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UTube Page 24

by Rozlan Mohd Noor

Saifuddin nods.


  Saifuddin jumps off his chair and heads for the door, beaming.

  She calls a standby detective and asks him to buy two cans of air freshener. The team filters in looking fresher but smelling the same.

  “Now you guys look exhausted but not beaten. Who’s chairing?”

  All eyes turn on Sherry.

  Sherry updates her but deliberately leaves out the late-night visit by ASP Fakurrulah from Special Branch and the interview with Azuandin.

  “So we still have nothing?” Samsiah sighs.

  Mislan asks if Sherry could dismiss the detectives except for Johan and Deena. She agrees and tells them to get some rest in the detectives’ room and await further instructions. When all of them leave, she hands the floor to Mislan.

  “ASP Fakurrulah came in and gave us this file,” Mislan says.

  Handing Samsiah the file, he watches her face closely as she reads.

  “Interesting. What’s the classification on this?” she asks, closing it.

  “Low,” Sherry answers. “Mostly street talks and gossip. That’s the reason they’ve not allocated too many man-hours to it.”

  “Who else knows about this?”

  “Here, only us. At SB, I don’t know, probably many.”

  “OK, let’s keep it small.”

  “I need eyes on him, but if we’re going to keep it small in here, we’ll need SB’s assistance,” Mislan suggests.

  “I’ll talk to Fakurrulah.”

  “Sai, can you brief us on what you found out about him on the net?” Sherry asks.

  “Not much on him, but I found several blogs with anti-LGBT content. There’s this one in particular, AmanatIslam.blogspot.com. Most anti-LGBT stories reiterate the teachings of Islam, nothing radical or inciting. However, some of the comments by followers are pretty provocative and inflammatory.”

  “Like what?”

  “There’s this one by SatuUmmah: ‘The LGBT movement and proponents of their immoral lifestyle are destroying the nation’s image and our religious values … We must put a stop to them by whatever means.’ Then there’s this other by MelayuJati; ‘These practitioners of unnatural sex must be condemned and severely punished according to Islamic laws. They’re a serious threat to our race…. Either they repent and seek help to revert to the path of God, or face the consequences of their choice.’”

  “Hmmm, can you identify the blogger and the two followers?” Mislan asks.

  “It’s not easy, but I can try,” Saifuddin says. “That’s provided you don’t ask me how I do it.”

  “OK, do it. And we don’t want to know,” Samsiah confirms.

  “Be sure you don’t get caught,” Sherry cautions him.

  “How about the suspects? By the way, sorry to disappoint you: you did not make prime-time news,” Samsiah says, clearly happy about it. “Maybe there’s still hope for you yet.”

  “Azuandin broke and spilled.”

  Mislan briefs them on what the suspect has admitted to. When he finishes, he asks Deena if she can make coffee.

  “So, Ape-Man is the procurer and spotter, Azuandin is the IT man, and they don’t know the identity of the rapists on the videos. And this Zainon, alias Pak Non, is the go-between?”

  “Looks like it. According to Azuandin, he gets the CDs from Pak Non, full name Mohd Zainon Mohd Hadi, and uploads them. The username and password come with the CD. That’s why it’s the same username for all three uploads.”

  “This means the rapists are still out there,” Samsiah emphasizes, her voice filled with concern.

  Mislan nods.

  “Pick up this Pak Non,” she orders them. “Let’s see where he leads us.”

  One of the computers beeps repeatedly and Saifuddin jumps into action.

  The IT technician punches a few keys and calls out, “We’ve got another video.”

  Everyone around the table scrambles off their chairs as screams of a terrified woman comes over the speakers.

  “How could it be? We have their IT man in custody!” Sherry says.

  “He’s just one of them. Mislan’s theory is proving to be right. There could be many more out there.” Samsiah steps back from the monitor. “Find out where it happened.” When she sees no one making a move, she snaps, “Now!”

  Sherry pokes her head out the door and yells for the standby detective. It’s Saturday, and only her task force members are in the detectives’ room. Her voice echoes eerily through the empty main office. She yells louder, and Mokthar comes running.

