The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 28

by Raymond L. Weil

  “We lost nearly six thousand ships,” said Councilor Clun of the Druins in disbelief. “These small attack craft the Earth Humans use are dangerous. If not for them, I feel certain we could have destroyed the planet.”

  “They do pose a problem,” admitted Ardon Reull. “We dare not risk attacking their system again until we have a defense against the small vessels.”

  “A new class of warship,” suggested Ralor Conn of the Zynth. “We load it down with point defense designed specifically to destroy the small attack vessels. The weapons on our current ships are all designed to destroy warships at mid or long ranges. They are not designed to destroy vessels flying just above our ships’ energy screens.”

  “A light cruiser,” suggested Klug of the Morphenes. “Something of an intermediate size which we could design and produce quickly.”

  “Yes,” said Ardon Reull. “I believe that will help solve our problem. I’ll get our ship engineers looking at designs, and I’ll report back to this council for approval, once one has been chosen.”

  “I would like the council to be aware of a communication I received from Fleet Admiral Horrabe just before his death,” spoke Councilor Damora. “He felt the Humans of Earth were far more dangerous than those of the Human Empire. Their skills at battle and their ability to constantly change strategy are nearly equal to those of the seven races. He felt that the Humans of Earth might very well be equal in intelligence to that of the seven races.”

  “Blasphemy!” growled Druin Councilor Clun. “No other races are our equals.”

  “I am only telling you what he said,” replied Damora. He would not use his telepathic abilities in this instance. He had known Fleet Admiral Horrabe very well. If he said these Humans of Earth were dangerous, Damora believed him.

  “The surviving ships of the attack fleet will be back in a few weeks,” said Ardon Reull. “Most are damaged and will need repair. In the meantime, I suggest we hold our actions against the Human Empire to a minimum, while we rebuild our fleets. We have lost too many warships recently.”

  “What about destroying more of their cities?” asked Clun. “There has been no reprisal for what we did at Ranier Two. I propose we give Admiral Kreen permission to destroy more Human cities to bring an end to this insurrection in Human space. Once we have overtaken all the Human Empire, then we can focus on Earth.”

  Ardon Reull shook his head. “No, not yet. We’ll wait for the attack fleet to return. Once it has been repaired, we’ll send it, along with additional fleet units, into Human space to end this insurrection. At that time we may give the approval to destroy more Human cities to bring this insurrection to a quick and rapid end.”


  Admiral Derrick Masters and his Fifth Fleet sat right on the edge of Confederation space. From his current position, it was a five-day journey to the Druin home system. Derrick was certain the Druins would not be expecting this attack.

  “The fleet’s ready,” reported Captain Audrey Banora. For the last several hours Audrey had spoken to the different ship captains, making sure all the vessels in Fifth Fleet were ready for what was ahead of them.

  Derrick looked at the tactical display, revealing the green icons of the 151 warships accompanying the Defiant. Derrick had brought his entire command crew onboard, as well as others who were added to the crew throughout the ship. “Keep the battlecarriers Ranger and Intrepid in the center of the formation near the Defiant. We’ll need those two carriers to carry out my attack plan.”

  “Course is set,” reported Lieutenant Viktor. “We won’t drop out of hyperspace until we reach the Druin system.”

  Taking a deep breath, Derrick looked at Audrey. “Ready for some revenge?”

  Audrey smiled. “More than ready. Let’s go kick some Druin ass.”

  “Lieutenant Viktor, the fleet is yours. Take us into hyperspace.”

  Moments later Derrick felt the Defiant make the transition into hyperspace. They were now on their way to Druin Six, the homeworld of the Druins.


  Later Derrick was in his quarters, gazing at a picture of Layla. He had a number of pictures of both her and Krista. He suspected by now the attack on Earth was over. He hoped Earth had won. Derrick was fully confident that Admiral Reynolds and Rear Admiral Leeson would successfully defend the Solar System, no matter what the odds were against them.

