The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 6

by Raymond L. Weil


  Dylan saw the Resistance Fleet. “Contact the commanding officer of that fleet and order him to stay at extreme range. If we lose this battle, he is to fall back to the defensive grid. Inform him that other Imperial warships are on the way.”

  The Themis shook slightly, as several energy beams struck the defensive screen. The Themis, in turn, launched missiles, and now her powerful energy weapons were coming into play.

  Dylan noted that Lindsay’s face was a little bit pale. No doubt this was her first time to be in combat on a warship.


  Weapons fire between the two fleets became even more intense. Missiles exploded, lighting up space. Waves of deadly energy washed across the energy screens of ships in both fleets. Energy beams played over the screens, seeking a weakness and occasionally finding one. When that happened, the beam tore deep glowing gashes into the sides of the dueling warships.

  An Imperial battlecruiser was under heavy weapons fire, and its shield began to waver. It started to fail in several areas, and an antimatter missile managed to slip through. The enemy missile blew the ship in two, and seconds later energy beam fire riddled the two segments, turning them into lifeless hulks.

  Other Imperial ships were going down as the Zynth battlecruisers grew closer. The Zynth warships were twice the size of an Imperial battlecruiser and covered with weapons.


  As the fourth Imperial battlecruiser exploded, sending debris across space, Captain Fulmar turned toward the admiral. “I don’t think we can take them. They have too big an advantage in firepower and size.”

  Dylan felt a cold chill run down his back. He couldn’t allow the fledging Empire to lose a valuable world like Vidon Seven. “We’ll fight as long as possible. With a little luck the Resistance Fleet will hold off the Zynth until our reinforcements arrive.”

  The Themis shook violently, knocking the governor off her feet. Captain Fulmar rushed to her side and helped her up. “Better hold on to something. This could get violent.”

  “I’m fine,” she said. “You’re willing to die to keep this world safe?” Her gaze focused on the admiral.

  Dylan nodded. “I’ll do whatever is best for the Empire.”

  Suddenly more red threat icons appeared on the tactical display, and alarms sounded. Then the icons turned to a friendly green, as they were identified as friendly.

  “Identify those ships,” ordered Dylan. No Imperial ships should have arrived this soon.

  “Resistance ships from Helgoth,” replied Lieutenant Newsome.

  “Picking up four battlecruisers and twenty support ships,” added Lieutenant Casella.

  “Admiral, the Zynth are breaking off!” said Captain Fulmar, his eyes growing wide.

  On the tactical display, the Zynth warships were entering hyperspace. “They know they can’t win now,” said Dylan, relaxing. “While they could possible destroy us and the new Resistance Fleet, it would not leave them enough vessels to capture Vidon Seven.”

  “So they’re leaving,” said Lindsay, with relief on her face.

  “Yes, they’re leaving. Lieutenant Marks, put us in orbit of Vidon Seven just outside the defense grid. We’ll stay here until our other ships arrive. We’ll divide them up equally to guard both Vidon Seven and Helgoth. Lieutenant Newsome, send a message to Fleet Admiral Marloo. We need some cargo ships loaded with defense grid elements sent to both Vidon Seven and Helgoth if we want to continue to hold those planets.”

  Dylan wanted their defensive grids greatly strengthened. Since the Confederation had already attacked Vidon Seven, there was a good chance the Zynth would return with a larger fleet. Dylan wanted to make sure that next attack failed as well.

  On the tactical display, the last Zynth warship vanished from the screen as it entered hyperspace.

  Lindsay looked at the admiral. “I’ve made up my mind about rejoining the Empire. I’ll recommend that all the Vortex Worlds do so. If you’re an example of the military leaders the Empire has, then I want Jalot Four to become a part of that.”

  “You won’t be disappointed,” promised Dylan. “The Empire has a lot to offer, and, as it grows, it will have even more.”

