by Wendy Smith
Mia laughs again, and I press my mouth to hers. However long this lasts, I intend to make the most of it.
And from the way she responds, so does she.
It’s a long wait to the following weekend. I spent Friday and Saturday night with Mia, coming home on Sunday to prepare for uni the following day.
To be honest, I needed a good night’s sleep after our time together.
We text each other throughout the week, and talk on the phone every night, but it’s not the same as seeing her.
Friday is the longest day ever, and all I want to do is get to my car and get away from uni.
“Are you coming to the pub?” Sara asks as we walk through the doors to exit the lecture hall.
I shake my head. “Not tonight.”
She places her hand on my arm. We’re outside the lecture hall, and I’m so close to getting away. I’m off for a shower and change of clothes at home before heading over to Mia’s.
“Please, James. Come out with us.”
Her grip tightens. Damn it. I tried to let her down gently, but I obviously wasn’t clear enough. “I’ve got other plans. I’m sorry, Sara. You guys go and have some fun.”
She licks her lips. “I thought maybe you and I could hang out together.”
“Sara. I’m sorry if I ever gave you the wrong idea, but …”
She turns on that doe-eyed look. Another time, another place, it might have worked, but the woman I think I’m falling for is waiting for me. “Come on, James. It’ll be fun.”
I pull my arm away gently. “I’m going home. Enjoy yourself.”
I walk away without looking back. It’s not until I reach my car that I turn again. Sara’s right behind me.
“Take me with you, then.”
I shake my head. “Are you always this pushy?”
“Only when I really like a guy. And I really like you.” She’s breathless, and if I was still unattached maybe I’d make a stupid decision and take her home. But I’m not.
“I like you too. As a friend. I’m not looking for anything else.”
Her face falls. “It’s her, isn’t it?”
I swallow hard. Am I that transparent?
“Ashley. You still have a thing for her.”
I shake my head. “No, it’s not Ashley. That was over ages ago.” Letting out a breath, I take her by the arms. “You’re really nice, Sara. And I’m sorry if I’m not feeling it, but I’m not interested in you in that way.”
She pulls away. “Okay. Have fun by yourself.”
“Do you want a lift to the pub? Seeing as you’ve walked all the way to my car.”
Her cheeks are flushed. I understand it. I’ve had my share of rejection, but she’s handling it okay. “I’d appreciate it.”
“I’m heading that way, anyway.”
Opening the passenger door, I wait until she’s in before closing it again. When I round the car, I look up as I open the driver’s door.
Mia’s at the edge of the car park next to her car.
Our eyes meet, and I don’t have to see her face to know she’s curious about what’s going on. From where she’s standing, it can’t look good.
I pull my phone out of my pocket before I get into the car.
I’m just dropping Sara at the pub. Will be over to see you once I’ve showered and changed. I take a breath. Can’t wait to get you alone.
I hope that’s enough as I start the car and pull into the street.
Mia’s in her living room when I get there, and when she sees me, she picks up the remote to close the garage door.
“Hey, beautiful.” I lean over and kiss her.
She kisses me back, but withdraws, and I round the couch and sit beside her.
“You okay?”
“I saw you with your friend. It seemed pretty intense. What’s going on with you two?”
“Nothing. I dropped her off at the pub.” I lean back. “She likes me, and I guess I was too subtle for her to get that I wasn’t interested. I made it clear.”
Mia drops her gaze. “Okay.”
I grasp her chin, pulling her face up until I meet her eyes. “I’m not lying to you, Mia. She followed me to the car, and I was straight up with her. The pub was on my way, so I gave her a lift. And then I went home, showered, changed, and came back here.”
“I believe you.”
“Why does your body language say otherwise?”
She flicks her gaze to the ceiling and back again. “I just don’t want to be hurt. She’s your age, and she’s pretty. I could understand if you wanted something with her.”
“I had the chance before us, and I didn’t take it then. I’m not going to screw up whatever this is with you for someone who’s not even really a friend.”
“What is this?” she asks.
I drop my hand. “I don’t know. Do we have to define it yet? All I know is that I like spending time with you. And I’m not talking about studies or science. I like being with Mia, not Doctor Scott.”
She laughs. “We’re the same person, you know.”
“I know, but I don’t want you because of your academic prowess. That was just the reason for both of us being at the university.”
Her smile turns into a grin. My heart thuds at the sight. I want her to be this happy all of the time.
“I love your smile.”
Her lips twitch, and she leans forward, meeting my lips with hers. Her kiss is tender and sweet when all I want to do is devour her.
When she pulls back, she sucks her bottom lip through her teeth. “I thought maybe I could make us some dinner. Maybe some cheese toasties. And then we could go to bed.” She swallows hard when she finishes her sentence. I’m not sure if she’s ever been this forward before.
“That sounds like a really good plan to me.”
“I like being with you, James. I’m so scared of screwing this up.”
