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by Rozlan Mohd Noor

  “I think it is Dr. Charles.”

  “Can we get a woman?”

  “Not at this hour. But it’s all right, I’ll stick around during the examination to reassure the victim.”

  “Thanks, Doc, I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.”

  They enter the examination room, and Sherry introduces Dr. Geetha to Era. She tells her that Dr. Geetha will be around when the gynecologist does the examination. Era nods but says nothing.


  SHERRY ARRIVES AT HER office from the hospital at 7:50 a.m. and heads to the washroom to freshen up. She is exhausted from hours of standing in the examination room, observing the medical procedure on the victim. The process was slow because the victim at times just sobbed and refused to be examined. On the advice of Dr. Geetha, the victim has been hospitalized for observation and evaluation in order to determine whether psychiatric treatment is needed.

  She makes herself a cup of tea and calls Forensic.

  “Kev, Sherry. Any update for me?”

  “As you said, there was no sign of forced entry. In the bedroom, we only recovered the victim’s day clothes and a bra. No bodily fluid, pubic hair, or semen on the bedsheet or the blanket.”

  “What about the bathroom?”

  “We got some hair samples, but they’re too long to be from the pubic region. We ran the blue light on the bed, floor, and bathtub, but no sign of semen.”

  “Did you do the shower floor trap?”


  “You said you found the bra, what about her panties? She said they were cut off her.”

  “Not there.”

  “Did you check under the bed? They could’ve been dropped or kicked under the bed.”

  “Checked every inch of the bedroom and bathroom. Nothing.”

  “Did you bag the bedsheet, blankets, pillows?”

  “Yes, as I said, the on-site examination revealed nothing.”

  “Can you go over it again? Maybe you missed something.”

  “My team usually doesn’t, but if it makes you happy, we’ll go over it again.”


  Deena arrives at the office in Kuala Lumpur Police Contingent Headquarters and tells Inspector Sherry that the victim was asleep when she visited the hospital. According to the nurse on duty, the doctor prescribed her some sedatives. She handed over the victim’s overnight bag to the duty nurse.

  “How did the examination go?” she asks.

  “It was difficult. She kept pulling away from the doctor and pushing his hands away. Usually, victims just close their eyes tightly, block everything from their minds, and submit themselves to the examination, but not in her case. I’ve not seen anything like it before.”

  “I’m glad you were with her. I wouldn’t know what to do,” Deena says.

  “All I did was try to calm her.”

  “Briefed ma’am yet?”

  “No, but I spoke to Kevin. He said they couldn’t find her panties.”

  Deena nods. “We searched everywhere. Maybe she wasn’t wearing any. You know … likes it free and easy and no VPL.”

  “I remember her saying she was wearing a pair. Remember, she said the perp cut them off? Why don’t you hang around while I brief ma’am? I’m going to request that you stay on this case.”

  The Head of Sexual & Child Abuse Investigation Division of Kuala Lumpur, Superintendent of Police Lillian Wong Wee Sin, is in her fifties. She is a slender, tall woman with short hair that is already showing strands of white. She just came back from a long-overdue vacation and is catching up on reports made during her absence.

  “Morning, Ma’am, how was your vacation?”

  “Morning, Sherry. It was good, but everything is so expensive. With the ringgit-to-euro exchange rate, you basically can’t do much. Anyway, there’s nothing like being back. Life is good here.” Lillian smiles. “I read your twenty-four-hour report. You had a case last night.”

  Sherry nods and takes a seat. “The victim is Era Amilia Zabidin, thirty-three years old, vice president of marketing at Uptrend Advertising. Lives alone at Putra Ria Condominium on Jalan Pantai Dalam. Claimed she was asleep when she was awoken by a man standing over her, his hand over her mouth and a knife to her cheek. She also claimed the rapists videoed the whole incident.”

  “Rapists—how many of them?”


  Lilian gives a slow nod. “With their cell phones?”

