Dead Wolf Walking

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Dead Wolf Walking Page 16

by Veronica Blade

  And... back to being terrifying. He held the door open and I shadowed Favianne into a pitch-black room.

  “As soon as we’re out there, silent communication only.” Dathan carefully slid the window up and held an index finger across his lips. You two go first and I’ll be right behind you. Remember, no noises. You don’t exist.

  I could do that. I’d snuck in and out of Zack’s bedroom for months.

  Once outside, the three of us crept behind the bushes, inching along as we peeked past the leaves. I don’t see anything, I told them.

  Don’t forget about your other senses. You must listen for unusual sounds, check for unfamiliar scents. And you should try Zack again; check if he’s awake.

  That’s assuming he’ll answer me. Something flickered in the distance.

  I doubt his anger with you overrides his desire to be free from his captors, Dathan pointed out.

  I aimed an index finger in the direction of the tiny light that had since gone out. Did you see that? They shook their heads and I clenched my jaw in frustration. It was a light from over there.

  We’ll check it out. Dathan nodded. In the meantime, try him again.

  Zack, we’re coming for you. Do you know where you are?

  No, I was unconscious when they tied me up. But you need to stay away. There are too many of them.

  Zack was alive! Relief flooded through me. And if I was the one surrounded by crazy vampires, could you walk away? His silence was my answer. I didn’t think so. Where are you?

  I have no idea.

  How many vampires are there?

  Ten, maybe fifteen.

  Against us three. Awesome. I swallowed hard and slipped one hand into Favianne’s, and the other into Dathan’s, so they could hear our conversation. About fifteen vampires, I repeated for their benefit. Do you recognize any of them? I asked Zack.

  You shouldn’t come.

  Dathan and the rest of them won’t leave you. Neither will I. Now tell me if you recognize anyone around you.

  I don’t. But everyone here is taking orders from Francois. I think his last name was... Thomas maybe.

  Ah, yes, Dathan said. Very old vampire who supposedly died decades ago. Did they mention anyone else? Maybe they talked about someone who had been there but left before you woke up?

  They mentioned Vincent... or maybe that was his last name. Pierre or something like that. I don’t know. They needed him a few minutes ago, but he’s in the palace, I think. I’m a little fuzzy from whatever they used to knock me out.

  If you think of anything else, let us know, Dathan told him as he gave my hand a brief squeeze. Hang in there. We’ll find you, I promise. Cedric, have Braulio and Regis bring Pierre Vincent up to your suite. He was with Zack’s kidnappers.

  My pleasure, Cedric returned. I’ll let you know whatever I learn.

  No one can torture information out of an enemy the way Cedric can. Dathan released my hand and pointed at the stone wall. Meet me there. Now.

  Cedric was badass, for sure. But having the balls for hard-core torture? I zoomed across the lawn, meeting Favianne and Dathan. Cedric tortures people? I can’t imagine that being his thing.

  I didn’t say he liked it. He indicated another section along the wall. Only that he’s good at it.

  That was a little creepy. But I was beginning to see creepiness as the norm for so many vampires. Dathan’s gaze darted toward another spot and we whizzed there.

  Before he could move again, I grabbed his arm and Favianne’s hand. Do you sense Zack stronger? Because I have his scent.

  Me too, Favianne said.

  He’s close by. Dathan stood motionless for a moment, like he was trying to get a read on Zack. You two stay here while I check it out. His eyes warned me not to disobey.

  I sent him a hard look. We’ll stay, but come back soon or we’re coming after you.

  He snorted. Big talk from a rookie shape-shifter. And then he was gone.

  Favianne rubbed my arm. We’ll find him.

  After what felt like five full minutes, my nerves were frayed from straining my ears to listen for Dathan’s return. The hairs on my neck tingled as I imagined the worst.

  I’m on my way back, Dathan pushed into my mind, and relief poured through me.

  He reappeared seconds later. Zack’s tied upside-down swinging from a tree. Aside from some dried blood from old wounds, from what I can tell he’s fine. Several vampires guarding him, but I have a feeling more were hiding nearby. He waited a beat. They’ll attack as soon as we attempt to free him.

