His One Regret: Sons Of Lost Souls MC Book Four

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His One Regret: Sons Of Lost Souls MC Book Four Page 1

by Hunter, Ellie R.

  His One Regret

  Sons Of Lost Souls MC Book Four

  Ellie R Hunter

  His One Regret

  Sons of Lost Souls MC Series

  By Ellie R Hunter

  Ellie R Hunter - His One Regret

  © 2019 Ellie R Hunter


  [email protected]

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and co-incidental.



  Cover Design by

  Tracie Douglas at Dark Water Covers.


  Also by Ellie R Hunter


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  Also by Ellie R Hunter

  Incurable Hearts

  * * *

  Perfectly Obsessed

  * * *

  The Grace Porter Series

  To Live or To Die

  * * *

  Four Fallen Souls Series

  Smile, Alice

  The Lost Souls MC Series: Biker Bait

  Biker Faith

  Biker Bound

  Biker Born

  Biker Saviour

  Biker Taken

  Biker Torn

  Biker Ruined

  Biker Salvation

  Sons of Lost Souls MC: His Father’s Son

  His Selfish Love

  His Ride or Die

  Her Crazy Life

  This book is dedicated to all my readers, who follow my stories and fall in love with my Lost Souls as much as I do.

  But to one reader, she made this book possible by leaving one comment on a Facebook post that I really needed to hear. I’m not sure why, but while writing this book I have been plagued with self-doubt, and not knowing this, Jamie-Lea Robinson’s comment mended something in me and here we are, reading book four! So, this book wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her and her kind words. Thank you!

  When I was a little girl, I never dreamed about the prince I would grow up and marry. I was happy to run around chasing my brother, annoy him and fight with him. As I grew into a teenager, I still didn’t dream about boys or have any crushes. Until Leo. Leo Jackson is the only one I have ever dreamed about and as I wear his ring and hold our child in my arms, I can’t help the sick feeling that has settled down in my stomach over him and I being ripped apart. I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but my gut is telling me one of us is going to die and we won’t have our happy ending. I’m starting to believe the path we’ve taken together was never meant to last, perhaps we were always meant to part ways at a certain point. Learn from each other that will carry on when the other isn’t around. I have no idea but this situation we find ourselves in has me thinking all sorts and none of them ending happily. Romeo and Juliet come to mind and while we would never end our lives by our own hands, they were ripped apart and didn’t last the test of time.

  We’re ten minutes out from the hospital and I sit in the back seat listening to Cas’s phone call, there is a prospect there already waiting to drive me and Rayna back to the club so Cas and Alannah can go straight to his appointment.

  We’ve had to stop four times for him to be sick. We’ve had to stop three times for him to get some air because he thought he was going to be sick and we’ve stopped five times because Alannah was worried about how pale he was. Each time, Leo would keep Rayna and I company and the closer to home we got, the more my stomach dropped.

  I don’t want Leo back in Willow’s peak. I want him as far from town as possible and away from Ellis. The two people he wants most are on their way back and I can almost smell their blood in the air. Not once have I ever misplaced my trust in the club, I’ve spent my life believing the men who wear the Lost Souls patch were untouchable. They’re strong, powerful, and above all, still alive. After all the stories we’ve heard, they are still breathing and here. That has to count for something yet the sickness in my stomach won’t go away.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Leo asks.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  I look down at Rayna and wonder why she can’t sleep while we’re in the car and only when she’s in my arms at rest stops. It’s been a long drive between Rayna’s cries and Cas’s puke stops.

  “Talk to me, babe. What’s wrong?” His gaze is heavy upon me and my burning question pushes through the barrier his gaze is creating.

  “Do you regret shooting Roman?” I blurt out.

  His gaze shifts from me and hovers over the distance, he leans back and rests his arms on the bench table.

  “No, I don’t. I made a promise to you and I wasn’t going to break it because of someone who meant nothing to me. Come on, tell me what’s really on your mind?”

  My heart races and my hands begin to clam up. Holding Rayna is the only reason I don’t jump up to my feet and start pacing. Moving around won’t help my panic but it would distract me from it.

  “I don’t want you to go back to Willow’s Peak.”

  There, I’ve said it.

  “Why? It’s our home,” he says with such ease I’m jealous he doesn’t hold the same fear as me.

  Rayna whimpers and stretches her legs out. Before she can wake, I pass her over to Leo and he stands with her, gently swaying her from side to side. The sight of the two of them melts me, he’s so good with her and if he is the one to go, I’ll have to remember these images and cherish them.

