Men of Endurance Limited Edition Collection

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Men of Endurance Limited Edition Collection Page 35

by Siera London

  “You’re amazing,” she said.

  The light twinkled in her eyes, reflecting the stars in their depths. He touched her bottom lip with his thumb, lingering as her warm breath brushed his skin. "This is the first time we’ve been alone. It feels good to have you in my arms, Kelby.”

  She nodded, slipping her arms around his waist. “For me too.”

  He kissed her lightly on the lips, barely able to stop himself from stripping them both bare and sliding inside her. He touched her everywhere, using his free hand to caress her face, her neck, her breast. Her body shuddered in reaction, telling him she loved his touch as much as he loved touching her. In the distance, the familiar sounds of the movie, laughter and music began to play.

  “So how mad will you be if you don’t see Bradley Cooper pee his pants?”

  She palmed his face between her palms. “I’ll be furious if you don’t show me all your bad boy ways.”

  “Prepare to be ravished,” he rasped. This time when he took her mouth, he used his body to demand more of hers. He tasted a hint of spice mixed in with that vanilla scent of hers that drove him mad. The hunger he’d fought to reign in during the day, broke free, raced through his veins, and powered his need for this woman. Kelby’s hold on him tightened, her own passion rising to meet his. Whatever restraint they had, vanished. She let out a soft whimper. The sound of her pleasure had Hank pushing between her lips, faster, harder, and deeper-all the things he wanted to do to her body.

  “Hank, more,” she whispered.

  The sound of his name, laced with need and possession, floored him. He knew what he wanted, but did she understand what he was offering? Years had passed since he felt his way for any woman. If he took her body, he wanted her heart.

  “Kelby,” he said, his voice gentle, “I knew it would be good between us, but…this crazed need to have you” he paused, “it’s not going to be satisfied with one night. You get that, right?”

  Her fingers threaded into his hair, tangling, until he couldn’t move. “Me either,” she swallowed.

  Two words. She’d spoken two words, but he heard a love song. Custom made for him and filled with sweet notes of forever and the melody of I do. He looked into her eyes, and he saw the same love. “Are you sure, darling?”

  A sob filled with emotion infused her voice. “Yes. I want you.”

  Life had taught him people held back the best parts of themselves, too afraid their battered hearts would be crushed. Hank had been there, but he’d also felt the healing power of having the right woman by his side.

  He pressed his forehead to hers. “And I love you.”

  Kelby’s breath caught, as if his feelings were a surprise to her. His hand skimmed the smooth skin covering her abdomen, lowering his head to the sensitive area between her neck and shoulder. He started with a kiss, lots of little ones. He stopped there, when he noticed she hadn’t spoken another word, now that he’d dropped the “l” word. Mutual engagement would be optimal from this point forward, he thought.

  He squeezed her waist. “Darling, I’m going to need some class participation on your part.”

  “You serious?” She asked him in a whisper.

  “From the moment I laid eyes on you, Kelby Springfield.”

  His confession had a magical effect because Kelby tore his shirt off and then reached for his pants.

  “Take these off,” she demanded.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he grinned. Hank kicked off his boots, socks, and jeans at a record-setting pace. Ready to toss his pants over the truck side, ‘cause heaven knew he didn’t plan on putting them back on, he fished in his back pocket for a condom.

  Kelby touched him, hesitantly. “You’re breathtaking,” she mouthed, voice filled with awe.

  “I love the way you look at me, Kelby,” he breathed. “I’ve dreamed of us, together, me loving you, hearing your sweet moans of surrender.”

  She stroked his body and he forgot to breathe.

  He swallowed, his control slipping. “Before I embarrass myself, how’s about we get you naked.”

  “Don’t you dare start without me,” she threatened, pressing a kiss to his lips.

  Kelby removed her shirt, and Hank went from hungry-to desperate. She wasn’t wearing a bra. “Wha-what the?”

  Glancing down at her chest, she looked back at him. “My bra…it’s made into the shirt,” she said in explanation.