  Dylan watched as Lindsay left the Command Center and headed to her quarters. He suspected she’d had all the excitement she could handle for one day. For that matter, so had Dylan. He was ready to see Cheryl and maybe to take a few days of R&R. The capital would be the ideal place for that. All he had to do now was wait for the relief fleet, and then he could leave and head for Golan Four.

  Chapter Five

  Cheryl was nervous. Dylan had arrived in orbit a short while back, and she was waiting for him at the main spaceport’s passenger reception lounge just outside the capital. For several days now she had thought hard about what she would say to him. Her foolishness had nearly gotten herself killed, and it had resulted in the death of several of her Marine guards. She had already decided to hire someone to take care of her businesses, so she would do very little traveling in the future. She had spoken briefly to Captain Bryan, and he had said he’d think about it, but she felt he would agree eventually.

  Staring out the large window that overlooked the spaceport, Cheryl saw hundreds of shuttles and small spacecraft. Cargo lifters were taking cargo to and from some of the ships, while passengers boarded others to be taken into orbit.

  She was still standing there, when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

  “I believe you missed my landing.”

  Cheryl turned and smiled. “Hello, Dylan. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Dylan took Cheryl in his arms and gave her a long and deep kiss. “I have the rest of the day off. Tomorrow I have some meetings and an appointment to see the High Princess.”

  “Anything exciting happen on your way to Golan Four?”

  Dylan shook his head. “No, everything was routine.” No point in telling her about the battle at Vidon Seven. He didn’t want to worry her any more than she already was.

  “I have an aircar waiting, and we have a room at the Imperial Suites.”

  “How did you swing that?” asked Dylan. It was the fanciest resort in the capital, and it normally took months to get a reservation.

  Cheryl smiled. “Well, it seems some of my investments have paid off very well.”

  Dylan was afraid to ask. Cheryl’s life in the past had been very dubious at best. “Let’s go. I could use some rest.”

  Cheryl laughed. “Oh, you’ll get to rest all right, but not until I’m finished with you.”


  The Great Council of the Confederation was meeting once more. In the past, meetings had been few and far between, but now, with the advent of the Earth Humans, meetings occurred nearly every day.

  “This situation in the former Human Empire has stabilized,” reported Ardon Reull. “We are slowly retaking those worlds that rebelled. Our fleet admirals estimate, in another four months, they will have most of the Human worlds back under Confederation control.”

  “What about their core worlds?” asked Klug.

  “No, that will be a problem. At least two Earth fleets protect the Human core worlds, and all of them have been heavily fortified. Other star systems might prove a problem as well, due to the fortifications put around them. Also one Earth fleet is at the Vortex Worlds.”

  “So, in four months’ time, how many worlds will the Humans still control?”

  “Forty to sixty,” replied Reull, looking at Klug. Klug’s current shifting shape resembled that of an oblong blob.

  “We cannot allow that, or this war could drag on for years,” said Cryler. “We must end this revolt as soon as possible.”

  “In order to do that we must attack and destroy Earth,” stated Councilor Damora of the Morag. “We must gather our fleets into one strike force and attack immediately.”

  Ardon Reull knew Damora stated the truth. He wondered if the other councilors really understood how much danger the Humans represented. In the past they had mov
ed against the Human Empire, not because of their continued expansion but because of the future threat they would become to the Confederation. Long ago the caretakers of the archives on Bator Prime had forecast that, in time, the Human Empire would become as powerful as the Confederation and might challenge the seven races for control of the galaxy. That could not be allowed, so the Human Empire was attacked and occupied.

  “We have already agreed to attack Earth,” said Reull. “We need time to gather our fleets and to prepare them. I propose they meet in the Bator Prime system in four weeks’ time. From there, the fleets will set out for Earth. Councilor Damora, have you chosen a Morag admiral to lead our fleets?”

  “Yes,” replied Damora. “Fleet Admiral Horrabe will be in command. He is our best admiral and should have no trouble defeating the Humans of Earth. We have all committed to sending eight thousand warships to attack Earth. I would like to see that number increased as a precaution. We must not fail in this attack, or it could mean the end of the Confederation as we know it.”

