Without A Wolf (A Big Woods Pack Novel Book 1)

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Without A Wolf (A Big Woods Pack Novel Book 1) Page 10

by Cara Roman

locked on hers she knew it was coming to end her. Emma looked for Kian one

  last time.

  Instead she saw Kayla's cream wolf racing towards her. Hoping Kayla

  made it before the other wolf Emma backed against the house. Kayla barrelled

  into the gray wolves side, knocking it off its deadly trajectory. Planting herself in

  front of Emma Kayla let off what sounded like a 'come and get it' growl ending with a distinct snap of her teeth. The mottled gray wolf was pacing back and forth

  looking for an opening to get past Kayla to Emma. A second wolf, this one a

  sandy brown joined the gray. Emma doubted Kayla could hold them both off her

  for long. The back door was only ten feet away from her on the wall she was

  pressed against. But that ten feet might as well have been ten miles, there was

  no way she could make it there before they descended on her.

  Kayla turned her head and bit down hard on the outside of Emma's wrist.

  She looked down at her hand, a thick river of blood running down her fingers

  onto the porch. It didn't even hurt yet. Why was Kayla biting her? They were

  friends. Then Kayla gave a little yip, and Emma knew. She wasn't trying to hurt

  Emma, Kayla was trying to turn her so she had a shot at making it out of this

  alive. Hoping this was finally her moment, tears slipped unchecked down her

  cheeks. Thats when she felt it. Acid boiling in her blood, coursing through her

  body. Every nerve was screaming, every single cell sizzling. She didn't feel a wolf

  inside like she should though. Her body felt full of fire. Knowing it wasn't working

  she crumpled to her knees. Kian was going to lose her. He couldn't keep fighting

  if she died. He wouldn't make it. That was not acceptable, damn it! Getting really

  pissed off at fate, Emma dragged enough air past the burning lava inside to

  scream as she died.

  Her scream ended abruptly with a howl as a russet colored wolf broke free

  of Emma's skin. Shocked Emma shook her new body out. It worked? Hell yeah! It

  worked. Seeing that Kayla had managed to push the two attacking wolves back

  off the porch Emma jumped with her new body down next to her and growled. Damn, it felt good to be making that noise. These asshole's had tried to kill her,

  they needed to be stopped. So she did, ripping the throat of the mottled one, who

  smelled like Cathy to her newly enhanced senses, before it even knew what to

  make of her.

  Kayla was shaking the limp body of the sandy brown wolf before tossing it

  aside. With a brush along Kayla's side as a thank you Emma took off for her

  mate. Kian was in the thick of it battling it out with three big males. A light colored

  one was biting into Kian's shoulder, and Emma latched her teeth onto his back

  and yanked her head to the side ripping the enemy off her mate. The wolf leapt

  up immediately lanching himself at her, using it's momentum she knocked it up

  and over her. Not giving it another chance to attack she bit into its soft under


  All the snarling and snapping ended abruptly, and Emma looked around.

  There were only six wolves still standing including her. Kian looked beautiful,

  golden wolf with silver eyes blazing. Lifting his head he let out a victorious howl.

  The sound of his howl echoed through the yard and woods, reverberating off the

  house back to them. It washed over her in comforting waves. The others tipped

  their heads back and joined in. Helpless to stop herself Emma let the howl ring

  up through her throat. It felt glorious.

  Chapter 18

  As the sound of the howling faded off into the trees, Kian looked at Emma,

  really looked at her for the first time since the fighting began. He knew she had

  been turned, had felt the fire through their bond. Her fur a rich russet color, face

  lightening to a golden cream color. Like the rest of them her eyes were glowing

  silver. And she had blood on her muzzle. Such a fierce mate. Newly turned and

  she had fought with more experienced wolves, and won. Kian knew that he was

  a lucky man, to have the love and loyalty of a woman such as Emma.

  This was the pack now gathered around him. Not many were left. The

  Decker siblings, Lex, Emma and Kian's crew member Jase. Nobody else had

  stood for him. Kian knew that was thanks to the posion his uncle had spewed for

  years. His pack may be small, but it was full of wolves that fought and bled

  beside him. That didn't mean Kian wasn't feeling the loss of so many. Shifters

  were a rarity, having to hide themselves from the world, and the inherent violence

  of their lives kept their numbers slim. He wished today had gone differently, he

  was hopeful it wouldn't have to end this way. These lives were more tragedies on

  his uncle's list. Shifting back Kian ran his hands through his hair. The fight ended,

  but there was still much to do today.