  “There’s so much danger there for you, I have this feeling you’re-” He stops me with a glare and I sigh.

  “Stop your worrying, I’ll be fine. I have the club behind me, and I have you and our daughter. Nothing is going to happen to me.”

  If only those words didn’t live to haunt me.


  Before Leo moved into the cabin, he would spend a lot of his time here at the club, rather than go home to his parent’s house. I reckon he only loved it so much because he had parties and girls on tap whenever he wanted. This club is the perfect hang out for a guy with loose morals and wanting a good time. I physically have to stop myself from imaging how many girls he’s had here in his room. I wouldn’t be able to step through the door otherwise. When Cas ordered us to stay here, bed sheets from home was first on my list to bring here with our other things. As I lay Rayna down in the middle of the bed, I lie beside her and stretch my legs out. The drive back from Mercy is not a joke and if a trip there comes up again, I’ll be offering to stay behind.
The tension between the chapters was high and Cas swore he would return with the Willows Peak chapter. Hopefully when that happens the fight with Ellis will be over and the women and children can stay home.

  Rayna whimpers and I stroke her cheek as softly as I can to soothe her. Ever since we left town so Cas can be father of the year to Harper, Rayna has been on edge. She hasn’t been settling and I reckon she’s sensing trouble is in the air. I sure know I do.

  “Come on, sweetie. Hush now,” I sing quietly to her, but to no avail. Her whimpers gradually turn into cries and I could cry myself. “Mommy wants to sleep, and you need to sleep and when daddy comes back, he’ll need to sleep.”

  My singing is horrid and I’m trying not to let her feel my desperation. I’m so tired I could cry. My eyes are burning, my body aches and I’m starting to feel sick. I just need some sleep. My daughter is the best part of me and I can’t bring myself to think about the time I wasn’t planning on continuing my pregnancy. Even when she’s refusing to sleep, I wouldn’t change a thing. My perfect girl, with her father’s dark hair and eyes and my nothing, she is perfectly beautiful.

  “Please, I beg you, beautiful girl, close your eyes and sleep till the morning, just for tonight, let mommy sleep and you can cry all day tomorrow,” I continue singing.

  I have no idea what’s coming out of my mouth but I’m not beyond begging my child to sleep when deep voices filter up from down in the bar through the floor.

  “Don’t listen to them, drift off to sleep, block them from your mind, they’re idiots who have drunk too much.”

  The brother’s voices are getting louder, the edge to their tones spike my interest and then I hear them getting closer and clearer. Something is going on and I hate that it’s tonight of all nights. I can’t wait till we can go home, the only noise you hear are the birds chirping in the trees. Someone is stomping up and down the hall and I scowl at the door, to whoever is on the other side.

  Shuffling closer to Rayna, I cup my hand around the side of her cheek and grit my teeth at the intrusion. I hate staying here. It’s not so bad when Leo’s with us because he has no problem throwing open the door and yelling at them to quit their noise. Me, I’m not so brave.

  A round of banging on the door has me jumping up and I’m pissed. Rayna will never sleep if this continues. Her cries grow as I drag myself off the bed and it’s like needles stabbing my eardrums.

  The door knob rattles before I get to the door, and I freeze. No one would try getting in here, everyone knows this is Leo’s room and they know they’ll get their asses kicked if he finds them in his space especially with Rayna and I here.

  I turn the key in the lock, and I’m left with no choice but to dart out of the way as it’s pushed open from the other side.

  Mason barrels through nearly knocking me over, his eyes are wild when they land on the baby and then on me. He slams the door shut and twists the key. I’ve never seen Mason this on edge before. He’s the more serious twin between him and his brother, but never this serious.

  “What the hell, Mase? What’s going on out there?”

  The yelling is becoming unbearably loud, and it doesn’t sound like a normal one-on-one fight between the brothers.

  “Grab the baby and follow me.”

  I don’t know what’s going on but whatever is happening, Mason’s shoulders are broader, his eyes are darker, and he has a gun in plain sight in his waistband.


  His jaw is tight, and his knuckles are white from straining his hands into fists.

  “Ellis and his club stormed us, they’re down in the bar and shit is flowing sideways real fast. He’s here for Leo and as he’s not here, you and his kid are going to be next in line to hurt.”

  My heart is racing and numbly, I fly across the room and scoop my daughter up in my arms, wrapping her up in her softest pink blanket. I spin around, and Mason has Rayna’s baby bag already in his hand. Thankfully I was too tired to unpack when we got back.

  “When I open this door, you stick to my side and don’t look back, don’t stop and for the love of God, don’t let anything happen to you. I’ve got a prospect waiting to take you to the hospital, to Leo.”