  “There’s been another rape. Find out where it happened. Call the CCC and MCC.”

  “Freeze it,” Mislan says to Saifuddin. “Back a bit. Can you zoom in on the knife?”

  Saifuddin crops the knife and brings it up.

  “Can you run the third rape video and do the same on the knife?”

  Saifuddin turns to the next computer and repeats the process, and brings up the image of the knife into focus.

  “It looks the same.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything,” Sherry says. “It’s not a custom-made knife.”

  “Look at how he held it. How the thumb’s pointed forward along the grip. It’s the same person. I bet you this case is in Selangor.”

  “Good eyes,” Samsiah praises him.

  Mokthar pops in just then and tells them the case was reported in Kajang, Selangor. Sherry calls the Kajang police and speaks to the investigating officer. Terminating the call, she says, “Same MO. The victim was awoken by the rapists around three in the morning. No sign of break-in, pantyhose over the head, and the condom.”

  “I’m guessing the crime scene is an apartment, and the vic is a Muslim woman with gay orientation.” Mislan says it more as a statement than a question.

  Sherry nods.

  “Expect more, unless we get the brain, the controller,” he says.

  “This is getting out of control. We’re going to be crucified by the public and the press,” Samsiah says, walking back to her chair.

  Mislan lights a cigarette and turns to Deena. “Where’s the coffee?”

  “Sorry, sorry.” she says, and rushes out of the room.

  “Who’s picking up Pak Non?”

  “Syed, Jeff, and Dorai.”

  “Find out what their status is,” Samsiah instructs Johan.


  MISLAN PACES THE TASK force room, chain-smoking. The others watch him silently, fearing the worst. Saifuddin pretends to focus on the monitors, and tries to make himself invisible. Deena comes in with a fresh pot of coffee. Mislan stops pacing to pour himself a mug and notices all the weary eyes on him.


  They look at one another, and laugh.

  Johan tells them that Syed and gang are on the way back with Pak Non. “Where do you want him? Here or in our office?”

  “Take him to our office,” Samsiah replies.

  “Syed says he has a lawyer with him.”

  “There you go, a sure sign of guilt,” Mislan says.

  “Sai, where are you with identifying the bloggers and the two followers?”

  “Still working on it.”

  “Work faster,” Samsiah says, standing to leave. “Let me know when Pak Non is in. I want to sit in during the interview. Lan, you and Sherry handle it.” Walking to the door, she says, “Sai, try to get their identities before the interview is over. If he’s the blogger, or one of the followers, we can use that to squeeze him.”

  Superintendent Samsiah’s cell phone rings. “Samsiah … Yes, Datuk … At the office … Was just viewing it … Yes, Datuk … Yes, Datuk.” Switching off the cell phone, she lets out a long sigh.

  “What’s wrong?” Mislan asks.

  “Datuk KP is calling for a meeting at ten.” KP stands for Ketua Polis and means chief of police.

  Mislan looks at the clock. “About?”

  “This case, and D11 Bukit Aman is attending.”

  “They’re taking over?” Sherry asks, clearly sounding

  “I don’t know. Probably. In the meantime, the cases are still ours. Go talk to this Pak Non and see where he leads us.”

  Kuala Lumpur’s chief police officer, Deputy Commissioner of Police Datuk Zaid Zainal, is in his office, dressed casually. Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Faridah Manap of the Sexual & Child Abuse Investigations, Federal Headquarters in Bukit Aman, and two other women, also casually dressed, are making small talk when Samsiah enters. She stands to attention in the doorway, and Zaid invites her to join them.

  “You know Faridah,” Zaid says, “and this is … Sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

  “Dr. Suthisa Ritchu, rape behavioral profiler from the Royal Thai Forensic Academy,” Faridah introduces her. “And you know DSP Chandramala. Dr. Suthisa is here on the SEA Enforcement Exchange Program.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Samsiah says, shaking Dr. Suthisa’s hand and smiling at Chandramala.

