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Nerds in Force

Page 13

by D. R. Grady

  She cringed all over again. But for different reasons. Maybe cringe was too strong a word.

  Keith’s massive, warm hands settled on her shoulders and she found herself staring up at him. He’s too close. This is too intimate. The entire situation was so far out of her comfort zone she swallowed painfully.

  “If you bottle up all these emotions, you’re going to grow colder and colder until you can’t feel anything. Trust me, I know.”

  “Why are you doing this?” This emitted a little desperate around the edges.

  “Your energy is so intense because you’re going to explode. At some point this will all come gushing out. You’ve shouldered all these burdens by yourself for how long, Harlow? How many years of carrying the Horgate company, your father’s death, your great-grandfather’s death, your grandfather, and Chad? All these responsibilities but you’ve never had anyone else to lean on.”

  He stood large and comforting in front of her but he wanted too much. Wanted what she couldn’t give.

  The hands on her shoulders tightened. “Who are you going to rely on?”

  The air around her pressurized, felt too tight in the small space. Her ears rang and she wished herself anywhere but here.

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can.” His response was so fierce, so masculine she gasped.

  “What do you want?” This a wretched whisper.

  “To share this with you. I can handle it. But you have to trust me.” His offer was everything she wanted. Everything she wished for.

  Everything I can’t have.

  Chapter 14

  Keith hated the turbulent energy roiling off Harlow. They faced each other in the intimate office she had been using. The overhead lighting harsher than that in the twins’ office.

  The austere lighting showcased the taut lines of Harlow’s body. He hated how tense and tight she always seemed. Hated that she had been forced to carry all of the burdens of her family. Her immediate family looked to her to handle everything. If she didn’t have the twins he feared she’d have broken a long time ago.

  Maybe he didn’t have a job right now. And he certainly had his own family issues and responsibilities. But Harlow couldn’t continue without at least one person to lean on. Her responsibilities boggled.

  Please let that person be me.

  He didn’t have all the answers but this woman spoke to him on levels he wanted to explore. He understood her as he never had a woman in his life. His blood surged when he spent time with her, he felt alive again. Felt as though he had a purpose. Who knew where that would lead but he could be to her what she needed in this instance.

  Of course she fought him. That was her nature and he appreciated that quality within her. It could be said he owned an abundance of the fighting spirit as well. He valued her warrior tendencies and didn’t want to break her.

  That wasn’t at all his intent. So what is? The little voice in the back of his mind prompted him hard to be sure of his motive in pushing her. I need her to trust me.


  If she trusts me, she might allow me to share her burdens. I can help her.

  “Why do you have to do it all by yourself?” He inhaled sharply. “Because you hate asking for help. Hate showing weakness.”

  “Yes, I will never be weak.” Her shout emitted hoarsely and with more raw emotion than he had ever heard from her.

  “You don’t need to be weak. It’s not weak to cry. It’s not weak to admit you need help.” He stared her in the eyes. “A strong person cries. It takes someone who is strong to ask for help.” He crowded her, pushing, pushing, pushing.

  She growled at him. But when she opened her mouth a sob emerged. And then all of her defenses crumbled, her face crumpled and the sobs packed one on top of the other until she was on the verge of hyperventilating.

  Keith grabbed her, smashing her against him. He didn’t care what he said as he coached her through releasing all of the energy inside, the negative elements that were intent on harming her, hindering her in their mission.

  And it was theirs. They faced the same enemy. Whoever gunned for them, her especially, now had far more people standing in their way.

  He held her tight, aware on some heady level that she could handle his strength. Women had scared him in the past. Keith’s size made him feel like a bumbling bear or bull or gorilla and he’d been afraid of hurting them. Harlow met him where he was with her own strength, with her own skills.

  And her own burdens.

  She nestled closer as the tears flowed and cleansed the wounds inside that had been on the verge of festering. They wouldn’t recede completely but now would fade to mere scars. They would mark her as a survivor and fighter.

  Her wretched sobs ceased as the torrent gave way to a gentle flow. She let him take her weight and fit him the way he’d always imagined a woman could fit him. Always hoped a woman would feel when cuddled into him.

  Strength, both physical and internal undulated through this woman. And after this cleansing he couldn’t wait to meet the victorious woman who emerged. Couldn’t wait to watch her grow now that she’d flushed what burdened her.

  Her tears soon dried and she sniffed. Keith leaned them forward to pluck a few tissues out of the box on the desk. He handed them to her and she mumbled thanks before she settled against him and soon her arms crept around his waist.

  “What does this mean now?” He had to strain to hear her words.

  Keith took a step back to anchor himself against the desk and thought about his reply. “It means that you’ve released all those pent up emotions and resentments. Now that you’ve done so, now that you’ve purged those things hamstringing you, maybe you can help me do the same.” He delved a little deeper into his own issues. “Mine are different and not nearly as tremendous as yours.”

  How she had excelled under that weight made him marvel. But he wasn’t so blind that he couldn’t see he had his own baggage.

