All But One

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All But One Page 49

by Sandra LaVaughn

  His mom looked sad and worried, she said, “is it because I frighten you son about the slaves.”

  Timpkin sat next to her and said, “no ma’am mama, you know my friends Donovan, and Haze.”

  His mother said, “yes, I do. Donovan is the one with the petite pretty wife, Haze wife is, woo child, she’s wilder than necessary. Lord Lord.”

  Timpkin and his dad laughed and agreed with her. Timpkin said, “We’re taking our wives on a long four-month trip. I’ll come as soon as I get back in town.” And then he had a bright idea, he said, “let’s take selfies so when we talk on the phone, we’ll have each other’s picture.”

  With each of their cell phones, Timpkin took several pictures of himself and his parents huddled together. They had so much fun taking those pictures, they made happy faces, funny faces, and crazy faces, they did more laughing than anything. It was a fun way, to go away.

  At the base of the plantation, Timpkin leaned against his car, he felt sad, he had lied to his mother. He really didn’t know when or if he’d ever return to Ogville. He looked at the pictures, he laughed, he cried.[RL111]


  Charles and Barbara stayed the night in the plantation house instead of their castle, they had a plan. Sunday morning at eight o`clock with the slaves in church waiting for him to preach, the husband and wife duo were going to execute the adult slaves, it was going to be quick and easy. After shooting and killing the adults, the children were next.

  Charles purchased two machine guns and over a thousand bullets. He said, “soon we will be free of all this mess. I've never been outside these three towns; I've only seen pictures of the rest of the world.”

  Barbara said, “tomorrow all the slaves, gone.”

  “Then on to Canada.” He chuckled and continued, “Hawaii here we come.”

  Barbara smiled and said, “where's that cook?”


  Before driving down the long path that led to the plantation mansion, James and Theenda switched drivers. James scooted down in the front seat and Sara laid down as Theenda pulled in front of the house and parked the car. “Theenda said, “the children are around back, Donovan said through a small dense forest.” She parked in front of the house, she handed James the keys to the gates, and said, “go left when you're in the first gate and just keep walking until you see a second gate and the cabin.”

  James asked, “which key is to what gate?”

  Theenda said, “the first key is marked outer, the other key is marked, children.”

  James looked at the keys and said, “got it.”

  He began to leave then turned around and in a very low voice whispered, “Sara, stay down.”

  Theenda said, “let me get inside first.” Theenda went up to the house and knocked, she sat two bookbags on the porch. Barbara opened the door, when Theenda entered, James quietly slid out the car and whispered to Sara, “Stay in the car, watch for the flairs.”

  Sara said, “I'm so scared, I've never been this frighten in my life.”

  “It’s going to be okay honey.” He turned to leave but first said, “I gotta admit, this is exciting and scary, we’re abolitionist, I never in my life thought...”

  Sara whispered sternly, “James go.”,

  He left, but came back to the car, reached in the glove compartment and got the flashlight. Sara said, “I’m glad you returned, I’ll go to the first gate with you, it’s getting dark and creepy out here.”

  Inside the house, Theenda was shown the locations of everything she needed to prepare supper. Charles and Barbara went down the hall to the sitting room. Theenda got busy cooking. She found a beautiful crystal pitcher in a cupboard. Theenda had purchased a bottle of Everclear alcohol 95% ABV, she mixed the alcohol with MacFuddy Pepper Elixir Soda, orange juice, one-fourth cup of sugar, and a half bottle of knock out drops that Tess had confiscated from the hospital. Theenda had no idea what she was pouring in the punch, Tess had removed the label. She stuck her finger in before adding the drops to taste, she said, “yuck, strong and nasty.

  By eight o`clock, supper was ready. She set the table in the dining room and called them to dinner, she put a little bit of ice in their crystal dinner glasses and poured the punch to the rim. Unbelievable to Theenda the couple loved it. They drained the first glass without eating their food. She poured them another, this time they drank and ate. Charles had a third glass. Charles asked pointing at his glass, “what is this I’m drinking, it’s delicious.”

  Theenda showed him the alcohol bottle. He took the bottle and said, “I’ve never heard of this.” Then asked, where did you get it.”

