Best Knight Ever (A Kinda Fairytale Book 4)

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Best Knight Ever (A Kinda Fairytale Book 4) Page 51

by Cassandra Gannon

  “But, this seems like a dead end.” Galahad went on, looking troubled, now. He scanned around the windowless, doorless, completely unremarkable space. “Do you think the graal is gone? Do you think we’re too late? Or that someone else found it?”


  “I don’t even know what the graal is supposed to look like.” Galahad ran a hand through his dripping hair and Trystan’s whole body throbbed. “In my head, it’s a goblet. Right? Maybe one of these broken things is secretly it.” He squinted at the shattered earthenware mugs on the ground. “None of them look particularly special, but…”

  Trystan grabbed him. His hand fisted around the fabric of Galahad’s coat, dragging him backwards. Doing this the civilized way was taking too long. He shoved the man against the nearest wall, nearly out of his mind now. Both palms slammed against the stone wall on either side of Galahad’s head and he stared down at him, breathing hard.

  “Hey, you look flushed.” Galahad could have pushed Trystan away. Anyone else would have at least tried. Instead, he touched Trystan’s face, like he was checking for a fever. “You okay?”

  His mind and body were both on fire. “Yes.” The word was dark and filled with lust.

  Galahad didn’t seem to notice. “‘Yes’ you’re okay? You sure?”

  “Yes, I agree to your proposition. You ask me forty times a day if I’m ready to have sex with you, yet. Yes. I’m ready.”

  The knight’s eyebrows soared, suddenly noticing Trystan’s out of control desire. Lyrssa, the man’s innocence was going to be the death of him one day. “Oh!” He blinked. “Great! Look, I’m all for that idea. But, maybe you should wait until…”

  “Now.” Trystan interrupted. He borrowed Galahad’s words from the beach, trying to express the overwhelming feeling swamping him. “I need you, now.”

  Galahad stared up at him for a beat, finally realizing how far gone he was. “Alright.” He agreed and started taking off his coat. “I’m yours. You know that.”

  Trystan exhaled, pleased by the easy capitulation. It actually calmed him, somewhat. “Three things you need to understand, first.” He held up three fingers and Galahad’s mouth kicked up at the corners. “One: If I’m ever under another spell and trying to kill you… fucking defend yourself. Understand?”

  “You weren’t going to hurt me, Trys.” Galahad leaned forward to kiss the base of his throat and Trystan’s eyes drifted shut.

  “You have no way of knowing that for certain.”

  “Sure I do.” He grinned. “You’re kind of a pushover for me.”

  That was true.

  Trystan grunted. “Point two.” He continued in the most serious tone he could muster, under the circumstances. “You are the best knight ever.”

  “Thanks.” Galahad was barely listening, all his attention on his shirt. “Shit. One of the buttons is stuck. Just…”

  Trystan took hold of his chin and met his eyes, forcing him to pay attention. “You freed the queen of my people, even though she was your enemy. You stood before the Rath to protect children, even though it could have killed you just as easily as them. You struck Uther down, even though it nearly broke you.”

  Galahad hesitated. “I thought you might be upset about that last part.”

  “Why in the hell would you think something so stupid?”

  The knight’s mouth twitched again at the phrasing. “Well, you do go on a lot about loyalty and honor. And I did stab my own king, so…” He trailed off with a shrug.

  “I know every warrior’s tale there is to tell. And none are as heroic as what you did that day.” His head tilted. “Have I ever mentioned that I am extremely attracted to heroes?”

  Guileless lavender eyes blinked up at Trystan. “Really?”

  “Extremely.” Trystan held his gaze. “So, the next time I try to tell you how to be a warrior, you tell me to shut the hell up. Okay? Because you were born the best.”

  “You were just lecturing me about fighting you when you’re enspelled --like-- fifteen seconds ago.”

  “Well, that time I was right.”

  Galahad smiled like he found that answer humorous. “I really am crazy in love with you, Trystan.”

  “Good.” Trystan solved Galahad’s button problem by just ripping the wet fabric apart. The stupid buttons went flying. “That brings us to point three: I am your ha’yan.”