  “With a video cam,” Sherry says, and pauses for her boss’s reaction. “One raped and another worked the camera.”

  Lillian sighs. “They came prepared. So they took turns with her?”

  “No, only one of them raped her, the other simply worked the camera.”

  “That’s new. Can you think of any reason?” Lillian asks with arched eyebrows.

  “The use of video cam or that only one of them raped her?”

  “Both. For only one of them to rape her, they had to be a very disciplined team, don’t you think?”

  “Did not think of that.”

  “Have you known of a rape case where only one of them raped and the others didn’t have a go?”

  Sherry shakes her head, and the two officers remain silent for a moment.

  “We’ll know more after I interview her. I’ve a bad feeling about the video recording,” Sherry says.

  “Could be for their collection? It’s well-documented rapist behavior. Relive the excitement by viewing it over and over. The fact that his partner didn’t rape her bothers me.”

  Sherry agrees with her unit head.

  “I’ve read of similar accounts before, about rapists getting aroused watching themselves. When the old video no longer thrills them, they make a new one.”

  “Extortion is also a probability.”


  “Apart from those two reasons, why else would they have videoed it?”

  Sherry shrugs. She closes her eyes as if searching for a reason. “D10 reports there was no sign of forced entry,” she says.

  “That would indicate that she may have let them in, or they had a duplicate key.”

  “She claims she was asleep. That eliminates her letting them in.”

  “That’s what they all say, initially. Dig deeper and you may find something else,” Lillian says skeptically.

  “D10 might have missed something. I want to go over the house again. D10 also says they couldn’t find her panties.”


  “It’s not uncommon.”

  “And the examination?”

  “When we arrived at the scene, the victim had already showered and was in a bathrobe. Dr. Geetha did the examination, and Dr. Charles was the GYN in attendance. The victim had severe post-rape trauma, and they decided to keep her in the hospital for further evaluation. Dr. Geetha says she couldn’t find anything under her nails, and there were no pubic hairs or traces of bodily fluid on her. No forensic clues at all. Dr. Charles says there are signs of bruising around the labia majora, minora, and the vagina, consistent with forced penetration. There were no traces of semen; swabs were taken and sent to the lab.”

  “Who is with her at the hospital?”

  “She refused to allow us to inform family members or friends. Deena locked up at her apartment after D10 was done and took an overnight bag for her to the hospital. I’ll visit the hospital later. And another thing, her blood alcohol level was high.”

  “That could be the reason for her memory lapse. Maybe she did let the rapists into the house. What about defensive wounds?”

  “A hairline cut on her cheek, I guess from the blade she claimed was pressed to her face. There’re bruising marks on her arms and neck. According to Dr. Geetha, they’re consistent with forceful gripping.”

  “All right, let’s get her to talk after she has rested and sobered up.”

  “Ma’am, there’s another thing I find disturbing.”

  Superintendent Lillian arches her eyebrows.

  “The victim claimed that
while she was being raped, the perp spoke or rather whispered in her ear to enjoy it, to come … climax and experience the true pleasure of sex.”


  Sherry nods. “He said he was going to free her.”

  “After the rape?”

  “That’s what I thought, too, but not according to the victim. I don’t understand what was meant and will revisit it when I interview her.”


  “Ma’am, can I have Deena assigned to this case?”


  “Two reasons. One, this is my first experience with a victim with serious post-rape trauma, and the other is the video recording. We’ve had cases of rapists taking videos or snapshots using cell phones, but not with a video cam. At the same time, I don’t think this is a case of opportunity rape. It looks like it was planned. The rape may not be the end of it. I’ve a bad feeling something more sinister is about to happen.” She sighs, “But I’ve no clue what.”

  “All right, make the necessary changes to the roster.”

  “Thanks, and, ma’am, good to have you back.”