  Laying the picture of Layla on his desk, Derrick began working on his ship’s log. This was a very important mission, and he wanted to keep a written record of everything. One thing he had decided to do, once they launched their attack against Druin Six, was that he would send a brief message back to Golan Four, telling them that he had arrived at his destination. After that it would be necessary to maintain a communications’ blackout so the Confederation could not trace his journey back to the Empire and safety—assuming his fleet could escape the Druin system.


  Back at the Imperial Palace, Kala stood in the Royal Court, looking around in disbelief. Andrew and Krista stood at her side. “Will I be expected to do anything?”

  Krista smiled. “That’s up to you. There will be plenty to do in rebuilding the Empire.”

  Kala looked concerned. “I’m more of a research scientist than a politician.”

  “Don’t worry,” replied Krista. “Hundreds of jobs in the Palace must be filled. Take all the time you want in picking one. If you decide not to take an active part, that’s fine as well. In the past many of the wives or husbands of the Royal Family stayed in the background.”

  Kala bit her lip and shook her head. “No, I want to do something. Give me some time, and I’ll figure it out. Am I to dress like you and High Princess Layla? I don’t even own a gown near as fancy as what the two of you wear.”

  Krista laughed. “I hate wearing these gowns, but it’s part of being a Royal. You can probably get by with something a little less extravagant. Let me arrange for Emira to take you shopping. I’m sure she can find some clothes both of you will approve of.”

  “Where’s Cheryl staying?” Kala and Cheryl had become good friends, and Kala was glad that Cheryl was here as well. Kala would like to spend some time talking to her. Cheryl might have some useful suggestions.

  “She and Dylan have a large home out in the suburbs,” answered Andrew. “We can have a home out in the country as well, if that will make you feel better. However, I must spend considerable time here at the Palace.”

  Kala looked around at all the paintings, statues, and tapestries. “Let me think about it. All this is so new. I do want to visit Cheryl as soon as it’s possible.”

  Krista nodded her approval. “The transition can be quite a shock. Even I’m still adjusting to being back in the Palace. The only one who seems to be accepting all this without a problem is Layla.”

  “She’s always seemed so calm,” replied Kala.

  “That’s Layla.”

  Looking at Andrew, Kala asked her next question. “You said we had a suite of rooms here at the Palace?”

  Andrew smiled. “Yes, let’s go look at them. I’ve only partially decorated and put in some furniture. Krista suggested I wait and let you pick out some of it.”

  Kala smiled. “A very wise decision. Let’s go see what you’ve done that I must change.”


  Admiral Cleemorl was back in the Hagen Star Cluster. The Themis was currently in orbit around Tantula Five. On the main viewscreen, a flight of attack interceptors was leaving the shipyard to go on patrol. Already the shipyard had been expanded, and swarms of construction robots were visible everywhere.

  “Next convoy with defense grid components is due to arrive tomorrow,” reported Captain Fulmar.

  Dylan nodded. Already a number of convoys had arrived from the core worlds. ODPs had been put into orbit around Tantula Five and the inhabited moon of Gideon. Large numbers of missile platforms and energy beam satellites had been placed in orbit as well. In addition, construction facilities had been set up on the surface of Tantula Fiv
e, and the first attack interceptor produced on the planet was only two weeks away.

  “We have convoys arriving over the next few weeks, loaded with defense grid elements for the other six major inhabited worlds in the cluster.”

  All seven worlds, plus the moon of Gideon, and three other heavily populated moons had agreed to join the Empire if defense grid elements were provided. Around each of the major worlds, shipyards were expanded, and ground facilities were being built to construct the attack interceptors, plus additional defensive grid elements.

  Dylan was confident that, in a few months, the Hagen Star Cluster would be nearly as heavily held as the core worlds. All it lacked was a major warfleet. Dylan planned on keeping the Themis here for another two weeks, at which time all the worlds and major moons would have powerful defensive grids around them. He would also leave part of First Fleet to protect the cluster until new warships were available.