I study her expression. “I like being with you too. There’s no way you could screw this up. You know this isn’t all about the sex, right? I’m happy just being with you. We can watch movies all night if you like.”
She nods, her cheeks flushing pink. “I just really enjoyed sex with you.”
“I enjoyed it with you too.” I cock my head. “Ohhh, you just want more of the James Campbell loving. I hear it’s pretty good.”
Mia’s mouth falls open. “Don’t you be getting an ego on you.”
“Oh, it’s way too late for that.” I hold up one palm. “I’m happy to sign an autograph afterward.”
She laughs, shoving my bicep. “Stop it.”
I wrap my arm around her, pulling her close. “We’ll find our way, Mia. To where, I don’t know, but you are welcome to help yourself to whatever you want of this.” I wave my other hand over my chest.
“You’re terrible.”
“Only with you.”
I’m forty.
How the hell did that happen?
I mean, I know how it happened, but waking up and knowing it makes me feel old. And James is on my mind.
There are seventeen years between us.
When we’re together, it feels like nothing. When we’re apart, it seems like a massive gap we’ll never overcome.
All I know is that when I’m in his arms, our age difference is meaningless. He’s tender, loving, and everything I should have in my life.
I feel like I wasted so many years before meeting James.
It’s the middle of the week and he’s working, so I didn’t get to see him last night. It’s been eight weeks of this routine so far. I’m not sure if I’ll see him tonight. But we’ll have the weekend together at least.
I’m lost in thought when I open my office door and the blended scent of so many different types of flowers hits me.
My office is full of colour. There’s no one flower that dominates. It looks like someone’s bought an entire florist and transferred it to my office.
; And there’s only one person I know who’s romantic enough to do this.
I shake my head. He can’t afford this. His dad is paying his rent, and his job barely covers his other bills.
My heart swells at the thought, but at the same time I know we are going to have words. He can’t do anything this public.
“Do you like them?”
A voice comes from behind, and my stomach twists because it’s not the person I want to ask me that question.
I turn. “Garrett. What can I do for you?”
His lips twitch. “Happy birthday, Mia. I hope you like my gift.”
“You did this?”
“Who else would? I managed to persuade the cleaners to leave your office unlocked for a special delivery.” He chuckles, and my heart sinks. Of course it’s not James. James is the type to buy me flowers, but this is too much for him. But then, Garrett never bought me flowers. Ever.
My mouth goes dry. Who else would? I can’t let him suspect anything’s up. “I don’t know. I thought the faculty might have.”
He snorts. “No. I bought my wife flowers for her birthday, and I’d like to take her out for lunch. Maybe spend some time at home with her.”
His eyes narrow. “Are you busy?”
“No, I just don’t want to have lunch with you.”
“Not even for your birthday?”
I walk back toward the door. “Not even for my birthday. I’ve got work to do, Garrett.”
After closing the door on him, I walk back to my desk, looking around the office. I was happy a few minutes ago. His act has sucked all the joy out of the day. I’m surrounded by reminders of my previous, shitty relationship.
I bury myself in work, but the scent of the flowers keeps reminding me that they’re there. I wish to God this was a heavy lecture day, but it’s not.
By lunchtime, I resolve to just leave and do what I can from home, but a gentle tap on the door knocks me out of my thoughts.
James steps into my office, closing the door behind him. He’s got a big smile on his face, but it drops when he sees the flowers. “What the hell?”
I lick my lips. “Guess who?”
“Garrett did this?”
I nod.
His mouth straightens, as if he’s trying to hide his feelings.
“I was happy and excited when I thought it was you. Knowing it’s him, not so much.”
The corners of his mouth curl into a smile. “I wish I could do this for you.”
“I know you do, and I love that you would do it.” I sigh. “I think I’ll book myself into a hotel for the night.”
“Garrett was put out that I wouldn’t have lunch with him. It wouldn’t surprise me if he turned up.”
James frowns. “I wish he would just leave you alone.”
“So do I, but there’s not much I can do about it. I think it takes a lot more than buying me flowers to be considered harassment.”
He huffs out a breath. I understand his frustration. He just wants to know I’m safe, and he doesn’t trust Garrett. With good reason.
“Well, I came here to tell you that I’ve got tonight off. The boss wasn’t too happy, but I told him it was a family emergency. Can you lock your office door from the inside?”
My eyebrows pop up. “What are you suggesting?”
“What do you think I’m suggesting?” He grins.
“The door locks. You just have to turn the knob.”
He turns back to the door, turning the lock until it clicks and trying the handle. “Sorted.”
“I don’t know about this.”
He chuckles. “I was going to wait until tonight, but seeing these flowers changed my mind.”
I stand, walking around my desk. “What did you have in mind?”
James pulls me hard against him. His kiss is deep, filled with meaning. “Turn around.”
“James, we can’t. Not here.”
“I’ll be quick. Promise.” He grins.
