Blood Song: Refrain (Blood Song Series Book 2)

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Blood Song: Refrain (Blood Song Series Book 2) Page 20

by Charli B. Rose

  A loud guffaw burst from his lips, further embarrassing me. When he noticed the abject horror on my face, he steered me out of the flow of foot traffic and stopped.

  “I’m sorry for laughing. I think the odds of you throwing up are minimal since it’s been several hours since breakfast. But if you don’t want to ride the coasters, we can skip them.”

  “No. I want to try. I’ve always secretly wanted to see what all the fuss was about. May as well bite the bullet.”

  “I’ll hold your hand if you want,” he offered teasingly.

  “Oh, I want. And no laughing if I scream the whole time.”

  With our express passes, we went straight to the front of the line. As the coaster came to a halt in front of us, I stood on my tiptoes and whispered in Toven’s ear, “That thing looks like it’s made of straw or something. Are you sure this ride is safe?”

  “I’d never put you on a ride that wasn’t completely safe. Come on,” he said as he helped me climb into the seat.

  Kids filled the seats in front of and behind us. If they could handle it, I could. Hopefully.

  I swallowed hard when the attendant pulled the lap bar down, supposedly securing us in place. “There’s no harness?” I hissed in an anxious voice.

  “No, this bar will keep you from falling out.”

  I was highly doubtful, but before I could argue, the coaster started to click forward. Toven wrapped his arm around me and drew me to his side. Adrenaline surged in my veins when the cart made the first climb. My heart lodged in my throat as we dropped over the crest of the hill.

  I laughed and screamed the rest of the ride, which ended way too soon. “That was awesome,” I gushed breathlessly as we disembarked at the end. “What’s next?” I bounced on the balls of my feet, ready to go on any adventure with Toven.

  By the time we got in the car, the sun was going down and I was dragging. My feet throbbed from walking on concrete all day. Toven draped his arm across my shoulders and drew me closer to him. As the road rumbled beneath the car, I snuggled up to him and dozed.

  “My star,” he whispered what felt like only moments later. “Wake up. We’re back.”

  Groggily, I lifted my head. The car was parked outside the Beverly Hills Hotel.

  I stumbled along the path next to Toven. “I wore the wrong shoes today.”

  He scooped me up bridal style, making me giggle. Bags from our excursions dangled from his fingers. Tapping into his super speed, he zipped us through the lobby and down the stone path to our bungalow.

  “You can put me down so you can unlock the door,” I murmured.

  He winked at me, then turned his attention to the doorknob. “Already got it.”

  And so he had, without ever taking his hands off my body. “How’d you do that?”

  “Mystical vamp powers,” he said, waggling his eyebrows at me. “Watch.” He glanced over his shoulder at the door still standing wide open. In a second, it shut, and the lock turned in place, securing us from the outside world.

  Toven carried me through the bungalow and deposited me on the bathroom counter. He turned to the huge soaker tub. The ripple of muscles beneath the cotton fabric of his shirt mesmerized me as he turned on the tap, adjusted the knobs and added something to the water. Once he was satisfied with the temperature, he spun back to me.

  “Thought you might like to soak for a little bit after all that walking and trying to squeeze the life out of my arm on all the rides today,” he teased.

  I swatted his hard chest. “I did not try to squeeze the life out of your arm. I just wanted to make sure you felt secure is all.”

  With his index finger, he booped me on the nose. “Well, in that case, thank you for making sure I felt safe.”

  He lowered his mouth to mine and gave me a tender kiss before he dropped to his knees on the marble floor. He lifted one foot and untied my bright white sneaker. The shoes were cute, but they had not been properly broken in for a day of walking a concrete jungle. With delicate fingers, he slipped my foot out of the shoe then rolled my sock off. I winced when his touch grazed the back of my heel.

  “What’s wrong,” he asked, lifting my foot to inspect it. “You have a blister. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Honestly, I didn’t notice until we were walking to the car.” I gave him a shrug.