  Theenda answered, “on eBay.”

  “What’s that?” Charles asked.

  “The internet,” Theenda answered totally surprised.

  Charles looked at Barbara, who said, “I’ve heard of that, we’ll learn about it, our son Harry is always on the internet.” She looked at Theenda and smiled.

  Theenda said, “if you have a computer, I will show you.”

  Barbara said, “maybe another time.

  Charles winked at Barbara. It was not their intention to let Theenda leave alive.

  While Charles and Barbara were eating their supper, the slaves, except Saul and Lillie, were in the church eating the remaining food that the women had cooked earlier that day. Lee stood and announced that they were leaving the plantation. As Lee was explaining their escape to the confused slaves, Saul was in his shack putting knock out drops in Jack Daniel alcohol, the bottles were for Lillie’s dinner. She had invited Glaidous, the two overseers, and Bo. Glaidous had not arrived, he was at the church, Glaidous neatly stacked the Bible, two books with the slave's names, and the tin can Moses had buried. He was curious about Paula that wrote she ran away, Glaidous wondered, where did she go and how? Glaidous wanted to give the young man that was doing all he could, to get them free, he decided to give the items to Donovan. He looked at the stack of books and tin can and smiled, he mumbled softly, “I’s hope he likes dis.” He left going to Lillie’s, he walked past Lee and patted him on the shoulder, then said to everyone, “I’s be back.”

  Lee had Jethro, Ben, and Cush to bring some of the burlap sacks from the tunnel in the backroom. They laid them on the pulpit, confusion spread throughout the audience. Lee began the explanation of running to freedom.

  Earlier that week, Donovan, Timpkin, Cole, his employee, and two male members from Mrs. Paddleton church delivered thirty burlap sacks, and one hundred sandwich bags with a zip top, filled with Potassium Chloride. The Potassium powder was delivered to Cole’s junkyard. Donovan, Timpkin, Cole, the two men from church, and his employee filled the sacks and sandwich bags with potassium. On the day of delivery, the six men piled the sacks on the back of Cole’s pickup truck and the two men from church trucks, they drove to the plantation. using three-wheel barrels, the men delivered the filled sacks to Lee, Jethro, Saul, Ben, and Glaidous. Tess had given Theenda two small bottles of what she called, knock out drops. Donovan gave the bottles to Lee, and three bottles of Jack Daniel Wine. On the night of the distribution, the men made several trips from the trucks to the gate. when Donovan got home, he did not bother to bathe, he went straight to bed. Theenda slept in another bedroom, his smell made her throw up.

  After putting ten drops of the knock out drops in each bottle, Saul delivered the wine to Lillie and ran to the church to help spread the powder.

  During this time, Bo, Roy, and Fred were in Lillie’s cabin. Around 8:15 Roy asked, “where’s Lee and his boy?”

  “Right here,” Lee said as he entered the cabin. “Cush is wid’ his friends.”

  Bo, Roy, and Fred drunk the wine, ate, laughed, talked, they got tipsy and sleepy. Fred said, “this stuff is strong.”

  Glaidous stumbled in as though he was drunk, he asked, “whar’s da’ food. I’s hungry.”

  Lillie got up and fixed him a plate. Lee looked at his mother it was 8:30. She said, “you men fallin’ sleep. Y’all go on home now.” She handed
them each a bottle of the Jack Danial Whisky.”

  Roy said, “Miss. Lillie, I think you right.”

  He stumbled to the door with Fred behind him. Bo fell twice before entering his shack.

  When the overseers were out of sight, she looked around the cabin one last time and said, “feedom we's comin.” She took a quilt that she had made for Theenda, she grabbed the book bag that Donovan had given to Lee, Glaidous had asked her to bring it.

  Lillie looked at Lee and said, “let’s go.”

  Lee said, “wait, mama, I’s gonna’ miss home.”

  “We all will son, I’s been here ova sixty years.”

  She pushed Lee out the door and said, “we’s gotta’ go.”

  Roy and Fred were close to their cabins, Roy said, “you and your woman come over to my cabin.”