  Galahad swallowed. “That’s the marriage thing, right? Is this --like-- your version of a proposal?”

  “No.” His hands went to the knight’s belt, because Galahad’s eagerness was now making him fumble with the buckle.

  Galahad let him yank it free. “No?”

  “No, I am not ‘proposing’ anything. It is done.” Trystan sank to his knees before him, jerking Galahad’s boots off. “I do not need one of your people’s hollow mating rituals to give me what I already possess. Even through an amnesia spell, I recognized that you are my mate. Right now and forever.”

  Galahad bobbed his head, his breath coming in shallow pants. “I know. I’ve known this whole time. You’re the one who needed to consider many options.”

  “You are the only option. Everything else is darkness.”

  “About time you noticed that.”

  Trystan arched a brow, wanting to be clear. “There will be no others for you. Ever.” The knight’s pants were yanked off, revealing just what Trystan wanted to see. Galahad’s freed erection was already weeping with need. “There will only be me.”

  “Of course only you. God, don’t get distracted with hypothetical men, again.” Galahad paused for a beat, like he was trying to think. “I want a wedding, though. It’s how my people commit themselves to each other.”

  Trystan rolled his eyes. “You commit yourself to your mate by caring for your mate, and guarding your mate, and pleasing your mate, and working hard for your mate, and being with your mate each day. A ceremony filled with words is pointless.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll talk you into it later.” His body was shuddering with need. “Much, much later.”

  Trystan liked the man’s eagerness. His tongue stroked the tip of Galahad’s shaft, nearly smiling as the knight’s body helplessly jerked.

  Now that he considered it, a wedding might not be a complete waste of time. The ritual would tie Galahad to Trystan more strongly in the man’s own head. In everyone’s head. The kingdom’s laws and customs would say they were mates. All of Camelot would have to agree that Galahad was his. Really, there was no downside to that idea, at all.

  “We’ll have a ceremony if it makes you feel more secure. And afterwards, you will take the name of my clan.” This entire plan was growing on him, by the second. “That’s how it typically works in your culture. Yes?”

  Galahad’s breath was choppy. “Either that or you would take my name. Which would be a title, since I’m a knight. Well, was a knight. But, either way, you probably wouldn’t want to be ‘Trystan of Camelot.’”

  Trystan fixed him with a flat look.

  Galahad laughed at his expression. The sound was full of happiness. Shit… Trystan would call himself whatever this man asked. Luckily, the knight was already agreeing to exactly what Trystan wanted.

  “Galahad Airbourne sounds awesome to me, Trys.”

  “It sounds ‘awesome’ to me, too.”

  “So you’re going to marry me, then?”

  “Fine.” He sealed their deal by sucking Galahad’s staff deep into his mouth.

  “Trystan!” The shout echoed loudly in the room. “Oh God…” Galahad’s head went back in bliss. “Oh my God!”

  No one had ever pleasured him this way before. Even if Trystan hadn’t already known that, he would’ve been able to tell from Galahad’s genuine shock and delight. It made him want to make the experience perfect for his mate. When Trystan set his mind to something, no one could best him. His mouth did things that had the knight crying out in pleasure. The torment went on and on, no matter how the other man begged for release. He refused to fini
sh it until he was sure Galahad was his completely.

  It was glorious.

  Trystan’s teeth nipped Galahad’s delicate flesh and the knight gave a snarl of passion, realizing that Trystan wasn’t going to make this quick. A primitive warning. Trystan liked that sound. Warriors took what they wanted, but they also liked to be taken sometimes. He wanted to make Galahad lose all his inhibitions and take.

  Trystan made his movements slower. Deliberately withholding the friction Galahad needed to come. Enjoying the game.

  “Trys?” Galahad’s tone was deeper. Right on the edge. “I need it harder. You know I need it harder.”

  Of course he knew. Trystan looked up at him and arched a brow. It was a dare.

  “Are you taunting me?” Galahad’s staying power was impressive, but even he had his limits. “Wonderful time for you to develop a sense of humor.”

  Trystan pulled back a bit. “In your youth, you wanted to be taken by a gryphon? I wanted to be taken by a hero. Take me like you did in the Fire Cave, only this time harder and come deep in my mouth. This is what we both want, yes?”