  INSPECTOR SHERRY IS IN her early thirties. Her Middle Eastern genes probably account for her sharp, well-defined features. She is five feet five inches tall, which is considered slightly tall for a Malaysian woman. Unlike most Malay and therefore Muslim female officers and personnel, Sherry doesn’t wear the hijab. She goes with what’s termed “free-hair.” She has wavy hair just above shoulder length, with an olive skin complexion and a well-shaped, curvy body. Blessed with good looks and build, she aspired to a career in theater or modeling. She graduated with a degree in fine art and was taking a break before actively pursuing her dream. That was when she heard that one of her college friends was brutally raped after a night out. Sherry visited the friend in the hospital and was horrified at her injuries: blackened eyes, with a raptured retina in one, swollen face, cut lips, and two broken ribs. The doctor said the injuries would heal, but her friend was severely traumatized and would need professional counseling. Even then, the doctor said there was no guarantee she would fully recover.

  As if that wasn’t bad enough, Sherry later found out that no arrest was made. It was because her friend had been intoxicated and passed out. She was found the next morning by joggers and taken to the hospital. According to the police, she couldn’t remember even leaving the club, let alone with whom. The police interviewed those at the party, but everyone was too wasted to remember anything. The friend she’d come with claimed she left with a man she hooked up with at the club. The CCTV cameras at the club were all dummies.

  She was speechless. That was when Sherry abandoned her dream of modeling or the theater and decided to join the Royal Malaysia Police. After passing as probationary inspector, she put in a request to be assigned to the Sexual & Child Abuse Division.

  It is 2:45 p.m., and Detective Deena is already waiting at the hospital nurses’ station when Sherry arrives. They walk to Era’s room, finding her sitting in a chair by the window, staring out at the skyline.

  “Miss Era, how are you feeling today?” Sherry greets her from the opened door. Her greeting startles Era more than she expects. “Sorry.”

  Era turns away from the window, her eyes hollow as if she’s not there. She inhales deeply, staring at the intruders. Sherry sees recognition dawning in Era’s eyes, and she flashes them a nervous smile. The officers step in, and Era resumes staring out the window.

  “Do you have everything you need? Is there anything else we can get you from your apartment?”

  “I have everything, thanks to your detective.”

  “Good. I need to record a statement from you. Are you up to it?”

  Era nods and pushes herself out from the chair by the window and moves to the bed.

  Sherry pulls the visitor’s chair nearer to the bed, and Deena stands by the window. Shifting the over-bed food tray toward herself, Sherry lowers its height and uses it as a writing desk. Era shifts her position to the middle of the bed and sits cross-legged. She keenly observes the inspector. Sherry opens her folder and takes out several blank statement forms and a pen, placing them on the food tray. She begins with recording Era’s personal details, her employer’s details, cell phone number, and email address. Then she asks Era to say in her own words what happened that night. During the interview, she again notices the long silences as Era revisits her nightmare. She tolerates Era’s wandering mind as she patiently tries to bring the victim’s thoughts back to the incident. When Era finally finishes narrating the incident, Sherry asks if she needs a break or something to drink.

  Era shakes her head. Sherry notices there are no drinks, not even mineral water, at her bedside locker.

  “If you’d like a drink, Deena can go down and get something,” Sherry offers.

  Era nods and smiles a thank-you. Deena leaves them to get some drinks.

  “Would you answer questions related to the incident?”

  Era nods.

  “Does anyone else have a key to your apartment?”

  “My friend, Tim.”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  “Tim’s a woman, Fatimah, but I call her Tim. I mean, all our friends call her that.”

  “Can I have her full name and contact details?”

  Era scrolls through her cell phone contact list and hands it to the inspector.

  “Anyone else? Like a part-time housekeeper?”


  “Is the apartment rented?”

  Era nods.

  “Does the landlord have a set of keys?”

  “I suppose so.”

  Sherry makes a note to get a detective to check on the landlord. “How long have you stayed there?”

