Waking in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 2)

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Waking in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 2) Page 32

by D Patrick Wagner

  The Princess stared at Captain Marston for a long time. “Rise, Captain Marston. We saw what transpired. Your crewman perceived danger to his captain. He responded as any crewman would, be it Elonian or Human.”

  Krag rose and assumed a ram-rod attention. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

  “However, we will need to discuss this new side of your synthetic, Captain Marston.” For a youngish Elonian princess, the steel in her voice strongly came through.

  “Of course, Your Highness.”

  “And you, Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Of course, Your Highness.” Keiko performed her native bow and waited for acknowledgement.

  Princess Analyn let her hold the pose longer than normal then released her.

  Standing, the Princess scanned her audience and proclaimed, “I announce that this competition is now completed. Awards will be presented this evening, at the banquet.”

  Everyone waited for the royal entourage to leave. Once the Princess and her escorts left, everyone milled around. The crowd, now only a small rumble of thoughtful conversation, filed from the training room.

  The Human contingent left to return to Griffin, this time under heavy escort.

  On her way back to her quarters, Princess Analyn came to a conclusion.

  “Vidhee, Captain Kakkarna, Commander Tarunga, Doctor Roshnak. My ready room. Immediately.” Princess Analyn’s telepathic command broached no choice but to obey.

  With the summoned collected around her conference table, and the princess standing at its head, she demanded, ”Vidhee, Did you know that Buster possessed battle algorithms?”

  “Yes, My Princess.”

  “And you told no one?”

  “This didn’t need telling, My Princess”

  “Why did you make that decision?”

  “Buster and I have had many conversations about his battle capabilities. We also discussed our laws and that Synthetics are not allowed to possess such algorithms. During our discussions, he permitted me to inspect his crystal which contains his battle matrix.”


  “He is benign, My Princess. His battle mode can only be accessed if Captain Marston, or if Griffin or if any of its crew are threatened. The only other time Buster is capable of activating his module is when Captain Marston so orders.”

  “And what would happen if Captain Marston ordered Buster to attack Wisdom Seeker?”

  “It would be very bad, My Princess. As you know, our Constitution forbids the arming of Synthetics or programming them in battle technique. Buster represents what would happen if any of us were to become weaponized. In his mobile unit, Buster is formidable. If he were to don his armor, take up his weapons, he would be unstoppable.”

  “Does this new knowledge void our trade agreement, Vidhee?”

  “No, My Princess. There was no attempt on the part of the Human contingent to conceal this knowledge. I am the being who did not disseminate this information.”

  “That is both good and bad. Our trip to Gregor Shipyards is still feasible. But now there is more risk. What to do,” the Princess pondered.

  “Vidhee, when a synthetic has acquired illicit algorithms or has evolved abhorrent programming, we have it wiped and reset with a new maturity matrix. Can we do this with Buster?”

  “Resets can only be done after a ruling by the Counsel for Synthetic Administration. In this case, the Counsel does not have jurisdiction over Buster. And he has not acted in any manner to bring him under the purview of the Counsel. Also, he is not a citizen or inhabitant of Elonia. In fact, Buster is a citizen of the Human civilization, bound by its laws. The most we of the Monarchal legal Court or the Synthetic Administration can do is expel him, require him to leave Elonia’s star system.”

  “And, if he leaves, so does the jump drive.”

  “This is true, My Princess.”

  “Well, we must do something. Commander Tarunga.”

  “My Princess?”

  “Put together a plan to stop Buster, if need be. Go to my scientists. Tell them that I have ordered them to help you. Captain Kakkarna, please have Lieutenant Talwana join in the discussion. As Weapons Specialist, he may have something to contribute.”

  “If they all are in Griffin, under our gravity dome, that would not be a problem, My Princess. We could simply increase the gravity until everything and everyone inside is crushed down to almost nothing.”

  “That would be a last resort. Murder. Only if Vidhee, acting in her position on the Monarchal Legal Court, deems it legal. We’ll hold off on that.”


