Peach Tree Manny: Gay Romance

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Peach Tree Manny: Gay Romance Page 25

by Trina Solet

  "Like hell! That's a lie. You can't prove it," Thayer screamed.

  "I'm pretty sure I can." Julian didn't say anything more as the sound of a police siren reached them. Lights flashed somewhere up the road and then the sheriff's car stopped right beside them.

  At the same time, Julian spotted Mitch, Rico and Wyatt making their way toward them. "Everything OK?" Wyatt called out as the sheriff and one of her deputies got out of the car.

  "We're fine," Julian told them then he explained things to the sheriff in broad strokes. He also handed over the phone, which she bagged. Now that the deputy and the sheriff were there, Rob got off Thayer and let them take him.

  Coming over to Julian, Rico pointed at Thayer. "I did say I wanted to see Rob mash his face into the dirt but...What the hell is going on?"

  "That dirtbag came after Julian," Rob said answering Rico, and at the same time letting the sheriff know what happened. "He had a knife. He threw it in the bushes over there."

  "It's not mine," Thayer claimed, but in no time, he was cuffed and in the back of the police car.

  The sheriff was taking Julian's statement while Rob updated the guys. When it was Rob's turn to give his statement, Julian found himself surrounded.

  Rico gave him a tight hug and asked, "Are you really OK?"

  At the same time, Wyatt squeezed his shoulder and Mitch patted his back.

  "Why did you guys come out here?" Julian wondered.

  "Rico told us that Rob rushed out of the house, so we came to check on you two," Mitch explained.

  "Sam stayed behind to make sure the kids wouldn't worry. I texted him that you are OK," Wyatt said.

  "And you are OK, right?" Rico asked.

  "Yes," Julian assured him.

  The guys kept him company until Rob came over.

  "You're not in any legal jeopardy, right?" Julian asked Rob and placed a hand on his forearm like he needed the physical proof that he was safe.

  "Not as far as I can tell. The sheriff said she'd be in touch, and we're free to go."

  "Of course he's not in trouble," Rico chimed in to reassure Julian. "He's your bodyguard. It's his job to beat up guys for you."

  As the sheriff's car pulled away, Thayer glared out the window at Julian. Rob put a protective arm around him while his jaw flexed.

  "Look at that sack of crap," Rico said, seething.

  Mitch put an arm around him and Rico sighed against his shoulder. But he wasn't still for even one second before he got combative.

  "I'm going to kill that slimeball," Rico said then he waved in Rob's direction. "I know. I'll get in line behind Rob, but then I'm totally going to kill that guy."

  Mitch pulled Rico tighter against him. "Let's go. Everyone will want to see these guys are OK."

  "I hope Danny is all right," Julian said as he and Rob walked hand in hand a little bit behind the others.

  "We'll be seeing him soon," Rob said but then he glanced behind them. His green eyes flashed with anger in the direction where Thayer was taken. "They better send Thayer away so you don't have to ever worry about him again."

  "I think they have some good evidence. When the sheriff searched his car, she found handcuffs and chloroform and something she thinks might be GHB," Julian told him. By the renewed fury in Rob's eyes, Julian could tell he hadn't heard about that. "It's fine. He's in custody."

  Despite that reminder, Rob's voice was rough with anger as he spoke. "In his diseased brain, he actually thought he was going to get away with all of it just by double backing here in that lame disguise."

  "He was counting on everyone assuming he was long gone. And I think he planned to blackmail me," Julian said remembering how Thayer said he planned to keep him quiet.

  "He's a sicko. That guy was obsessed with you. He better not weasel out of this. You sure you can date the video and the pictures?" Rob wondered.

  "I am."

  They were already walking slowly, falling behind the others and now Julian stopped. He could still see the video playing. The shock on his face as they barged into the bathroom, how he tried to cover himself, screamed at them to get out. Thayer's brother snatched the towel from him and the other guys cackled. Next Alex Thayer could be heard saying, "Check it out. He's gonna lose it."

  But he was wrong. In one shot there was a look of terror, but then Julian's expression turned blank, a mask that wouldn't let his tormentors see what was going on inside him.