  He pressed a soft but wet kiss against the offended skin. Quickly, he removed my other shoe so he could see if it was similarly wounded. Finding it unharmed, he got up and strode to the cabinet in the bathroom. When he returned, he had a cotton ball wet with something and a Band-Aid.

  “This will help.” He dabbed the cotton ball to the blister then applied the Band-Aid.

  It might have just been in my head, but the pain diminished almost instantly. It was probably totally in my head that I imagined his kiss made it better. What a silly notion.

  Strong fingers rubbed the aching arches of my feet. My eyes fluttered closed as the soreness left me. Whisper-soft kisses landed on my calves, the backs of my knees, the tops of my thighs not covered by my shorts. As his lips moved higher, a new ache took over.

  I peered down at him through heavy eyelids. A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes. He knew what he was doing. Not that I would protest. His hand dipped into the front of my waistband. Using it, he dragged my body closer to the edge of the counter before deft fingers popped the button loose.

  Though I was new to the carnal pleasures of life, I was fast becoming an addict to the bliss delivered by this man. Unabashedly, I lifted my hips when he started to tug the denim down. Cotton retreated with my shorts, leaving me bare on the cool, marble surface. He rose slowly, lifting the hem of my shirt to make way for his lips to travel unencumbered from my belly button up my torso to my collarbone. He licked and sucked at the sensitive skin, making me pant with need.

  The nerve endings beneath the surface of my skin sizzled everywhere my body was in contact with his. Teeth—not fangs—nipped at my flesh, tiny delectable stings, which he soothed with a sensual brush of his tongue. Torturously slow, his mouth moved across one mound of flesh. His tongue circled.

  Round and round.

  The circles getting imperceptibly smaller until the heat of his mouth finally engulfed my nipple. My back arched, forcing it deeper. As if reading my mind—and I still wasn’t convinced that he couldn’t—his fingers dipped between my legs, stroking the sensitive flesh. Those nimble digits didn’t have to search long to find the rhythm needed to make my body sing.

  Everything inside me wound tighter and tighter, sending me higher and higher. The buildup was so slow that I considered it a distinct possibility I might die of heart failure before I fell from the cliff.

  “Toven, please,” I whined.

  His mouth took mine as he finally increased the pressure to just what I needed to fly.

  And fly I did.

  When I drifted back to Earth, Toven lifted his fingers from my body and licked them. I probably should’ve been grossed out, but it was insanely hot.

  He scooped me up from the counter, then turned to lower me into the nearly full tub. Bubbles quickly covered my submerged form, and the water temperature was perfect.

  Toven dashed out and returned before I could open my mouth to call out to him. He held out my kindle to me.

  “Read and relax. I’m going to run out and grab us some snacks. Any requests?”

  “Chips would be good.” I powered on my kindle and waited for Best Laid Plans by LK Farlow to load.

  “Really, just chips? What’s your favorite snack?” He kneeled on the bathmat.

  “You probably won’t be able to find it here. This part of the world is probably too health conscious. But I love these crackers called Chicken and Biscuits. And then I use Easy Cheese in a can to top them with sharp cheddar. It was my mom’s idea of a fancy snack when we had tea parties.”

  Water filled my eyes as I recalled the fun I used to have with her—before the harshness of life stole her from me.

; “I’ll see what I can do.” He gave me a gentle kiss then disappeared.

  I glanced at my screen and allowed myself to get lost in the angst of love getting a second chance, all the while wishing I could just get a first chance.



  As I walked to the front of the property, I used my phone to search for these Chicken and Biscuit crackers that made her eyes light up. It was a good thing Lydia couldn’t see me actually using the internet on my phone. After a quick stop by the front desk, I was on my way to a grocery store relatively close by to get her favorite snack. With any luck, they’d have the crackers and the cheese in a can. Who knew there was such a thing?

  Using my supernatural speed, the blocks disappeared. The lights of the store were up ahead when someone collided into me from an intersecting sidewalk. Before I could turn, the scent overwhelmed me. In a hundred years, her perfume still hadn’t changed.