  Damn Cas and damn Leo for going. I knew something like this was going to happen, I fucking knew it. Every instinct I had was screaming at me something like this was going to happen, and here it is, coming for us at a thousand miles an hour.

  He turns the key as a shot rings out and I grab onto his arm to stop him from opening the door.

  “We can’t go out there.”

  “We have to, a lot of us went to the hospital after Alannah was shot, if the Crows get the better of us, they’ll get up here and they’ll search through every room and I can’t let them find you. I’ll get you out, you just have to trust me. Now, let’s go.” The intensity burns in his eyes and I nod. I trust him. I don’t know a time in my life where the twins weren’t a part of it.

  He opens the door and steps out and looks left then right. Turning back to me, he holds his hand out and ushers me towards the side stairs. I haven’t been down these since Leo and I used to sneak around before our relationship went public. What I wouldn’t give to have them days back, all we had to worry about was my dad catching us and losing his mind.

  The fight fades from our ears as we step outside and the prospect is waiting on us with a truck purring away like Mason said he would be.

  “Take them to the hospital, don’t stop for anything,” Mason orders the prospect and then turns to me.

  “Aren’t you coming with us? You can’t go back in there.”

  What is he thinking? Another shot echoes around us and Mason flinches, torn between answering me and getting back inside.

  “Myles is in there, I won’t leave him behind, besides, I love a good fight,” he shrugs and disappears back inside.

  “Come on, get the baby in and let’s go,” the prospect orders me and jumps in behind the wheel. I lean in the back seat and buckle Rayna in her seat. My heart is crazily beating away, and each thump has me struggling for breath. We heard stories about the club fighting with other clubs back in the day, we heard all about the triumphs of our brothers taking out the enemy, but we also grew up mourning brothers we never met that were taken from the Lost Souls before our time. The one thing about living free is that it doesn’t make you invincible. Anyone can die and I hope it isn’t one of us tonight. I click the last buckle in place and with shaking hands, I cover her with her blanket and go to shut the door.

  “Oh sweetheart, you’re not going anywhere.”

  I don’t recognise the voice, but I know it doesn’t belong to anyone here to help me. The tingles in my legs come first and then I feel sick.

  “I’ll let him take the kid, but you’re staying with me.”

  My hair is caught up in a vice like grip and my body is jolted backwards. I lose my footing and fall to my knees, until I’m yanked up and spun around.

  I come face to face with patches and end up looking into the eyes of the man who craves to kill my fiancé. Ellis.

  “I’ve been looking forward to this for a while, sweetheart.”


  Even hidden in the darkness of the truck, the prospect pales and it shines as does the terror in his eyes. He leans over to get out and Ellis’s hand tightens in my hair, and he swings his gun up. Oh God, my baby girl is in the direction he’s pointing that thing in.

  “Take her, go!” I scream at the prospect.

  “Listen to the pretty girl, cocksucker,” Ellis goads and I cry out.

  “Please, get her somewhere safe,” I plead.

  I won’t remind him to take her to the hospital in case this prick has someone follow them there.

  A rush of breath escapes me when he jumps back in the truck and slams his door shut. It echoes around us and all I’m left hearing is Ellis’s ragged breathing near my ear. The prospect’s back-wheel spins out as he thrashes the gas. The taillights fade to nothing as I’m dragg
ed along when he starts to walk. Please, oh please, let her find safety.

  “You best hope your boy still loves you as much as he did when he killed my brother, because if I can’t kill him, I will kill you. One way or another, he will know my pain.”

  I can’t stop the whimper that escapes me, but I don’t think he hears it, or if he does, he ignores it.

  We don’t walk back inside the side door, his grip on my hair tightens even further as we make our way to the main door into the bar. My feet have barely stepped over the threshold when I see the destruction the Crow’s are causing. Over the heads and shoulders of Lost Souls, I see they are fighting with Crows’, bar stools are being used as weapons, the pool cues are being whacked over heads. I find my brother throwing a punch to the back of a Crow’s head, while he stands protectively in front of a scared, crying Nina. Mason and Myles are fighting keeping back to back to each other for protection. It would be a beautiful sight if they weren’t fighting for their lives.

  Zach’s eyes meet mine and widen at the same time I feel the cold metal of the barrel of Ellis’s gun press against my temple. The Crow takes advantage of his distraction and lands a heavy right punch to my brother’s jaw, Zach falls back against Nina before quickly shaking it off and righting himself. This is out of hand and Ellis is thriving on it.


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