  When everyone but Emma was standing on two legs again Kian walked over to her. She was sitting there staring at her paws. Remembering how hard it

  was to find your way back from being a wolf at first Kian knelt down in front of

  her. "Imagine your wolf tucking back into you. Fingernails instead of claws, the

  shape of your body, face instead of muzzle." When Emma whined softly at him

  he shook his head understanding. "It won't hurt as much as turning did I promise.

  Nothing will ever hurt as much as that." Kian waited patiently until the russet wolf

  was his woman once again before standing up.

  "Who turned you Emma?" He asked. When she shook her head instead of

  answering him he turned to the others. "Who bit my mate?" This time pushing

  power into the question.

  Kayla angled her head down exposing her neck in a sign of submission. "I did


  Taking the few steps over to his sister he said "Explain."

  "I didn't see another option." Kayla answered eyes still downcast.

  "There was a wolf trying to get to me Kian. While Kayla was fighting her a second

  one came up cornering me. I couldn't get inside to safety." Emma said rushing

  over to Kayla's side, gripping her hand.

  "I knew I couldn't hold them off her forever. They weren't just going to bite her

  Kian, they wanted to end her. Her chances were better as a wolf, so I bit her."

  "And if that killed her instantly?" He asked.

  "Then it was better than what they were going to do to her. She means everything to you, but I care about her too, and I couldn't let them do that to her."

  Finally looking up at her brother Kayla's steel eyes fierce, she finished with, "I am

  not sorry."

  Kian wrapped his little sister in a crushing hug saying, "thank you for being brave

  enough to save her."

  Kole huffed a small laugh then, "Now you have your wolf Emma, and damn girl,

  she is a badass."

  "At least now I won't be a weak spot for the pack. I can defend myself when I

  need to." Emma replied.

  "Speaking of the pack, I pledge my fealty to you, by tooth and by claw, you are

  the Alpha. If you will have me." Jase said kneeling down binding himself to Kian

  like the others all had.

  "You fought for me, Jase. You were the only one of the pack other than my family

  who believed us. You are most welcome in my pack." Kian acknowlegded with

  eyes blazing. "Now, we have to figure all this out" looking at Lex, "any ideas?"

  Lex had a
plan alright. After everyone grabbed some clothes they brought

  all of the bodies to Gerald and Cathy's house. It took a few hours to set

  everything up, thankfully though the pack lived close together, and way outside of

  town. Setting them in various places in the kitchen and living room. Turned the tv

  on to the sports channel, and the radio in the kitchen on low. Emma grabbed a

  frozen pie from the freezer, putting it into the oven to bake. Kole hauled up the old space heater the Wyle's had in their basement, turning it on in the living

  room. Lex copied everything from Cathy's computer onto the thumb drive he had

  just to be on the safe side. Kian and Jase wiggled the dryer a bit to loosen the

  connection on the gas line. By nightfall it would fill the house with enough gas

  that there would be an explosion big enough that any evidence of the pack's fight

  would incinerated. Everyone around town thought that the pack were all a close

  knit group of friends, and knew they got together to hang out often. It being

  Janurary, in Michigan, most people had space heaters going in their homes, it

  shouldn't cause any suspicion.

  Big fat snowflakes were falling when they got back to Kian's house.

  Blanketing the yard and further hiding the battle that raged there earlier. Wile

  everyone else heading into the living room, aiming for the dark brown couch Kian

  went to the kitchen. Hoping to take a little of the strain away he started grabbing

  things out of the refridgerator. Emma walked in while he was arranging the

  massive mound of sandwiches on a platter, with a smile for him she grabbed

  drinks, and together they carried it all into the living room. Everyone was weary,

  deep down in their bones, but needing to refuel they ate. Nobody jumped when a

  little while later they heard the boom. They all knew that it could have easily gone

  the other way, and it would have been their bodies being disposed of istead of

  the others. Lex stood up to go, even off duty, with it being close to his house

  people would expect him to be on hand. A few minutes later everyone left,

  heading to their own homes. There was nothing more to do tonight.

  Chapter 19

  Emma always wondered what it would feel like to have a wolf inside,

  would it be like an internal monologue, or a like talking to someone else entirely.

  Turns out it was somewhere in between. There were two distinct halves of her

  now, although they were both completely Emma. Her wolf saw things from an

  animals perspective, operating on a deeply ingrained instinct. Both of them knew

  Kian was everything important in their world. Our mate was strong today but he

  needs us to be soft for him right now. Listening to her wolf Emma scooted over

  next to where Kian was seated on the couch. Arms out on either side, his head

  resting against the back. Wrapping his arm around her Kian pressed Emma into

  his side. He was staring up at the exposed beams on the ceiling.

  "Everything is different now." His voice sounding haunted.

  "Yeah. You're the Alpha, and I have a wolf. So much has happened since we

  met." Emma rested her hand on his chest. Feeling his heart beat slow and steady

  against her palm.

