All But One

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All But One Page 38

by Sandra LaVaughn

  Lee stood leaning on the gate waiting, watching. Glaidous looked around he saw Roy and Fred in the distance, he called to Lee and waved him from the fence. Lee saw Rita and went to her. Since his wife had died in 2015, a romantic link sparked between the two in 2016. Lillie believed Rita was a good match for her son, her characteristic was like Lee's dead wife, she was a good Christian woman, six years younger than Lee, so could give her more grand-babies. Lillie looked over and saw Lee and Rita slow dancing to the fast music. She smiled. Ben asked, “whad’ you be smillin’ bout Miss. Lillie?”

  Lillie nodded towards Lee and Rita. Ben said, “dey’ be a perfect couple.”

  Roy and Fred went straight to the meat that was cooking, both overseers got off their horses, everything stopped. Fred cracked his whip in the air, “if y’all move, I'll beat ja.”

  Roy had a big pot, he dumped the chicken in the pot, and said, “is this all the meat that’s left?” He climbed on his horse. Fred got on his horse, and said, “our women burned our meat.”

  Both men galloped off.

  When they were out of hearing, Lillie said, “don't y’all worry, der' was' only two chickens cookin' in dat' pot, I's cookin' da' other meat back of my shack.” She looked at Rita and another woman, “come on y’all help me bring da' rest out here, den' we's gonna' eat it up.”

  When the women returned with the remaining eight cooked chicken, the slaves ate up everything, all the vegetables, the cakes, and meat so if or when the greedy overseers returned, all they would get was chicken bones.

  The band began walking towards the bar and grill. Lee looked a Jethro and nodded, Jethro, yelled, “hey everybody, let’s go wid' da' band to da' bar and grill.” He looked around and saw the women cleaning up the mess, he said, “first let’s help our women.”

  With both men and women cleaning the parties clutter, everything was cleared quickly. Within the slave area, they had a pit where they burned all the trash. After the tobacco field was pristinely cleaned and trash burning, they all went to town and partied hard. If Charles ever saw disorder on his plantation, his OCD would kick in, and cause him to grab his whip and go on a flagellation fit and beat everyone. He was kind but like Donovan, don't make him mad. When the slaves were leaving, Lee looked at Fanny and nodded towards Bo.

  Glaidous stood next to Lee and said softly, “I's' thank we's need ta' find another area ta' meet the walk-about, cause I's' seed' da' gate plain as day from here.”

  Lee looked around, all the slaves young and old was heading to the bar and grill. Lee smiled when he saw Cush in the front leading them away from the outside gate. Ben eyes followed Lees, he said, “don't thank we's gots' ta' worry, dey' be leavin.” Ben pointed.

  Lillie said, “I's agree wid' Ben.” She asked, “what time dey’ be comin.?”

  Lee rubbed his head, and said, “I don't know. I'll leave a note iffen' dey' come when we's gotta' go in.”

  He sprinted to his shack to get paper and pencil. Upon leaving his cabin, he heard a muffled noise, like someone was trying to scream but couldn't. The noise was coming from Rita's cabin, Lee snuck by the cabin and peeked in the window. He saw the two overseers, one was holding Rita on the floor, the other was preparing to rape her. Lee slide to the ground with his hands over his mouth, he silently cried. He quickly pulled himself together, he put the note Helen had given him, the pencil, and paper in his shirt then ran inside.

  Fred had Rita on the floor, he looked up and yelled, “behind you Roy.”

  Lee grabbed Roy and punched him hard in the mouth. Fred jumped up and ran toward Lee. Lee yelled, “run Rita!”

  Rita ran out of the door. Fred ran towards Lee to knock him out, Roy went after Rita. Lee grabbed Roy and used him as a shield. Fred was too angry and out of control to stop the blows, he knocked Roy out with a left, then a right hook.

  Lee let Roy go, he fell to the floor. Lee was ready to give Fred a hard right, but Jethro entered and knocked Fred out with one punch. The two men drug Roy and Fred out of the slave area and dumped their bodies dead center the tobacco.

  Roy and Fred pulled themselves together, stepped out the tobacco and got on their horses. Before they left Lee said, “I’s tellin’ Massa, I’s had nough’ dis.”

  Fred said, “you's' better not tell Mr. Brown dat' we be here, or we's tell him dat' you's' been sleepin' wid' a woman outside yo' wife.

