Beast Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy

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Beast Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy Page 6

by Callahan, Kelli

  “What do you mean? What did they do?” I dug my nails into the arms of the chair.

  “When I got home last night, my room was ransacked. They…” She shook her head back and forth. “They stole all of my money. They ruined most of my clothes. I had one picture of my parents—and they cut it up with a pair of scissors.”

  “Your new foster parents let this happen?” My head recoiled in shock.

  “Girls will be girls…” She squeezed her eyes shut. “That’s why my foster mother said.”

  “They can’t steal from you,” I growled under my breath. “That’s not a childish prank.”

  “My foster father made them give me the money back, and said he would take me shopping for new clothes—but the picture…” She sighed. “That’s not something that can be replaced.”

  “It’s understandable for that to upset you.” I nodded and felt some of the rage leaving my body—she didn’t need a beast to fight a battle; she just needed to talk.

  “It really isn’t.” She shook her head and sipped her tea. “My parents—they weren’t good people. They’re not here today because of the choices they made, but…”

  “It doesn’t matter if they were good or bad—they were still your parents.” I leaned forward and reached for my tea.

  “I can’t even remember my mother’s face anymore when I close my eyes—all I remember is the way she looked in that picture. Now I don’t even have that…” She looked down and sighed.

  “You don’t have any other family? Maybe someone has a picture…” I raised an eyebrow.

  “No.” She shook her head back and forth. “You know what they say about history and how we’re doomed to repeat it?”

  “I’ve heard the saying…” I nodded.

  “My parents were orphans too. They met when they were teenagers, but they didn’t escape the foster system unscathed—they had demons…” She squeezed her eyes shut again.

  “Demons can be beaten.” I narrowed my eyes.

  “Not all of them…” She shook her head back and forth. “Sometimes the demons win.”

  I can’t really argue with that…

  Anabelle and I talked until her tears were gone, and the smile returned to her face. Conversation was therapeutic, even when it was nothing more than a way to say the things out loud that took root in your heart. I hadn’t let the roots of my pain fully unravel, but the grip was loosening. I might even trust her with my secret one day—the sacrifice I made for love that I never regretted. That conversation was more complex than what she shared, and the beast still guarded it with too much aggression for me to say the words out loud. Seeing the tears in Anabelle’s eyes made the beast rage, but she needed the man to bring calm to a difficult situation.

  “I guess I should get back to work now.” She put her teacup down and started to stand.

  “I suppose…” I nodded and stood.

  “Thank you.” She walked closer to me. “For just listening…”

  “I heard nothing but silence for far too long. Talking with you is nice…” I sighed and nodded.

  Anabelle’s amber colored eyes met mine—then she took another step closer and hugged me. I hadn’t felt a warm embrace in ten years. It shocked me at first, but I succumbed and wrapped my arms around her. It felt so natural and serene. When she finally pulled away, I didn’t want her to go. That closeness was—everything I didn’t even know I needed. It sent my emotions into a tailspin and made my knees weak. I felt the roots in my heart release more of their grip—it beat with even more intensity. I stared at Anabelle as she walked into the library and realized that I hadn’t even drawn a breath since she pulled away—everything shut down inside me except for the desire to have her back in my arms.

  “Maybe you need a break from work today.” I walked to the doorway of the library. “I believe we discussed watching one of those Time Machine movies—why don’t we do that instead?”

  “Are you sure? You’re paying me to work…” She turned towards me.

  “I’m paying for your time. If I want to spend it watching a movie, then it’s my dollar.” I smiled and shrugged.

  “Lots of dollars…” She laughed under her breath. “Okay.”

  I couldn’t remember the last time I had turned on my television. I used it as background noise when I first moved into the house, but I lost interest in that pretty quick. The outside world just didn’t matter to me anymore, and while I used to love falling asleep to the sound of the evening news, current events were depressing.

  “Jon said this television had some way to get movies.” I picked up the remote and hit the button to turn it on—thankfully, it still worked. “I’ve never really tried…”

  “It looks like you have cable.” Anabelle tilted her head slightly. “Let me see the remote.”

  Anabelle flipped through a few screens and found the movie rentals that the cable company offered. There were a couple of options for The Time Machine. I had never actually watched the movie, despite reading the book, so we decided to start with the original instead of the remake. Anabelle thought it was better anyway. We settled in to watch it, and once the opening credits started, she moved a little closer to me.

  “It’s too bad we don’t have any popcorn…” She slid off her shoes and pulled her feet up on the couch.

  “Pause it.” I leaned forward. “I believe there’s some in the cabinet, but it’s not the microwavable kind.”

  I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bag from the cabinet, but once I flipped it over, I realized that it was not going to be usable—it had been expired for several years. I tossed it in the garbage, walked back to the living room, and admitted defeat. I made a mental note to add it to the grocery list the next time that I had a delivery. We started the movie, and Anabelle moved a little closer than she was before—eventually she laid her head on my shoulder and watched the rest of the movie from that position. I didn’t complain—it was nice to have her there—especially that close.

  “They left a lot out of the movie…” I raised an eyebrow when the credits rolled. “The book was much better.”