  ♪ Poison by Bell Biv DeVoe

  “Toven,” Cassandra purred, gripping my shoulders in what would appear to bystanders as a friendly embrace. It was anything but. Her nails bit into my arms. Dull pain throbbed in my temples as she attempted to get in my mind. Thankfully, the pendant was still working. A frown turned down her lips briefly before she backed off and a faux smile slid into place once more. “It’s so good to see you. I had no idea you were in California.”

  “Just here for a quick trip,” I said tersely, longing to put some space between us, but any retreat on my part would be viewed as a victory in her eyes.

  “How nice. I’m looking at a property in the area.” She ran the fingers of one hand along the collar of my shirt.

  “I haven’t seen much of the city, but it seems like a nice place to relocate, so good luck.” I moved to step around her.

  She leaned in close to me and inhaled deeply. “I smell her on you. She smells divine. I just want to lick her scent off your lips. Can I have a taste of her?”

  “No,” I growled.

  “You used to be much more generous with your mistress. You were always happy to share with me.” She pouted like a petulant child.

  “I’m different now. She’s different,” I hissed, longing to get away from her toxicity. I hated that she referred to herself as my mistress . . . it implied something it wasn’t.

  “Humph.” She waved her hand, disregarding my words. “They’re all the same. Just different flavors and entertainment. When you return to me, I might let you keep her. If you want.” She tapped her finger against her lip as if she was considering the possibility.

  “You stay away from her,” I growled and leaned into her space, menace on my face.

  “Tsk, tsk. That’s no way to speak to your creator.” She shook her head at me. “You really like her. You found someone you want to keep around? So, are you finally going to turn someone?” Delight filled her eyes.

  “No.” I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest. It was the one line I hadn’t crossed in all my years of depravity—I’d never turned anyone into the type of monster I was.

  “Why not? Are you afraid? Have you become even weaker in your years away from me?” she spat the question at me.

  “I’ve become better in my years away from you.” I glanced at my phone to see how long I’d been gone.

  “That’s debatable. You never showed any hesitancy before. From the moment you were mine, you were insatiable, and so creative in all areas.” Her fingers trailed down my chest suggestively. “I’ve learned some new tricks since you’ve been gone. I can’t wait to teach them to you.”

  “You stay the hell away from me. And if you so much as breathe in Celesta’s direction, I will find a way to end you.” With that, I stalked away, resisting the urge to look back over my shoulder.

  Once I entered the bright lights of the supermarket, I breathed a sigh of relief. I needed a shower to wash her touch from me. Lacking the patience any longer to look for the perfect snack, I stalked up to one of the cashiers.

  “Excuse me. Could you help me find something?” I asked, forcing a calm smile on my face.

  “Sure. What do you need?” the young man asked, eager to be of assistance.

  I turned my phone to him. “I need a box of these for my girlfriend, and—” I swiped my finger to bring up another screen. “—a can of this.”

  “Ahh. Excellent junk food choices. I’m not sure if we have any in stock since the demand for these types of things isn’t very high—too many calories and preservatives for the health conscious. But follow me.”

  I trotted along behind him to a lone junk food aisle near the back of the store. He scanned the shelf until he unearthed a box of crackers, which he thrust at me. Then he moved a few feet down and grabbed a white cylinder off the top shelf. “You’re in luck.”

  I hadn’t purchased anything at a store in such a long time, I expected the price to be high. But surprisingly, I got change back from my ten-dollar bill. Feeling lighter than when I entered the store, I left, on a mission to get back to my girl.

  The buildings and lights blurred as I bustled in the direction of my peace.

  “It’s just me,” I called out as I shut and locked the door behind me. After a quick pit stop to deposit the snacks in the kitchen, I made my way to bathroom where Celesta still lounged in a mound of iridescent bubbles.

  “Wow, that was fast. You were barely gone. I didn’t even read a whole chapter,” she sputtered, setting her kindle aside.

  “Couldn’t stand to be away from you too long. And I was hoping to get back fast enough to join you.” I waggled my brows at her.

