Souls & Spectres: The Spectral Chronicles: Book 1

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Souls & Spectres: The Spectral Chronicles: Book 1 Page 4

by Heather Wendlowsky

  “With no other choice, the prince and the daughter flee the castle in search of a new life together. That night, the two camped near a cliff’s edge. While the prince left to find food, a spectre approached the daughter, appearing as the prince. The spectre spoke the harshest words summonable, and broke her heart. The monster convinced her to throw herself from the cliff’s edge. The true prince came from the woods just in time to catch her from falling from the edge. With the real prince there, the spectre was caught and its spell was broken. The lovers confronted the apparition, and as is the Spectral Law, when a spectre is revealed by its victim, it must answer any question. The two demanded to know how they could be together and also save the kingdom. As the spectre searched their minds to give them their answer, it was overcome by the love the two shared, unlike any other it had ever encountered.

  “And so, the spectre answered, ‘There will be a time when the son of the king must raise his blade against the daughter of the four kingdoms, and so, the only way your safety and the safety of the kingdom will be assured is through the blade cursed with taking her life. The sword will shatter and there will be a Resonation through the realm that will tell all that your souls can be unharmed by the other, and all those who wish to harm such a bond will feel the cursed blade. I have seen your souls entwine in a light so pure, that I give you this Gift, so you may change the world.’

  “As the spectre faded away, the two were surrounded by the king’s men, come to take the two back to the palace. The prince was taken to be bathed and dressed for his wedding ceremony. Upon entering the ballroom of royals and courtiers for the ceremony, he found his love, beaten and bound in chains, kneeling at the altar before his bride-to-be. Terrified for his love’s life, he gave his wedding vows and married the princess. After the vows were exchanged, the kings of the two kingdoms demanded that the prince kill the daughter as a sign of true commitment to his new wife. The prince immediately refused, and so his father raised his sword over the woman’s head. Recalling the spectre’s Gift, the prince stopped him, and took the blade for himself. He kneeled before his love, and for a brief moment, they said their goodbyes, in case the spectre led them on as another trick. In their embrace, the prince thrust his sword into her womb, and the blade shattered against her skin.

  “With that, a powerful force burst forth from the couple, shaking the planet to its core. It was felt deep in the land and in the bones of every person alive. The two hid in each other’s arms, and when the shaking stopped, they looked around to find the onlookers in the ballroom dead and bleeding from thousands of cuts covering their bodies. Unharmed, the two rose, and took their place as king and queen. The Gift spread throughout the world. Together, they ruled for many years, and celebrated the Resonations of many other Gifteds throughout their reign.

  “In his final years, the Gifted king revealed that he had gathered the pieces of the cursed blade that broke apart at the first Resonation and hidden them away where they would be safe from anyone looking to siphon the power of its shards. To prevent any other spectre from bestowing or seizing any other Gifts, the king had them hunted near extinction. Now, only a very few are left in the world, and our kingdoms search tirelessly for one to bestow another Gift on mankind.

  “Today, we celebrate the rare occasion when two people who raised a hand or a blade to the other and were protected, causing their own Resonation. Whether they had been strangers or lovers, they can now live in the love and protection they have been given as being Gifted.”

  With the story at an end, the mess hall erupts into cheers and applause. We are dismissed, and groups either stay to hang out in the mess hall, or take off to party on the down low. I wave Juniper and the guys on. I like to wait until people clear out so I don’t get caught up in a crowd. While I wait, I dare to let thoughts of the Gift overtake me. The Story makes the Gift seem so romantic and like a real, actual gift. In reality, many people hate it because it takes away our free will. It is so rare to find your Soulmate. Some people just want to love who they love without feeling like their relationship could be ripped out from under them if they so much as accidentally trip someone on the sidewalk.

