Enchanted Encounter (Get Your Kiss On Route 66 #3)

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Enchanted Encounter (Get Your Kiss On Route 66 #3) Page 4

by Teresa Ives Lilly

  Violet sighed. She would act the same way I acted. I don’t want to act that way anymore. I want to be different. I only hope Lee was right about Jesus. If everything he said is true, Jesus can help me.

  Violet sat up straight. She remembered Lee telling her that if she wanted to ask Jesus to forgive her, she could do it anywhere.

  “Just talk to him as if he were a friend or a father. Tell him what you feel and He’ll help you.”

  It amazed her to think she was taking advice from a motel clerk. But in her mind, Lee seemed so much more. She’d never imagined she would learn anything from someone in the working class. She was ashamed of her past behavior. Pictures continued to flash through her mind of times she’d insulted employees at stores and restaurants. All because she thought she was somehow superior to them. Why? Because her Daddy had money. Thinking about it now, brought her nothing but sorrow. She had acted in such a reprehensible way all her life.

  Can I really talk to God? Violet chewed her bottom lip and twisted a strand of hair, then decided. Because she assumed one prayed on their knees, she got off the bed, slipped down beside the bed and folded her hands together.

  “God, Jesus…uhm, I’m new at praying, but Lee told me You would help me. I haven’t been very nice, but I want to change. Please forgive me and help me to change.”

  After several quiet minutes, she sat back on the bed, opened the drawer and pulled out the Bible. Lee had suggested she begin reading it. He mentioned the New Testament. She perused the front pages, and found a table of contents. The New Testament looked to be the second half of the book. Violet turned the pages and began reading the book of Mathew.

  It was well past midnight when the Bible slipped from her hands and she snuggled down into the first really peaceful sleep of her life.


  Lee stretched out on the cot in the room behind the motel counter. It wasn’t fancy, but after long weary days standing on his feet, it felt comfortable. He chuckled slightly, imagining himself in a mansion, sleeping on a cloud like mattress, not having to get up every morning and work.

  He shook his head and the image faded and the four stark walls of the tiny room brought him back to reality.

  Think of something else. Violet for instance. The look of wonder in her eyes when I told her about Jesus tonight. Is there any chance she understood any of what I told her? She’s from a world that doesn’t care about spiritual things. Even if she does open her heart to Him here, once she gets out to California, back in with the other debutantes, I’m afraid she’ll revert to her old character.

  Lee sat up and ran a hand through his mussed hair. He wondered why it mattered to him if she made a permanent change or not. What was it about this woman that made him care? She was selfish, self-centered, spoiled.

  But I love her, Lee.

  Lee shivered as the spirit spoke to him. If God loved her, then he needed to continue to try and show her the way. But when she left, would he be able to watch her go? Somehow, he felt his life and hers were meant to be intertwined.

  Surely, I can’t be in love with her, Lord. I know I can’t live in her world, not now after all I’ve learned about You, Lord.

  Lee found himself praying late into the night and trying to find a way to bury the feelings he had for Violet.

  Chapter 6

  Violet awoke on Saturday morning, confused by her surroundings. She sat up and glanced around the wigwam room then remembered the events of the day before. The hurt dog, cleaning rooms, dinner at a Mexican restaurant and driving with Lee.

  Her eyes fell on the Bible laying open on the bed. She picked it up and stared at it for a long time.

  Could it all be real, God? Can the words in the book, the stories about Jesus all be true? Can the prayer I prayed last night really mean anything?

  Violet was full of questions, but she also felt a lightness in her heart. Instead of wanting to complain about the hard bed and her unbelievable surroundings, she felt grateful for them. She actually found herself eager to dress and start cleaning rooms.

  Not that I’d want to do it forever, but a few days of good, honest work won’t kill me. I think it’s already making me a better person.

  She slipped from the bed and headed into the shower. When she was finished she donned the uniform again. Looking at herself in the mirror, she had to giggle.