  Julian knew how to hold in his fear and pain. At home, he learned that if he showed any weakness, there were only worse punishments waiting for him. That's what his grandfather had taught him.

  Even now that lesson was making him shut down just like his younger self had done. But he wasn't a scared, bullied kid looking at the hateful, sneering faces of his tormentors. He was an adult looking at his younger self, seeing the buried pain, the wall going up inside him.

  Through all that, the details in the background didn't escape him. They were how Julian could date the video.

  As he went silent, Rob had started rubbing his back. He didn't press him to talk or explain anything, but Julian did anyway. "That was the video from when Thayer's brother and some other guys ambushed me in the shower. The school did some renovations to the dorms. Among other things, they replaced the very distinctive black and white tiles in the bathrooms. But there are other things too." Julian was sure there would be records to prove when the renovations were done. "They did the renovations over the summer break when I turned fifteen. That means I'm still fourteen in the video and the pictures."

  "I'm pretty sure I'll kill Thayer if I see him again," Rob said through gritted teeth.

  Julian threw his arms around him and whispered in his ear. "That's all over, and it's Thanksgiving."

  "Fine. I'm grateful you're OK," Rob said grudgingly and gave him a long, loving kiss that soothed him better than anything else could.

  Julian wanted to stay in that embrace, keep kissing Rob with his eyes closed, shutting everything else out. But they were practically on Mrs. Del Rio's doorstep and the others were waiting.

  "They're throwing down a challenge. Let's get busy," Rico said to Mitch and hooked an arm around his fiancé's neck.

  "Break it up. People are waiting," Wyatt said impatiently.

  "You mean Sam," Rico accused him. Pushing past Wyatt, he opened the front door and loudly announced their return.

  Going inside, they found that their friends were all away from the table, waiting for them in the front room. The kids and the dogs were all clustered together right in front. When they saw them walk in, they set off a racket and then all ran over together.

  Danny was front and center, holding Lenny and looking up at them with worried eyes. Rob scooped up the little boy and the little dog and then Julian wrapped his arms around them too. He reassured Danny, "Everything is all right."

  "There was some stuff going on, but everything is OK now," Rob told Danny and the other kids too. He then looked sternly at all the kids then finally at Danny. "And what happened to dinner?"

  "Danny got scared because you were gone," Sammy told him and then all the other kids chimed in to confirm it.

  "Does that mean you didn't finish your dinner?" Rob asked Danny like their Thanksgiving meal was the most important thing in the world, and whatever happened out there was nothing. It seemed to work to make Danny forget why he was so worried. His only worry now was that Rob might scold him for not eating his dinner.

  Danny shook his head. "We didn't finish," he admitted.

  "Then we better get back to eating, huh," Rob told him, and they got the group of kids back to their table.

  Rico went to keep the kids busy. To distract them, the first thing he did was try to serve them more green beans. That had the kids in an uproar. Sammy set off a chorus of "too many" and "no fair".

  "Rico, kids have little stomachs. We need room for pie," Gloria argued reasonably.

  With Rico stirring up trouble at the kids' table, Rob and Julian were free to talk to C
hristie, Sam, Mrs. Del Rio and the others who all wanted to see for themselves that they were really all right.

  "I told you the festivals are cursed," Sam said once he heard about the attack.

  "Nothing is cursed. Everyone is fine," Wyatt assured him and kissed his face.

  "What's this about a curse?" Christie asked.

  "There's always some crazy crisis whenever we have a festival," Noreen told her. "But I thought we got that out of the way earlier."

  "The important thing is that things turned out OK," Wyatt said, like he didn't want to dwell on it for Sam's sake.

  "All's well that ends well. Now let's feed you boys," Mrs. Del Rio said and they were all seated again.

  Most of them went back to enjoying their food, but Julian didn't have an appetite. He only ate to show everyone he was all right, especially Rob, and also to set a good example for Danny who kept peering in their direction.

  When he was sure Thayer would use that knife on him, Julian thought of Danny and Rob. For them, he had to come through it in one piece. But now he saw that everyone was relieved they were all right. They all cared. That was something he never experienced before – friends to take his side, to worry, to pile his plate with more food than he could possibly eat.

