Without A Wolf (A Big Woods Pack Novel Book 1)

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Without A Wolf (A Big Woods Pack Novel Book 1) Page 3

by Cara Roman

  "No, I guess my Mom was from up north somewhere, I'm not really sure where.

  Dad was a rogue, said since his parents never settled into a pack he wouldn't

  even know how. He was born in Texas, but lived in just about every state. He told

  me that when he saw my Mom it was like the world just took a breath and the

  stars froze in the sky. Everything else faded away and his whole life centered on

  her like it was just the two of them, she must have felt it too since a few days

  later she ran away with him."

  Nodding his head knowing exactly what that felt like now Kian kissed Emma's

  forehead "they were mates fated to be together, like us babe."

  "Does that mean you're gonna run away with me too Kian?"

  Shaking his head "I want you in my home Emma. To be a part of my pack."

  "I don't know if I can, Dad told me that no pack would ever accept me. I'm bad

  luck, people would worry about their children being born empty inside like me

  Kian. I can't defend myself with tooth or claw like the rest of you can. I have to

  leave now that I know there is a pack in this town, before they force me out. I

  want you to come with me." Eyes tearing up at the thought of leaving him after

  what they just shared together. "That was so much more than sex to me, I feel

  linked to you now."

  "Thats the way with mates. Our souls connected. Nobody else will ever be able

  to make you feel the same way I can. Soon you will be able to feel my emotions racing through you" Kissing her lips once, "I will keep you safe Emma. Its just us

  here tonight, but I would fight the whole world for you."

  Thinking he just might have to do just that she leaned back down for

  another kiss. Feeling him growing hard inside of her again she licked past the

  seam of his lips. Tongue gliding playfully against his she moved her hips once. "I

  believe you Kian" she sat up straight eyes locking on his glowing silver ones as

  she began to move up and down on him. He gripped her hips growling out "Mine,

  you're mine." Nodding her head on a moan she picked up the pace, hips rocking

  hard down onto him. Watching his beautiful woman ride his dick with such

  abandon was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. "My mate, fuuuuck, Emma.

  Mate. Tell me you're mine...say it." The rumbling growl constant now.

  "Kian, oh god, I'm your mate Kian!" Emma shouted as the pressure built in her

  middle. She was so close already.

  "Nobody but me." Kian was lifting his hips up slamming into her now. She arched

  her back, her full breasts with the pert little nipples pointing at the ceiling. Head

  tossed back hair tickling the top of his thighs as the first wave of orgasm rushed

  through her body. Emma was saying his name over and over with each ragged

  breath now, aftershocks pulsing on as his own orgasm shot into her in hot waves

  until it was more than she could hold and it dripped back down pooling onto him.

  When their heartbeats slowed back down into a normal rhythm Kian laid

  Emma down next to him and went in search of the bathroom. Inside he cleaned

  himself up, rinsing out the wash cloth he brought it back into her bedroom. "My wolf needs me to clean you." He explained.

  "Ok?" Emma asked.

  "You're mine to take care of now. You'll sleep better if you're not all sticky." He

  said as he ran the warm cloth ever so gently between her legs and over her

  thighs. "Shit Emma, I should have thought of protection, I will be more careful

  with you next time."

  "I have been on the pill for years Kian. And you know we can't get diseases." She

  smiled sleepily at him. "I don't want anything between us Kian."

  Her words had the wolf inside strutting proudly

  . Our mate wants all of us. .

  Taking the wash cloth into the basket in the bathroom Kian walked through the

  house checking the locks. He was a light sleeper by nature, and he told Kole not

  to say anything, but he wasn't taking any chances with his new mate. Emma

  wasn't human, but that didn't mean his alpha would accept it. Kian would have to

  convince his uncle. That was a problem for tomorrow though. Tonight he was

  going to hold his beautiful woman while she slept. Lifting a sleepy Emma he

  pulled the sea blue comforter back, and settled them both between the sheets.

  She immediately draped a leg over his and curled into the crook of his arm.

  "Kian?" she asked quietly.

  "Yeah Em? he replied.


  Kian pulled Emma tighter against him, and listened to her breathing slow as she fell asleep. She smelled like him now. Apples, the vanilla he learned was

  from her lipgloss, and fur. As he drifted off into sleep he swore he was going to

  help her find wolf if it was the last thing he did.

  Chapter 5

  After seeing Emma off at the clinic the next morning Kian drove his truck

  home to change his clothes, and pack a lunch for work. He lived a few miles

  north of town tucked into the woods on a long winding private drive. Most of the

  Big Woods pack lived on this road, the rest lived on either side along the road.

  His kind tended to live close together. Needing room to change and run as

  wolves, the forest provided sanctuary, and knowing the only neighbors were all

  pack meant the likelyhood of some human stumbling upon them was slim .

  During deer hunting season they had to be especially careful though, not every

  one respected no treaspassing signs, and most of the county was out looking to

  fill their freezers and get that big ol' trophy buck up on the wall.

