, robust. “You kill my demons and rage war on my territory. Get up, you wretched piece of shit. Face me.”

  There was a low growl coming from behind the bar that sent chills down my spine, making me shiver. It grew louder and more menacing as the figure of Katashniel rose in full demon form from behind the marble bar. He was at least two feet taller. Black leathery skin covered his body. His claws were thick, long, and curved to sharp tips and his teeth were longer and deadlier looking. The curved horns on top of his head added that extra bit of horror and I took a few steps back. I looked at our king to judge his response, and he was smiling.


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