“Now’s the only time I want to hear that.” I laugh softly. It doesn’t make this any less of a thrill. If we get caught, I can’t imagine the hell that would rain down on me. But it’s my birthday, and I want James.
I turn and he bends me over the desk, pushing my skirt up and dragging my panties down my legs.
My heart thuds when he stands close behind me and reaches around to stroke my clit. My body’s so tense, it doesn’t take much to get me to the point of orgasm.
“Mia,” he whispers. Him saying my name is enough to finish me off.
He pauses to take a condom from his pocket.
I whimper when he pushes his cock into me. This beats the flowers and the unwanted gesture from Garrett hands down. James is hard, really hard, and it’s all for me.
“Fuck,” he murmurs as he slams into me over and over again. “It’s so hard to keep quiet.”
I laugh softly. “No kidding.”
“I want to hear you when you come.”
“You will tonight.” I thrust my hips back, and he lets out a deep moan. It almost seems sacrilegious having sex in the midst of all these flowers from another man, but I welcome it.
“Mia, I’m going to come.” He leans over and bites my shoulder to muffle his moan.
This is what I want. The raw passion of James. The aching need we have for each other. Nothing else matters right now but us.
He slows, and I let out a loud breath.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Very okay.”
“Happy birthday.”
I laugh softly, and he pulls out of me. Wrapping the used condom in a piece of paper from my printer, he drops it in the bin before zipping up and kissing me tenderly.
“I’ll get us a hotel room for the night. We won’t have to worry about anyone finding us, or anyone interrupting us, and it’ll just be you and me,” I say.
He strokes my face. “I like that idea.”
“I’ll text you the details.”
James gives me a tender kiss on the lips. “I wish I could afford to do more for your birthday.”
“You just gave me an orgasm in my office, and I’m counting on you to give me more tonight.”
He grins. “Whatever you want. Happy birthday, Mia. I love you.”
My heart stops.
We were heading in this direction, and I knew it, but the words make this real. Make us real.
“I’m not expecting you to say it back if you’re not ready. But I wanted to make sure you knew.”
I throw my arms around his neck. “This is the best birthday ever.”
“It’s not over yet.”
“I do love you, James.”
After kissing my cheek, he steps back. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
James holds me in his arms, his bare skin against mine. I don’t think he’s stopped kissing me in one way or another since we ended up in bed.
His lips graze up my neck, and I sigh.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks.
“How happy I am.”
James smiles. “Me too. I hope you had a good birthday.”
“It started out a bit shaky, but it ended up kind of amazing.”
His eyebrows dip. “Only kind of amazing? Clearly I haven’t been doing my duty.”
I laugh. “You. The you bits of my birthday have been amazing. Donating all those flowers to the hospital felt good too.”
James’s mouth falls open. “You did what?”
“Donna and I loaded all the flowers into her van, and we took them to the hospital to be given out on the wards. Cleaned my office and did a good deed.”
He grins. “That’s my girl.”
“I am, aren’t I?” His expression is so full of love. It has been for a while, but I recognise it now. I’ve never felt so loved in all of my life.
“Yes, you are.” He plants a kiss on my temple. “I love you, Mia,
and I’m never going to get sick of saying it.”
“I hope not. Because I rather love hearing it.”
He chuckles. After running his hand down my spine, he rests it on my arse, pulling me closer.
“We should go somewhere. Maybe to a tropical island,” I say.
“You want to run away?”
“Just for a week maybe? Somewhere we can walk down the road holding hands, and not have to worry about anyone seeing us.”
He nuzzles my ear. “Like a resort?”
“That’s it. We can order room service and live like this for a whole week.”
“You know there’s a good chance we’d never leave the room.”
I turn to look into his eyes. There’s mischief written all over his face, and I can’t help but smile.
“Well, we’d have so much sex that you wouldn’t be able to walk, so there’s that.” He shrugs.
I laugh. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“Do you have to work tomorrow?” He laughs against my cheek.
“I have lectures tomorrow. And you have work.” I look up at the ceiling. “You know, booking into a hotel room for the night with a much younger man makes me feel like a cougar.”
He laughs. “No, not a cougar. I chased you.”
“You didn’t have to chase me far.”
James nuzzles my neck again. “If I hadn’t come to your office that day to tell you I couldn’t stop thinking about you, would you have come to me?”
I shrug, but I know the answer. I would have written off his kiss as a one-off, never thinking he could be interested in more with me.
“No, not a cougar. More like a … not a MILF, because you’re not a mother. Maybe a TILF?”
“What on earth are you talking about?” I laugh.
“Teacher I’d like to fuck.”
I give him a gentle slap on the arm. “James Campbell.”
“But it’s so much more than that, isn’t it? For both of us. I can’t believe my life right now.”
“In what way?”
“I got the woman of my dreams, in my arms, in bed.”
My heart leaps. God, how I love this man.
“And I get to spend her birthday with her. A very important birthday.”