  This caused a stir among several council members.

  “We control over sixty thousand inhabited worlds,” protested the Lamothian councilor. “Surely you overestimate the danger these Humans represent.”

  “Do I?” replied Damora. “Already they have destroyed one of your worlds.”

  “Even if we destroy Earth, the core worlds of the former Human Empire could represent an ever-growing threat,” said Ralor Conn of the Zynth.

  “I recommend that all the seven races protect their most vital worlds with more fleet units,” said Ardon Reull. “We cannot allow all we have worked for over the last thirty thousand years to perish.”

  “Then it is decided,” said Damora. “Fleet Admiral Horrabe will lead our combined fleet against the Earth star system. When he returns, we will retake those worlds the Humans consider vital to their war effort. In time, all that will remain will be their core worlds, and, when the time is right, even those will be dealt with.”


  Dylan was in the suite that Cheryl had procured. They sat at a table covered in fine crystal dishes and fancy silverware. Candles lit the table and the food they ate. Much of it Dylan had no idea what it was. He ate a meat that tasted a lot like steak and another that tasted suspiciously like lobster.

  Cheryl sat across from Dylan, dressed in a very low-cut gown with a huge smile on her face. “It’s been years since I could do this. Isn’t this wonderful?”

  Dylan took a sip of the rich wine from his crystal goblet. “I admit that I could get used to this.” The suite was lavishly furnished with tapestries, and paintings hung from the walls. “Are we moving to the capital?”

  Cheryl looked thoughtful. “I really like our house at Pallas, but we could build something here more to our liking.”

  “Just how much money do you have?” This was something he had never asked. He knew a lot of it had come from illegal activities in the past that he wanted to know nothing about.

  Cheryl grinned. “More than we will ever need. And don’t worry. I’ve sold or traded off all my questionable assets.” She paused and gazed at Dylan. “Where would you like to live?”

  “The capital would be fine, as long as we get out in the suburbs somewhere. I want some space between us and our neighbors.”

  “I’ll contact a real estate person tomorrow and see what they can find.”

  “Just don’t go overboard.”

  “Not just a little?” teased Cheryl, leaning forward and showing more cleavage.

  Dylan laughed. “Well, maybe a little.”

  “How long before you return to your fleet?”

  Dylan leaned back and then replied. “Probably in a week or so. I have several meetings scheduled, as well as the meeting of the House of Worlds.”

  Cheryl grinned. “I heard a rumor they’ll make you vice admiral of the fleet.”

  “I’ve been talked to about it,” admitted Dylan. “That’s one of the meetings I have scheduled.”

  “Vice admiral of the fleet,” said Cheryl. “That sounds impressive.”

  “Well, the choices are rather limited. We only have so many admirals and only a few from the Empire.”

  “Nevertheless it’s something you should be proud of.”

  They finished eating, and Cheryl stood and blew out the candles. She came around the table and took Dylan’s hand. “Now it’s time for dessert.”

  Dylan had to smile. It was very obvious what Cheryl wanted, and the truth of the matter was, so did he. Without another comment, he allowed Cheryl to lead him to the bedroom.


  Lamothian Admiral Zahn’s fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Leonora system. The system had fourteen planets, two in the liquid water zone. One of the water-zone planets was too large to support life and was on the very edge of the habitable zone. The other was in the center of the water zone and teemed with life, Human life. Around it orbited three small moons and a number of space stations and one small shipyard.

  “No warships detected,” reported First Officer Vormalt.

  “Are we allowed to take a few Humans for experiments?” asked Krek.

  “We dare not,” replied Zahn, shifting his gaze to his science officer. “Not since the Humans destroyed Zaneth. We can’t afford to risk another of our worlds.” Zahn focused his attention on this world. “What does this world supply the Confederation?” If this Human world agreed to furnish their allotment, he would leave the space stations and the shipyard untouched. If they refused, he would destroy them and would leave a few warships in orbit, to ensure the planet stayed loyal to the Confederation.

