Rhuna- Black City

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Rhuna- Black City Page 32

by Barbara Underwood

  Lin translated Rhuna’s words and watched the Believers nod and bow incessantly, then hold out the many gifts wrapped in blue and gold.

  “I’d like to look at the gifts later,” Rhuna said, feeling uncomfortable about receiving them. “And I must tell you now that I can’t go back to Ling-Yu with you,” she added. “My daughter is close to giving birth to her first child, you see.”

  Rhuna watched the Believers’ faces as Lin translated first the disappointing words, and then the reason for her refusal to leave the inn. Some of the Believers uttered words in a gleeful tone, and Rhuna looked back at Lin for the translation.

  “Oh, what a joyous occasion!” Lin said with a genuinely happy smile. He paused as he listened further to several of the Believers before translating again.

  “We shall wait. Wait as long as necessary until you are ready to come to Shi-Yan with us!”

  Rhuna smiled awkwardly, and then turned to her family.

  “Let’s go inside and look at these,” Aradin suggested.

  “You may rest in the new lodging house,” Damell offered politely. “Be our guests!”

  Lin and the Believers bowed and lowered their heads in a gesture of appreciation, and then turned to the uniformed Army behind them to relay the message.

  “Let me show them,” Mohandu offered as he walked towards them and began to guide their animals into the new, large holding pen.

  Rhuna carried one of the heavy bundles into the main room of the inn and placed it on the table next to the other package.

  “Such beautiful material,” Lozira whispered as she sat down on a comfortable thick cushion. The others gathered around to watch as Rhuna carefully unwrapped the first bundle. The blue silk revealed a small tome, not unlike the ones Rhuna had seen in the Depository of Archival Texts in the Land at the Top of the World.

  “So much was written about me?” Rhuna marvelled as she gently lifted the cover to reveal a beautifully decorated title page. “I can’t read it.”

  Goll leaned across the table to examine the writing in the middle of the parchment sheet.

  “It says The Words of Sula-tana,” Goll said without hesitation.

  “Is it the Ling-Yu language?” Damell asked.

  “Yes. I can read and speak it,” Goll answered.

  “So, you understood what the…Believers were saying?” Rhuna asked.

  “The young translator is good,” Goll confirmed, and then reached across to turn the page. “Shall I read and translate?” he offered.

  Rhuna stepped back as Goll glanced through the parchment pages of text. After a while he stopped and turned to face Rhuna and the others.

  “The first part describes details such as your name, the name of your husbands – first and second – your children, where you have resided, what you have done in those places and even that you will appear in this area in this time,” Goll explained.

  “This place? This time?” Rhuna repeated.

  “The Dark One made accurate assumptions about our efforts to pursue him and locate the Black City,” Damell concluded.

  “A fact unknown to the majority of humankind,” Goram quickly added. “Thereby creating the impression of supernatural foresight, and invoking awe in people who believe they see the fulfilment of this foretelling. How deviously clever!”

  “What purpose does it serve?” Stillness of the Lake wondered.

  “Distraction,” Goram answered firmly.

  “What does the other part of the text say?” Rhuna asked, looking at the pages in front of Goll.

  “They are proverbs, morals and adages said by you,” Goll answered.

  “By me? But I didn’t say any of those things!”

  “How do you know?” Aradin countered. “Perhaps you did, and the Dark Master had them recorded here.”

  “Allow Goll to read and translate this tome without haste,” Damell suggested, and then pointed to the second bundle. “Open the other one.”

  Rhuna untied the golden ribbons and then wrapped the blue silk, but found a folded piece of leather instead of a tome or bundled parchment.

  “What’s this?”

  “Fine leather,” Goll answered. “It has been used by us at times to preserve important texts.”

  Rhuna carefully unfolded the soft, fine leather, her curiosity rising with each movement. She stopped suddenly when she turned the leather sheet around and looked at the small etchings on the smooth side of the hide.

  “I think..I think it’s in the Atlan language!” Rhuna remarked with surprise. She looked at the top and read the first line.

  “Rhuna, Sula-tana,

  Your devoted adherents, who await you through the passing of many generations, are the ideal conveyors of my communication to you.”

  Rhuna gasped.

  “It’s a message from Tozar!” she exclaimed breathlessly.

  “From my father?” Lozira asked incredulously as she sat upright and grabbed Goram’s hand.

  “A message from Harbinger of Solace?” Protector of Remembrance asked excitedly. The Atlan representatives leaned forward on their seating cushions, eager to hear the message.

  Rhuna read the first line out loud, and then slowly continued to read aloud.

  “At the time of writing this message, the Black City has been completely destroyed by the Ling-Yu Army of Shi-Yan, at my behest.”

  Rhuna paused as she felt a ball of emotion catch in her throat.