  “Come on, hop in,” she encouraged.

  Unable to resist, I planted my lips on hers for a moment that ended too soon. “Give me just a minute. I want to shower off the sweat first.”

  I straightened up and strode over to the glass-enclosed shower. With a twist of the lever, I turned on the water. Reaching behind my neck, I gripped a handful of fabric and lifted my shirt. Then I slid the denim off, all completely aware of the weight of Celesta’s stare on my back.

  Smirking to myself, I finished undressing. Without turning around, I stepped beneath the cascading water. I picked up the tiny bottle of soap as the water sluiced over my body, washing the filth of Cassandra’s presence from me.

  “You enjoying the show?” I tossed over my shoulder to where Celesta leaned over the rim of the tub.

  At my words, she spun around and sank deeply into the tub. But not before I saw the hint of color bloom across her chest.

  Deeming myself clean, I slapped the lever to stop the flow of water. Sans towel, I strode over to where Celesta huddled down in the suds. I gently clasped her shoulders and scooted her forward enough for me to climb in the tub behind her. The water level rose as I sank down.

  The bursting of the soap bubbles against my skin tickled. A large sparkling sphere clung to Celesta’s back near where her hair was knotted to keep it from getting wet. The play of light on its surface hypnotized me. She shifted, causing the orb to become dislodged. Unable to help myself, I reached out with one finger and traced the slippery path until the bubble popped at the water’s surface. Her spine arched into my touch.

  “Come here,” I rasped out.

  She slid backward until her back brushed my chest. When my hard cock goosed her in the rear, she slipped forward a little.

  “Sorry. That thing has a mind of its own sometimes,” I said with a chuckle. With a tight fist, I gave my dick a solid couple of tugs before I positioned it against my abdomen and pulled her back to me, sandwiching my cock between us.

  Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to the juncture of her shoulder and neck. Her skin was damp and warm from the bath. The scent of lavender soap mingled with the scent of her, filling my nostrils, intoxicating me. I gently licked her pulse point. My tongue pressed against it, feeling the thrum of her blood rushing beneath her flesh. She tilted her head, giving me more access. The tips of my fangs emerged from my gums.

  It would be so easy to take
a little bite. I could do it without causing her pain. My eyes closed, savoring the moment. The thought.

  I lifted my head and willed my fangs back into the recesses of my mouth, leaving her unmarred.

  Her palms rested on my thighs, distracting me.

  “I . . . uh . . . got your snack. I thought we could watch a movie after your bath.”

  “That sounds good.” She wiggled back against me, making me moan as she got more comfortable.

  Her face turned toward me. And once again I found myself wondering if she wasn’t some sort of mystical being with her own power of charm because I fell deep into the green pools. Everything faded to an inconsequential haze except her gaze on mine, her skin against mine, her breath seeping into my mouth as she leaned closer to me.

  Space was erased as our lips meshed. Ever so lightly, my hands glided down her arms and across her flat stomach, which quivered beneath my touch. The tips of my fingers met in the middle briefly before their paths diverged, one moving up to caress her breast, and the other traveling lower to explore the path to her pleasure.

  I kept my touch featherlight as I kissed my way across her jaw. “This all right?” I murmured in her ear.

  She shifted against my hands, but I refused to continue my ministrations without her assurance that she was fine with the direction her bath was taking.

  Her eyes fluttered open. My brow lifted in question as I waited not so patiently for her response.

  “Oh . . . uh . . . yeah, it’s OK,” she stammered, but before I could dip my finger into the slice of heaven within her body, she slipped out of my hold.

  I was preparing to protest the absence of her warmth when she spun around and settled herself facing me.

  “This is better though, don’t you think?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

  “Depends. I was kind of enjoying the prospect of having you at my mercy.”

  Ever so slowly, she eased her legs around my waist, sending the water sloshing with her movement. My hands shot out, gripping her waist to keep her from sliding completely against me. Her sneaky maneuvering was not going to make that happen.


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