  “Almost two years.”

  “You know most of the residents?”

  “No, just a handful of them that I met in the elevator and say hi to.”

  “Our Crime Forensics team didn’t find any sign of forced entry. I know this sounds silly, but do you recall letting anyone into the apartment after you got home?”

  Era shuts her eyes and remains silent. After a long pause, she says, “I had a little too much to drink that night, but I’m very sure I didn’t open the door for anyone. When I awoke, the stocking-faced man was above me.” The recollection makes her shiver, and she folds her arms across her chest.

  “When we arrived at your apartment, I heard you turning the dead bolt before releasing the doorknob lock. Do you normally lock the dead bolt when you’re home?”

  “Yes, but that night I can’t remember if I did. After they left, I peeked from the bedroom to make sure that they’d gone and noticed the dead bolt was unlocked. So I locked it.”

  “If the dead bolt is locked, how would Tim enter when she comes home?”

  “It’s a key dead bolt. You can open it from outside if you have the key, which is different from the doorknob key. Tim has both.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t notice that. May I know what you wore to bed that night?”

  “When I got home, I was too exhausted, and my head was spinning from the drinks. I’m not a drinker, just occasionally when it’s required,” she adds as if embarrassed at not being able to hold her liquor. “So I didn’t shower or change into my pajamas. I slept in my undies.”

  “The doctor said your blood alcohol level was high. May I ask who you were out drinking with?”

  “We, I mean the company, had a small party to celebrate a new account I’d secured.” Era smiles as she recalls the company’s celebration—celebrating her. “I guess I had a little too much to drink. You know how it is, with every one of them proposing a toast.”

  Sherry nods.

  “The Crime Forensics team was also unable to locate your panties. Can you describe them?”

  “I was wearing a red Belabumbum Copacabana lace G-string. I remember, because Tim bought it for me when she was in Europe.”

  “Dr. Charles, the gynecologist, said he didn’t find any traces of semen.�

  “He had a condom on.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I saw him put it on,” she replies, cringing.

  “Did you see him taking it off after the …” Sherry stops as she doesn’t want to use the word rape.

  “No. I’m sorry. I closed my eyes, praying and hoping they’d leave. I was sure the one videoing would be next.”

  The D11 officer nods. It wasn’t uncommon for rape victims to close their eyes as they attempted to disassociate themselves from what was happening.

  “Miss Era, you don’t have to be sorry for anything. This is not your fault, and you’ve not done anything wrong. In fact, I’m sorry for having to ask you all these questions, for making you relive the horrible memories.”

  Era nods, but she’s looking past Sherry to the window, out to the skyline. Deena returns with two bottles of mineral water. She hands one to Era and puts the other on the side table. Era thanks her, uncaps the bottle, and takes a sip.

  “The Crime Forensics team couldn’t find it, the condom or the wrapper. I suppose he must have taken it with him to be disposed of elsewhere.”

  “Inspector, I don’t know how to say this,” Era suddenly says, followed by a long silence, her eyes still fixed to the water bottle.

  The officers wait patiently.

  “I don’t want this to get out,” Era continues, her voice trembling with fear.

  “I understand. Please be assured that all personal and pertinent details will not be released to the press, even if they come to know of the case.”

  “I don’t mean that. I mean I don’t want anyone to know about this,” she reiterates adamantly.

  Sherry and Deena look at each other, baffled.

  “Miss Era, there’s no way for us to hide this case. It’ll eventually come out. The hospital, your neighbors, your friends, we can’t control them, especially if the case goes to court.”

  “Last night was a glorious moment in my life. I did tell you that I’m the new vice president for marketing, right?”

  “Yes, and congratulations.”

  “Last night’s party was also to celebrate my promotion.” Era closes her eyes and takes several deep breaths. “If this comes out, I’ll be ruined. All the years of hard work will be for nothing. Can’t you see?” she asks, staring directly at the inspector.


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