  Then there are the people who make Soulmates their whole life. Usually this is just royalty through their Soul Findings. All kings and queens have to be Gifted, so every time a roal turns 21, they have to go on this huge tour of their country to prick the finger of every single citizen until there is a Resonation. In the event that the Soulmate is not found in a royal’s country of origin, royal families make deals and alliances with other countries so that they may check their citizens as well. If a royal Soulmate is found within a certain country, alliances always ensue between the two. It has been generations since such a case has occurred, though. All existing monarchs have found their Soulmate within their own borders for the past hundred years. Maybe if that hadn’t been the case, we could end this war.

  While royal Soul Findings are mandatory for its citizens, any others are merely voluntary. Some wealthy merchants or noblemen may hold a conference for anyone interested in becoming a wealthy spouse, or even just go door to door. Many people ignore these other Soul Findings.

  Then there is the dark side of Soul Findings: illegal ones, where people are sold or trafficked into rings. This is where I came from. I had been in a ring in Geochroma since I was sold as a child. In these rings, we were subjected to the blades and beatings of anyone willing to pay. It is clear that the buyers don’t really care about finding a Soulmate. If they did, they would just pay to prick the fingers, not engage in ruthless beatings. Geochroma ran a bust on these rings nearly two years ago, which is what resulted in my liberation. Little did I know that the only reason they did the big busts was because they wanted more soldiers to search for the cursed blade, a source for the Gift.

  That's what this war has always been about: finding the Gift. Rumor has it that the Gifteds who wield it will be able to find Soulmates with ease, and that the blade will be the ultimate protection against anyone who dares harm their bond. Specifically, anyone who has it out for the king and queen who have its power will end up like the courtiers in the Story. In a war, this could mean an entire country cuts to shreds, so it is a big deal. We are all supposed to be trying to find the Gift for our respective kings and queens, but most of us are more interested in just keeping other people from finding it so we don’t die.

  And so, here we are: engaged in a stupid war for a Gift for some powermongers. As far as we know, there have been a few rumors of the Gift’s secret hiding place, but seeing as it has been hundreds of years since it was hidden away and nobody even knows what it looks like, I am not optimistic. So, I just have to hope that Juniper and I survive our ten year enlistment so we can retire to a cozy cabin near the fjords in northern Geochroma.

  Realistically, I give us a year, tops.

  Chapter 8


  After Soleil leaves the willow, I realize that I hadn’t gotten dressed before running after her. I brush my hand against the trunk of the tree as a final goodbye to the place I learned my angel’s name. I leave through the overhanging branches, and follow our trail back to the pool to get my clothes. We didn’t get far from the pool, less than a mile, so it’s a quick walk back. I can’t help but think about the beautiful Geochroman. How is it she’s barely spoken, but I feel like I’ve known her my whole life? She seems hurt, and scared, and brave all at once. All I want is to see her again, but I probably never will. Her camp will be moving soon, and so will mine.

  I’m about to step into the clearing when I see movement at the pool. For a moment, all I can think is that Soleil is back, and I nearly charge out into the clearing. Then, I look harder and notice the uniform: speckled black and blue. I nearly fall back at the sight of a Thalassian scout holding up my shirt. The woman holds a comm to her mouth and I try to make out the words. It sounds like battalion movement plans. What? Into Mont Tien? I sit there and listen for a long time as the soldier describes terrain, our cam
p site, and movement times. When she mentions the Geochromans, it feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. Soleil. No.

  The voice that replies back over her comm is a deep man’s voice telling her to return to base and prepare for the attack at midnight. I gasp out loud, and the scout whips her head toward the tree line where I’m hiding. She surveys the forest for a moment before confirming over the comm, and leaves through the opposite end of the clearing. I am in shock. For Thalassi to attack at midnight is to violate the 24 hour ceasefire every nation has agreed to during a Resonation. I completely forget my other clothes and sprint the mile back to Mont Tien base camp.

  I burst through the trees and past my tent and groups of soldiers gawking at my panic. Wren breaks away from a group and runs up next to me.

  “Reese, man, what is it? What’s wrong?” he asks.

  I just shake my head and run straight to General Dumont’s tent. I fling his tent door back, marching in unannounced, with Wren on my heels. Dumont is standing over his desk and immediately stands and bows as I charge in.