  “Where the hell is Burhanuddin?” Zaid looks at his watch. “Let’s give him a few more minutes before we start. In the meantime, can I offer you ladies a drink?” He calls his helper, and asks for coffee and tea. “Dr. Suti …”

  “I know it’s not a common name here, but call me Sophia,” Dr. Suthisa says.

  “Dr. Sophia, how long have you been on the program here?”

  “On and off for about four months. I was told of the UTube Serial Rapist by Faridah and asked if I could be part of the team,” she says, in a Thai-American accent that makes her sound exotic.

  “You specialize in rape behavioral profiling? How’s that different from normal criminal profiling?” Zaid asks.

  “The fundamentals are the same. The difference, if any, is the forensic community’s idiosyncrasy of separating one from the other. Scientific territorialism,” Dr. Suthisa jokes. “I see that you’ve just been out in the field. Golfing?”

  “How did you know? I was on the fourth tee when the Director of CID called and told me about this meeting.”

  “I see pieces of fresh grass and topsoil on your pants.”

  “Good observation,” Zaid compliments her. “Let’s not wait for Burhan any longer. The UTube Serial Rapist is whipping the public into a frenzy. Women, especially single women, are afraid of staying alone in their homes. The director is being bombarded with calls, and he wants this case wrapped up before the public starts taking matters into their own hands. Faridah, what do you think?”

  “The Director of CID wants us to take over the investigations, but in my opinion that’ll set everything back by at least a week. The new team will need time to familiarize themselves with the cases and the evidence gathered so far. Time is what we don’t have. But, at the same time, I don’t wish to defy the director’s order.”

  Zaid nods. Addressing Samsiah, he asks, “Any suggestions?”

  “Before we decide, may I update you on the progress the task force has made in the last twenty-four hours?”

  “Excellent,” Dr. Suthisa agrees.

  Samsiah gives them a quick rundown of the arrests, the seized anti-LGBT booklets, the recovery of the laptops and information obtained from the suspects and the Internet. She leaves out the Special Branch file and Mislan’s gun-toting episode at Pelita restaurant.

  “Your team has been busy,” Faridah compliments her.

  “Good work,” Zaid says. “So, Faridah, what do you think?”

  She leans in for a quick consultation with Deputy Superintendent Chandramala.

  “I have to abide by the director’s instructions, so we’ll be taking over the investigation,” Faridah says.

  The disappointment on Samsiah’s face is obvious.

  “However, Samsiah’s task force has done a wonderful job in getting to where we are, and we’ve no intention of taking that away from them. Datuk, may I suggest that, on record, we take over and lead in the investigations. Meaning all formal reports and press releases will come from Bukit Aman. The actual investigation, however, will be done by Samsiah’s present task force, with Mala as lead, reporting to Samsiah as her immediate supervisor,” she says, referring to DSP Chandramala.

  Zaid turns to Samsiah, “How does that sound to you?”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Samsiah says, beaming.

  “What about Dr. Sophia?” Zaid asks.

  “If Samsiah has no objection, I’d like for her to be in the task force,” Faridah requests.

  “We need all the help we can get,” Samsiah says. “At present, we have two officers, Inspector Sherry from D11 and Inspector Mislan from my department, with six detectives. Would it be possible for ma’am to assist us with more detectives?”


  “I can mobilize my team. They’re on slack time after that last case in Johor,” answers DSP Chandramala.

  “Good, that’s settled then,” Zaid says.

  The Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigations appears at the door, panting and sweating profusely.

  “Datuk,” he manages between huffs and standing at attention. “Sorry for the delay. I was trapped in the elevator for almost an hour,” he exaggerates.

  “Burhan, you know Faridah, and this is Dr. Sophia and DSP Chandramala.”

  He nods half-heartedly, preferring to devote his attention to the Chief Police Officer, the only person who matters to him in the room. “I’m really sorry, Datuk. The admin officer should be hauled up—”

  “This is not the time or place. There are six elevators, and trust you to take the one that breaks down,” Zaid jokes. “Anyway, we’re all done here. Faridah is officially taking over the case. All communication with the public and media shall from this moment go through her.”