  Well, it’s not very fashionable, but it’s better to wear a uniform to work in, rather than one of my dresses.

  Just then her clutch slipped off the dresser and the stone the Hopi Indian had given her fell out. She bent over and picked it up.

  “The next man you meet, once you have touched the stone, will be the man you will marry.”

  That was the Indian’s prediction. Violet tried to picture herself married to Lee. However, she was unable to picture where they would live. She couldn’t see herself living in Holbrook, working as a motel maid, but she also couldn’t imagine Lee, trying to fit into her life in Chicago. Of course, he would look wonderful in some sporty clothes, on the golf course or playing a set of tennis…


  Lee leaned heavily on the counter. His lack of sleep showed on his face. When the bell over the door jangled, he looked up. At the sight of Violet, his weariness faded.

  “Good morning, lovely lady.” He enjoyed the blush that stole into her cheeks. “I see you’re ready to start cleaning rooms again.”

  Violet nodded, her eyes sparkling. Lee’s spirit filled with guilt. Perhaps he needed to stop this charade. Lee cleared his throat. “Well, I’ve been thinking. I’m pretty sure my boss would be okay with you paying for your room with a traveler’s check. I should have called and asked him yesterday, before putting you to work. Would you like me to call him now?”

  To his surprise, she shook her head. “No. I’m actually looking forward to doing the job. Not that I’d want to do it all the time. I’m sort of interested in seeing if I can still do those corners on the beds the right way.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. I’ve never done any real work before, but it felt good to accomplish each room. I’d like to work off my debt, if you don’t mind.”

  A huge grin spread across Lee’s face. “Okay by me, but let me buy you some breakfast first.”

  “Sure. But this time, I’ll drive.”


  As they ate bacon and eggs, Violet told Lee about reading the Bible the previous evening. “I have so many questions. There’s so much I’ve never heard before. Do you really believe Jesus did all those things? You know, miracles.”

  “Yes, I do believe. The Bible isn’t a book of fiction. It’s all facts. If you believe one thing in it, you have to believe the whole thing. That’s the way it works.”

  Violet sat stirring her coffee then finally said, “I want to believe it all. I did what you told me to do. I prayed last night. I told Jesus I want to be different. But I don’t feel all that different.”

  Lee reached over and scooped her hand into his. “I’m so happy for you. Now you’re a Christian. That means you’re part of God’s family now.”

  Violet cocked her head sideways and pondered the thought. “I’m glad. Just from the little I read last night, I’m sure I want to be part of His family. But, when I get out to California, I’m afraid I’ll fall right back into the type of life I was leading before I met you.”

  Lee sat up straight. “Not if you don’t want to. If you keep reading the Bible and go to church, maybe find an evening Bible class, you’ll learn more and more about God’s world. After a while, you won’t want to go back to your old life.”

  Violet lifted her cup and took a sip of coffee. She set the cup back down and asked, “How do you know?”

  “Because it happened to me. I was a different man than the one you see sitting here. I needed a good lesson in life. Luckily, a friend of mine who is related to the owner of the Wigwam Motel, introduced me to the Bible. He suggested I come to Holbrook and work here for a while. He thought if I was away from my f
amily and friends, I could get to know God on a more personal level. He was right.”

  Violet’s jaw dropped. “You aren’t from Holbrook?”


  “Oh, I thought, well…”

  “I know. I’m actually from California.”

  Violet’s head shot up, her eyes bulged. “California? Why would you ever agree to come to a place like Holbrook?” Violet’s voice was edged with her old sarcasm, Lee sighed.

  Violet waited a few seconds for his answer, reviewing her own words, then realized how she must have sounded.

  “I’m sorry, Lee. That was the old me speaking. You see! How will I ever turn that person off completely?”

  Lee’s face brightened. “I can tell God’s already working on you. His spirit inside you just spoke to you and told you the way you just acted wasn’t right. Don’t be surprised if it happens quite often in the beginning of your Christian walk. Just remember, when you hear His voice or sense the spirit, don’t be stubborn. It’s better to be slightly embarrassed in front of your friends then to have God become silent in your life.”