  From there Kian headed straight to their current jobsite, not bothering to

  head back into the office first. His uncle Russ would be there with their secretary

  Cathy, one of the older women in the pack. He handled most of the business end

  now, leaving Kian as the foreman to manage the guys on the crew, other

  members of the pack. Knowing he could get a full day in without having to see

  his stubborn alpha gave Kian the time he needed to work out exactly how he was

  going to bring up what had happened. However avoiding his brother wouldn't be

  possible since he worked the crew with him. "Hey man, you're almost smiling today! Careful someone might think you

  finally fuckin' got a little something." Kole greeted Kian with an enthusiastic slap

  to the back.

  "You smile enough for the both of us asshole. I actually have responsibilites in

  this pack." He returned with a shake of his head.

  "Holy hell man, you actually did! I was just messin' with you, but you seriously did

  it! Shit, did you claim her?" Kole said, lowering his voice.

  "Hell no I didn't! I wasn't sure what my bite would do to her. And I think it was

  enough of a shock about fated mates for her, shit Kole, she didn't know what that

  meant. Her parents didn't teach her much about her history other than to avoid us

  as a general rule. She was ready to bolt when I showed up."

  "Leave it to you to chase your own mate away. I swear I got all the game in this

  family." Kole said rubbing his hands down his torso and rotating his hips


  "At least I found mine, tell me, exactly how many women have you sampled now

  little brother?" Kian replied putting him in his place.

  "Hey, I'm not looking for a mate! Don't want one, ever." Kole said adamantly

  shaking his head, al
l the humor was gone from his eyes now.

  "Ok, I will remind you of that if one ever falls into your lap." Kian laughed. "But

  seriously, can you get the fuck to work now? This god awful bathroom isn't going

  to demo itself." Snow had started falling as Kian sat in his truck eating his sandwhich. He

  took out his phone glad she had put her number in this morning before he left

  her. Texting her he said "Wanna come over to my place tonight? I'll pick you up

  in my truck... your little car would end up in a ditch halfway there." Hitting send he

  smiled that she had programmed it in under 'Mate'. Like he would ever forget

  that, but her surprising possiveness made his heart happy.

  "Well aren't you rude this afternoon!? :p" Emma sent back.

  "My apologies.....drive your car.....maybe I could be persuaded to drag you out

  with my truck when you get stuck. Your mouth is worth braving the elements. ;)"

  His phone beeped. "Perverted mate! I am wet imagining that though" Before he

  could respond she followed that with a second text.

  "Too bad you aren't here to take care of that for me. Maybe I will have to take

  care of that myself."

  "That ain't playing fair woman!"

  "But it is a lotta fun lol! I get out of work at 5. Gotta go. Can't wait to see you


  "Pack a bag. Miss you Em."

  She sent him a kissy face back. He really did miss her. It had only been a

  few hours and already he was desperate to see her again. For the first time in his

  whole life he was wishing he didn't have the fast healing of his kind. He could go

  see her if he busted his thumb with a hammer. Shaking his head at how idiotic that sounded even to him he got out of his truck heading back to work. Wishing it

  would pass by quickly, but knowing it wouldn't since he had to update his uncle

  on the progress at the end of the day, and bring in paperwork from the jobsite.

  He wouldn't lie to him about finding a mate though, that felt too close to shame.

  And Kian could never be ashamed of Emma. She may think she needed a wolf to

  be strong, but he knew better. She had to have had a spine of steel to make

  something of her life after her past. Putting herself through school to become a

  nurse, not to mention picking up and starting over town after town. Kian had no

  idea what it would have been like growing up without a rock solid support system.

  Calling it a day Kian walked out of the house with the other guys on his

  crew. The work was hard, but he loved it. Making something out of nothing, or

  helping a place find its potential. He was leaving something of himself behind in

  this town that would be around long after he was gone. Before he got in his friend

  Lex pulled into the drive way, getting out he strolled over to Kian's truck, "I heard

  some of the guys were talking about hockey this weekend if the ice on the lake is

  thick enough, you game?" Lex was a little shorter than Kian's own 6 foot 4 frame,

  though still intimading in size. With dark brown hair that curled slightly, and warm

  brown eyes that Kian could read as well as if they were his own. They had grown

  up next door to each other. Played together as pups, pondered the mysteries of

  girls together through puberty, and beaten each other bloody a few times along

  the way.

  Shaking his head he smiled, Kian pulled the sweat soaked white tshirt off wiping

  it his face on it. "Nah man, I'll pass. Got some plans already." "Yeah right. With who, Kole is already in, and Kayla has to work." Lex said giving

  his shoulder a shove. Kian didn't answer just kept buttoning the flannel shirt he

  had changed into staring off towards town his blue eyes melting toward silver his

  friend took a small step back. "Come on man, its me. Whats up?" His voice

  serious now.

  "I know, you are as much family to me as Kole, or Kayla."

  "Then what the hell man?"

  "Shit" Pausing to run his hands through his dirty blond hair "I met my mate. And

  shes incredible, smart, she has all this wild red hair, with freckles." Kian said.