  “Yeah, but it’s still cool to see some of that stuff come to life—even if they don’t get it all.” She lifted her head off my shoulder and shrugged.

  We debated the finer points of books versus movies for a few minutes, and then I made some lunch. I didn’t have much to offer—my diet had been pretty bad since I started living in isolation. I preferred stuff that could be prepared quickly or eaten straight from the container. Luckily, I had enough to make a couple of sandwiches, so we stood in the kitchen and ate those. After that, we spent a little time in the library—discussing movies and books again. Anabelle filled me in on some of the classics that had been made into movies—and a few of them already had remakes.

  “I guess it’s about time for you to go.” I turned my head towards the clock on the wall.

  “Yeah.” She nodded. “Don’t forget—it’s Friday. I won’t see you again until Monday.”

  “Right.” I looked down at the floor and sighed.

  Two days without her—that will be an eternity.

  “Unless…” Her lips slowly turned into a grin. “You invite me over here to hang out and watch movies instead of work.”

  “Do you want to?” I lifted my head slowly.

  “It would be a lot better than spending the day at my foster home.” She shrugged. “I kind of like hanging out with you.”

  “Isn’t your foster father supposed to take you shopping to replace what your evil sisters destroyed?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “I’ll be okay…” She took a step closer.

  I looked down at her, and the grin wasn’t gone from her lips—then she pulled the bottom one between her teeth. I saw a flash of something in her eyes—a desire—one that looked like a reflection of my own. I wanted to kiss her so fucking bad, but I was afraid to do it. What we had was perfect, and if I was reading the situation wrong, then it could ruin everything. She took another
step closer, and her lips parted—a soft exhale—the desire in her eyes got stronger. There was no mistaking that look. That stare wouldn’t have lingered unless she wanted the exact same thing I did.

  I leaned forward and pulled her into my arms—my lips found hers, and I crushed them beneath mine. They were so soft—and a perfect seal formed as I lifted a hand to the back of her head and started to kiss her with more ferocity. My tongue pushed into her mouth. An eruption of forgotten passion—lost desire—and a primal need roared within the beast as the man tried to force his way out. We were both gasping when the seal was finally broken.

  “Was that my invitation to come back tomorrow?” She trembled in my arms.

  “Yes.” I nodded and pressed my forehead to hers. “Please…”

  “I’ll see you then.” She smiled and took a step back.

  I watched her walk towards the door, and just like she always did, she looked back one last time before she left. The smile on her lips was beautiful. There was a spark in her eyes. The kiss we shared didn’t feel like a betrayal to the vows I made—it was permission to move on. It was a new feeling. I would never forget the woman I married, but she truly was gone. I finally felt like I could reflect on those memories fondly without letting them destroy me. I had something special with Anabelle, which meant I would have to tell her the truth—who I really was—who I used to be—and why I became a beast that hid from the world.

  You’ll never compete with a memory, Anabelle, but it wouldn’t be fair to pull you into my world unless you know why it’s so broken…

  I returned to the couch and sat down. The scent of Anabelle’s sweet perfume still lingered in the air. I stared at the pocket watch on the table for a couple of minutes and then picked it up. It didn’t need to be next to me at all times—not anymore. I was ready to put it in the case where it belonged, where it could actually fade into a memory instead of hanging around my neck like an albatross. My past was complicated, and my present had been nothing but pain for so long—it was time to look towards the future. I didn’t know if Anabelle could actually love the beast, but maybe I could show her who the man underneath the grotesque visage was. He was worthy of love—once upon a time. Maybe he could be again…

  I don’t have to give up my crown for love this time, but I have to find a way to embrace my humanity. That might be even harder than shedding a king’s burden.

  The darkness came, but instead of letting it engulf me like I always did, I leaned over and turned on a light. I picked up the remote and turned on the television, but nothing really interested me, so I walked to the library and picked out a book. I read until I was tired, and then went upstairs so that I could get some sleep. Sleep was always a luxury for me, and one that never came easy, but when my head hit the pillow, I no longer felt the weight that normally fell on my chest. The crushing torment—it was gone. My arm stretched out to the spot beside me that had been vacant since I moved into the house. I didn’t want that side of the bed to be empty anymore. I wanted warmth—passion—and everything that came with it.

  It’s time for the beast to go to sleep for the last time…



  I found something amazing hidden away in an old run down mansion. The arms that held me didn’t belong to a beast; they belonged to a man. There was a heart beating in his chest—he was flesh and blood like me. His kiss set my soul on fire. I had never felt anything like it before. Being bounced around different foster homes meant that I changed schools often, and I was always afraid of falling for someone—only to lose them when it was time for me to go. I was lucky that I graduated with anyone I knew, much less my best friend. I think Ms. Betty knew that we were close and tried to place us in the same school district when the opportunity presented itself. She always joked that we were twins because we shared the same birthday, although we looked nothing alike. I hated that I couldn’t tell her about Adam—and how amazing he was—but if he wanted me to keep it secret, then I would have to respect that.