  Violet sat in quiet amazement, then blurted, “So you think that was the Spirit of God talking to me about how I treated you? I know for sure I’ve never questioned my own actions before.”

  Lee nodded. “I think God wants you to become more kind and gentle. I’ve seen that side of you already.”

  Violet tilted her head.

  “You know, the way you treated the dog. Now you just have to learn to treat people with the same attitude.”

  “But a dog is so helpless, so lost.”

  “Exactly!” Lee’s voice lifted. “You need to look at people as if they were helpless and lost, because most of them, who don’t know about Jesus, are lost.”

  “Like I was lost?”

  “You were lost, but now you’re found.”

  Violet lowered her head. She felt so humbled by her new relationship with Jesus and her friendship with Lee. “Do you think you’ll ever go back to California?”

  “Unfortunately, I need to go this upcoming week. My mother keeps sending telegrams. She expects me to be there for…” His voice faded. He cleared his throat again. “Anyway. I plan to take the bus Sunday.”

  “Sunday? Lee, I’m going to California, why don’t you drive with me? I’m sure I can make a detour to get you home. Where do you live?”

  “Long Beach.”

  Violet looked stunned. “…But, I’m going to Long Beach.”

  “If you’re sure about traveling cross country with me, I’d be glad to drive into town in a pink Cadillac. Oooh boy, what will my family say to that?”

  Violet imagined his family probably lived on the outskirts of Long Beach. Perhaps they worked for one of the wealthy families in the area. She was sure they’d be impressed by their son arriving in a brand new Cadillac.

  “Great, then you’ll drive with me. You know, I was just thinking about the dog. What am I going to do about him? Do you think anyone in town will take him?”

  “I’ll take him home with me. I’m sure someone there will care for him. But by then you might find yourself attached to the little guy.”

  “Do you think he’ll be ready to travel by tomorrow? Maybe the vet will say he has to stay until Monday after all. Are they even open on Sunday?”

  “Remember, the vet is my friend. I’ll call him in a little bit. I’m sure he can work it out for us to pick up the dog in the morning.”

  “I’ve never been responsible for anything before. Maybe a dog would be a good place to start. I’m even thinking about getting a job.”

  Lee sat back and laughed. “So, after one day of cleaning motel rooms, you’re ready to jump into the business world?”

  She reached across the table and playfully slapped at his arm. “Don’t laugh at me. I know I’m not trained to do anything, but surely I could find some kind of job.”

  “Sure, or at least do some volunteer work that has meaning. Look into your local church groups and see what they need, since you don't need money.”

  Just then the waitress stopped at the table and placed the bill beside Lee. He scooped it and stood up. “Ready to head out? Those wigwam rooms are calling your name. Can’t you hear them? Violet, Violet, come clean us…”

  Violet crossed her arms over her chest and feigned indignation. “If you keep this up, you can just forget that ride to California.” She tried to look stern with pressed lips, but couldn’t contain her mirth. After a few seconds she broke out in a full trill of laughter.

  Lee stared at her sweet face, mesmerized. His heart tightened. I wonder if she has any idea how beautiful she is, Lord. Not just on the outside, but on the inside too. I know You told me not to look at the wealthy debutantes for a wife, but since she is saved now, does Violet still fall into that category?

  Chapter 7

  As she stripped sheets off the beds, swept the carpet, dusted the rooms and cleaned the showers, Violet was surprised to find herself humming.

  It’s strange, she thought. I feel more contented here, cleaning these rooms than I have my entire life. Not that I haven’t ever done anything worthwhile. I’ve helped Mother raise funds for several charities. But, I think Lee is talking about something more significant. Something that might help others get to know Jesus.

  She tried to imagine herself speaking to her friends about Jesus. She could see the sneers on their faces and the roars of laughter as they shouted, “Oh no, stay away from Violet…she’s gone religious.”

