The Princes of Draconia: MFM Dragon Shifter Romance

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The Princes of Draconia: MFM Dragon Shifter Romance Page 3

by Amy Griffin

  The Draconian healer is shocked at the condition of the sick. He orders cool baths to soothe their sores and fluids to help with dehydration. Athena assures him that she has done those exact things many times. Poultices are applied to the sores and herbs are mixed into the water in hopes of bringing down the fever. Athena shows her frustration by stating, “Do you think I have not tried all of these things myself? Every known cure has been used. We have even prayed over them and made sacrifices, yet they grow worse. Is there nothing new in this land to try?” All eyes are on the distraught Athena as she stalks back to the fire careful to keep her cloak tightly about her.

  The healers work throughout the night, taking turns sleeping for a few minutes at a time. When the sun rises announcing a new day, two more have died and their bodies are burned to destroy their contamination. New plants are tried in the poultices and water. No change is apparent. Dahlia and Griffin tirelessly search for more plants to try as they cling to each other. Rowan finds himself praying to the gods for deliverance when three of his soldiers show signs of fever and the inability to keep down water. All who are exposed, make a separate camp away from the capital, trying in vain to stop the spread of the illness. It will not stop however, riding the very wind it seems, to reach the children and infirm of Draconia. One by one they fall ill.

  The days pass, leaving several of the strangers dead. The Draconians still live, though more have become sick. Exhaustion takes over and everyone needs to sleep. If their bodies don’t rest it is easier to catch the illness. Rowan sends the caregivers in groups to sleep. Dahlia is sent with the first group and is asleep as soon as she lies down.

  Chapter 8

  A vivid vision comes to Dahlia in her sleep, one from the past. A beautiful woman is marrying a very handsome man. Their skin shimmers in the sunlight.

  The vision follows them through months of blissful happiness. A sorcerer appears in the vision, adding a potion to the jug of mead in their cottage. As the pair drinks from the jug, a change comes over them. They turn into dragons, rise into the air and disappear for a time. The vision skips forward in time and Dahlia sees a child being born, a male. She watches him grow, marry and become a father. The vision continues through thousands of generations all of whom can shift into dragon form. The vision ends when a baby is born bearing a face that Dahlia recognizes, her own.

  Dahlia rushes to King Asher, wanting his help to interpret her vision. Though the vision seems to mean that she is a descendant of the first female dragon shifter, she wants the king to concur. Dahlia calls out to the king before entering his home. There is no answer. She cautiously enters and gasps as she finds King Asher unconscious. He is burning with fever and covered in sores. Dahlia runs for help.

  She finds the sleeping Griffin first, explains the situation, and as Griffin goes for the healers she returns to the king’s side. He is awake but very weak. Dahlia wets a cloth and bathes his hot brow. King Asher murmurs, “You have finally discovered the truth. I see it in your eyes. You will make a wonderful and rare addition to our shifter family. Let your heart choose your mate and all will be as foretold.” The king again falls into unconsciousness. The healers arrive, pushing Dahlia aside.

  The capital is in turmoil upon learning that the king is ill. They fear that Draconia will come to an end. A cure is needed soon, or all are sure to perish. All that are not tending the sick search the land for a solution. Plants, fruits, and even tree bark are gathered. Potions and teas are brewing in every home. A cure is sure to be found. To speed things along, a different potion is given to several groups, hoping to find one that works quickly.

  Rowan confers with the healers. More deaths are imminent. The illness, though, is no longer spreading. Many appear to be immune or at least far more resistant to the illness. The healers do not understand why, but look to them for an answer. Rowan knows that something is different about Athena, yet somehow the cloak she refuses to remove hides the exact difference from him. He is also shocked to find that he cannot tell if she is telling the truth nor if she holds any powers within her. He believes the cloak contains some kind of magic. What is she hiding? Is Athena deformed, or is she keeping something far more sinister hidden from everyone? Either Logan or his twin Rogan stay at her side, allowing no one to question her. Rowan leaves the shore with more questions than answers.

