The Cosmic Spark

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The Cosmic Spark Page 5

by Leo Ndelle

  That was until The One showed up and ruined that opportunity. However, Hell Realm had clearly demonstrated who they wanted as their leader and that was when she chose to ditch diplomacy and take Kazuk hostage. To make the situation even more special, Zukael, now Beelzebub, had returned from HIS incarceration. He had spiced their reunion with a most beautiful gift: the sons of Michael, whom he sired during his fall in Aiden as Adamou. Nothing could have been more perfect.

  Again, that was until Michael had suddenly showed up, freed from his prison and in the company of Eliel, the angel of promise. The humiliation had been more than hurtful, the domination had been succinct, and Luceefa had never felt so disappointed, hopeless and useless all at once. Still, it was infinitely better to be a free useless and powerless archangel than to be a prisoner anywhere, especially in The Abyss. There was only one thing left to do after this series of ‘mishaps’: regroup and strategize.

  Metatron wanted to scold Luceefa and Beelzebub for their foolish actions. He could understand their judgment may have been clouded from the excitement of being free after being in incarceration for so long, as well as their reunion. Metatron shared in their joy, but not to the point of being so callous. Kazuk had just been dethroned and Hell Realm hailed a new leader. The momentum was there for them to ride and what did they do? Hurry off to Earth Realm for a much pettier quest.

  Metatron left the scene of Kazuk’s judgement to hide his disappointment for Luceefa’s and Beelzebub’s demonstration of poor judgement, only to later learn Kazuk had escaped. He assumed Kazuk would not be so foolish to face Michael, given whatever stunt he had pulled to trick Michael into imprisonment. He was wrong! Now, he regretted trusting those stupid demons with keeping Kazuk under watch. On the other hand, he was the only one who knew where Luceefa and Beelzebub had teleported to. He was the only one who knew of the outcome of their trip and this piece of information would be his secret to keep.

  “He is better than Michael is,” Luceefa finally admitted.

  Metatron’s eyes bulged in shock. What did she just say?

  “Better than Michael is and still takes orders from him,” Luceefa sneered.

  “Yes, brother,” Beelzebub concurred. “He really is that good. I only live now because he still is unable to take a life.”

  Beelzebub winced in embarrassment at the thought of his admittance.

  “The prophecy is really true, after all,” Metatron spoke calmly.

  Metatron paused in thought and paced slowly back and forth.

  “I understand what Eliel’s existence implies,” Metatron continued. “But this may be a great opportunity for us, if you know what I mean.”

  Metatron kept an expressionless face as he appraised the looks of confusion on Luceefa’s and Beelzebub’s faces. Finally, he had taken their attention away from their petty pouting. Now, they could talk some real talk, move on and make something out of the situation. Metatron used every ounce of his self-control to stifle a smile. Luceefa may be their leader, but right there and then, a new leader for the rebellion may be about to arise; yours truly!

  “How do you mean, brother?” Luceefa asked.

  “The third prophecy talks about a lowly angel who would rise to the highest ranks,” Metatron began explaining. “We all know Michael is the highest of us-”

  “Highest of THEM!” Luceefa snapped and flamed in her eyes and mouth.

  She realized herself and extinguished her flames.

  “I’m sorry, brother.,” she apologized. “Please forgive my rude behavior.”

  “Feather off my wings, sister,” Metatron replied with a wave of his left hand. “I don’t even remember what you just said.”

  He smiled at her and Luceefa smiled back at him in appreciation.

  “As I was saying,” Metatron continued, “Michael is the highest ranking among them; but with Eliel finally in the picture, Michael’s status is now questionable. We all know he’s an egomaniac. Michael would rather die than relinquish the title of archangel supreme to Eliel. And therein lies our opportunity.”

  Metatron appreciated the smiles of comprehension that stretched across the faces of Luceefa and Beelzebub.

  “Let them fight one another,” Metatron continued. “It’ll make them weaker and our takeover easier.”

  “And if those two find a way to coexist?” Beelzebub asked.