  Lee laughed and said, “my wife be' dead foe’ two years.”

  Roy said to Fred, “yeah, where you been.”

  Jethro asked, “how’s yah’ do dis’ knowin’ what Massa Harry did ta’ Bo?”

  A dissatisfied look spread across Roy’s face, then he said, “Fred we’re no better than Harry.”

  “She be a her, not a him,” Fred said uncaringly.

  Roy said, “you do this again, I’ll beat you myself uneducated fool.”

  “Who you callin’ a fool,” Fred asked with a vile tone.

  Roy and Fred left. On the way to their home, Fred asked, “thank he tell Mr. Brown.”

  “Yes, I do. Maybe we'll get fired.”

  “That'd be nice. Why you yell at me in front da’ slaves.”

  “The slaves are Mr. Brown's precious goal. Our job is to take good care of them.

  “Mr. Sam Brown seem ta' thank' of them as his property. Have you noticed dat' Roy?”

  “He's the one I'm worried about. I'm more afraid of him than Harry or Mr. Charles.”

  Fred said, “God help us.”

  “No, we saw what Harry did,” Roy whispered loudly, “that was disgusting, how dare us to do the same.”

  “It be a woman,” Fred said matter factually.

  Roy jumped down off his horse, grabbed Fred off his horse, Fred hit the ground hard. Roy stomped Fred several times in the stomach, head, and chest. He got back on his horse and rode towards home taking Fred's horse with him.[RL89]


  Donovan, Haze, and Timpkin reach the clearing out of breath, they were close to the grassy area. Donovan said, “here we are.”

  Timpkin asked huffing and puffing, “how far do we have from here?”

  Haze ask, “hear that noise?”

  “It sounds like a crude noise,” Donovan said.

  “Maybe music?” Haze questioned.

  “Can't be music, what is that sound?” Timpkin commented and asked.

  Donovan said, “doesn't matter what the noise is, the point is that humans are making the sounds.”

  Timpkin said, “I was hoping that you were wrong about there being slaves.”

  The three men exited the forest and began the walk across the one-fourth mile grassy area.

  Donovan began to hyperventilate, he had to stop, he cupped his hands over his mouth to catch his breath.

  Haze said, “pull yourself together.” He looked at Timpkin.

  Timpkin had perspired so heavily, he was soaking wet. Haze handed him a handkerchief and said, “wipe your face.” He looked at Donovan and Timpkin and said, “Really, now you fall apart.”

  Donovan let out a loud exhale and said, “Haze is right.” He got his breath back and Timpkin stopped sweating so profusely. They continued their journey to the gate.

  11:30 AM

  KayKay had gone to the six o`clock service, nine o`clock she had breakfast with her six best friends. Eleven thirty she entered Theenda’s home wearing jeans and a blouse, she asked, “well, have you heard anything?”

  Tess was there, the women discussed their commitment to the slave project. Theenda said, “once the slaves are free, they will need training, medical, and mental help,” she paused and looked around the room before saying, “that covers all three of us.”

  Tess had her hair pulled back in a ponytail; scars were still prevalent but healing. She was a beautiful chipper confident woman. Tess leaned forward and whispered, “where will the slaves stay?

  KayKay said, “they can stay – well – ah – hum, how many are there?”

  Theenda said, “don't know, according to Donovan no one in t
his town will own up to what’s going on, so we won't be able to stay here. A few days ago, they killed....”

  “Breeze, a friend of Haze, I read that article,” Tess said.

  KayKay asked, “will we have to escape with them since we're the ones responsible for helping them?”

  “I would imagine so,” said Theenda thoughtfully. “Ladies,” Theenda continued, “are we ready for this, fugitives for life?”

  “Are you ready to leave all this,” KayKay ask as she looked around the room.

  “This stuff can be purchased, lives cannot. Yes, I will freely leave this house and things.” Theenda said.

  Tess said with great confidence, “I'm ready.”

  KayKay said, “you live in a hotel.”

  Tess stood ready to fight, Theenda said, “not today ladies, I’m not in the mood.”


  With Roy and Fred on their way home, Lee grabbed Rita’s hand and said, “come with me I hope ta' meet a walk-about.”

  “A what?”

