Tamed On The Ranch (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 2)

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Tamed On The Ranch (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 2) Page 6

by Delta James

  “You say you’ve seen the way Luc looks at me? I’ve seen the way Ryder looks at you. The only thing he sees is the woman he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with.”

  They were quiet for a few moments.

  “Where did you and Ryder get married?”

  “Up at our house. I started wearing my engagement ring again and we announced we were hosting a New Year’s Eve party where we planned to make an announcement. Everyone thought we were going to announce that we were engaged again and set a wedding date. Instead, we announced we were getting married that night. We honeymooned in France at a little stone cottage we own there.”

  Melody smiled. “That’s why you’ve been so insistent that the guest cottages have stone exteriors. And let me guess... it had shiplap walls?”

  Sierra grinned. “You got it. Now let’s go get this business done and go play.”

  “I’m very worried about what kind of trouble you’re going to get me into.”

  “Nothing a good discipline session, which always includes amazing makeup sex, with Luc won’t fix.”

  “Oh, my God! You’re awful!” Melody couldn’t stop laughing and yet a part of her wondered if Sierra wasn’t on to something. Although before this morning she would have very much doubted if Luc had those kind of feelings for her.

  Chapter Five

  Their business concluded in Boise, Sierra and Melody spent the rest of the day getting pampered and shopping. They were running late so Sierra called Ryder to update him on when they’d be home.

  “Luc is with me. Why don’t we meet you girls halfway and grab dinner. Charlie has gone into town with the boys and Ruth said she had a church meeting to attend.”

  Sierra looked at Melody, who wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “That would be great, babe.” Sierra disconnected the phone after arranging where they’d meet. There was an upscale resort at about the midway point and it had a great restaurant.

  Deciding that her friend might have some insight into what had happened that morning, Melody asked her, “Can I get your opinion?”


  “This morning I thought Luc had seen me watching him unload the hay...”

  “You mean drooling over him?”

  “I mean,” said Melody, “watching... okay, watching with lustful thoughts perhaps.”

  “There’s no perhaps about it!”

  “In any event... he made the comment about one of us wanting to be more than friends. And I kind of jumped down his throat about it because I thought he was saying that I wanted that...”

  “Don’t you?”

  “That’s beside the point...”

  “Bullshit,” laughed Sierra. “That is precisely the point.”

  “Regardless. After I was done, he leaned over and kissed me... really lightly... and then said he was speaking for himself.”

  “And you said?”

  “Absolutely nothing. I was literally dumbfounded.”

  “Well, I know you think he’s sexy and you two seem to get along great...”

  “I don’t know, Sierra. The last time I got involved with the guy I worked with it was a disaster.”

  “Because Jason was an asshole. He and Luc couldn’t be more different. Luc is a sexy alpha cowboy. Trust me when I tell you, there is nothing better.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t say anything this morning and I was kind of nasty when I thought he knew I’d been enjoying the view so to speak.”

  “Then you didn’t say anything wrong. Did you kiss him back?”

  “No, I was shocked.”

  “But you didn’t bite him or slap him?”

  “Of course not,” Melody said.

  “Then no harm, no foul. But believe me when I tell you at some point down the line, he’ll bring it up that he was the first to make a move and you did nothing.”

  “All right then, Mrs. Married Lady who gets laid twice...”

  “At least twice,” Sierra giggled.

  Melody shook her head. “At least twice a day... how do I even the score?”

  “Simple. Kiss the fool back and let him know he’s not the only one interested.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “And you’re looking for a way to complicate things.”

  “Am not,” Melody said defensively.

  “Are too,” teased Sierra. “And if I know my husband, and I do, he’ll suggest that you and Luc take one of the rigs back to Crooked Creek.”

  “Don’t tell me he’s a matchmaker too.”

  “No, but I can count the number of times on one hand that we’ve gone to the resort for dinner and haven’t found a place to pull over and have sex on the way home.”

  Melody laughed and shook her head again. “You, my friend, are an inspiration to me.”

  “All kidding aside, Luc is a great guy. He’s not stupid. If he wasn’t sure how he felt about you, he wouldn’t have kissed you. But I’ll warn you now, whatever it is you don’t want any of us to know, you’d better tell him pretty damn fast, because if it’s bad and he finds out before you do... I doubt there will be any letting him spank you.”

  “What makes you think I’m hiding something?”

  “Just a shadow that crosses your face sometimes. I don’t think it’s bad like you broke the law or hurt somebody, but there is something. I just keep hoping with time that you’ll come to trust us enough to know whatever it is, we’ve got your back. But you remember what I said, you’d better tell Luc before he finds out.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t know...”

  “That there’s something? Oh, he knows. He’s asked both Ryder and me if we know...”

  “He has no right to ask my employer...”

  “He didn’t ask your employer. He asked his friends about a mutual friend for whom he is developing feelings. And not because he’s being nosy, but because he cares. I’m just warning you, I will have no sympathy for you whatsoever if he finds out before you tell him and blisters your backside for not telling. Ryder calls those lies of omission and treats them the same way as a blatant lie to his face.”