  “The Ling-Yu Army did it,” whispered Stillness of the Lake.

  “When I emerged from the inn’s pyramid at this past time period, I encountered a caravan returning to the Ling-Yu Empire and promptly requested their assistance. Your visions of the Yellow-Caps who attempted to thwart the Dark One in the early period of the Black City encouraged me to seek out this people. They immediately recognized my Atlan heritage, since the Shi-Yan region was once a colony of the Atlan Empire – in the not too distant past, from my current standpoint.

  When I explained my situation and connection to you, the Sula-tana, I was treated most reverentially, and escorted along the trade route to the capital city of Shi-Yan where the Empress herself received me. She desired to know every detail of my life and purpose in stepping into the past time period. An intelligent and knowledgeable woman, the Empress immediately recognized the monumental threat to the entire world, should the Dark Master flourish in his Black City. She promptly called her generals and strategists together to consult with me in the matter of how to effectively destroy the Black City and, if possible, the Dark Master and his minion Mages as well.

  The plan chosen and executed consisted of several stages: first, the Army of Shi-Yan traversed the trade route with five hundred horses and over seven thousand foot soldiers until they reached the Black River upstream from the Black City. The Army then proceeded to use a variety of tools to dam the river and dig a new course nearby, directing the flow of water through a narrow valley. Once the Black River was diverted to a new valley over a day’s journey from the Black City, the inhabitants no longer had a fresh water supply.

  The seven thousand, five hundred foot soldiers surrounded the Black City, preventing anyone from departing, while travelling caravans were told to proceed to the next trade opportunity along the route. The Dark Master and his Mages attempted to repel the Army with their mental powers, using waves of dynamic force and even illusions to confuse the soldiers, yet they held firm at their prescribed perimeter. Due to my previous experience with the Dark Master’s dynamic energy wave, I was able to deduce the farthest distance such a destructive and potentially fatal wave could travel. The soldiers were directed to stand at the perimeter of the wave’s outer limits, and not to be deceived by all manner of illusions and distractions.

  Due to the lack of water and food supplies, the inhabitants of the Black City became desperate within only a few days of being encircled and deprived of their water supply. Even the Dark One himself, as long as he inhabits a mortal body, succumbs quickly to the lack of vital food and water. The il
lusions and waves of dynamic energy faded quickly as the Dark One and his Mages succumbed to their mortal weakness, yet the Army waited twenty days more before entering the city with torches. The City was then set alight as the soldiers waited and watched the raging inferno for ten days. When the Army finally entered the burnt-down city, they used hurling machines that cracked a wall as easily as cracking an eggshell so that buildings not ravaged by the fire were easily toppled. Corpses that were not completely burned were put on a pyre.”

  Rhuna paused to let Tozar’s account and vivid descriptions impress deeply on her mind.

  “How awful,” Lozira whispered.

  “We saw signs of fire in the ruins,” Mohandu remarked.

  “Continue,” urged Damell.

  “The Empress and I accompanied the Army, and from a safe distance we watched each stage of the attack and destruction of the Black City. It is my firm belief that the Dark Master could not have eluded death in physical form. His Extended Consciousness, however, could easily have escaped unless he waited too long and became too weakened mentally from the lack of water and sustenance. Should he have survived in a non-corporeal form, then may others succeed where we today have failed. For today, we celebrate the Empress of Shi-Yan and her eight-thousand strong Army. The Black City is no more. And now I shall return with the Empress to her grand and illustrious city where she has promised me all the comfort and luxury I desire until my dying day.

  Be cautious when you encounter the Sula-tana adherents, for they are excessively devout, and the Dark One had devious intentions when he established you as a spiritual leader of so many people.

  Live well, Rhuna. I remain your most ardent adherent,

  Tozar, Harbinger of Solace

  Rhuna swallowed hard as emotions of triumph and pride overwhelmed her. She heard a gasping sob and looked around at Lozira.

  “I am so proud of my father,” she whispered through flowing tears. Goram squeezed her hands in both of his and looked solemnly at the leather message in front of Rhuna. A long silence of serious contemplation ensued until Protector of Remembrance spoke softly.

  “He succeeded admirably.”

  “We hope he lived well and prosperously in the past time period,” Stillness of the Lake added gently.

  Rhuna felt a tear roll down her cheek as she realized that Tozar’s life had already ended many generations in the past, and she suddenly felt his permanent absence from her life and future.

  The sun had not yet descended when another small group of travellers arrived at the inn. Goll and Damell received them, and then brought a small package inside the main room where Rhuna remained seated with the others as they discussed Tozar’s message.

  “The travellers are special messengers,” Goll explained as he handed Rhuna the small wrapped item.

  “Perhaps an official invitation from yet another prefect or ruler in the land of Ling-Yu,” suggested Damell.