  Lee was walking so fast, Rita had to walk run to keep up. They met up with Lillie, Glaidous, and Ben, together they began going towards the outer gate, when they reached the gate, they saw three men coming. Lee covered his face and cried, he said, “he be real.”

  Lille looked at Lee and said, “boy, stop dat.” One thought flashed and stayed in Lillie’s mind, dey be real coloreds walkin’ about. My Lord, dat’s what I’s wanna do.

  Glaidous said, “Lord-a-mercy. Dey’ be real.” He looked at Lillie and said, “all dis’ time I’s be a’ thanking he not real, but der’ be three, and real.”

  “What dis’ be?” Rita asked.

  No one was there to intervene, slave, Massa, nor overseers. All the slaves were in town, Roy was scared in his cabin, Fred was crawling to his, and the Browns was in Titleburk.[RL90]

  Donovan saw the five slaves standing at the gate, he inhaled, and then exhaled as he said, “like pictures in a history book.” [RL91]Although he thought, studying and talking about slavery, is nothing like coming face to face. He prayed, “my God, help us save them,” Donovan looked at Timpkin and Haze and said, “they are actual slaves.”

  Haze asked, “Don-man is this what it looked like when you studied about slavery?”

  “Not at all Haze.”

  “I think I'm going to be sick,” Haze claimed, he turned around, bent over and vomited.

  Timpkin said in a panic, “they are real - this can't be - not now.”

  Donovan looked at Haze and said, “pull yourself together.”

  The three men walked up to the gate and stood motionless.

  As they approached the gate, Lee said, “it be more den' one of 'em.'“

  Lillie replied, “sho'nuff' is.”

  Haze exhaled and blew his breath in no one’s direction, Donovan smelt the throw-up, he said, “Haze drink some water, put a mint in your mouth.”

  Glaidous said, “da’ youngen be in charge”

  Donovan put his hand on the gate, he looked at Glaidous and uncomfortable words stumble out of his mouth, though Donovan, Timpkin, and Haze had practiced what to say, Donovan stammered, “I-I-I don't kn-know where to be-be-began.”

  Lillie reached up and touched his fingers, she said, “he soft.”

  Rita said, “dey' smell good, like morning' rain.”

  Donovan embarrassed ignored the comments, he slowly slid his hand away, and said, “my name is Donovan Bright, these are my friends...”

  Glaidous stopped Donovan by asking, “how many walk-abouts out der, Mr. Doo-no-van?”

  A puzzled look scrolled across Donovan's face, he asked, “walk-abouts?”

  Lee said, “Massa say all coloreds like us be locked behind gates, how you’s git out.”

  Haze was in such a shock, he stood frozen.

  Timpkin said, “ah.”

  Since neither of the men answered Lee’s question, he introduced the slaves, “we's don't know how ta' say yo' name Sir, my name be Lee, dis' my sweetheart Rita, my mama, my uncle Glaidous, and Ben.”

  Donovan looked at Rita and ask, “what happened to her?”

  Lillie commented, “he talks better'n' Massa.”

  Without taking his eyes off Donovan, Glaidous said to Lillie, “Lillie Mr. Doo-noo-vin ax' a question.”

  Glaidous answered Donovan's question, “Rita be raped by da' overseers.”

  Haze said, “the position for overseer went out of business when slavery ended, and freedom took over.”

  Ben said, “slavery be ova' Sir?”

  Glaidous ask, “ain't nobody slaves Sir?”

  Donovan said, “everybody is supposed to be free.”

  “What dat' mean free?” Lee asked.

  Haze began, “it means...”

  Donovan cut in and said, “let me introduce my friends, this is Haze Day, and Timpkin Linwood, I am Donovan Bright.”

  Lillie said, “glory be, I's' likes yo' names.”

  “Me too,” said Rita, I's' likes dey' clothes, what da' women look like out der?”

  Donovan got his wallet and pulled out a picture of Theenda, he handed it to Rita, he said to Haze, “Haze, for real, put a mint in your mouth.”

  The slaves said in unison, “like the women in the picture book you leave us.”

  Rita said, “I’s wanna meet her. She be pretty.”

  Haze said, “Donovan’s wife is a kind woman.”

  Up until this point Timpkin was quiet, he said, “I will do everything in my power to get you free,” he looked at Haze and Donovan, and said, “you with me.”