  “Your Highness? Is there a problem?” he inquires.

  I launch into an explanation of what I saw with the Thalassian scout, leaving Soleil out of it. When I mention their plans to attack at midnight, both Wren and Dumont instantly pale.

  “It will be a slaughter for those Geochromans,” Wren whispers, “And then they will have total access to our border.”

  I wince at his words, but he’s right on both accounts. “We cannot allow Thalassi that kind of border access,” I say firmly, “And we cannot let them wipe out an entire encampment in the middle of a ceasefire.”

  Dumont sighs and runs his hand across the stubble on his face. “Well with this information, we can prepare our troops for them. As for the Geochromans, since it is technically a ceasefire, I can have a messenger ride over under white flag to inform them of the oncoming attack.”

  I’m already shaking my head by the end of his proposal. “It’s not good enough. The Geochroman battalion outside our border is too small to take on a Thalassian attack. The only way both of us get through this and keep Thalassi out is by creating a temporary truce and forming an alliance against them. We are already under a ceasefire, as you pointed out, General, so it shouldn’t be difficult to make the plans.”

  I can see Dumont open his mouth to argue, but suddenly, all I can think of is what would happen to Soleil if this alliance is shot down. “And that is an order, General,” I say firmly.

  Any argument he is about to give dies on his lips. All he can do is agree and bow. I turn to Wren. “I’m placing you in charge of negotiations and battle plans with the Geochromans.”

  He is surprised, but quickly agrees. The three of us discuss a preliminary plan and then I send Wren to the Geochromans in our fastest ATV. General Dumont has to read the Story, but I promise to update him if need be. While I wait for Wren to return, I head to my tent and change into my uniform, a standard Mont Tienent green and brown two piece suit, with additional ropes and insignias to indicate my royal status. For a moment, I finger them and contemplate ripping them all off, but decide against it. My soldiers will need a leader, and I hope to be that for them. Shirking duties won’t help that.

  I walk into the mess hall just at the end of the Story. General Dumont gives me a nod, and I proceed up to the podium. I look out over a sea of faces excited to celebrate and have a well deserved night off, and cherish the looks before I rip it away.

  “My brothers and sisters,” I begin, “I stand before you tonight with news of an attack by Thalassi.” Murmurs instantly erupt among the soldiers, and I hold up my hand for silence. “Today, I encountered a Thalassian scout in the woods, where I overheard their plans to attack at midnight.” This time, the murmurs are outraged. “I understand that everyone is frightened and angry, but please, listen closely: yes, this is a direct violation of the ceasefire. Their plan is to attack the Geochromans camped outside our border on the Plato Hills, and use that border control to reach us. We will not allow this to happen. As we speak, plans are being made to form a temporary alliance with the Geochroman encampment to counter Thalassi’s attack. We will brief your sergeants as we receive more information, but in the meantime, please prepare for battle.”

  I finish my briefing, and everyone rushes to their bunks to prepare to fight the most vicious army in the world. General Dumont and I head to the war council’s tent to await Wren’s return. The sun has nearly set by the time he returns. He leaps out of the ATV and runs into the tent.

  “It took a hell of a lot of convincing, but the Geochromans have agreed to a 24 hour alliance with Mont Tien,” Wren says, “The Geochromans will be armed in their tents to make it seem as though they are unprepared for the attacks. Mont Tienents will be in the woods surrounding the border side of the plateau. When we hear Thalassi attack and shots are fired, that's when we scale the side and join the defense. Clear?”

  We agree, and make preparations to head to Plato Hills. I’m trying to focus on the battle and staying alive, but I can’t help but worry about Soleil. I should have mentioned something to Wren about checking on her or something.

  It’s around 8:00 when our battalion leaves for the Plato Hills. Everyone is tense, because we are facing a fierce foe, and because we are working with the enemy. Only a few of us take ATVs so as to be as quiet as possible. By the time we arrive at the plateau, I feel like my heart could stop just by seeing her.