  "Son of a fucking A! Congratulations man!" Lex beamed at him with excitement

  for a minute, but feeling Kian's stress his grin faded "Tell me she isn't human

  though Deck." Using the nickname he gave him all those years ago. "The alpha

  is going to flip. He's always been against bringing humans into our pack. He'd

  never let you turn her."

  "She isn't, she is a born shifter. But its complicated."

  Lex raised an eyebrow in silent question for him to continue.

  "She doesn't have a wolf inside. Can't shift." Kian finally admitted.

  "Good luck with that, it may be a problem for Russ, which is fucked up. But I think

  its great, I can't wait to meet her. See you later man, let me know if you change

  your mind about the game, she might wanna watch you lose!" Lex called the last

  part walking towards his own truck. Knowing that both Kole and Lex were happy for him put Kian in a better

  mood as he drove to the office. They had always had his back, no matter what.

  Kian noticed that Cathy's car wasn't in the lot anymore. She usually left early on

  Friday. Good, that way he wouldn't have an audience when he talked with his

  uncle. She was the biggest gossip in the whole pack, which is probably why Russ

  had her as a secretary. She let him know everything going on. Taking a deep

  breath to settle the animal pacing inside of him he pushed the door open.

  Russell Decker sat behind the desk in his office, he was still a good

  looking man in his early fifties, shifters tended to age well since all of the

  enviromental free radicals had no effect on them. His trimmed brown hair going

  gray up the sides. With eyes the same steely blue eyes all of the Decker's had.

  He was tall and wide, although not as much as Kian. That didn't matter thought,

  he was always a hard man. Which made Kian wonder if it was because he had

  never been mated. As alpha Russ expected his pack to fall in line no questions

  asked. Kian's own father had actually been older by a year, but he had been

  stayed second to his powerfully dominant alpha brother. Looking up as Kian

  entered he called out "Kian my boy, a few minutes late today. That's not like you.

  Snow must be coming down harder out there than I thought."

  Handing the folder holding the paperwork over he said "Lex needed to talk to me

  a minute."

  "Everything alright with Deputy Kolter?" Russ said using Lex's official title.

  "Yeah, but there is something you should know." His uncle steepled his hands atop the desk waiting for Kian to continue. "I found my mate."

  "Within our pack?"

  "No, she was eating dinner at Dusty's when I went in for a beer last night." Kian

  said, careful with the words he chose.

  "You mated to a human?" His alpha's eyes narrowed and the power in the room

  ticked up a notch.

  "She was born a shifter Uncle Russ, but her wolf is hidden somewhere deep

  inside." Kian said still standing on the other side of the desk. This wasn't the kind

  of thing you said sitting down.

  "Well that is unsual." Thinking a moment he went on, "Tell me about this mate of

  yours. What pack does she come from?" The power fading down now.

  "Her name is Emma Lowe, she is a nurse at the clinic. No pack, her father was a

  rogue. Her mother belonged to a pack but ran away wi
th him. She died when

  Emma was too young to remember her. When her Dad took off on her at 12 and

  she ended up in the foster care system." Kian knew Russ wasn't asking about

  how funny she could be, or the way her eyes looked like sunlight streaming

  through the branches in the forrest.

  Finally his uncle said "Congratulations are in order. Bring her to the pack meeting

  Sunday so I can see her for myself."

  "I will, and maybe someone in the pack will have an idea about her wolf." "Go on then, I have some business that needs taking care of before heading

  out." Russ said.

  Chapter 6

  Dawn was just starting to lighten Kian's bedroom. His warmth was pressed

  up against her back, his strong arms around her. Emma's body felt deliciously

  used, and she smiled to herself remembering everything they had done to make

  it sore. Kian was a man born to please a woman. Tall, stacked with muscle, a big

  thick dick, nimble fingers and a clever tongue that he used to worship her body,

  drawing orgasm after shocking orgasm from her. She lost count how many times

  he had taken her there this weekend. Like addicts starved for each other they

  had had sex on his couch, on his kitchen counter, up against the wall in the

  shower, and in his bed over and over again. Somehow each time he filled her felt

  even better than the last.

  As good as the sex with him was, and she was considering taking a

  billboard out to let everyone know how well and thoroughly ravished she was,

  Emma was amazed at the man he was. Kian loved taking care of her, he claimed

  his wolf needed it, but she knew the man did too. Last night he made her

  delicious spaghetti and garlic bread because Emma had admitted it sounded

  really good to her. They ate it sitting on his big comfortable brown couch, him in

  boxers, while she wore only his tshirt. He had even kicked the heat in the house

  up on the off chance she might get cold. Emma had reminded him that although

  she couldn't shift she wasn't as frail as a human either. Kian had just smiled and adjusted the thermostat anyway. Emma was really falling hard for him.

  Smiling as he stretched his big frame and rubbed his beard against the

  side of her neck she said, "good morning my handsome wolf."

  "Morning my sexy as hell mate." Kian replied kissing her shoulder blade rubbing


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