  Of course they would. Can’t we skulk around the property and pick off the vamps one by one? I asked.

  Dathan threw me a lopsided grin. That’s what I was thinking.

  I’d never actually gone on the attack. Zack and I had been in more than one battle for our lives, but we’d always been defending ourselves. Or defending Cedric. To neutralize the vampires, I’d need to stalk them like prey with intent to kill.

  I clenched my jaw, reminding myself that Zack’s life was at stake. From the same group who had tried to murder their king. To save Zack, I’d do it. But my fingers twitched uncontrollably and I balled them into a fist.

  I’ll be the one killing vampires, Dathan clarified. Not you two. I’ll escort you both back to Cedric’s suite.

  Sure, I was terrified. But that didn’t mean I was going to chicken out and risk Zack dying while I stayed safe and comfy in the royal suite. Why did you bring us if you were only going to send us back?

  Because we had no idea what we were dealing with and I thought your eyes and ears might come in handy. And I was right. He clamped onto my arm. You’re going back and you’re letting me handle this.

  As Dathan yanked me toward the estate, rustling from nearby pulled my attention to Favianne trailing close behind. Dathan spun, throwing me aside, and I stumbled back. I gasped as a vampire sprung at Favianne and staked her in the heart. She crumpled and the vampire lunged for Dathan.



  My mouth watered with the need to vomit as the vampire collapsed and Dathan tossed his heart on the ground. As several other vampires surrounded us, Dathan shielded me.

  “Cowards,” Dathan told them, backing up so I had to as well. “Six against two isn’t a fair fight, is it?”

  Maybe I’d exaggerated Dathan’s abilities in my mind. There were six of them, after all. I couldn’t depend on him. Not when Zack’s, and now Favianne’s, life was in grave danger. I morphed into a wolf, knowing they believed me to be a werewolf and they’d want to avoid my teeth.

  “Which of you will be first to die of a werewolf bite, hm?” Dathan sneered. “Or the next to get their heart ripped out.” He stared at them hard. “Do you have any idea who I am?”

  “Won’t matter who you are after you’re dead.” The olive-skinned vampire advanced with a smirk.

  Dathan reached out and shoved his hand into the vampire’s chest while using him as a shield. “I’m your worst nightmare.”

  The vampire’s eyes went blank and he toppled onto the body of the other vampire. Dathan tossed the heart behind him, splashing me with droplets of blood. I suppressed the revulsion and resumed my snarling.

  The other five vampires hesitated a split second before they vanished. I morphed back into my human form, then reached down and plucked up the tranquilizer darts that hadn’t morphed with me, shoving them back in my pocket.

  “Let’s get back inside.” Dathan wiped his bloody hands on his jeans and scanned the area for any other vampires. Then he kneeled down, pulled the stake from Favianne, and scooped her up.

  “Cedric, are we clear to come inside?” he mumbled, obviously talking simultaneously aloud and silently. He paused at the window, his back to the wall. “This was a horrible plan.”

  “Cedric didn’t answer?”

  “No. Which means we don’t know if the palace has been compromised.”

  Favianne moaned. “Put me down.”

  Dathan muttere
d quietly, but complied. “Feed her,” he demanded. “Since we can’t get to blood bags right now.”

  How could she be talking so soon after being staked? “Did they miss your heart?”

  “Yes.” She grimaced like she was in pain. “But they still did a fair bit of damage.”

  I offered my wrist. “Drink. Or you won’t be able to protect yourself.”

  “Apparently protecting myself isn’t my specialty or I wouldn’t have been stabbed.” She eyed the vein at my wrist and swayed backward. “I’m new at this and can’t vouch for my control. Stopping may be difficult, and I can’t risk you getting weaker.”

  Dathan snorted. “That’s assuming Autumn is weak and can’t stop you. She’s not and she can.”

  He almost sounded protective of me. Even a little proud. I hoped his faith was well placed, because I had my skin to save, not to mention Zack’s and now Cedric’s.

  “I can’t feed from you, Autumn.” Favianne nudged me away.