  Dahlia and Griffin find solace in holding each other. She holds back from telling him about her vision, knowing it is a complication in making her choice and will only distress Griffin. Griffin soon draws Dahlia closer to him and begins kissing her. The kisses are comforting, but Dahlia needs more. She caresses Griffin’s face and asks him to make love to her. He undresses her, delighting in her soft skin and alluring curves. Dahlia demands that Griffin disrobe before they go further and he is happy to oblige. She kisses the muscles on his chest, licking his nipples and nipping them between her teeth. She feels powerful, when his manhood rises to attention and he gasps. Griffin reaches out to take hold of Dahlia and return the caresses, but she shakes her head. She wants to be in control. Dahlia pushes him to the ground, kisses her way down his body, and takes his member into her mouth. She is surprised to find that the tip is soft and silky, yet the length is hard. Griffin groans and writhes as she draws him deeper into her hot mouth.

  Rowan is looking for Griffin, when he stumbles onto the scene of Griffin and Dahlia. His breath leaves his body in a rush at the sight of a nude Dahlia bending over Griffin. The pull toward Dahlia is too strong to let him walk away. Rowan quickly strips away his clothing, sighing in relief as his engorged member is released. He kneels behind Dahlia, reaches around to fondle her breasts with one hand and her wet mound with another. Dahlia starts to resist, but the powerful jolt running through her body feels too good. She allows Rowan to continue and as she brings Griffin to a climax, Rowan brings her to one. Griffin opens his eyes, sees Rowan and angrily starts to rise until he notices the ecstasy in Dahlia’s eyes. She is in an almost trancelike state. She lifts her body far enough to take Griffin into her body, motioning for Rowan to rise and stand at her side. As she rides Griffin, Dahlia takes an engorged Rowan into her mouth. Both the men and Dahlia are in a heavy sexually intoxicated state. As all three reach an overwhelming, explosive climax, Rowan finally understands the phrase ‘three must become one’. Exhaustion overcomes the trio and they fall into a deep sleep.

  Dahlia does not dream or have a vision. Instead her mind runs through all the feelings she shares with both Griffin and Rowan. The power surges she shares with Rowan are incredible, but there is no love. Griffin brings her calmness, peace, and a deep abiding love. She cannot imagine existing without him. Dahlia discovers her final choice is easy. Love wins. She has no idea what that will mean for the kingship, but surely there is a solution.

  Upon awakening, Dahlia is unable to tell Griffin and Rowan that a decision is made. She is burning with fever.

  Chapter 9

  Griffin is the first to discover that Dahlia is ill. His anguished cry wakes Rowan. They dress as quickly as possible and run from camp to camp, asking if anyone has found a cure. The answer is a resounding no. The citizens of Draconia are despondent. They are close to giving up. Rowan and Griffin cannot let that happen. King Asher’s and Dahlia’s lives depend on a renewed effort. They grab everything they can carry from the piles of discarded plants and fruits that have not worked and rush back to Dahlia.

  Rowan tries combining ingredients to make a stronger potion. Each man pours a new combination down Dahlia’s throat every hour. As morning slips into afternoon, Dahlia grows worse. Rowan leaves to get more water. Griffin is desperate. He reaches once again into the pile of fruit, picks up his favorite, and begins to peel it. This fruit grows at the top of the tallest trees in Draconia. It has a sour taste and thus does not appeal to everyone. Griffin likes it roasted with dragon fire. He decides to step outside, roast it and try to get Dahlia to eat a bite. The dragon fire turns the fruit into a soft pulp, which Griffin puts into Dahlia’s mouth. She
automatically swallows and Griffin is pleased. Rowan brings the water and sees the fruit pulp. He eats it this way also as do some of the other Draconians. An hour passes and Dahlia’s fever breaks, her eyes open and she wearily smiles at Griffin. The fruit must be the cure. But, Rowan realizes that can’t be the whole cure, for it has already been tried. What is different? Griffin shouts, “Dragon fire is the difference. The fruit must be roasted with dragon fire!”