  “We’re making progress,” said Captain Fulmar approvingly.

  “Governor Dyson and Governor Bloom have been very supportive,” replied Dylan. “They will make fine members to the House of Worlds.”

  “I’ll be glad when substantial numbers of warships begin rolling out of the shipyards in the core worlds. With the losses we suffered at Earth, our fleets are the weakest they’ve ever been.”

  Dylan nodded. He had been greatly saddened to hear of Rear Admiral Leeson’s and Colonel Loren Henderson’s deaths. People died in war, and nothing could be done to prevent that.

  “What’s Cheryl doing while you’re gone?”

  Dylan laughed. “She’s setting up her restaurant and entertainment bar business on the core worlds.”

  “Is she keeping everything legal?”

  Frowning, Dylan shook his head. “I doubt it. She has a tendency to bend the rules as far as she can. When I get back, I’ll visit several of her establishments, without her knowledge, just so I can see what’s going on.”

  “She’s a spitfire,” replied Fulmar, grinning. “You picked yourself one hell of a woman.”

  “We’ve been in love since we were kids. It’s unfortunate my decision to join the secret military drove us apart.”

  “Those were tough days. You can’t really blame her.”

  “No, I couldn’t, and I never did.”

  “When we get back, you will have some leave coming. Any big plans?”

  Dylan nodded. “We may go to Glimmerr for a week and spend some time on its beaches.” Glimmer was 80 percent water and had some of the most beautiful resorts and beaches in the core worlds.

  “You deserve some time off. Glimmerr sounds like just the place.”

  Dylan grinned. “Besides, Cheryl is a knockout in a bikini.”

  Both men laughed. It was good to share some humor with all that had been going on recently.

  “It’s been really quiet in our sector recently,” said Dylan, as he read over some of the latest communication dispatches. “The Confederation fleets that are still active seem more interested in taking over all the Human worlds on the periphery and in the more desolate regions.”

  Captain Fulmar nodded. “It’s almost as if they’re avoiding a major battle.”

  “Or they were waiting to find out what happened at Earth. Now they must know, and I’m curious to see what their reaction will be.”

  “We need another month with no major fleet actions,” said Fulmar. “Another month and we’ll be ready here, and many other Human worlds will have adequate defenses.”

  Dylan currently had a few warships in all seven of the major Human systems in the Hagen Star Cluster. Not only that, he had a dreadnought with an escort of ten battlecruisers routinely dropping in on all the colonized moons and even some of the more out-of-the-way mining operations. Dylan was determined to hold the entire cluster for the Empire.


  Kala stood in the large suite of rooms assigned to Andrew. “So, if I agree to move in here, we would be waited on hand and foot?”

  “If that’s what you want. A full kitchen staff is on duty from early in the morning until late in the evening. Even then, if you wanted something in the middle of the night, a small staff is always on call. The suite is cleaned once a day. They do your laundry, and you have a monthly household budget for any other items you may want.”

  “The Palace does not seem very busy. I was expecting more people.”

  “Give it time. Layla’s already making plans to open up the Palace more. Soon we’ll have large crowds of people coming to see the Princesses and to experience the Royal Court. As more worlds are added to the House of Worlds, we can expect to see even more people coming to the Royal Court. Layla plans on opening it to the public several days a week, where she or Krista will be present to answer questions or to make decisions. In the past the Royals were often used to settle public disputes.”

  Kala stepped outside onto a large balcony, furnished with a table and several comfortable chairs. She looked out over the city and the soaring sky towers of the Palace. “I think I would like to stay here for a while. Maybe later we might look at getting a small place out in the country for an occasional weekend getaway.”

  About that time Krista came into the room with Emira in tow. “I believe the two of you met back on Pallas.”

  Emira bowed toward Andrew and then looked at Kala with a big smile. “It is good to see the Royal Family growing larger. Princess Krista says you may need some suggestions as to appropriate clothing to wear.”

  Kala nodded. “I have some simple dresses and such, but nothing really fancy. I have no idea what I should be wearing around here.”