  Galahad’s eyes were glazed. “I’m not totally in control, right now. I’m afraid I will be too hard.”

  “You would never harm me.” Trystan said with total surety and went back to his not-quite-strong-enough suckling. “You know, in gryphon culture, when heroes win great victories, they are rewarded with whatever they want.” He lapped up a drop of moisture. “Well, you’ve won today. You saved me from those men.”

  “You could have beaten them yourself.” Galahad was barely hanging on. “Easily. You just wanted to watch me fight, because it turns you on. In fact, I don’t think you’re “slipping” in your fighting skills, at all. I think you totally tricked me into agreeing to spar with you.”

  That was true. Trystan shrugged. “You were still victorious.” His tongue licked down the entire length of the man. “So, what do you want to take as your prize, knight?”

  Galahad snapped. “You.” He pushed forward, farther into Trystan’s mouth. “I want you.” It was a groan of surrender and lust. “Now. Take all of me. Every inch.”

  Trystan swallowed, taking him deeper. The knight’s hand wrapped around his hair, guiding his movements. Trystan tried to keep his original pace, just to tease him, but Galahad wouldn’t let him. His hips pistoned, claiming more and more territory. Trystan’s own manhood tightened painfully, turned on by the knight’s orders and the sensation of being dominated.

  “That’s it. God, you’re beautiful.” Galahad’s face was taut as he watched Trystan’s lips stretching around him. “If we were living in one of your people’s villages, and I’d won some great victory, I could just pick anybody I wanted and they’d agree?”

  Of course. So long as they were unmated. It was an honor to be chosen by a hero. To be the one thing he or she wanted after an epic battle. It was how his mother had first taken his father, as a matter of fact. She’d wanted him and she’d been a great warrior. He’d been proud to serve her. Trystan had always aspired to their example.

  Trystan glanced up at him and Galahad must have seen the answer in his eyes.

  “Damn.” His violet gaze glowed even hotter. “I would have been the most victorious son of a bitch in the world, just so I could take you like this, again and again.”

  Trystan liked that idea. On the occasions where he triumphed, he would choose the knight. And on the occasions when Galahad triumphed, he would choose Trystan. That would pretty much be all the occasions, because who else could even compete with them? And after each inevitable victory they achieved, Galahad’s body would only respond to Trystan’s touch. He would only need Trystan to ease his desire.

  Because his heart belonged only to Trystan.

  “You are my goddamn soul, Trys.” Galahad whispered, as if reading his mind. He gave a rapturous groan, his hand tightening on Trystan’s braid, like he was afraid to let him get away. “God, yes… Just like that. Don’t stop until I tell you.”

  It pleased him to push his ha’yan beyond his controls. To drive him mad for a bit. To be the one person that he was desperate for. He obligingly allowed Galahad to thrust into his mouth unrestrained, giving him the suction he was demanding, using his hand to help him along.

  “Trystan!” Galahad bellowed his name as he erupted, still holding his head in place. Not that Trystan was trying to get away. This man’s pleasure belonged to him. It was his right to enjoy it.

  His mate. Only his.

  “Oh shit.” Galahad whispered when he was spent. He ran a palm over his face and reality slowly seemed to return. “Shit.” He said in a more alert tone and he met Trystan’s eyes, looking worried. “Did I hurt you?”

  Trystan grinned and rose to his feet. The man was adorable. “No.”

  “I’m serious.” Galahad insisted, scanning him for injuries. “I was too rough. Are you okay? I’m sorry. I just…”

  “I am always eager for you.” Trystan took hold of his arm, drawing him towards the table. “I asked you to take me and you did. I liked it.”

  Violet eyes met his, hot and needful. “I think you’re right about warriors needing to take and be taken. I like both, too. A lot.”

  “Told you so.” Trystan spun Galahad around, gently urging him to bend over the edge of the wooden surface. “Are you now ready to be taken, then?”

  “Yes.” The answer was immediate.