  Rowan runs to announce the cure. Soon shifters are changing all over the capital, roasting as many of the fruit as they can find. The soft pulp is fed to all the sick, including the strangers that are yet alive. A buzz of renewed hope goes through the capital when people begin to realize that those who are unaffected by the illness have always eaten the fruit in this manner. Dragon fire heals and protects.

  Rowan personally takes roasted fruit to the king’s home. He discovers the healers wrapping King Asher in his ceremonial robe. The cure is too late. King Asher is dead. Sorrow overcomes Rowan and he sinks to the ground to cry out his pain. He can hear the joyful cries as many are healing. There is no joy in Rowan. How can he tell the Draconians that the king is dead and he cannot take the throne unless Dahlia chooses him? He asks the healers to keep the king’s death a secret until he speaks to Griffin and Dahlia. Athena looks at him with many questions in her eyes, but agrees. Rowan is frustrated to see that she still wears her cloak, though she left her guards on the shore to care for her people. He is determined to discover her secret, but duty calls him to a more urgent concern.

  Rowan finds Griffin feeding Dahlia more of the fruit and letting her sip on fresh water. Though she is weak, Dahlia is improving quickly. Griffin frowns at Rowan’s pale face. He asks, “What is wrong? The cure is working well. Sit and eat. You will feel better.”

  Rowan sits, but does not eat. He gives them the bad news, “I personally delivered the roasted fruit to King Asher. We were too late. Our king is gone and we have no leader. I have convinced the healers to keep the king’s death a secret until we figure out the solution.”

  Tears pour down Griffin and Dahlia’s cheeks upon hearing the news. King Asher is deeply loved by all of his people. Dahlia wipes away her tears and speaks, “I have much to tell you both. It will weigh heavily on the decisions you make today. First, I had a vision before I became sick. It began with the original female dragon shifter and ended centuries later with the birth of a child who had my face. I believed it to mean than I am a direct descendant to the first female shifter. King Asher agreed. I am now aware that I, too, am a dragon shifter. I will be 21 in two weeks. Hopefully, I will prove strong enough to survive the change.”

  Rowan replies, “I have long been aware that you are a shifter. I felt your power, saw scales shimmering in the sunlight, and watched your eyes change the day you ran from me at the cave. Griffin had doubts, or maybe it was hope that I was wrong. He does not want to lose you, nor does he want to take away my heritage. As for your survival, King Asher swore you would survive. Are you willing to take me as your mate, to rule over Draconia?”

  Dahlia takes a hand of each man into her own and answers.” I cannot be your mate Rowan. There is power, but no love, when we join. I choose Griffin and love. He is a part of every breath I take and I will die without him.”

  Griffin is overjoyed by Dahlia’s announcement, but is equally concerned about Rowan. He declares, “I will not take Rowan’s place as king. There must be another way. Between us we can figure it out.”

  Rowan excitedly declares, “That’s it. The answer lies in all of us. King Asher once told me that ‘three must become one before all is settled’. I thought we had fulfilled that when we joined in sex, but now I believe he meant that and more. We must rule as one. A ruling counsel instead of a king. When I find a mate, she will join. We must allow the Draconians to decide if this is the way. All must agree in order to make a peaceful capital instead of chaos. Do you both agree?”

  Griffin nods his agreement but Dahlia is unsure, “The Draconians may deem me an outsider and refuse. I am willing to put the matter in their hands, but be aware it may not work.”

  Rowan accepts her tentative yes and adds, “We will put it before the people soon, but we must first give honor to King Asher and allow all to mourn his death.”

  Chapter 10

  Together the trio stands on a ledge above the capital. Rowan shifts into dragon form so his voice may be heard throughout the kingdom and announces, “My fellow Draconians, it is good to see you well once again. It is invaluable to us to learn that dragon fire is both a protection and a cure. However, that discovery was too late for many and we mourn their passing. It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you King Asher died before the cure could be administered. He was a great king, full of wisdom, with a kind and loving heart. We must honor him according to our tradition, with tears, food and gifts under his funeral pyre, and stories of his greatness. Griffin and I will begin building the pyre immediately.”