  “Then we revise our strategy,” Metatron replied flatly. “But I strongly believe, knowing what we know about Michael, that those two will not coexist. Just as no two vibrations can occupy the same plane of existence at the same moment, so too Michael and Eliel will not be able to coexist in Celestia.”

  “I must agree with Metatron, brother,” Luceefa chimed in and Metatron was pleased. “I think this power struggle will begin sooner than later.”

  Luceefa then turned her attention towards Metatron.

  “The prophecy also made mention of Eliel leading Celestia towards prosperity or perdition, did it not, brother?” she asked and Metatron nodded.

  “To me, this is clear indication that Eliel will defeat Michael, meaning Michael is no longer our concern,” Luceefa added.

  Metatron and Beelzebub summoned seats and sat facing Luceefa.

  “Now, given Eliel’s hesitation for ending Beelzebub, I say we’ll have an enemy with better fighting skills and poorer leadership than Michael. The bottom line is that, with Eliel, Celestia will be weaker, not stronger. This works in our favor. We just have to exercise patience for now.”

  “And while we wait, I have another idea I thought you two especially might be interested in,” Metatron offered with spunk in his tone of voice.

  Luceefa was slowly returning to her former self and Beelzebub no longer appeared to be moping over his spat with Eliel.

  “Earth Realm,” Metatron continued. “We tear it apart!”

  Evil grins spread across the three former archangels’ faces.

  “We keep their protectors busy while we literarily unleash an onslaught of demons and fallen angels upon them,” Metatron added.

  “Oh, Metatron,” Luceefa swooned and grinned even more.

  The feelings from the thought of destroying Earth Realm were near-orgasmic.

  “I know, sister. I know,” Metatron smiled. “You see, there are more than 7.3 billion of them there. Imagine all of them tearing at one another in total chaos.”

  At the mention of ‘chaos’, Luceefa remembered her final conversation with The Scribe while she lived on Earth Realm as Wazimud.

  “You must have a plan already, brother?” Beelzebub bubbled with excitement.

  “Indeed, brother,” Metatron replied. “And this plan is 100% you.”

  Beelzebub summoned his wings and laughed so hard from excitement that he thought his wings would fall off his shoulder blades.

  “I can’t wait, brother!” Beelzebub said.

  “Remember when you were in your… uh … situation,” Metatron proceeded, choosing his words carefully. “There were those who would draw esoteric energy from you for whatever reason. How about you tag as many of these creatures as possible and when the moment comes, you unleash an overdose of that esoteric energy they so desire? Something like a mark on their souls. That way, they will have no control of themselves as their essences will be completely taken over by yours. Imagine their bodies and psyches trying to handle our essence.”

  Beelzebub grinned evilly. Luceefa nodded with satisfaction.

  “Give their souls-” Metatron said

  “The Mark of the Beast!” Beelzebub completed Metatron’s sentence and relished at the thought of that. “I know exactly what to do, brother.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Metatron said and the three erupted in laughter.

  “So, which attack comes first?” Luceefa asked.

  “The demons should go first so they can overwhelm the protectors of Earth Realm,” Metatron replied. “It is best not to underestimate them, despite them living in a lower realm. And while our demons will keep them busy, humanity
will be killing itself away.”

  “Excellent!” Luceefa said and turned to face Beelzebub. “How many souls do you think you can mark, brother?”

  “Between 3-4 billion, which will be more than enough,” Beelzebub replied. “I’ll start by releasing a subtle burst of my esoteric signature and those who are more polarized towards the dark will be marked. Those to be marked will involve men, women, children, clergy, religious, non-religious, employed, unemployed, rich, poor, sick, healthy and so on. Once that’s done, I will then go ahead and unleash an overdose of my esoteric signature across the realm.”

  “Chaos can be beautiful, brother!” Metatron said and Beelzebub nodded.

  “One more question,” Luceefa said. “When do the demons go?”

  Metatron paused for a moment to think; but it was more for theatrics. He expected her question and his answer was ready.