  “Now that I’m cured—”

  “You’re not cured. You’ll always have more burdens than most of us. But now you know I’m here and you don’t have to face all of these things alone.”

  She went silent for a long while. He gave her time. Sometimes, most often if he was being honest, he needed time to sort through his thoughts too. He valued a person who took the time to think.

  “Why do you want to help me with my burdens?”

  At her question, he parted them. “You haven’t figured that out?”

  “I wouldn’t have asked if I knew the answer.” Her slight glower made him smile but that quickly faded.

  “We’re facing the same enemy. Protecting the same people. It makes sense we join forces.”

  She reflected on this. The overhead lights revealed the red and gold streaks in her dark hair. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman in the world. Then her green eyes rose to meet his and Keith faced his fate. Attraction and something stronger he unaccustomedly ignored sucked him under. He didn’t resist.

  Instead he groaned and tugged her into his arms again.

  Harlow gasped, a breathy inhalation that ensnared him further.

  Keith gave into her power.


  Harlow had no trouble reading the intent in Keith’s eyes and she wished she could say she was torn. Perhaps good girls didn’t kiss men they barely knew. Then again, she’d just wet his shirt with her tears and cried ugly in front of him. That had to count for something.

  On the other hand, maybe she was no good girl.

  So when he moved in for a kiss she met him halfway.

  They both inhaled at the exquisite meeting of their lips. Her heart might have protested but it was drowned out by her shrieking hormones and the adrenaline that pumped with abandon.

  Her arms encircled his neck, hands cupping his head to bring him closer. This man had stormed all of her defenses. The only one who could have done so.

  His arms tightened until her feet left the floor. Remarkable because she was no lightweigh
t. Her curves were real, her muscles even more so.

  Then again, the man had at least a hundred pounds on her. He could take her weight.

  By their third kiss they had the process down because this one halted the adrenaline and she had time to enjoy the man’s heat, his muscles, scent and marveled at how different their bodies were.

  He tasted better than his cooking. She now had a favorite flavor.

  Their fourth kiss became the type of intimate kissing she’d never enjoyed in the past. But this offered more of his flavor and textures and sensations she’d not much delved into. Everything changed with this man. He participated with restraint and that alone improved the experience.

  He also savored their embrace with her. Keith was with her every step of the way. Not frantic in his pursuit of something far different than what she desired from the embrace.

  This felt right.

  Never in the past had that happened. Mostly she just wanted to be somewhere else and had oft wondered what all the fuss was about. Now she knew.

  Everything changed with Keith.


  Keith couldn’t believe how bold he’d been. He dove right in and kissed her. And she met me halfway. He’d waited a long time to meet the right woman. Always felt she’d come along but through his thirties he’d started to question himself. Maybe she didn’t exist. Maybe she lived on the other side of the world. Maybe she decided to settle for someone else… Too many negative thoughts had crept in.

  Yet here she was. Meeting him where he lived, so to speak.

  She participated fully in their kisses and seemed to enjoy them. At least based on the fact that she hadn’t parted them or smacked him. Harlow seemed like the type of woman who would make her displeasure known. And quickly.

  He tugged her closer and enjoyed the way her body fit his. The sweet way she embraced him. How he easily lifted her curves to conform to his body better and she trusted him to not drop her.

  Plus the kisses… They were the best he’d ever exchanged. Ever. Keith had concluded long ago that kissing was something other people apparently enjoyed but was an activity that must not be for him. He’d determined people must be lying.

  Then he kissed Harlow because he had to. And she kissed him back. The magic is real, people. Kissing rocked. At least kissing Harlow.

  He already might be addicted. Couldn’t even say he minded.

  She made a sound in the back of her throat and he reluctantly ended their whatever number of kiss they enjoyed.

  He gazed at her, she gazed at him and he loved the look in her green, green eyes. The prettiest color in the world. It reminded him of their island and the lushness that surrounded them. Her sultry gaze faded and she blinked.

  “You’re a very good kisser.”

  He shook his head. “No, that was you.”

  A frown formed between her eyebrows. “I don’t think so. Kissing is one skill I’ve never bothered to develop.” She made to step back, but came up against his arms. Her eyebrows rose. “You lifted me right off the floor.”

  “So I did.” No denying the fact he had done so and continued to since her feet hovered inches above the carpet.

  Keith wasn’t in any hurry to settle her feet on the floor either. He did it anyway.

  “Thank you.” Although she didn’t sound convinced.

  “For what?” His own brows lifted.

  “For setting me down.” Her frown persisted.

  He cocked his head to the side. “Why are you frowning?”

  “Well, I thought I wanted to be placed on the floor again, now I’m not so sure.”

  He grinned. “Is there a little used lounge or sitting area where we can sit and cuddle?”

  Her frown disappeared. “I like how you think, Monnette.”

  Chapter 15

  Harlow made short work of leading the way to a lounge at the top of the house he would have never found on his own. When they entered the space it was to find his brother already there. And Eric didn’t look happy. He paced back and forth with his phone plastered to his ear.