  “Grain,” replied Vormalt. “Their shipment is overdue.”

  “Communications, contact the planet and see if their shipment of grain is ready.”

  A few minutes passed, and the communications officer looked at the admiral. “There is no reply.”

  “Admiral, it looks as if they’re evacuating the shipyard and the space stations,” reported the sensor officer. “A large number of shuttles are departing and heading toward the surface.”

  “Close with those space stations and the shipyard immediately. If they continue to refuse to turn over their quota of grain, then they shall be punished.”

  The communications officer sent another message, but this one too was ignored.

  “ Destroy the shipyard and all but one of the space stations.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” replied Vormalt.

  The sixty ships of the Lamothian fleet quickly closed with their intended targets. Neither the shipyard nor the space stations were defended or had protective energy shields. Antimatter missiles left the Lamothian warships, and three massive fireballs erupted in space to quickly die down. When they were gone, nothing was left of the orbital structures, except tangled metal and glowing wreckage.

  “Leave four battlecruisers here. Inform the planet we will return in thirty days for the required allotment of grain.”

  Four battlecruisers detached from the fleet and went into high orbit above the planet. The rest of the Lamothian fleet entered hyperspace on their way to the next Human planet.


  Dylan was at the Imperial Palace, standing in the garden area, admiring all the work that had been done. Flowers, plants, and shrubs from all across the Empire had been brought in to decorate the gardens. He had seen pictures and videos of the palace from the past, before the Empire fell, and, while not yet as magnificent as it had been in the past, it had made a lot of progress.

  “Do you like the gardens?” asked High Princess Layla. She and Derrick stood nearby. “I’m thinking of getting some roses from Earth for the gardens. I think they would look beautiful in this setting.”

  “Orchids,” said Krista, folding her arms across her chest. “I like Earth’s orchids.”

  “We can get both,” said Layla, smiling.

  An Imperial Guard suddenly hurried to Layla. “High Princess, a Visth cargo vessel has just arrived. They claim they have an important m
essage to deliver.”

  “The Visth?” said Layla, trying to remember who they were. Hundreds of alien races were under control of the Confederation but not all were in Confederation space.

  “I took the liberty to check with the Imperial Library,” replied the guard. “The Visth control eleven star systems, and one of their worlds was recently bombed by the Druins for failure to deliver a rare radioactive isotope.”

  Layla hated to hear of more atrocities. “Inform the commander of the ship we will meet with them. Bring them to the Royal Court for an audience.”

  Layla then turned to Derrick and Admiral Cleemorl. “I’ll need both of you there, as well as Fleet Admiral Marloo. I am curious to see what the Visth have to say.” She recalled that her father used to meet with alien races in the Royal Court, so she would do the same.


  Several hours later they were in the Royal Court, waiting on the Visth. Other members of the military were present, as well as several governors who were at the capital. A number of Imperial Guards remained to keep order.

  The large doors to the Royal Court opened, and three Visth entered under escort of six Imperial Guards. The Visth were a humanoid species with a greenish tint to their skin and very large eyes. The hair on the top of their head was pure white and very thick.

  The three Visth all stopped at the foot of the stairs and bowed deeply. “I am Garmen Altria,” spoke the one who appeared to be the leader. “I bring news of an impending Confederation attack. In recent days our trading ships have intercepted numerous hyperlight messages between various Confederation worlds. Many of their warships have been pulled back into the Confederation to their planet of Bator Prime. Our intelligence council only recently broke the code they use to communicate.”

  “And what is their target?” asked Fleet Admiral Marloo.

  “Earth. Their target is a planet called Earth.”

  Princess Layla and the others exchanged glances. They could scarcely believe what they had just heard. “Are you certain?” asked Layla.

  Garmen nodded. “Yes, this attack will be led by the Morag.”


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