  Julian felt Rob take his hand and he smiled. This had the makings of being a horrible, terrifying night, but all Julian could feel was warmth and love and a strong, firm hold on his hand as Rob brought it to his lips for a kiss.

  Chapter 29

  Dinner was over and Mrs. Del Rio had them gather in a large sitting room for drinks, pie and all sorts of other goodies. The kids were running around and the mood was as festive as it should be at a big Thanksgiving dinner party.

  After what happened, Rob only wanted to stick close to Julian, never leave his side. But he could tell that Christie was getting ready to put him in a headlock if he didn't give her a few minutes of his time so she could chew him out.

  Rob kissed Julian on the cheek then went off with her to a quiet spot to talk.

  "I still don't understand what happened. That guy you decked came back. It's all so crazy." Christie wore a disapproving frown, but Rob knew she always worried if he found himself mixed up in any kind of trouble.

  "He set off his car alarm to lure Julian out there, and it looks like he planned to kidnap him." The more Rob thought about what Thayer meant to do, the more furious he got and Christie could tell.

  "It's over. Take it easy now," she told him.

  "He should be grateful I didn't kill him," Rob growled.

  "Stop that and act civilized."

  "He attacked Julian," Rob told her. That simple fact was enough for him to want to end that guy.

  "You really are insanely protective of Julian," Christie said, shaking her head at him. "And not just you. Rico was all, 'Hey, girlie. Lay off my buddy, Jules.' And something about Noreen being spoken for."

  "Rico," Rob grumbled. "I'll deal with him later, but I kind of agree. Lay off Julian."

  "I have nothing against him, but I admit I wasn't happy he brought you here. Before I came to visit, I thought this place would be stifling. That you'd be lonely here. I had this idea to come over here to kick your ass and drag you back home, but I guess I don't need to," she said with a sheepish smile and Rob scoffed.

  "You mean you can't," he told her defiantly.

  She sighed. "I know you just want to live your life. Finally. That's what I want for you too."

  "I guess then you approve of me staying here," Rob said and nudged her with his elbow.

  She wasn't willing to go that far. "I didn't say that. I would miss you too much."

  "I'll miss you too, but you can come and visit. From what I hear, they have one of these festivals every other week or something," Rob told her.

  "I could probably be tempted to come over and stuff my face. And there are some pretty great people here," she said and craned her neck to look over his shoulder at everyone.

  "I noticed that," Rob said and smiled in Julian's direction.

  "I don't mean just Julian. Other people exist, you know," Christie said.

  "He's all I see," Rob told her and he probably wore a goofy smile. He couldn't help it.

  She sighed then smiled. "I didn't even know you had this side to you. Just be happy, OK."

  "I will," Rob told her and gave her a hug.

  "So confident. Damn, Rob. You're going to make your sister cry," she said and pushed him off.

  "You're the best sister," Rob told her. He was glad they got to talk. But now he was wondered how long he would have to wait to get some time with Julian.

  Rob didn't get to be alone with him until they went home and Danny was in bed. As soon as the door to Julian's bedroom was closed behind them, they flew into each other's arms. Now that Julian was finally in his arms, Rob held him tight, tighter than he meant to, but he couldn't help it.

  "I'm so glad you're OK," Julian said, surprising Rob by saying what he was thinking.

  "You're OK. That's all that matters to me," Rob told him and stroked his dark hair.

  "I don't know what would have happened if you didn't show up." Julian drew back and frowned at him. "But you were reckless."

  "Was I? And what were you getting ready to do when you started taking off your jacket?" Rob asked him.

  "The one you took from me?" Julian said accusingly, but that didn't stop Rob's questioning.

  "Were you going to rush him?" Rob asked him straight out, and he was pretty sure he knew the answer.

  "I wasn't going to let you get hurt," Julian said, as much as admitting that he was right.

  "I don't want you getting hurt either. Don't you take any crazy risks," Rob told him, his words coming out as an order.

  "Look who's talking," Julian shot back.