  Her friends were not the type to attend church except on Easter. Every Sunday was considered a day of rest, because they all needed to sleep after the dances they attended the night before. Sunday afternoons were filled with tennis matches, golf games or other sport activities.

  Violet looked into a mirror in one of the wigwam rooms. She was surprised she didn’t look totally disheveled. In fact, without makeup and perfectly combed hair, she looked rather fresh and young. She leaned closer to the mirror and whispered, “What would Robert L. Pendegast think if he saw me like this?”

  She tilted her chin. “I don’t even know Robert L. Pendegast, so what does it matter what he thinks of me? Now that I’m a Christian I probably won’t fit into his high society world. I’m going to have to rethink my entire future.”

  As she continued to clean, a myriad of thoughts flashed through her mind. It was a dilemma, her future. Before this trip, everything seemed to make sense. Drive across the country, join her friends for a fun filled summer, flirt with wealthy bachelors like Robert L. Pendegast, get engaged, plan a wedding and get married. What more could any girl in her place want? However, now that plan didn’t seem to satisfy her. She’d never looked beyond the wedding before. She would still like a nice wedding, but afterwards, what would she do? Bridge club, afternoon teas, like her mother. No! She wanted something more, to be more, to do more, to give more.

  Whatever I do, Lord. I’ll keep in close contact with Lee. He can help me.

  When she finished the rooms, Violet slowly made her way back to her own wigwam. She was tired, but more than that, the thought of losing touch with Lee weighed heavily on her heart. Would they remain friends once they reached their prospective lives in California. Could their faith iron out the differences in their lifestyles? Would she remain strong without him?

  She flung herself on the bed in her room and wiped the tears that had gathered in the corner of her eyes. She allowed herself to relax and drift to sleep.


  Although Lee knocked on her door and invited her to join him for dinner again, Violet didn’t go. She decided to distance herself from him a bit, get her mind straight before their upcoming road trip. She drove to the closest and cleanest looking diner which accepted travelers checks and ate a quick meal. Then she returned to her room.

  Before she turned off the lights, Lee knocked once more and asked if she needed anything. She slipped open the door and assured him she was fine.

  “The vet said we could pi
ck up the dog as early as six in the morning. That way we can get on the road before it gets too hot.”

  Her eyes widened. “Six? I don’t think I’ve ever been up that early. I better get right to sleep. You may need to wake me.”

  Lee winked. “Sure thing, lovely lady.”

  Violet felt her cheeks flush. “Good night then,” she whispered and closed the door. She turned and leaned back against the door and placed her hands on her cheeks.

  What am I doing? Blushing like a little girl, just because Lee called me lovely. I’ve been told I was beautiful, sophisticated, by older and wealthier men, I never blushed before.

  Violet put on her short night gown and slipped into bed. It wasn’t the soft mattress she was used to, but after a long day of cleaning, it felt heavenly. She tried to read another Bible chapter, but once more, the book slipped from her hand as she fell asleep.


  Violet tried to block out the pounding noise, but was unable to make it stop. Finally, her eyes blinked open and she realized the noise was Lee knocking. She quickly moved to the door, slipped it open and stared at him.

  “Rise and shine. It’s almost six.”

  Violet could hardly believe her ears. She felt as if she had only slept a few minutes. She glanced over Lee’s shoulder. “It’s still dark out.”


  “But, well, are you sure we need to leave this early?”

  “We can wait, but we’ll end up driving during the hottest part of the day then. The weather man predicts a scorcher today. It might be hard on the dog, if it's too hot.”

  Violet nodded. “I’ll be ready in a few minutes.” She started to press the door closed, but Lee called in, “You can take the Bible from the drawer if you want.”

  She turned back quickly. “Oh, wouldn’t that be stealing?”

  “No, because I’m giving you permission. We have a whole closet full of them. The group that puts the Bibles in the motels want people to take them.”


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