  “Who’s to say we can’t strike this very moment?” Metatron replied.

  A few moments later, Luceefa informed Hell Realm on their plan to tear Earth Realm apart.

  “We need a thousand demons for this mission,” she said via Hell Realm’s frequency and there were murmurs of disappointment from across the realm.

  “Why only a thousand, my queen?” asked a demon near her and Hell Realm echoed the question.

  Queen? Luceefa thought. Why would they address me as queen?

  Then, she remembered she was in Hell Realm, not Celestia, and in Hell, there was no archangel supreme. But that will soon change! She promised herself.

  “Okay, my loyal followers,” Luceefa conceded with a smile. “We shall make it a hundred thousand then!”

  Hell Realm erupted in joy and sang her praises. Luceefa then issued quick orders to the senior demons to begin the selection process, while she retired to her newly-summoned domain.


  Raphael was in the middle of a meeting with Michael and a few other senior archangels in Michael’s domain, including Eliel, when Palubiel suddenly stormed into the domain.

  “A thousand pardons, Raphael, but I am afraid I have some really, really bad news,” Palubiel explained.

  “Speak, Palubiel!” Raphael ordered.

  “It’s about Hell,” she explained. “Our spies just informed me that Luceefa is about to launch an all-out assault-”

  “Here?” Gabriel asked, interrupting Palubiel.

  “Not here, sir,” Palubiel replied and turned her attention towards Michael. “Earth Realm.”

  Every senior archangel in the domain immediately leapt to their feet. They knew an attack on Earth Realm was just a prelude to a much bigger war to come.

  “When do they plan the attack?” Raphael asked.

  “Now, sir!” she replied.

  Michael issued a series of quick orders to each senior archangel. They affirmed his orders. But when he turned towards where Eliel was supposed to be, Eliel was not there. Michael was neither surprised nor offended by Eliel’s action. He knew Eliel was already headed to Earth Realm and that was fine. However, Eliel’s blatant disregard for Michael’s authority was something that Michael was not going to ignore. When all this was over, he would have words with Eliel. After all, there could be only one archangel supreme!



  LITHILIA WATCHED LUCEEFA as Beelzebub teleport towards Earth Realm and she became frantic. That bitch was going to take her children away from her and there was nothing she could do about it! Lithilia wrestled, screamed and fought against the binds that prevented her from teleporting away in vain. She met Kazuk’s eyes. She appreciated his empathy for her genuine fear for the inevitability that was going to befall her son, and Ahben, who now went by Sarael. She would trade her life to save both Sarael and Cahen, if she could.

  Lithilia turned and did one of the many things she had sworn to never do. She pleaded with Metatron. No, she begged and cried out to Metatron for mercy. She begged the archangel she had helped humiliate a countless number of times for clemency. Even with Metatron’s sadistic enjoyment of her helplessness, Lithilia would not relent in her pleading. Metatron’s smirk before he teleported away was like a final nail to the coffin in which her last iota of hope was buried in. Lithilia collapsed to the floor and wailed her heart out. The inevitable was as clear as the fact that Luceefa was back and Beelzebub no longer needed her as a conduit to live in Hell Realm.

  Shi’mon and his team stood no chance against Beelzebub alone. Now, two archangels were on their way there. Not just angels; ARCHANGELS! And not just any archangel. These were two of the very best there ever was and they had a specific mission in mind. What better way to deal a most painful blow at their arch-nemesis, Michael, than to end the lives of his two children on Earth Realm? And instead of being out there protecting her babies, Lithilia was lying on this accursed ground in this accursed realm weeping like a useless weakling she was.

  There was a sudden commotion to her left she could care less for. Luceefa and Beelzebub were on Earth Realm already and soon, her son and Sarael would be slaughtered with extreme prejudice! Lithilia imagined the looks of satisfaction on the faces of those archangels as they ran through Team Shi’mon like katanas across toilet paper. The archangels would save her babies for last and why? Well, just because! Yes, just because! Luceefa and Beelzebub would win and they would rejoice. They would taunt Michael and taunt her as well, if they even cared about her existence anymore.