  The sobbing Draconians begin to gather food and gifts for their beloved king. They pray for his soul and for the future ruler of Draconia. Will the new king be as compassionate and insightful as King Asher? Who is capable of the visions that have saved them so many times? With unsettled hearts they prepare to say goodbye to their king.

  King Asher is gently laid atop the pyre. Food and gifts reach from the ground all the way to the up to the pyre shelf. The Draconians are a generous people and want their king to have plenty in his afterlife. Songs are sung in the king’s honor, many relating his great deeds. Rowan and Griffin light the fire under the towering pyre, as their tears flow freely. The fire burns throughout the night as stories are told to the children of Draconia. Their history is a verbal one and the children will repeat these stories to future little ones, so that King Asher is never forgotten.

  A new day dawns and with it the need to present an offer of new leadership to the people. Rowan, Griffin and Dahlia enter the courtyard as one. Griffin asks the Draconians to gather their families and join them in the Great Dome for a special meeting. The people comply and gather in the dome awaiting further information.

  Rowan starts by saying, “Many things have changed in our lives. A storm destroyed our homes, but not us. A terrible illness took many of our people, including our dear king. Strangers came and joined us in friendship. We are here today to decide on a new rulership. I am aware that everyone believes that I will be the king, but King Asher changed that. He declared that whoever Dahlia chose as mate, would be king. Dahlia has chosen Griffin. He would rule you fairly, but he refuses to take my place. We now have a dilemma. You, the people, can change that. We are asking you to allow Griffin, Dahlia and myself to serve as one in a ruling counsel. My mate would eventually join us. We will share in power and our combined abilities will serve you well. We put the decision into your hands.”

  The Draconians are astounded by the proposal. Arguments break out among them. They are soon divided. Some declare that Griffin is to be king, due to King Asher’s new proclamation. Others are defiant and say that Rowan is the one meant to be king, after all he is trained to rule. A few believe that the combined counsel is the best idea. Surely many minds are better than one. Finally one speaks out with the words Dahlia expected, “Dahlia is an outsider. She should not be given such power over us.”

  Griffin is quick to respond, “Though she was a stranger to us, she is not an outsider. All of this world is a part of our kingdom. Draconia itself is just the capital of the kingdom. We are all one people. King Asher happily welcomed all strangers into our lives. Added to that, Dahlia is to be my mate.”

  Murmurings continue until Dahlia herself speaks out, “I am more than I seem. Rowan and Griffin can confirm that I tell the truth. It is one of their powers, as you well know. I am one of the rare female dragon shifters. I was given a vision, showing me to be a direct descendent of the first female dragon shifter. King Asher confirmed my interpretation of the vision. I can rule you fairly and with honor. My coming of age is in two
weeks. You will see for yourselves that I speak the truth. My visions will serve you in the same way as King Asher’s did. I, too, will use them to protect this kingdom. Our fate is in your hands. Let your hearts find peace and your minds be clear.”

  Rowan calls for a vote and the people declare their acceptance of a ruling counsel by a resounding chorus of yesses. Griffin and Dahlia ask the gathering to stay and witness their hand fasting as they become mated. More roars of approval ring out. The ceremony begins.

  Rowan once again sits atop the highest mountain peak, surveying his kingdom. Though much is different since he last sat here, he still desires a mate. He needs one with powers comparable to Griffin’s, Dahlia’s and his own. Yet he wants the kind of love he sees Griffin and Dahlia share. Far below, in a sheltered spot hidden from prying eyes, Rowan spies movement. He watches closely as an unknowing Athena finally removes her cloak. The setting sun hits her skin and a bright golden blaze pierces Rowan’s eyes. Athena’s skin is golden. Rowan gasps as she transforms into a beautiful golden dragon. The prophecy is coming true before his prying eyes. Their savior is here and she is glorious. As she takes flight into the darkening sky, Rowan follows. His heart tells him that she is his mate. All will be well.





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