  We leave the sergeants with their instructions, and Wren, General Dumont, and myself head up the plateau to rendezvous with the Geochroman general. It's only when we are walking through the busy camp that I realize that I didn’t tell Soleil my full identity. I feel like I could pass out. Would she be angry? Try to take advantage of it? Distrust me? Focus, Reese. Worry about that later.

  Wren introduces the stocky bald man as General Fazenda. We shake the man’s hand and give our introductions. When I introduce myself as Prince Icarus, I think his head is going to explode for a moment. Wren and I exchange a look. It would be funny if we weren’t facing the battle of a lifetime.

  Once plans are confirmed, we turn to head back down the plateau, when a tiny redhead runs face first into my chest holding about five or six rifles. She immediately jumps back and drops her cargo. “Oh my god, I am sooo sorry! I really don’t know why they keep putting me in charge of these,” she yammers. The small girl drops to the ground to start gathering the rifles up, and I bend down to help her. I can’t help but be slightly amused by this little chatterbox. She looks up to apologize some more and sees the Mont Tien uniform. She immediately drops the rifles again.

  “Holy god, I am so sorry! I am an absolute idiot. Please, forgive me,” she says. Wren and I chuckle and help her collect her rifles. Again.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Wren says, “I’m Wren and this is Prince Icarus of Mont Tien. We will be your allies this fine evening,” he jokes.

  This time we manage to snag her rifles as she drops them. She looks absolutely dumbstruck, and seems to shake herself out of it. “Ummm, well nice to meet you Wren. Prince. I’m Juniper and I will do my best not to get you killed tonight.” She collects her rifles for a third time and rushes away before she can drop them again. Wren and I are full on laughing at this point. We head back down the plateau to our troops, and I look back at Juniper just in time to see a flash of brown hair before we head down the plateau. For a moment, I stop and look to the sky. Please, if anyone is listening, keep Soleil safe.

  With that final thought, I grab a rifle of my own and prepare for war.

  Chapter 9


  It’s been about forty minutes since the Story ended. Everyone has almost left the mess hall and I’m just about to head out myself, when an announcement comes back over the loudspeaker. “Attention Geochromans, please return to the mess hall for an important announcement. Again, all Geochromans, please return to the mess hall.” Everyone left in the hall looks just as confused as me. Why would they
call us all back during a ceasefire? We’re supposed to have the night off. Someone add a new chapter to the Story or something? I give a snide smile at my bad joke and watch everyone come back into the hall.

  The camp files back into the hall. Some people are angry, some concerned, and some have already started drinking. Figures. The noise dies down as General Fazenda rushes to the front of the room with a Mont Tienent following him. For a brief moment, I feel my heart pick up. Could it be Reese? Disappointment sets in quickly when I realize this young man is shorter and super muscular, with his hair cut close to his head. Why am I so disappointed? I barely know Reese. Calm down, Soleil.

  The General reaches for the microphone. There’s no denying the distress on his face. He clears his throat, and surveys the hall. “I know everyone was looking forward to a night off, but I’m afraid we’ve received some news from a messenger with the Mont Tien army. Please, turn your attention to Mont Tien for a briefing.”

  Fazenda ushers the Mont Tienent to the microphone. The man looks concerned, but he exudes confidence, from his broad shoulders to his straight stature. “Hello, Geochromans,” he begins, “My name is Sergeant Wren Uca, and I am hand to Prince Icarus, heir to the Mont Tien throne.” Murmurs fill the hall in shock. I can’t help but think of the Wren that Reese told me about beneath the willow. I wonder what the odds are that this is the same one, and he became hand to a prince. General Fazenda steps forward and ushers us back into silence. “Today, we have learned that Thalassi forces plan to attack this encampment at midnight and move into Mont Tien.” A deep cold settles in my bones. There is an uproar through the hall. Some people are screaming that they can’t do that under a ceasefire, or curl into a ball and panic. Others are calling for blood. I can’t move. This man has delivered our death sentence.


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