  To them, Lithilia was no more than a lowly creature from Earth Realm, with very interesting traits that were not common to those from her realm. To them, Lithilia was just the opportunistic mate of an ambitious archangel, who seized the first chance he could to rise to the ranks of King of Hell. To them, Kazuk was just an opportunist and it was no surprise that he had found a kindred spirit as a mate. To them, her and Kazuk were the perfect epitomes of those who only cared for themselves and Hell Realm was not built on selfishness, mostly anyway. To them, Kazuk was vermin, a traitor, and he would be punished accordingly. They would make an example out of Kazuk and after that, Lithilia would follow.

  Lithilia imagined what Luceefa would have in store for her. The animosity between these two went as far back as Lithilia’s period in the Garden of Aiden. Michael had been the center of their animosity. Retribution beckoned from both sides and, unfortunately for Lithilia, she had lost this time. She had sworn to make Luceefa pay for the chain reaction Luceefa had started that had eventually led to her expulsion from Aiden. Luceefa had driven her to paranoia. In that same logic, Luceefa was the reason she coaxed Cahen into murdering Ahben. Luceefa was responsible for everything she had done in the name of protecting Cahen and the reputation she, Lithilia, had earned as Lilith among the creatures of Earth Realm and beyond.

  Oh yes! Lithilia had sworn Luceefa was going to pay! She had lied, cheated, killed, seduced, debased, profaned and humiliated herself just to get this close. She had schemed for thousands of Earth Realm years for this opportunity. And when her moment of retribution had come, Luceefa had made just one move and it had been over for Lithilia. What a waste! What a sad way for it all to end! If she could take her own existence, she would have right that very moment. But she could not; not while she was still bound at least. Lithilia could no longer cry, beg, plead or weep. As the commotion continued around her, Lithilia plunged more and more into despair, surrender and finally into complete defeat.

  “I’m on my way to get Michael,” Kazuk’s voice tore through her mind, thrusting her back into momentary confusion. “I may never come back for obvious reasons.”

  Lithilia sat up ramrod stiff and whipped her head around frantically. It hit her. Kazuk had found a way to break his binds and end the two demons guarding him on either side before making a miraculous escape. No one could give chase because no one could react quickly enough to follow his teleportation trail before the trail disappeared. Hell was in chaos and Metatron had returned. He was so furious that red flames spewed from his eyes and mouth. Lithilia had never seen any angel or archangel
with red flames before and made a mental note to pay particular attention to Metatron for future reference. His essence could be unique and that meant she had to get a piece, if not all, of it eventually.

  “I trust you will find a way out of the chaos over there,” Kazuk continued. “If Michael spares me, then I hope to see you again. Look for me, Lithilia! Please! Look for me!”

  Lithilia snapped back into reality. She whipped her head around, knowing that her window for escape was narrowing with every passing moment. She spotted the demon with the key to her binds as the demon was walking in her direction but not directly towards her. When the demon was close enough, she leaped to her feet and crashed her left shoulder into the demon’s chest. As the demon stumbled backwards from the surprise attack, Lithilia grabbed the demons belt and crashed the demon to the ground at zip speed. She managed to retrieve the keys and free herself. The demon cursed and drew his sword. Lithilia sparked the ethers into a dagger with a twelve-inch blade, evaded the demon’s attack and took the demon’s head off with one blow before teleporting away from Hell Realm.

  Lithilia arrived at the Realm of Nimbu, hoping for the best but mostly fearing the worst. There was no one there; only the bodies of countless, headless Sinisters strewn all over. She panicked fearing she was already too late. Lithilia teleported all over the realm but there was neither any sign of Cahen nor Team Shi’mon. She then scanned for Cahen’s esoteric signature and was so overwhelmed with relief when she picked up his signature that she fell on her knees and wept for joy. Cahen was alive and that was all that mattered. She would seek him later and obtain details about how he survived. Lithilia crashed on the ground and stared blankly at the orange dome of the realm. Creation was good to her after all.


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