  There might have been more he wanted to say, but in that moment, Rob realized he didn't want to fight with him. He touched Julian's hair gently. "You were incredible, you know. You stayed so calm," Rob said just as Julian collapsed against him. Rob could hear him grit his teeth and feel him shiver in his arms.

  "That fucking bastard," Julian rasped into his shoulder, his voice harsh and angry.

  "It's OK now," Rob told him. "Don't hold back what you feel. You can lean on me, you know."

  "I'm not sure I know how," Julian admitted. "But I'm learning."

  As Julian raised his face to him for a kiss, Rob could see so much trust written in his beautiful eyes. He was lost in them. Those deep brown eyes could swallow him up, and Rob wanted to kiss his mouth forever. But first he let his fingertips smooth Julian's brow then trail down to stroke through his beard. In the next instant, Rob's lips were against his and Julian's beard tickled his chin. Rob kissed him softly at first then he let the kiss deepen, become rough with need.

  Bodies pressed together, arms locked around each other, they kissed, and Rob couldn't get close enough to Julian. His whole body wanted to melt into Julian's.

  "Your heart is beating like crazy," Julian noticed.

  "Is it? I can't feel it," Rob breathed, barely hearing his own voice.

  "I can. It's beating like a drum," Julian told him, stroking his chest through his shirt.

  "You did that. It's because of you." Rob's lips brushed his earlobe as he spoke Julian's name in his ear.

  Julian's hand was slowly sliding under his shirt and over his naked chest. Rob moved to unbutton Julian's shirt, but his hands ended up twisting with his shirt in his grip, wanting to tear it off him. Rob restrained himself for now and worked the buttons open.

  When Julian started grinding against him, Rob started groping his ass. Grasping for him, Rob was desperate to press himself to Julian harder and feel his body shudder for him.

  Desire roared through him, an irresistible force that couldn't be ignored. He pushed Julian back toward his bed and stripped him hurriedly. Flushed with so much desire, Rob couldn't contain it. He had to kiss and touch Julian everywhere, spread him out naked on that big bed.

is body thoroughly kissed and licked, Julian was shivering, his skin burning hot. As he watched Rob get ready to finger him, he whimpered. Rob worked his hole until Julian threatened to come.

  Soon he had Julian moaning his name and arching off the bed as he fucked him. Rob drove himself inside him, loving him, needing to be as close to him as two bodies could get.

  Then they were both moaning and coming together. Gasping his name, Julian was so beautiful and so spent. The sheen of sweat looked so good on him. Resting on top of him, Rob wiped the sweat off his brow and then kissed him deeply, wanting to drink him in.

  Hair tussled, moving lazily, sighing and reaching for him, Julian was an irresistible sight. Rob wrapped himself around him and heard him say, "I love you, Rob." His eyes were half closed, his voice only a whisper and a sleepy, satisfied smile played on his lips.

  "I love you too," Rob whispered back and felt Julian let out a sound between a moan and a sigh right before he fell asleep.

  Chapter 30

  Julian woke to Rob's blond head resting on his shoulder, his breath soft against his neck. How did he ever fall asleep last night after what happened. Julian couldn't believe it, but he knew it was thanks to Rob.

  As Rob stirred, his sleepy, green eyes looked into Julian's, and he found himself thinking that this was heaven. Then Rob mumbled, "God, you're beautiful." And Julian felt like he had stolen the words from his lips.

  Julian turned toward him and touched his mouth to Rob's like he wanted to steal those words back with a kiss.

  Pulling back a little, Rob raised himself up on one elbow and stared down at him. Tenderly, his fingers stroked Julian's face. Julian felt himself smiling stupidly, but his touch felt so nice, so right.

  Next Rob leaned in and brushed his lips over his cheek. The soft kisses made Julian sigh until Rob's mouth stopped to hover inches from his. One breath, two, and Rob's mouth was melding with his, lips gliding, tongue stroking. This was heaven too. Julian was flying. But then the kiss slowed and Rob pulled back to stare at him again.

  Capturing Julian's hands, Rob held them tight against his chest as he told him, "Just now, I wasn't sure that I wasn't dreaming. I still can't believe you're real. I thought living was hanging on, surviving, not opening my arms and my heart to somebody and being happy. And now here I am with you."


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