  Maybe one day I’ll find out why, but his past isn’t as important as the man he is now, and I think I’m really falling for him…

  When I first laid eyes on the behemoth that cornered me in the mansion, I thought he was a monster, like something out of a horror movie. I never imagined seeing kindness in those piercing black eyes. I never dreamed that those lips could smile—or kiss—but they could light a fire. He was a gentle giant, a kind soul, and deeply troubled. There was a fierceness in him. I saw his body language change when he realized I was upset, and I think he would have actually left his mansion to hunt down the one who put those tears in my eyes if there was a need to do so. Nobody had ever looked out for me or been protective—I was always on my own. A man like that was worth saving, and I wanted to be the one that penetrated his darkness. I wanted to feel those strong arms around me again. I didn’t care what secrets he was harboring—because he wasn’t the only one. There were things from my past nobody knew, not even Ms. Betty.

  The Bentley name protects me from the ugly truth and who my parents really were. Some monsters don’t hide in the dark.

  * * *

  The next day

  My foster father seemed let down that I didn’t want to go shopping with him—maybe he thought it was going to be some foster father-daughter bonding time, but I was past the point of needing that in my life. I needed it when I was a child and being bounced around. I was just staying with them and tolerating my two evil foster sisters until I could get my own place. The job gave me the ability to stay in the foster system until I was twenty-one, but I was going to emancipate myself and set my own expiration date just as soon as I had some money saved up. The thought of leaving on my own terms was therapeutic after being scared of getting thrown out on the streets for so long. It took me a while to find an outfit that hadn’t been ruined by my evil foster sisters, but I finally found something that looked decent.

  Now for my makeup. I think I’ll make an effort today…

  I usually didn’t do very much because it wasn’t worth the hassle. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone at school, and I usually worked up a sweat when I was working at Adam’s mansion. I did a layer of foundation and a little blush; then I did my eyeshadow and mascara. I just needed to do my lips, and I would be all set. I only had two shades of lipstick and one lip gloss that was supposed to make my lips look fuller. I decided to go with that since I always thought my lips were fairly ugly and thin. I rubbed the lip gloss on my lips, smeared them together, and then I felt—burning. It was mild at first, but it quickly started to get really bad.

  “Oh my god—what the hell?” I quickly turned on the water and started trying to wipe off my lip gloss.

  It felt like someone had poured liquid fire on my lips. I could feel them swelling after a couple of seconds, and while I was able to wash the lip gloss off, they were still burning like crazy. I had used the lip gloss many times and never had a reaction—which meant someone must have done something to it. It had to be my evil little foster sisters, but I couldn’t do anything about it until my lips stopped burning. I grabbed the roll of toilet paper, tore off a few sheets, and started rapidly rubbing my lips to try and get the burn to go away. Having a wet piece of toilet paper on them felt better than exposing them to the air, but the pain was excruciating. It took nearly ten minutes before the burning stopped, and it was mainly because they went numb. I lifted my head and saw that they were swollen—the top one worse than the bottom.

  Those little bitches…

  “Sandra! Gina!” I walked out of the bathroom and heard giggling coming from their bedroom.

  “Ana, what’s wrong?” My foster mother came charging down the hallway.

  “Look!” I pointed at my lips. “They did something to my lip gloss!”

  My foster mother marched down the hall, and the giggling stopped. It was probably a good thing she was there to deal with them, because I might not have been nice about it. The numbness started to wear off, and I
could feel more burning and tingling. I went back into the bathroom and started wiping my lips down again—the swelling was getting worse. I got the burning to stop for the second time, and when I walked into the hallway, my foster mother met me at the doorway.

  “They put crushed up ghost pepper pulp in your lip gloss.” She sighed. “I got them for a spicy chili contest at work and had a few extras…”

  “This is ridiculous.” I walked to the living room and grabbed my purse.

  “They’re grounded!” My stepmother called after me, but I didn’t turn around.

  They should be a lot more than grounded…

  My lips started burning again once I got in the car, but I tried to ignore it as I drove. I had dealt with pranks before—foster siblings were certainly nothing new. Sandra and Gina took it to another level entirely. The sooner I moved out of that house the better. I was eighteen—which meant I could actually be arrested if I lost my temper and slapped one of them. I had to keep reminding myself of that as I drove. I got to Adam’s house and pulled down my visor to look in the mirror. My lips were a definite disaster—swollen and ugly—at least they didn’t look like two thin lines anymore, but I would have preferred a different route to fuller lips.

  “Are you okay?” Adam narrowed his eyes when I walked up the steps with my hand over my mouth.

  “Yeah, give me a minute.” I pushed past him and immediately ran to the bathroom.

  “What happened this time?” Adam followed me to the door of the bathroom.

  “My evil foster sisters.” I dabbed my lips with wet toilet paper and turned towards him. “They put ghost peppers in my damn lip gloss.”

  “Hold on; water isn’t going to fix it.” Adam leaned forward and opened the cabinet. “You need to use rubbing alcohol.”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s going to burn…” I winced.

  “Only for a minute.” He unrolled a little bit of toilet paper and poured the foul-smelling liquid on it. “This will feel much better than the peppers, trust me.”


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