  Lifting one hand, he cupped her breast, rolling the tip between his fingers. “Your body is beautiful, Kelby. Better than in my dreams. I’m going to buy you a dozen shirts like this one tomorrow.”

  He took her into his mouth, and she groaned. The night air, humid and sweet, clung in a thin sheet of moisture to her skin. Pressing his erection into her heat, he worked her tender flesh, until she writhed in need.

  “Hank, I’m ready,” she whispered.

  And so was he. Taking the condom he covered himself. Using both hands he gently parted her legs, settled his hips and pushed forward in a smooth as silk motion. Their breath sawed in and out, in tune to the original soundtrack hit crooning around them. To be sure he hadn’t hurt her, he stilled.

  With his thumb he tilted her chin up until their eyes locked. “You good?”

  She tightened her muscles, sending him deeper. “Better than good.”

  He nodded and thrust forward. And…he didn’t stop until she cried his name.

  "That's it darling. Give me all you've got."

  And she did. For what felt like hours she worked her body, pleasing him, satisfying him like none before her. Kelby craned her neck, her eyes closed, and she surged up to meet him, the sensual motion lifting them both as she came a part. Her warmth sheathed him, rhythmic, and encompassing his hardness in a flaming heat that slowly unraveled him.

  "Perfect," he rasped. "You're just perfect." He rocked into her, his pace increasing, even as her body started to soften beneath him. Kelby gripped him, her hands around his biceps, her nails digging into the straining muscle. He dipped his head, tasted the sweat covering her taut flesh. When she cried out, he sucked and tugged until she tightened around him and began to pump her hips. Kelby was his. And Hank poured every ounce of love he’d held in reserve for the right woman into this moment. He went all out, nothing kept from her-his heart, his love, his hope, and his future. The pressure built until finally it burst out of him carrying them both over the finish line.

  He arched his back, creating some space, making sure not to crush her with his weight. It took a few moments for his heart rate and breathing to normalize.

  "I think you're just about perfect. And I love you too," she grinned up at him. She lifted her fingers and brush the damp hairs away from his temple. “You just took me to the moon and back."

  He grinned down at her. "Next time we're going over it."

  "I may have scratched your back," she said.

  “Boy howdy woman, you are a wildcat. That's the least of my injuries."

  She huffed. "Are you complaining?”

  "No ma'am. This dumpling is ready for another dip in your secret sauce."

  "I think you've discovered all my secrets."

  Hank leaned in close. "Oh, I think I can pull out a few more before the night is over."

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm ready when you are."

  Chapter 10

  The last six weeks had passed in a blur. Kelby, Hank, and Elliott had a routine. The three had dinner together every night and spent the weekends together. When it was Hank's turn to cook, they visited Owen and Ivy at No Limit, visited with friends, and caught up on town gossip. Yes, she had a lot more people in her social circle. Now that Hank and Luke had started the repairs to her place, Shiloh had regular visits to the house. She couldn't think of a time since college when she had this much fun. Hank was a wonderful father to his son. And Elliott was a delight to spend her time with. School ended this week and Kelby still waited on her invitation to stay at the elementary school, a permanent member of the staff.

nbsp; “Girl, you kicked me to the curb because of a man?” Xenobia said taking a sip of her wine spritzer.

  “That’s not true,” Kelby protested. Xenobia looked at Kelby and rolled her eyes. They burst out laughing. “It kind of is,” Kelby laughed harder.

  “Not that I'm complaining. I'm happy one of us is getting some practice in the housewares department.”

  Ivy Tate walked over, baby Faith on one hip and an iced tea pitcher on the other. “X, your hair looks fabulous,” Ivy beamed.

  “Honey, my friend, Peyton-he’s fierce with a flat iron.”

  Kelby gasped. “Are you still talking with him?”

  Xenobia lifted her drink. “Yes, Miss Kelby… and Gordie too. You know they crazy about us. Gordie still posting pictures of the food on the N2U foodie group.”

  Kelby laughed. Xenobia could make an enemy a friend, and turn a frown, upside down.