  Haze looked at Timpkin and said, “just now waking up Tim-man?” He got a bottle of water and mints out of his book bag. Haze put a mint in his mouth and drank a big gulp of water.

  The slaves asked about the book bag and everything that was inside.

  Lee asked as Haze drank water, “whad’ dat’ be?”

  Haze ran back some distance from the fence and threw the waters one at a time, and the bag of medicines and candy over the gate, Lee, Ben, and Glaidous caught it all.

  Theenda had also purchased three big bags of Easter Candy, a large container of tums and Bayer Aspirin. Donovan, Haze, and Timpkin each had four bottles of water in their book bags, they kept one for themselves and tossed the others over the gate. Donovan showed the slaves how to open the bottle, the four slaves drank a full bottle of water none stop. The empty bottles the slaves smashed flat, to fit them through the prong of the gate.

  Glaidous said, “dat’ be good wata.”

  Lee asked Donovan, “can we’s keep dis’ wata?”

  Donovan answered, “yes, you may.”

  Lee said to Lillie, Rita, and Glaidous, “I’s gib’ one ta’ Jethro, he gonna like’s dis.” He looked at Donovan and said, “Jethro keep da’ otha’ slaves from here.” He said in a pleading voice, “Mr. Bright, help us be fee.”

  Donovan asked Lee, “if we find a way to get you out of here, how many will leave?”

  Lee answered, “all but one, dat' be Massa Brown special slave.”

  “So, how many?” Donovan asked again.

  “Oh, der' be fitty-five of u, da’ nurse say der’ be twenty chil’ren in da’ chil’ren gate.”

  Timpkin asked, “nurse.”

  Lillie said, “she told us that she and a teacher be lock up wid’ da’ chil’ren.”

  Rita said, “Helen da’ slave girl go der’ ta take care of da’ chil’ren. Massa Brown sista’ let Helen come home sometime.”

  Lee said, “oh, Mr. Bright, he reached in his shirt and handed the note to Donovan as he said, “Massa Brown sista’ gib’ dis’ ta’ Helen, she say gib’ to you.”

  While Donovan read the note Ben asked, “what it look like through da' trees? what people likes us do out der?'“

  Donovan answered, “I'm a high school history teacher, Haze owns a janitorial company, Timpkin works for the government.”

  The slaves stood looking at the three men in amazement and confusion.

  Lee said, “we's don't unna'stand
' what ja' talkin' bout Sir.”

  Haze ask, “do the overseers beat men and women or just rape the woman?”

  Glaidous spoke up and said, “we gits' beatin' by da' whippin' tree”.

  Haze said, “run that by me again?”

  Lillie ask, “you say you's a teacher? Massa say only rich white folk teach.”

  Rita said angrily, “Massa lie, he lie, he lie, he lie!” she fell to the ground crying.

  Lillie helped her off the ground and said, “git up child, pull yo’ self ta’ gather.”

  Lee asked several questions, “teach us to talk better, say yo' name, git' us free.”

  Ben asked, “can you's do dat' ta'day?”

  “Not today, we have to come up with a plan,” Donovan said without much conviction.

  Haze asked, “where's the whipping tree.”

  Lee answered, “ova’ der.” He pointed.

  Ben said, “you can see it from here, see dat' big tree sittin' all alone, ova' der?”

  Donovan and Haze said simultaneously, “I see it.”

  Timpkin pulled out his glasses so he could see, and then said, “the big tree standing alone.”

  Lillie looked at Timpkin and ask, “what dose' on yo' face?”

  The other slaves waited in anticipation for his answer, Timpkin said, “glasses, they help me to see better.”

  Glaidous said, “I's' neva' heard such, he got extra eyes.”

  Donovan said, “we'll get you out of here, we'll take you to a doctor to have your eyes, ears, nose, throat, feet, and body examined.”

  Lee asked, “a what?”

  Timpkin explained what doctors were.

  Donovan put the note from Lee in his pocket and said, “tell Helen to thank Becky Lou for me.”

  Lee said, “yah Sir.

  Lillie said, “Mr. Bright, tells yo’ wife, we say thank you.”

  “I will Miss. Lillie.”

  Before leaving, Donovan had them to take the medicine out the bags, he told them what the medicine was for and how to take it.

  Haze showed them how to open the bags of candy, he said, “don’t eat too much, it will make you sick.”


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