  Rhuna unwrapped the coarse linen cloth and unrolled the small scroll inside.

  “It’s also in the Atlan language,” she exclaimed excitedly.

  “Read it to us,” Aradin urged.

  “Rhuna, Sula-tana,

  Will you not come to the land of Ling-Yu to visit me?

  Awaiting your arrival with eager anticipation.”

  Rhuna stopped abruptly as she saw the final line:

  Gatherer of Sage.”

  “Gatherer of Sage?” Damell repeated with alarm.

  “The Dark One’s Atlan name!” Aradin exclaimed as he jumped up to look at the scroll.

  “Ask those travellers where this message originated!” Protector of Remembrance ordered.

  “So, the Dark One continues to thrive – in the land of Ling-Yu!” Preserver of Faith exclaimed.

  Rhuna looked around at her family and friends.

  “I suppose this is an invitation I cannot decline,” she said with a deep sigh of resignation.

  Rhuna’s adventure continues in Rhuna, The Peacemaker

  Author’s Note

  I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I’d be very grateful if you’d post a short review on Amazon. Your support really does make a difference.

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  Did you know…?

  …that RHUNA: A Quest for Ancient Wisdom is based on theories of alternate history, such as Atlantis and an ancient civilization with highly advanced technology?

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  About The Author

  Barbara Underwood was born and raised in Sydney, Australia; the only child of German migrants who provided a rich and diverse childhood environment. Already in third grade she wrote a short children's book for a class project and realized that she was deeply satisfied with creating stories. In sixth grade, for another class project, her teacher was so impressed by the lengthy story she submitted, that he commented at the end "I see we are going to have another author".

  Over the years Barbara kept writing one thing or another, but only as a hobby while she pursued other interests and goals. In the 1990s, she completed a correspondence course in professional writing, doing it in her spare time after work. This led to having a few short stories published, but what she really wanted to do was write a proper novel.

  At this time, Barbara had travelled extensively and gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in subjects that held special appeal for her, namely ancient history, myths and legends (such as Atlantis, the builders of megaliths around the world), folklore (the belief that a god-like race gave mankind its technology), human psychology and the culture of other countries. What could be a better subject for her Fantasy series than to combine all these elements into one big adventure!

  Read more at:


  Barbara Underwood’s Blog:






  Goodreads Author Page




  More Books by the Author

  Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom (Book 1 of A Quest for Ancient Wisdom)

  The first book begins with Rhuna’s early adolescence on the remote island of Chinza and describes her experiences as a young adult in the land of Atlán where she first confronts the Dark Master.

  Rhuna: Crossroads (Book 2 of A Quest for Ancient Wisdom)

  Nearly 20 years later, when Rhuna has a teenage daughter, she journeys to the land of the pyramids where followers of the Dark Master have become active. There, she meets Aradin and faces great personal challenges.

  Rhuna, The Star Child (Book 3 of A Quest for Ancient Wisdom)

  A direct continuation of Rhuna: Crossroads, Rhuna gets to know the father she thought had died before she was born, learning new and important skills from him. She and Aradin have a daughter named Shandi who can foresee the future. They are all forced to flee Egypt when the Ubanti Army invades, believing the Atlans attacked them when in fact it was the work of the Dark Master’s followers.

  Rhuna: New Horizons (Book 4 of A Quest for Ancient Wisdom)

  Rhuna and her family find a new home in Varappa where they discover time loops and the technology to fly, but they soon realize that the Dark Master has been reincarnated and is quickly gaining a greater and more dangerous following than ever before.

  Rhuna, The Snow Dreamer (Book 5 of A Quest for Ancient Wisdom)

a must seek help from Masters in the Land at the Top of the World who possess powers far beyond her own, but her life in danger from a tulpa controlled by an unknown enemy. When Rhuna has strange visions, the Masters realize she can solve their mystery of the changing texts.

  Kindle Box Set – Books 1 – 3

  Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom (Book 1), Rhuna: Crossroads (Book 2) and Rhuna, The Star Child (Book 3) in one Kindle e-book.

  The Master – Yarqi’s Story

  A fast-paced and psychologically intense standalone novella that throws a spotlight on some of the characters from the main series, RHUNA: A Quest for Ancient Wisdom. It details Yarqi’s experience with The Dark Master and The Conjurers.

  The Summer Sojourn

  The Rhuna Tales (#1)

  A mini novella to complement the full-length novel series featuring Rhuna as an adolescent as she learns about the Atlan civilization and the problems of growing up.

  The Celebration

  The Rhuna Tales (#2)

  A mini novella to complement the full-length novel series featuring Rhuna as an adult with a 10-year-old daughter. She discovers a new aspect to her powers when she rescues snowbound travellers and enjoys a Christmas-style celebration with them.




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