  “Kelby, can I refresh your drink?” The new mom bounced her baby as she spoke.

  “Oh, Ivy,” Xenobia beamed, reaching for the baby. “She’s so big now.”

  “No thanks,” Kelby said covering her glass. “Can I hold Faith?”

  “You both can,” Ivy laughed. “My hip could use a break.”

  She handed the baby over into Kelby’s arm. Jiggling Faith’s little legs, Kelby listened as the other woman chattered about motherhood, lack of sleep, and loving her daughter more than life itself. She wondered how Hank would react if it were possible for them to have a child. Elliott was her joy, and she loved him like her own, but Hank loved to play with Faith and Luke’s daughter, Shiloh.

  “Hank’s a great guy Kelby,” Ivy said, watching her. “We didn’t think you’d ever give him a chance. And now,” she released a long breath, “he’s so happy now that you two are an item.”

  “We?” Kelby questioned. “Did the whole town know how he felt?”

  Xenobia chuffed, reaching over to rub the baby’s outstretched fingers. “Everybody with at least one eye.”

  Hurt had blinded Kelby. There was some fear that she might not be enough, but she wanted Hank in her life forever.

  Owen walked right up his wife, giving her a wet kiss on the lips, before dropping low to snuggle the bundle in Kelby’s arm.

  “Sorry,” she said, handing the sleeping infant up to her father.

  “Hank’s a solid guy, Kelby,” Owen said perching little Faith over his shoulder.

  “Agreed,” her friend Autumn chimed in from the next booth. Rui’s head appeared above his wife’s, “I’m with her,” he laughed.

  Professor Conners and his new bride had only recently been spotted outside of their home. Obviously, their fourteen-day Caribbean cruise hadn’t been enough for the newlyweds. Infectious was the only way to describe their happiness.

  In a whisper Xenobia asked. "Is Hank any good with the utensils or does he just bang on the pot with a short-handled spoon.”

  "Nope. He knows how to get things to boiling,” she said in a hushed tone, “over-flowing actually.”

  Xenobia clapped her hands together. ”That's what I'm talking about. Now, let’s celebrate another school year together.”

  Kelby stared at her friend, stunned. “So you got the notice that you will be here next school year?”

  “We all did.” Xenobia said what a questioning look. “Didn't you?”

  “No,” she hiccupped. A flutter started in Kelby's chest. Was she being let go? Why? Her kids had excelled on all their tests. She’d taken on community service projects and worked with the STEM Innovations Initiative at the university. She’d been at work every day during the school year-not one sick day. Why hadn't Principal Glatt invited her to return?

  “Oh, wow, Kelby,” Xenobia covered her hand. “There must be some kind of mistake.”

  “You're probably right. I'll swing by the office in the morning… double check there's nothing in my mailbox.”

  “Sounds like a good idea.”

  But, Xenobia looked away when she said it.

  What was Kelby going to do? She had some savings, but not enough to take care of herself and cover her sister's tuition. Endurance only had one school, and her life-Hank and Elliott were here. The high school students were bussed to the next town, but they most likely had filled their vacancies. She couldn’t ask her sister to delay her education. Not because of her.

  Kelby had been entrusted with the money to take care of Tiffany and she foolishly had given Bradford access. Not only had he squandered the money with his first campaign he’d made sure she hadn’t recouped a dime in the divorce decree.

  In fact, they had to split the marital debt and most of it was his, but with his connections at the courthouse he’d manipulated the judge into giving Kelby as little alimony as possible.

  At the time, she’d been thankful the marriage had ended. She didn't have the money to keep fighting with him. And without her job, she'd have to leave Endurance...and Hank.

  She couldn't stop the tears that gathered in her eyes.

  Xenobia slid out of her side of the booth and sat next to Kelby. “Don't cry baby girl. We'll figure something out."

  “I already have.”

  Both of them looked up. Kelby cursed. Xenobia frowned.

  “Bradford, I don’t know why you’re here, but leave.”

  “This is your ex-husband,” Xenobia said, awe in her voice.