  “Sounds like a party,” Fred said cheerfully.

  Lee and Lillie entered the church, the slaves were punching holes in the burlap sacks. Lee said, “da’ overseer be gone, time ta’ spread da’ powder.” The younger folk spreading the powder, walked around the plantation inside the slave area, while others went around the outside of their gate, others through the tobacco field. The older men carried the sandwich bags and threw one in the doorway of the cabins and between them. The women had gotten pans of water for their men return. At ten o`clock, everyone was in church. Sophie was on a bench sleep when Glaidous entered, he said, “good she finally shut-up.”

  Lillie looked down at Sophie and said, “naw,’ I punched her out.”

  One of the women said, “iffen’ she had not, ’ I show nuff’ would’a.”

  Lee looked at his mother and said, it's time. With all but Bo, in the church, Lee told the slaves to crawl fast through the tunnel, when they got on the other side of the outer gate, to stand still, keep quiet, and wait for the next instruction.

  One of the ladies asked, “wad' about' our thangs' in da' cabin.”

  Lee simply said, “we's,” he cleared his throat and corrected himself, “we don't need them where we be going. We will get new feedom things.”

  Glaidous said, “Mr. Bright say, out with the old – in with the new.” He filled the book bag with the books and tin can.

  Jethro lined everyone by the back room, over one hundred years ago Zeek said, “we need ta’ build a small room with a dirt floor.”

  At the time Zeek did not know the reason, but he knew the room had to be built. On the day Harry’s hired hands were hoodwinked, the Lord revealed to Zeek the reason for the room with the dirt floor. Zeek’s heart was filled with compassion and love, he prayed for the slave’s safety. His death was sad and peaceful.

  Ben and Saul were the first to go down into the tunnel to lead the slaves to freedom. The frighten slaves came out of the tunnel one by one standing on the outside of the outer gate, looking in. They were amazed. Zeek’s work was fulfilled. One of the newly freedmen and women looked all around and up at the sky and said, “da' sky be bigger.”

  Glaidous and Lillie wanted to stay behind with Lee, he told them they move too slow and would cause him to miss freedom. So, they reluctantly entered the tunnel. When everybody was on the other side of the gate, Ben explained the yellow ribbons tied to the trees. He told them they would be walking fast so keep up, “he said, if you get lost follow the yellow ribbons.” He looked at everyone then said, “Let’s go.”

  Cush said, “not without my daddy.”

  Lillie said, “me either.”

  “Cush, you stay and wait.” Jethro looked at Miss. Lillie and continued, “Miss. Lillie, you will hold Lee up. When he come out da' tunnel he be running.”

  Cush said, “grandma go.”

  She said, “I will do no such thang.”

  Glaidous said, “slow old fool, you's ain't makin' my nephew miss feedom.” He went to her and pulled her by the hand, she fought to get loose, she yelled loud, “let me go.”

  Glaidous said, “sorry sis.” He slapped her hard, then said, “now Shut-up and keep up.”

  “You hit me.”

  “Shut-up and keep walking.”

  Sophie said, “she hit me Glaidous.”

  “Da’ two of yous’ need ta’ keep yo’ mouth shut, you be gittin’ on my nerve.”

  9:30 PM

  Donovan pulled up next to Timpkin, he uncovered his van. Donovan and Tess got off the bus and joined Timpkin. Donovan told Timpkin, “when Haze arrives set off the first flair. I’m going up to get Thee and the kids.”

  Before Donovan pulled off in his bus, Haze drove in and next to Donovan. Haze got off the bus first. Timpkin asked, “where's Kay?”

  Donovan inquired about Haze pulling over on the highway. Haze said to Timpkin, “I'm sorry man, she goes on and on none stop asking about things that's none of her business.”

  KayKay got off the bus trying to hide her face, it didn't work, she wore her hair pulled back in a bun, it was obvious that there was a confutation on Haze bus, the side of KayKay’s face was bruised.

  KayKay said, “he hit me.”

  “Did you learn a lesson about keeping your mouth shut?” Timpkin asked in a none caring tone.

  10:05, Timpkin shot off the first flair. Donovan told him to shoot off the second at 10:30 and 11:00, he said, “we should be on the way to the junkyard.