  “Not a problem. As soon as you’re settled in, I’ll take you shopping. I need to get a few things for Krista as well. Several clothing stores will have what we need.” Emira paused and looked at Andrew. “I don’t intend to be too personal, but do the two of you plan on getting married anytime soon?”

  Krista laughed. “She does like to get personal. However, she does do a very good job of taking care of me. I don’t know what I would do without her.”

  Andrew grinned. “The question is fine. Kala and I have discussed getting married, but, with everything going on, we have never gotten around to further discussions on the matter.”

  Emira turned toward Kala. “When you and Andrew get married, you will be considered a Princess through marriage.” Emira looked back at Andrew. “How soon?”

  “Emira!” burst out Krista.

  “It will determine the clothes we will get.”

  “It’s all right,” said Kala, smiling. “We can set a wedding date whenever Andrew wishes to. It can be tomorrow or a year from now.”

  Andrew grinned. “I think tomorrow sounds great to me.”

  Emira shook her head. “I don’t think so, young man. This will be a Royal Wedding and a big deal. It may very well be broadcast over all the core worlds.”

  Kala’s eyes widened in shock. “I always wanted a big wedding, but I never expected something like this.”

  “How long will it take to do all this?” asked Andrew. He had no idea getting married to Kala would be such a big deal. He had always planned on a small intimate wedding.

  “Let me speak to High Princess Layla and Chancellor Stein. I believe we could have something set up in three or four weeks.”

  “A wedding!” squealed Krista excitedly. “I want to help in the planning.”

  Kala let out a deep sigh. “I think I’ll need your help, a lot of help.”

  Andrew grinned. For the first time he saw Kala actually overwhelmed. “We must get your father here to give you away.”

  “That will take around four weeks,” replied Kala.

  “Then we have a tentative wedding date,” said Emira. “If you will contact your father, I’ll start organizing everything else. Come with me, Princess Krista. If you want to help, we have a lot of planning to do.”

  Andrew and Kala watched the two leave. “I never thought I would be a Princess.”

  Andrew took Kala into hi
s arms and kissed her. “Don’t worry. I didn’t think I would ever be a Prince either, and here we are.”

  For a few precious moments the two stood, thinking about their future together. The war had vanished from their minds. There would be time for that later.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Druin Admiral Kreen was becoming more impatient with every passing day of inactivity. He had the warships; he just needed permission from the Great Council to act.

  “Still no word from the council?” asked First Officer Falorr. “Rumors are going around the fleet that the attack on Earth has failed.”

  “The council isn’t speaking of that either,” replied Kreen, folding his massive arms across his chest. “I’ve asked them, and all I’ve been told is there will be an announcement soon.”

  First Officer Falorr looked at Admiral Kreen. “What if the attack has failed?”

  “It couldn’t fail. The Humans are a semibarbarian species. The fleet that Admiral Horrabe has under his command should easily be able to subdue the Earth system and wipe all its planets and moons of this scourge.” That’s what Kreen believed, but the continued silence from the Great Council worried him.

  Kreen stood and walked to the large viewscreen, focused on the Human world beneath his fleet. It was a minor Human world with a population of only fifty million and no defense grid, and the planet’s governor had capitulated as soon as the Druin fleet went into orbit. That had been over a week ago. Since then the Druin fleet had continued to orbit the planet, waiting on additional orders from the council. Orders which had not yet been received.

  “Three Human systems are near us with large populations and moderate defense grids,” said Falorr. “We could take them.”

  Admiral Kreen slowly shook his head. “All three worlds have not declared themselves for this new Human Empire. Because of the size of their populations, if we attack, the Empire might come to their aid. We’ve been ordered by the Great Council not to become involved in any major fleet battles at this time. While I disagree with the Great Council’s order, for the time being, we have no choice but to obey.” What Kreen didn’t add was that he had already been informed by Councilor Clun that, if Kreen disobeyed the council’s direct orders again, he would be removed from command.


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