  “Yes,” Bradford said, extending his hand. “Mayor Bradford Vance.”

  Xenobia stared at him, not accepting the hand offered in greeting.

  “Girl, where’s the rest of him?”

  Bradford dropped his hand. Not receiving a peacock’s welcome, he quickly turned his attention back to Kelby.

  “I’m taking you back where you belong.”

  “You’re not taking me anywhere, Bradford. My home is here. I’m never returning to Sacramento.”

  “You could have a home with me, and Nicholas of course.”

  “Nicholas is free to visit Endurance. You're the one that ended my relationship with your son.”

  “And now I want it back. Seeing you two together helped me to realize you were good for him. He’s a temperamental monster who needs a mother’s guidance.” He waved a dismissive hand. “Connie’s no good for that.”

  More than aware of Connie’s carnal qualities, Kelby struggled to keep her outrage contained.

  “Then you shouldn’t have had a child with her,” she stated. “You and Connie should move on. I have.”

  "Hardly,” he said, tone dripping with condescension. “You've moved down."

  "You're a jerk, Bradford,” she said sipping her drink. “Just go away."

  She’d spent too many years giving Bradford Vance her attention. So, she ignored him. And, like the trickster she knew him to be, he pulled one last card from his sleeve.

  "That maybe, but I have the means to support you and your sister. It's kind of hard to pay college tuition with an unemployment check."

  "You," she accused, spinning to face him. "You're the reason I wasn't offered a permanent position. I wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't stolen my inheritance."

  “You should’ve paid me for marrying you,” he rasped. “I’ll give you seventy-two hours to pack your things. If you don't come with me, the offer expires…permanently. And your sister can maybe get and job here," he looked around less than impressed, "flipping burgers."

  "Kelby," Hank walked up. "What's going on?”

  Bradford turned. "Hello Hank. It's good to see you again."

  Hank ignored him; his eyes concentrated on her. "What is it, Kelby?”

  The edge in his voice yanked her attention from the downward spiral in her head. "Somehow, Bradford sabotaged my job for next year."

  "I did no such thing. Your principal was surprised to discover you never mentioned your martial status."

  "That’s none of her business." Kelby snapped.

  "True, but it seems you and your ranch hand have stirred up quite a few busy bees. Mrs. Glatt and I agree that this sort
of behavior is inappropriate for a woman responsible for educating the next generation of leaders."

  Hank reached for her. "I'll take care of this."

  Kelby looked up to meet a stranger’s eyes. The soft brown of Hank’s usually welcoming countenance was gone. In its place, dark eyes fixed and hard, with a jaw and muscles to match. This Hank held her captive in his raw masculine aggression.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk," Bradford crooned. “Isn't this the behavior that landed you in this situation? You were never a fast learner."

  Hank’s tone dropped dangerously low. "Mayor, you're campaigning for an ass kicking. And I'm about to be self-appointed to give it to you."

  "Really Hank, resorting to violence."

  Kelby heard the waver in Bradford’s voice as much as she heard the steel in Hank’s. Should she intervene to save her man from the legal headache a tangle with Bradford would invoke?

  “Kelby, grab your stuff, darling. It’s time for us to go home.”

  For a second she hesitated. Hank noticed and her ex-husband smiled.

  “Thought you didn’t like decisions being made for you?” Bradford taunted.

  "If he won't kick your hind parts I will," Owen called from behind the bar.

  "Me too," came Luke's voice for the entryway.

  Bradford would not manipulate her into doubting her instincts again. Yes, Hank had demanded, but not to subjugate her. He, unlike her former husband, protected her. Kelby could hardly believe Xenobia, Owen, Luke, and Hank had defended her. So different from years with Bradford, she now had a community of friends who cared about her well-being. Not because she had political influence, or that Hank and Elliott loved her…more than that, she, Kelby Springfield mattered to her new friends in Endurance. She loved Hank and she loved this town. In the back of her mind, she replayed how vicious Bradford had attacked her during the divorce. Her heart raced as real fear took hold that she might lose everyone she’d grown to love.


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