  “I take it you get spanked for that as well?”

  “Only after he washes my mouth out with soap. Jesus, I hate that. And for God’s sake, don’t ever tell him how much I cuss when he isn’t around.”

  Melody grinned. “I kind of wondered if he didn’t like it when you used bad language because you’re ever so careful when he’s within earshot. So now I don’t even have to order a vibrator and hide it, I can just tell him you curse like a sailor when he’s not around.”

  “I’m doomed. Because that he would believe.”

  They got out of the truck and were immediately spotted by Luc and Ryder.

  Melody turned to Sierra and held up her pinky. “Pinky swear... anything you and I talk about stays between you and me.”

  Sierra linked her pinky with Melody’s. “I so swear. See, I knew you were going to be my partner in crime.”

  They both turned to face the two ruggedly handsome cowboys who joined them.

  “I don’t know, Luc. This doesn’t bode well for either of us. I think they are truly in cahoots.”

  Sierra threw her arms around her husband and pressed herself against him. “You’d better believe it, cowboy. And I’m not absolutely sure, but I think I need to be kissed.”

  Ryder chuckled before doing as she asked.

  “And what about you?” asked Luc.

  “Depends. If it’s going to be that half-assed thing you did this morning before running off...”

  Before she could complete her sentence, Luc had hauled her into his arms and seized control of the situation as well as her mouth. He nibbled on her lower lip, making her open her mouth before his tongue reached past her teeth to play with hers.

  Melody moaned and felt herself collapse against him. It had been a long time since a man had kissed her in a way that made her knees buckle and her toes curl. By the time he released her mouth there was no question in he
r mind that the man knew how to kiss, knew what he wanted, and with just the slightest encouragement was ready to step up and take control.

  Luc whispered kisses down the column of her throat, murmuring to her in French before lifting his head to look at her.

  “You know that French thing might be more impressive if I hadn’t heard you whisper those same things to Queenie.”

  Ryder laughed. “God, I hope your French is really bad, because if he’s whispering that to Queenie, things could be getting mighty weird over at Crooked Creek.”

  Luc grinned and swatted Melody’s backside playfully. She was not expecting the shock of arousal that flowed through her entire nervous system starting and ending in the pool that was starting to form between her legs.

  “You will learn, souris, the difference between what I whisper to Queenie and what I whisper to you.”

  “Promise?” Melody teased, feeling happier and more hopeful than she had in years.

  The two couples enjoyed a world-class meal and each other’s company. Melody found herself relaxing and enjoying Luc’s company. He was attentive without being overbearing. It seemed to Melody that he was intent on ensuring that she was enjoying herself and his company. After the two couples had shared two decadent desserts between them, the bill was paid with Ryder and Luc arguing over who would pick up the tab. As they headed back to the parking lot, Luc had his arm linked with Melody’s.

  “Luc, why don’t you and Melody take the SUV, Sierra and I can take her truck,” suggested Ryder.

  Sierra grinned at Melody and both began laughing.

  “What?” he said, confused.

  “You’re so predictable... it’s part of what I love about you. So come on, you tall drink of water, take me home in my truck.”

  Sierra grabbed Ryder by his belt buckle and made a beeline for her vehicle.

  Luc shook his head. “Do I even want to know what all the two of you talked about or what that was about?”

  He escorted Melody to the SUV and held the door for her. Luc started the engine and headed back to Crooked Creek.

  “So you want to be more than friends?” Melody asked.

  “If you really need me to answer that after that kiss earlier this evening, then my chances may be better with the fair Queenie.”

  “No, I don’t suppose I need to ask, but it seemed a way to sort of ease into the conversation.”

  Luc glanced at her. “I would have preferred to have this conversation when we were sitting alone and I could look into your eyes so you’d know what I’m saying, but I’ll take what I can get. I have feelings for you, Melody. And they’re growing stronger every day. I know that I wake up happy knowing I’m going to see you in a few minutes for breakfast. I get happy at the end of a long day knowing I get to spend time with you. So yes, I’d like us to be more than friends, although I think friendship was a good place to start. That being said, if you don’t have any interest in me that way, I can rein in what I want and settle where we are.”

  “As you said, if you have to ask after that kiss earlier this evening, because that one I got to participate in, then I must have forgotten how to do that and you’ll have to teach me that as well as French.”

  Luc snuck a quick peek at her and was relieved to see her smiling and relaxed. “No, that you did perfectly. So we are in accord about what we’d like to be to each other?”

  She nodded. “Geesh, and here I thought you’d go all cowboy on me and all I got was some additional nuzzling in the restaurant and now polite talk.”

  Luc put his hand on the inside of her upper leg so that it was resting just below the juncture of her thighs.

  “I don’t generally grope women I have feelings for in a public place until after we’ve made love several times and I know she would enjoy it.”

  “Hmmm... define several.”

  Luc laughed out loud. “If tonight ends the way I want... you could get groped as early as tomorrow morning.”

  “Really? Then it’s a good thing we won’t be having breakfast at the Flying M. I understand Ruthie does not allow inappropriate touching in her kitchen.”