  Timpkin commented, “I hope they follow the ribbons.”

  Haze asked, “what ribbons?”

  The day Donovan and the men made the potassium delivery, they tied yellow ribbons on tree branches for the slaves to follow. Donovan said, “me too.” He got on the bus backed out and let to get Theenda.


  Standing in the doorway of the Church, Lee saw the flair, he thought it was the most beautiful site. He was given a flair and instructions to alert Timpkin that they had left, Lee shot off his flair. The sparkles hit the ground in the slave area igniting the potassium instantly. He said, “wow.” He looked around the church one last time. Before leaving he took a mental picture of his uncle standing on the pulpit preaching, the choir singing, and all the slaves saying, Amen. He could hear Charles singing his favorite song, he remembered only a few weeks ago Harry’s sermon. He quickly crawled through the tunnel, when he got out, he saw Cush, he grabbed and hugged his son and breathlessly said, “let’s go.”

  As they ran Lee said, “boy you supposed to be wid’ da’ others.”

  Cush said, “Daddy I can't leave you.” He looked at one of the shacks that caught on fire, he stopped and said, “daddy ain’t that pretty.”

  Lee said, “yes, it is, keep running.”

  He and Cush ran fast to catch up. The white chemical was on the bottom of the slaves’ shoes, they tracked it on the grass and through the forest.

  Charles said to Barbara, “let’s rest a bit while the girl cleans.”

  On their way out the dining area, Barbara was drowsy and thought she whispered when she said, “then we kill her before she leaves.”

  They laughed. Theenda heard them slowly and clumsy go up the steps, she whispered, “kill me? We’ll see about that.”

  It was time for Theenda to finish her job. On the porch Theenda grabbed the larger bookbag that was filled with potassium salt, she quietly entered the house, got a cup from the cupboard and went up the stairs where she spread the chemical in the hallway, a whole cup in front of Charles bedroom doors. She stepped out on the upstairs porch and saw the fire in the slave area, she left a trail of the powder on the porch. Theenda went down the stairs and walked down the long hallway, turned and left through the drawing-room where Harry's H. B. Metropolis plans were developed.

  In the corner of the room she saw Harry’s hideous gargoyle chair, she laid the bag across the top.


  The frighten slaves were going through the woods, following the yellow ribbons. Sophie said, “I’s wanna’ go back ta’ Massa.”

  Jethro asked, “is der’ an end to da’ trees?”

  “Maybe we’s made a mistake’ I’s don’t wanna lib’ in woods,” Glaidou
s complained.

  “Shut-up you old, fool,” Lillie said still angry.

  Ben said, “just keepa’ goin,’ I gotta’ know bout’ feedom.”

  “That’s right Ben, gotta’ know,” Jethro said.

  Lee and Cush caught up with the slaves poking along in the woods, he and Cush ran past everyone and went up front with Saul. He asked Saul, “how you doing?”

  “I’s scared but can’t stop now.”

  Donovan drove to the house, he turned the bus around, so it headed towards MacCall. He parked it, blocking the driveway just in case Charles tried to escape. The bus was so loud he prayed continuously that the owners of the plantation would not hear it.


  Save The Children

  James and Sara got to the outer gate, his hands shook so hard the light from the flashlight was all over the place. Sara said, “let me hold the flashlight.”

  At first, he could not get the key to fit. When the gate swung open, James fell through and hit the ground, picking himself up he said, “God help me please.”

  Sara said, “yes, Lord.”

  They rushed to the children’s gate, as he fumbled with the lock, he could see an outline of a house. He said, “Sara shine the light out there”

  As Sara shined the light on the cabin, Helen came out, she thought it was a falling star, then she wondered if her Massa was coming. She ran back inside and gather the children in the meeting room. James said to Sara, “stay here.”

  He ran to the cabin, James busted through the door and said, “let’s go.” Everybody was together.

  One of the thirteen-year-old asked, “who you? And whar’s we be goin.”

  James said, “you’re free. Follow me.”

  A thirteen-year-old girl said, “we’s goin’ ta’ our mom and dads.”


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