  “Yes, Mahi?”

  “We have seen Captain Marston fight. We saw how fast Buster switched to battle and attack mode. Both are capable warriors. And they are in our midst. Although all indications are that they are currently non-threatening, we need to assume there will come a time when that may change. To avoid or postpone the coming of that time, I propose that we further strengthen the bonds between our two peoples. To do that, we need to understand them better, to be able to anticipate their goals and desires. So far all interrelations have been held in an atmosphere of formality and ritual. I believe we need to study these beings in a casual atmosphere, learn more about them. Honestly befriend them.”

  “I agree. If we can insure their trust and mutual loyalty, that will go a long way towards lessening the peril. What are you proposing?”

  “I ask that they allow me to train with them.”


  “A very interesting, very wise recommendation, My Princess. Nothing brings out a person’s inner thoughts and feelings like training and comradery. I wholeheartedly agree with My Liege. After watching his matches, I believe Captain Marston has a warrior’s heart. If we achieve his loyalty then Buster ceases to be a threat.”

  “Ok. That’s part of the plan. Vidhee, you accompany Mahi. You have developed a rapport with Buster. I want to continue monitoring his maturation curve. Identify if any abhorrent behaviors form. I also want you to study the relationships between Buster and Captain Marston. Also the rest of the crew, especially Ambassador Suzume.”

  “It will be done, My Princess.”

  “Captain, are we powering home?”

  “Yes, My Princess. Two cycles out.”

  “Please send a video of the tournament to my father, noting Gopai’s actions, Buster’s response and Captain Marston’s intervention. Before you do, I wish to record a message voicing my point of view.”

  “Yes, My Princess.”

  “Thank you all. I hope nothing comes of this. But we must be prepared if something does. In the mean time, we have a banquet to attend.”

  * * * * *

  After returning to Griffin, everyone gathered in the galley, grabbed drinks and snacks then found their usual spots at the table.

  “That could have gone better,” Krag lamented.

  “Actually it went quite well.”

  “Always the optimist, ey, Wee One.”

  “No, it did. Krag established his position as an alpha male in the eyes of the entire crew of Wisdom Seeker. Buster established his position as a formidable bodyguard for Captain Marston.”

  “I’m sorry I stirred things up, Krag.”

  “You did nothing wrong, Buster.”

  “I should have stopped and analyzed the possible results of my actions.”

  “If you’d waited, you wouldn’t be standing there, talking to your captain, Tinman. I agree with Cap. You did right.”

  “My defense mechanism just kicked in. I didn’t think to put a governor on it. I shall write one immediately.”

  “You will not, Buster. And Sue, you will not help him do that.”

  “But it could happen again.”

  “Sue, step in here.”

  After chewing her lip, tucking a wild lock of hair behind her ear, she began. “You could go into automatic mode again. But I don’t think it will happen. With the maturation and self-awareness shell that the Elonians installed, there is a const
ant feedback loop occurring between the identity matrix and your original kernel. As you, I don’t know, grow, mature, gain experience, the resultant self-generated algorithms move more into a command position.”

  “What she just said, Tinman, is that you are growing a conscience.”

  “I would bet that new behavior algorithms have already been generated around that uncontrolled outburst.”

  “She says that you’re learning good behavior, discipline.”

  “I figured all that out, Mack.”

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t know if those two mucky-mucks did.”

  “So, you’re alright, Buster?”

  “Yes, Krag. I’ve been analyzing my latest code generation and Sue seems to be correct. I have new code monitoring my combat modules.”

  “Then no more of that. In fact, you only go into battle mode upon my command, hand, verbal or cyber. Does than help?”

  “Very much. Thank you, Captain. I feel better.”

  “Ya think they’ll take back their gravity machine?”

  “No, Mack. I don’t think so. They like my chameleon suit. Besides, they really want the jump drive.”

  “Well it’s a good thing me and the Lass put a good lockdown on it, then. They’re not getting it without your say so.”