  Luc moved his hand so that it cupped her mons, causing her to inhale sharply. “Rest assured, souris, there will be plenty of inappropriate touching in ours.”

  “What does that mean? Souris?”

  “A French term of endearment.”

  “It doesn’t mean something humiliating, does it?”

  “I do not call my woman humiliating names,” Luc said with some finality.

  “And am I?”


  “Your woman?” she offered softly.

  “As far as I’m concerned, yes. You have until we get home to change your mind.”

  “And after that?” she teased.

  Melody wondered when it had become so easy to tease and flirt with him. As she thought about it she realized it wasn’t a sudden thing but had been growing steadily.

  “After that, sweetheart, I’ll be too busy ensuring you have no question in your mind.”

  “I’m out of practice, Luc. It’s been a couple of years since I...”

  “It’s like riding a horse. Once it’s learned it cannot be unlearned.”

  That’s what I’m afraid of, thought Melody. “What if I learned it wrong...”

  “Then we will teach you anew. I will lead, you will follow, and everything will be fine.”

  Melody smiled. She found that oddly reassuring. “And is that how it will be? You lead, I follow?”

  “Ah, so that’s what you two were giggling about.”

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Melody coyly.

  “Do not lie to me. Tell me you prefer not to answer, but never avoid the question.”

  “Sierra warned me that you probably wouldn’t have a whole lot of use for prevaricating.”

  “In this instance I would listen to your wise friend.”

  “And not in all?” she quipped.

  “Only if you want to spend as much time face down over my knee as she does over Ryder’s.”

  So there it was, she thought... the proverbial gauntlet. “She warned me about that too, but did say there were some natural consequences that followed that made it tolerable.”

  Luc laughed. “I’ll bet she did. And she is right. Did she also tell you that after I get through disciplining you that all will be forgiven and that balance is restored in the relationship?”

  “If you think of balance as you having all the power.”

  “Then she did not tell you all. It is the woman who holds the power, Melody. It takes a strong woman who knows her own mind to choose to submit to her lover. To follow his lead and to be his partner.”

  Melody leaned across the SUV and kissed him on the cheek. “I think she did mention that they didn’t have any recriminations and that whatever it was is settled between them.”


  “Did you know about them?”

  Luc laughed. “From the first time I saw them together. A man so inclined to take his woman in hand can recognize another from a mile away. Besides, Ryder and I have spent many a night over the years talking about it, refining our own theories and best practices and resolving in our minds our own feelings.”

  “Best practices? Do I even want to know?”

  He laughed. “Probably not, but I will tell you if you like. I will have no secrets between us, Melody.”

  “I guess I’d like to know what I’m getting myself into.”

  “But you know you like the idea.”

  “I don’t know yet. It hasn’t happened.”

  Luc laughed. “I swatted your sweet backside earlier and my guess is you felt it all over and it got you mildly aroused.”


  “What did I tell you about avoiding the question?”

  “That wasn’t a question. You made a statement.”

  “Touché. You are right. I did make a statement because I know it to be true. And you
either admit it or...”

  “What? You’ll spank me?” she said saucily. “We’re a long way from Crooked Creek and a lot could happen between here and there. You might forget.”

  “Would you like me to spank you? There are other kinds of spankings from those intended to punish. There are those intended strictly to arouse. And for the record if you were in need of a discipline spanking, I would have no problem pulling off somewhere private and administering it before we got home to Crooked Creek.”

  Melody took a deep breath. Then unsure of what to say, remained silent.

  “And no, I would not prove my point by spanking your very sexy derriere.”

  “You think my butt is sexy?”

  Luc laughed. “In the extreme. It’s all I can do in the mornings when you are cooking to not come up behind you and rub my hard cock all over it. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is for a man to ride with a hard-on and balls that ache from the wanting of a specific woman who is so close and yet seems so out of reach? But for the record, I think everything about you is sexy.”

  She placed her hand over the bulge in his jeans and felt his hard cock throbbing underneath it.

  “I meant what I said. It’s been a number of years and he wasn’t nearly this big.”

  He rested his hand over hers. “Do not fret, sweetheart. I will be gentle and we will take it slowly until you tell me that it is not slow and gentle that you want any longer.”

  Melody couldn’t believe how comfortable she was talking to him. Never before had she been able to talk this freely and openly with a man.

  “So if you wouldn’t spank me to get the truth, would you pull over and kiss me until I gave it up?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I’d unzip your jeans and put my hand between your legs to capture some of your honey on my fingertips and show you the proof before I sucked and licked them clean.”

  “I am so far out of my league,” she cried.

  “How so?”

  “You’ve got a hard-on and are perfectly coherent. All you’ve done is talk and threaten to finger me and I’m almost ready to come.”

  Luc laughed lasciviously. “Good; that should serve us well when we get home.”

  For the rest of drive home, Luc lightened the mood and made her laugh. As he often did while cooking he sought to entertain and relax her. Melody felt as though she were drunk. And she realized she was... not on the single margarita she’d had with dinner, but on the man himself.


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