  "Do you regret walking into Dusty's Roadhouse that night?"

  Emma knew what he was really asking, but couldn't bring himself to say out

  loud. Did she regret him? Running her hand up his neck to his cheek she

  directed him towards her. She wanted his eyes on hers. "The destruction today was put into motion years ago by your uncle, and he left you with no other

  choice. But I know you're going to be a great alpha to the pack, our pack. As for

  Kayla turning me, you know I have always wanted that. The circumstances

  weren't what I would have picked, but I am so glad to have my wolf. She is

  strong, and makes me feel complete inside. Like she was waiting there all along

  for the right moment to show herself. And listen, this is the most important part,

  Kian, I have not regretted a a single moment spent with you. How could I? You

  are the other half of my soul, and I will love you with everything I have in me


  Looking into Kian's steel blue eyes she watched him absorb what she

  said. He was going to give this new pack his all. He was that kind of man, good

  down to his very marrow. When tears formed in Kian's eyes he closed them and

  pulled her onto his lap holding on to her tightly, she rested her forehead down on

  his. Much like he always did, needing to just feel this moment. Through their

  bond she knew he was struggling to find words to describe how much she meant

  to him. Shaking her head that he didn't need words, she already knew. The depth

  of love Kian had inside of him for her was staggering. It was woven into every

  fiber of his being until Emma was the very air he breathed.

  "My beautiful Emma, how did I ever get so lucky? You are the best parts

  of me. I know I can be a good alpha because you will be here every step of the

  way. Everything I am is you, and everything I have is yours. I am honored that

  you have my back Em, moments after your first turn and you were ripping

  enemies off me. You are fucking amazing, and I will spend every single day for as long as I am alive being in awe that you're mine."

  Tears streaming down her face Emma kissed him. Pressing her lips

  against his ever so softly. Kian pushed his hands into her heavy waves, cupping

  the back of her neck. Brushing his tongue across the seam of her lips lightly

  Emma opened for him. Kian took his time, gliding his tongue over hers, savoring

  her taste. Needing more Emma turned her head giving Kian her neck to kiss, and

  suckle on. "I need, I mean, we need.."

  "Me to claim you, I know. My wolf is screaming it at me right now too." He said,

  interupting her. His mouth never leaving her neck.

  "This is big, if you're not ready we can wait Kian." Emma moaned.

  His hands gliding under the fabric of her shirt pushing it up and over her

  head, with an arched eyebrow he tossed it away. With one hand he reached

  behind his head to grab his own shirt yanking it off, while the other was

  unsnapping her bra. Both items of clothing went the way of her shirt, flying across

  the room. Kian's lips found her nipple and Emma rocked her hips against him and

  moaned. His hands busily working on the button and zipper of her jeans. Losing

  all patience now Emma jumped off him dragging her pants down and kicking out

  of them. Kian wasted no time in pushing his own jeans down around his ankles.

  Dripping wet and past the point of foreplay Emma climbed onto his lap.

  Taking his dick in her hand she guided it to her enterance. Her eyes locked on

  his she lowered down onto the length of him. Even after being with him so many

  times he still stretched her body, he was so big she knew he always would. The blue was gone from his eyes now, leaving them a shining silver, in them she

  could see her own blazing silver eyes reflecting back at her. Focusing on the

  bond she started moving slowly up and down on him. Their bodies making a slick

  sound and he slid in and out of her.

  Kian's hands were on her hips, his fingers gripping tight. Like he needed to

  anchor himself so he wouldn't fly away. She felt his wolf stirring inside and it

  brought a growl bubbling up her own throat. Mate, mate, ma
te, her wolf was

  chanting now. Feeling the momentum build Emma sped up rocking her hips

  against his on each downward stroke. Kian was grunting with each intake of

  breath. Running her hands into his hair Emma leaned down and pressing her lips

  against his shoulder said "oh, god Kian I'm almost there."

  She felt his hands glide up her back to her shoulders as Kian leaned his

  head down. The scrape of his teeth on her skin left Emma whimpering for more.

  Knowing what was coming had her body seizing up, clenching his dick. At the

  first pulse of her orgasm his teeth sank into her chest just below her collar bone.

  Crying out Emma bit down hard onto his shoulder. Feeling his own orgasm

  shooting warmth into her she bucked erratically on him.

  Kian licked her wound gently "I claim you as my mate Emma."

  Looking down into the eyes of the only man she would ever love, her body still

  tingling, she repeated his words. "I claim you as my mate. Nobody but you Kian.

  Nobody but you."

  Thank you for reading Kian and Emma's story, I hope you love them as

  much as I do.

  Keep an eye out for the second in the Big Woods pack series coming soon!





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