  “I wonder how much trouble we’re in.”

  “We’ll find that out this evening, Sue. But I have faith in Keiko. She’ll bail us out if we’ve stepped in it.”

  “We’ll see.”

  * * * * *

  Three hours later, four rest-deprived humans and one android met their robust military escort at the entrance tunnel of Wisdom Seeker. Krag wore his dress blues. Buster wore his matching tunic. In keeping with the dress code, Keiko chose her dark blue power suit. Mack and Sue wore their formal coveralls, sash and Griffin patch included.

  The six Elonian warriors took up position, three to a side, power staffs held at pose. Between the stress of the past six hours and the worry of what was to come, the five Humans, one android, covered the distance down the entrance tunnel, across the expansive deck and over to the gravity-driven elevators in silence.

  “Well, Buster, this is different,” Krag commented en soto.

  “I truly am sorry, Krag. It’s all my fault,” Buster responded electronically

  “No it’s not. It’s Gopai’s fault. He broke the rules. He is the one who attacked. You simply did what you were supposed to do.”

  “I still feel badly about the situation I’ve put you all in.”

  “Can’t help you there, buddy. That’s just part of growing up.”’

  At the elevator, the guardsmen stepped back. The leader gestured for Krag and his team to enter and waited until all began their ascents. At the eleventh deck Griffin’s crew stepped off.

  Another six-warrior detail awaited. Again everyone formed up, this time marching to the guardsmen’s training center. Upon entering, everyone saw that everything had changed.

  The three walls of bleachers had been pushed back. The training mat, with its wrestling ring had been rolled up and pushed into the back. Row upon row of banquet tables lined up, all facing a dais, which held its own, long banquet table with chairs. Behind the table, raised even higher, a second tier rose, just large enough for two beings. Next to the dais stood Commander Tarunga. The guardsman escort continued towards the obvious place of honor, insuring that the human contingent remained within their midst. Upon arriving, the leader of the squad saluted his commander.

  “Delivering guests, as ordered, Commander.”

  “Thank you, Guardsman. Return to your posts.”

  The cat-like warriors all came to their style of attention, saluted, turned and left.

  “Well done in the tournament, Captain Marston. You performed far better than I imaged.”

  “Thank you, commander Tarunga. I did have an advantage”

  “I saw that. Surprise. Speed. And great strength. Are all humans as strong and as fast as you?”

  “Only ones from my home world. We are called ‘heavy worlders’. My home planet, Australia Minor, has a gravity almost twice that of what is generated onboard Wisdom Seeker. I did have an advantage.”

  “And technique. Your grappling is very different from ours.”

  “Because we have many different peoples on many different worlds, we Humans have developed many different types of grappling, or wrestling. At our military academy I was introduced to many of them.”

  “And our style matches one of yours?”

  “Close. When I saw your style, I was immediately reminded of a style called Sumo. In it, the opponents use their legs as strong anchors and use their upper bodies for the actual combat. Your fighters do the same.”

  “So, you attacked the lower bodies.”

  “In the first match. That one, I simply attacked my opponent’s legs, using a style called ‘free style’.”

  “The second?”

  “Another style is called ‘Judo’. It is a style developed on Ambassador Suzume’s world, Nye Nippon. It uses grab and throw techniques. I achieved a position where I could lift my opponent off the ground then, using his own momentum, throw him out of the ring.”

  “The third was the most spectacular.”

  “Well, that was just a wild idea, kind of a desperation move. Gopai didn’t show the characteristic weaknesses of the other two. He showed more cunning, more awareness. I knew that, with his superior reach and leverage, I would lose. So I tried to utilize my heavy-world strength as quickly as possible. If he had succeeded in maintaining his stance, I was done.”

  “You played that maneuver very well.”

  “Thank you, Commander Tarunga. I am sorry that I offended Gopai. I hope he doesn’t get into too much trouble for his over-reaction.”

  “I’m sure Liege Mahajani has something in mind.”