  He noticed them because of his training but kept pacing. What he didn’t appear to be doing was speaking into the phone.

  Eventually he removed it from his ear, hit a button, and dropped the device into his pocket.

  Big brother mode surged to the forefront. He settled into a plush sofa and tugged Harlow down beside him. “What’s wrong?”

  Harlow settled beside him as though she’d always done so. The fierce energy that usually surrounded her had lessened considerably. Keith guessed she came with that energy even when sick yet the levels were far less noticeable.

  Eric didn’t answer for a time. He continued pacing. Unusual for this former Navy SEAL. “I’ve been trying to find Riley. There’s been some news that she might not be safe.”

  Keith felt Harlow stir. “Riley D’Arpino?”

  “Yes.” Eric ceased pacing to fully look at Harlow. “Do you know her?”

  “I do. She’s a friend.” Harlow said this as though surprised.

  “Verity knows her too and has also been trying to contact her.”

  “Riley is very skilled.” Spoken with no inflection. But Harlow’s intensity levels rose.

  “I’m sure she is. Why can’t we contact her?” Eric kept his emotions is check. Mostly.

  “Wait, haven’t you only met her once?” Keith hadn’t been present when Eric met this woman. He didn’t have any context to go on but he had learned she and her supervisor went into hiding after an incident. An exclamation bubbled.

  “She and her supervisor were researching the same deaths we are.” He looked to Harlow for confirmation.

  “From the sound of it, yes. They were also assigned a similar task but from the U.S. Army standpoint. Since this impacted at least one member of the military.” Harlow fingered the end of her braid.

  “I’ve been trying to call her phone and I’m not getting an answer.”

  “You got her number from Verity?” Harlow verified the facts. He appreciated that quality in a person.

  “Yes.” Eric bit out the word.

  “She’s not answering your or Verity’s phone calls.” Harlow repeated this but it wasn’t really a question. More of a contemplation.

  She looked to Eric. “Does Verity have an idea where Riley went?”

  Eric shook his head and then reconsidered. “She and her supervisor left to go to a different island, we think.”

  “Oh no.” Harlow surged to her feet and headed for the door. His eyebrows soared as did Eric’s. They exchanged a quick glance before following her.

  On the way, Eric watched her with speculation. Little brother’s comment was to him. “Your and Harlow’s energy have changed.”

  Keith had two choices. He could ignore the innuendo not well hidden in Eric’s statement or hit it head on.

  He hit it, hard. “Yeah, I kissed her. And she met me halfway.” More satisfaction than was necessary radiated around his statement. Best kisses of his life.

  Eric continued to ponder Harlow ahead of them. “We’ve speculated on whether you’d ever fall for a woman.”

  “Turns out I’m picky.”

  A smothered exclamation from Eric as they barely kept Harlow in sight. Both of them had to pick up their pace to keep up with her.

  The woman navigated the stairs with speed. Despite her impressive rate she made little noise as she traversed them to the second level, sprinted through the main level then made for the basement.

  She wasn’t even breathing hard by the time she reached the lower level. Harlow headed to the computer area. Verity and Hunter had turned in their chairs to greet her when she popped through the doorway, followed by him and Eric. She greeted everyone, including her brother. It didn’t take her long to get down to business.

  First, she verified that Verity hadn’t reached this woman Eric was so concerned about. “You haven’t gotten a reply from Riley?”

  A slight frown formed on Verity’s usually expressionless fa
ce. That alone was cause for concern. “No. She’s gone radio silent. That’s not like her.”

  “It’s possible that storm brewing off the coast has interfered with their cell signal.” Harlow focused on Chad. Who immediately spun his chair to face the computer again. He looked far more comfortable in that position than the one facing people.

  His fingers tore over the keyboard and soon information scrolled at a rate Keith didn’t even try to keep up with. Verity and Harlow did watch the vast scrollings.

  Verity jabbed at the screen and Chad paused his frenetic typing to take a closer look. He bobbed his head before he typed something else and soon their noses were close to the screen.

  Hunter tugged Verity’s head back. “You’re gonna go blind, slick.”

  She squeezed his hand but attempted to keep herself from insecting the screen. Harlow hunkered down beside Chad, her hand on his thigh, which Keith guessed she did to make him comfortable with human touch. The guy had to be in his late twenties though. Perhaps this was something they had grown so accustomed to doing that she didn’t think about the gesture now.

  For his part, Chad didn’t seem to mind. He kept tapping away on the keyboard, Chad and Verity discussing things that Keith didn’t understand. Eric’s stoic face also gave nothing away, nor did Hunter’s.

  Going stoic meant you didn’t learn stuff. “What are you discovering?” His deep voice in the mostly quiet and darkened room made Chad jump.

  But the younger man answered. “There is a storm brewing there and right now they’re probably getting the repercussions of the storm. It’s a likely reason why they’re not responding.”

  “The other obvious reason being that our mutual enemy has discovered them.” Harlow’s take stiffened several spines in the room.


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