  “You will if it means you’ll heal and get stronger.” I inched my wrist closer to her, but she merely tilted her chin up. Damn, we needed to get her inside and straight to the blood supply. “How long are we going to stand here by the window?”

  “We’re already surrounded.” Dathan spread his arms as if to hold me back. “But since they can’t guarantee a win against me, they’re waiting for the rest of the gang before they attack.” He probably didn’t care if the other vampires heard him or he would’ve spoken to me silently.

  I couldn’t help wondering if Cedric had been wounded or worse. And what about Renzo and Alura? I laced my fingers through Favianne’s so she could be a part of the conversation I was about to have with Renzo. Before I had a chance to call for him, Dathan bumped a shoulder against mine and spoke silently. Kayla, Tony, everything okay over there?

  All our people are still locked in, Kayla answered. Braulio and I, Regis, and Tony each have a side of the building. And His Majesty is prowling around checking cameras and sensors. Although, for the record, I advised him not to leave the suite.

  He’s not answering us, I told her. Once you find him, let us know.

  You’re handling yourself admirably, by the way. Dathan flashed me a crooked smile. We’ll make a warrior out of you yet.

  Not my lifelong dream, but it’ll keep me alive. I returned his smile.

  Are you guys okay? Cedric asked. Had a couple of intruders sneaking in through the vent into the gym. They spotted me. Renzo and I were busy neutralizing them before they could tell anyone else I’m not really dead.

  Why aren’t you on the monitors? Dathan asked.

  Because someone took out a bunch of them. The working ones aren’t getting any action. I’d steer clear of the rear and west side, by the way.

  Too late. We’re already at the rear and they’re coming for us at any moment, I said.

  I can come out of hiding if you can’t handle them on your own, Cedric volunteered.

  No. Dathan fired off a stern look at me, warning me not to encourage Cedric. We need you back in your suite where you can protect everything in it. If we lose that, we could lose the throne.

  Our throne isn’t more important than the lives we’re protecting, Cedric hissed into our heads.

  Dathan stood rigid next to me. But if we don’t have a throne, it will be much harder to protect them, now or centuries from now. Not to mention the humans. Think long term, my friend.

  I’ll be back in my chambers in no time, Cedric replied.

  Let me know when you’re back inside, or I’ll have to abandon my mission and come after you. Even speaking telepathically, Dathan sounded formidable.

  “What’s the plan?” Favianne asked, swaying where she stood.

  The plan is for you to feed off the next vampire stupid enough to cross me. Dathan inhaled, sniffing the air. Which is right now.

  A whole swarm of them came out of nowhere, fast approaching. Damn! They must have disabled the electrical barrier on the walls. I morphed into a wolf, teeth bared and snarling, snapping at the closest vampire who was wielding a stake. He missed my heart, but the stake sank into my shoulder. The wound stung like hell.

  I avoided his next attempt by slipping between his legs to get behind him. I propelled myself up and onto his back, my jaws aiming for his neck. He spun, trying to shake me, and I clung harder.

  Ahead of me, Favianne was feeding from the neck of a headless vampire—gross. After wiping her mouth, she rose, unsheathed her sword, and vaulted toward one of the vampires dancing around Dathan. He was fighting off at least six of them, swatting them off like bugs, then using the ones he’d wounded as a weapon against others. Bodies were flung away, but they kept coming back.

  Behind me, footfall pounded the grass and I knew more were coming. I had to take this guy down now, but I wasn’t sure how quickly I could sever his head in my wolf form.

  I morphed back to my human form. In one fluid motion, I pulled the stake from my waistband and, aiming for his heart, I stabbed him in the back. The vampire wheezed and collapsed.

  As I vaulted toward Dathan, I glanced at the vamp I’d dropped when Favianne sliced her sword through the air and the blade came crashing down on his neck. Using the tip of her sword, she nudged the head away from the body.

  Dathan had killed three more vampires, but he had several more to contend with. Favianne fended off two vamps at the same time, slashing her sword through the air at lightning speed so they couldn’t get close.

  In my peripheral vision a mob advanced on us. No way could we fight all of them, not even with Dathan on our side. More just arrived. We need to retreat! I said.