  Keiko simply listened as the conversation between two military men took place. Mack and Sue gawked as they watched hundreds of Elonians file into the banquet room, find their places and strike up conversations.

  As the room filled, low-level robots floated up and down the rows, taking orders and returning with drinks. Other robots delivered first courses of appetizers and trays of hors d'oeuvres.

  “Looks like they eat like us, Lassie.”

  “Yup. I hope the enzyme tablets Buster cooked up work.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll hold your hair while you kneel to the porcelain god.”

  “I know what that means, Wrenchy. You are such a tool.’

  “There, see, Lassie? You do have a sense of humor. Ya notice, no one’s looking at Buster?”

  “Yes, I noticed. No guards, either.”

  “They’re playing it cagey. They really want that jump drive.”

  “I’ll bet that’s the only thing stopping them from sending us on our way. Or sticking us in jail.”

  “Ya got that right, Lassie.”

  The room filled quickly. Commander Tarunga held his position at Krag’s side. Krag and his crew waited.

  Princess Analyn majestically strode in, followed by her most trusted confidants. Notably, Gopai accompanied the procession. Eight Royal Guardsmen trailed, four with strange-looking weapons. The entire room, including Krag and his team, stood and saluted. All robotic servitors stopped. The Princess ear-flicked and nodded. Everyone dropped their salutes and remained standing.

  “Thank you. Please be seated. Ambassador Suzume, please take my left. Legate Buster, please take a place of respect beside Honorable Vidhee.”

  The room shuffled around and took their places. Krag sat beside Keiko. Then Mack, then Sue. Captain Kakkarna Took Princess Analyn’s right, followed by Doctors Roshnak and Ganakin. Dame Srilin sat next. Commander Tarunga took his place at the end, insuring he had a full line of sight and free movement. Vidhee and Buster took the second level of the dais.

  After everyone found their places, Princess Analyn stood and faced her subjects. The room immediately quieted.

  “My fellow Elonians.” The roo
m cheered, long and loud. She raised her paws in acknowledgement and waved her subjects a ‘hello’.

  Leaning over, in a loud whisper, Mack commented, “They certainly love their princess, Cap.”

  Princess Analyn raised both of her paws and made down-pressure motions. Again the room came to silence.

  “My fellow Elonians. We have witnessed an event that hasn’t happened for over three thousand solar cycles. Three thousand cycles ago a wondrous space-faring people visited our home. The Ballisons. For hundreds of years they lived with us in peace and harmony. Then for unknown reasons, the left. Well, today, I present to you another space-faring race. Another peoples who have come to visit Elonia. The race of Humans!”

  Princess Analyn waved her paws in an arc towards the four sitting at the table and Buster standing beside Vidhee. Again the room erupted. Princess Analyn signaled for Krag and his team to stand and for Buster to step forward. The room got louder as everyone rose to their feet. Tails waved. Paws clapped. Ears flicked. Hoots and huffs echoed around the chamber, making any conversation non-existent.

  Again, the Princess signaled for quiet. Slowly she got her wish as her Elonian beings settled back into their chairs.

  Once everyone found their seats, Princess Analyn went through the same introductions of these four natural humans and one synthetic, as she had previously in introducing them to her father. The Princess continued in describing each individual, his or her heredity, area of achievement and rank within Griffin. She spoke of their many star systems. She spoke of the billions of beings. She described how this small ship amazingly travelled over thousands of trillions locts to visit their star system. Everyone listened in awe.

  “This brings us to a complex point. This race of Humans, these billions of people amongst many stars, are not Elonians. They do not fall under the laws of Elonia. But, to an extent, they are protected by our Constitution. Their laws are different from ours. But, after having spent days with them, I can attest that these Humans, natural or synthetic, are not so very much different from us.”

  The room continued its silent, rapt attention. Partially eaten appetizers and hors d'oeuvres lay, unfinished. Tails stopped wagging. Paws lay on tables or rested in laps. Ears remained frozen, pointed at the Princess.


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