  Burhanuddin glares at Faridah. “But—”

  “That’s final. You have many other cases you can give PCs on. I remind you again, this case is off-limits.”

  Zaid stands, offers his hand around, thanks everyone, and wishes them luck.


  DR. SUTHISA AND DSP Chandramala follow Samsiah down to the Sexual & Child Abuse Investigations office, where they are introduced to Inspector Mislan and Inspector Sherry. Samsiah tells Sherry to take them through the case to bring them up to speed. When she finishes, she informs her guests that Sherry and Mislan are about to interview Zainon, a.k.a. Pak Non. Dr. Suthisa asks if she can witness the interview.

  “Yes, you’re most welcome, but we don’t have a one-way mirrored observation room, like on TV,” Samsiah explains. “You’ll have to sit in with them.”

  Mislan turns to his boss and raises his eyebrows.

  Samsiah ignores him.

  “Can I make a video of the interview for review at a later time?”

  “I don’t see why not.”

  Mislan objects to his boss, speaking to her in Malay. To his embarrassment, Dr. Suthisa assures him in fluent Malay, “Don’t worry, Inspector, I won’t interfere with your interview. “

  Samsiah, Chandramala, and Sherry smile at the look on Mislan’s face.

  Pak Non and Khairul Annuar, his lawyer, stop whispering when the interviewing team, four women and a man, enters the room. Mislan tells detective Syed to bring in more chairs. At which point Khairul jumps into action.

  “Why has my client been arrested?”

  “Abetting if not involvement in criminal activities: rape and murder to start with,” Samsiah answers.

  “That’s preposterous. My client’s a respectable government official, a senior assistant director at the Ministry of Higher Education. The Ministry’ll hear of this and—”

  “We’re aware who he is. The Ministry will be duly informed of his arrest,” Chandramala says, cutting him short.

  Sherry opens the interview room door and holds it.

  “Now, if you’ll please allow us to do our work. You can see your client once the interview is over,” Samsiah says.

  Khairul demands he be allowed to sit in during the interview, citing precedence where politicians have been allowed to be accompanied by counsel during police interviews.

  “In those cases, they came in voluntarily to assist police investigations, and I shall not comment on them. Mr. Zainon has been arrested for suspected involvement in criminal activity. Are you a trial lawyer?”

  Khairul nods with pride.

  “Then you should know the difference.”

  “I want copies of the statement made by my client,” he demands, knowing that, as Zainon’s counsel, he’s entitled to it.

  “Please put in a formal request,” Chandramala replies, ushering him through the door.

  Syed comes back with several chairs but can’t get them all into the cramped interview room.

  Mislan says to his boss, “It’s obvious we can’t fit everyone in here.”

  “Let’s step outside for a moment,” she says. Once outside, Samsiah says, “Mislan’s right.”

  The others agree.

  “Can we view the interview from a remote location?” Dr. Suthisa suggests.

  They all look at her, unsure what she means.

  “I mean, through a video stream. Do you have a remote camera that can be linked to a computer?”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.” Samsiah says. “Sherry, get Sai to set it up. We can watch the interview from the task force room.”

  “I’ll get Technical Aid to assist with the equipment,” Sherry suggests.

  Saifuddin turns the monitor toward the women and explains the controls. “Press this to zoom in and out, and this one for volume control.”

  “Is it being recorded at the same time?” Dr. Suthisa asks.

  “Yes. I’ll burn a copy for you later.”

  “Thank you.”

  Samsiah sends a WhatsApp message to Mislan, informing him they’re all set up and he can start. Mislan nods to Sherry, switches on his digital recorder, and places it on the table. Sherry introduces herself and Mislan, then she explains to the suspect what is going to happen and administers the caution.

  “Do you understand the caution I’ve just given you?” she asks.

  Pak Non nods.

  “Is that a yes?”


  Pushing the cautioned statement form toward the suspect, she says, “Please sign here to acknowledge that you understood the caution.” After he signs, she pushes the document aside and starts, “Would you like to say anything or answer our questions regarding the posting of several rape videos on UTube?”


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