  Can’t. Nowhere to go. He shoved his fist into another vampire’s chest and extracted the heart, then shoved the body of the vampire aside and moved on to the next one.

  I whipped a knife from my waistband and plunged it into the back of one of the vamps toying with Favianne, sure I’d hit his heart. He went wobbly, then slowly plummeted to the ground.

  When the other vamp around Favianne glanced over for only a split second to see what happened, she took her opening and swung her sword. His head barreled toward me and I ducked, circling around and coming face-to-face with the mob of vampires. I morphed into a wolf, baring my teeth and growling to keep them at bay.

  If they’re all here, I’m betting very few of them are watching Zack. Now is the time. Do what you do best, shape-shifter, Dathan told me as he flicked off another vamp. Go!

  What I did best was morph into a bear and do some damage. But Dathan wasn’t asking me to stay and fight. He was telling me to go. Should I abandon Dathan and Favianne though? She was swishing her sword so quickly that no vampires dared come near her. But eventually one would get past the sword. If she died again, how could I tell Zack I’d deserted her?

  We’ll handle these guys. This could be our best chance to get Zack. Go, little one!

  Dathan’s past douchiness didn’t change the fact that he was brilliant in strategies and battles. Now was probably not the time to doubt him.

  Keep Favianne safe! I told him. Snapping and snarling, I backed up. Ten vampires advanced on me. Oh, hell, I had no idea how I’d get away. I could morph into a bird but then they’d know I wasn’t a werewolf.

  Go. I’ll make sure none of them follow you. Dathan hurled a dead vamp in front of me, distracting my attackers for a fraction of an instant—long enough for me to vanish.

  After returning to my human form, I bolted in the direction of the woods. Not far behind me, branches whipped and cracked. No way could I allow the vamps to tail me or I might never get the chance to rescue Zack. I leaped high up into a tree and sat deathly still on a thick branch in hopes of taking the vampire by surprise—if he didn’t smell me.

  He slowed as he neared the tree trunk below, and circled as he surveyed his surroundings, then he looked up. Crap, how was I going to get out of this?

  A wicked grin split his face. “Come on down, sweetheart, or I’m coming up after you.”

Then his body went slack, his chest jutting out. His eyes lost focus as he toppled to the soft earth.

  Dathan stood in the vampire’s place and tossed the bloody heart over his shoulder. Keep going. And be careful.

  If he was here, where was Favianne? All I could do was hope she was safe because I couldn’t miss my opportunity to save Zack. Without replying, I dropped to the ground and tore across the lawn to where I’d stopped earlier with Dathan and Favianne.

  I drew air through my nose, but didn’t detect any vampires. Knowing about them wouldn’t do me any good though, since the moment I sniffed one out, they’d smell me too. Crap.

  The only way I could successfully rescue Zack was if I didn’t give them a chance to sense me. I had to get in and get out. Which meant I couldn’t waste time figuring out his exact location.

  Dathan, where specifically is Zack? I don’t want to go in there blind and get killed before I ever find him.

  There’s a clearing all the way in the back near the rear entrance. He’s hanging from a tree, so make sure you have a dagger on you to cut him free.

  I gulped. I had to locate Zack, rescue him, and then get us both away before the vamps spotted me. That was assuming Zack was strong enough to move on his own, otherwise his extra weight would slow me down. It seemed like an awful lot to accomplish without getting killed. But I couldn’t give up now. No way would I leave Zack. Cedric, do you have cameras near the back gate?

  No. They’ve all been taken out.


  I soared to the wall and scanned the area where Dathan said Zack would be. But I wasn’t high enough to see anything but a thicket of leaves and branches.

  I pushed off the wall and took flight, aiming for a humungous tree. I climbed to the top and pinpointed the clearing. Zack wasn’t in my line of vision, but there were several other vampires spread out over several yards. I guessed Zack to be right about in the middle.

  The only form I could take that would give me enough strength to protect myself was a bear. But I needed to hold the dagger with human fingers to cut Zack free. I couldn’t be both forms simultaneously. Even if the branches could hold my weight as a bear, taking the time to morph after I untied Zack wasn’t an option either, because it took a couple of seconds to change—more than enough time for any of them to decapitate me.


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