  “Such a Good knight.” Trystan pulled off his own clothing, his eyes never leaving Galahad’s perfect body. The man was built like a warrior, but he never resisted Trystan’s demands. His foot touched the inside of Galahad’s ankle, wanting his legs to part. “I was victorious today, too. I will claim my prize. Open for me. I need to be inside of you.”

  Galahad gave a shuddering breath and complied. He was already hardening, again. “Please.” He leaned against the table, always eager even when something was new for him. Always craving Trystan’s touch. Always trusting that Trystan would care for him. It was humbling. “Now, Trys.”

  “Now.” Trystan agreed. He had waited long enough to claim his mate.


  Galahad would never get enough of this man.

  “I like that you have no wings.” Trystan leaned over him, running a hand down his back and it was like being branded. “I like that I can watch your face as I take you. I like that I can get so close.”

  “Get closer.” Galahad urged. “Get closer, Trys…” He let out a hissing breath as he felt Trystan’s massive heat brush is thigh. “Okay.” He gave a breathless smile of anticipation. “So, it feels like one hell of an adrenaline rush is hitting you.”

  Trystan laughed. Honest to God laughed. “A violet-eyed knight has hit me, like a bat to the head. I cannot think of anything but you.” He kissed Galahad’s hair, his voice a rumble of sound. “Deflowering you is going to be a fucking joy. We will go slowly, though, yes? I am large and you will be very tight. I must use care, so I do not injure you, as you become mine.”

  “I’m already yours.” He was going to lose his mind if he didn’t hurry. “You need to take me, now.”

  Trystan’s mouth was at his ear. “I claim you.” He repeated, like he wanted to be sure there could be no going back. “Forever.” From somewhere or other, he’d produced a lubricant and spread it on Galahad’s flesh. Slick fingers slipped deep within his body, readying him. “Anyone who seeks to take you from me, I will brutally kill and then burn their corpses as a warning to others.”

  The man said the sweetest things.

  Galahad ground his teeth together, struggling to hold on. Trystan’s possessive words were like kerosene on an already raging fire. The erotic touch, and his surety in their connection, and the submissive position he was laying in. It was too much. “Please…” He ground out.

  “This is ha’na.” Trystan went on, his tone rough with desire. He continued to work, stretching Galahad’s flesh until he was satisfied. Then, his fingers moved away and his erection was right at the entrance to G
alahad’s body. “I see the bond whenever I look at you. I see my future and it is you. You will know this too and tell me so. Now.”

  “I know it, too.” Galahad reached back to hook a hand behind Trystan’s head, pulling him in for a kiss. “I love you, Trystan.”

  Trystan surged forward.

  Galahad let out a roar of approval, his palms coming down to grip the edge of the table. It was better then he’d thought it would be. More. Pieces of him fit against pieces of Trystan like they were meant to go together. Of course they did.

  The man was his True Love.

  Above him Trystan had gone still, breathing hard.

  Galahad turned his head to look at him. “You feel it, too.” It wasn’t a question. He could already tell.

  “I feel it.” It was a whisper of reverence. “You’re my True Love.”

  Good folk always felt the True Love bond when they slept with their other half for the first time. Even some gryphons apparently, at least when they had wingless blood. Trystan had finally realized the bond was there and he seemed shocked. The man was adorable.

  Galahad found himself grinning. “Surprise!” He got out, happier than he’d ever been.

  “You knew this?” Trystan demanded, his breath coming in pants.

  “Of course.” Galahad’s body rocked against his, needing Trystan to fill him completely. “I’m not as Good as you are. I felt the connection, even though I couldn’t explain it. I’ve been crazy about you since the second I saw you coming through the smoke to rescue me. It had to be True Love.”

  “And you didn’t announce this theory, right away?” Trystan was arrogantly amused.

  “Would you have believed me?”

  “By the time we left Ayren’s village, I would have believed it.” Trystan began to move within him, claiming territory no one else had ever touched. “I believe everything you tell me. Even the things that are impossible.”

  Galahad groaned, thrusting backwards, wanting even more.

  “Slowly.” Trystan ground out like he was in pain. “Give it a moment. Allow your body to adjust to me.” He eased in another few inches, stretching Galahad’s flesh. “Gods, you’re so tight…”


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