The Devil's Own

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The Devil's Own Page 6

by Angela Stevens

  Cassidy wondered who might step into his shoes when he was gone. Rumor had it he had a dozen or more illegitimate heirs, but if he favored one of them, she couldn’t see which one.

  Kane’s eyes drifted up to her, and she wished she’d stayed in her room. Not that it was possible, as the four walls had been closing in on her. She wasn’t used to being indoors that much, and once that door closed on their small space, it felt like a prison cell.

  Munch smiled at her and some of that cruelty disappeared from his face. For a moment, she wondered if it would really be as bad as she imagined. Trying to bolster her courage, Cassidy studied his face. Yeah, he wasn’t terrible looking, and if I don’t think about the age difference…

  Kane looked away from her and to a young woman on his left. Mimi was his current… Cassidy found she didn’t have a clue what the correct word was to describe her position. Kane fucked Mimi, he pulled her on to his lap when he was partying, and in front of everyone, and depending on his whim, he would either shower her with affection or be cruel to her. Mimi often had bruises, and she sometimes flinched when Kane went near her. Once, when Kane caught her talking to one of his men, he accused her of being a whore. After he backhanded her, he gave her to three of his men to use.

  Would this be my fate? Will I replace Mimi? The young woman looked up at her, and for a moment, Cassidy wondered if it was relief or hatred she saw in Mimi’s eyes. The woman got up and disappeared across the courtyard, and Kane looked back at Cassidy, and beckoned her.

  Damn, I really should have stayed in my room.

  “What you doing out here?” Ryker spoke from the doorway of their room.

  “I needed air…”

  “Come back inside. Keep your head down.”

  “Why? It’s not gonna make a blind bit of difference. Besides, Kane has seen me and wants me to go down.”

  “Give me a second to pull on my boots, and I’ll come with you.”

  “That’ll just piss him off, Ryker.” She went over and stood on tiptoe so she could reach up and kiss him on his cheek. “I’ll be fine. He won’t do anything before tonight.”

  A growl rumbled through Ryker’s chest, but he didn’t stop her.

  “Did you get my costume yet?” Why she couldn’t have picked it out herself, she’d never know, but Ryker had been suffocating these last two days, so she’d reluctantly left the choice to him.

  “Falcon’s picking one out.”

  “Huh, so you trust his choice and not mine?”

  He shook his head. “Be careful, Cassidy. Kane is worse than his reputation.”

  Cassidy didn’t even want to think about what that meant, and she turned and left the room. As she walked across the courtyard to Kane, her heart clamored against her chest, and her knees quivered, but when she was five feet away, she jutted out her chin and straightened her spine. “Kane, did you want me?”

  He patted the seat next to him, and she went and sat down. It was still warm from Mimi sitting there. Was this what it was like when Kane got bored of you? Maybe the secret was to become the most boring woman in the gang, and then he’d leave me alone? Her eyes drifted around the space, and it made her nervous that everyone was staring at her. She spotted Mimi standing uncomfortably next to Slade. Kane’s right-hand man had his arm around her shoulder and his tongue in her ear. Okay, maybe being boring wasn’t the way out of here. Who the hell knew who I’d be passed on to next.

  “Happy birthday, Cassidy.” Kane leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. The bristles from his beard scratched at her skin. She thought she heard someone mutter ‘fuck’, and she looked up at the balcony. Outside her room, Ryker stood stoically, his arms folded across his chest and his jaw clamped shut so tight, she could see his face was shaking with the effort.

  “Thank you, Kane.”

  “I have a little something for you.” He snapped his fingers, and someone appeared with a white cardboard box tied with red ribbon. “For tonight.”


  “Your costume for the party. I want you to wear it.” He inched in closer, putting his mouth to her ear. “It’s very sexy. I’m tired of seeing you in over-sized clothes. That little peek you gave me the other day showed me you have a nice body, I wanna look at that body all night, and then I’m gonna fuck it.”

  Her cheeks heated and bile rushed up her throat. It was all she could do to maintain her composure. “I… I already have a costume.”

  “Well, now you have a new one. Wear it, Cassidy. I’d hate to have to discipline you on our first night.”

  “I am so screwed.” Cassidy lifted the red PVC outfit out of the white cardboard box and held it against her in the mirror. Was this even possible to get into?

  A knock came on the door, and she scrambled to hide the costume behind her back but was not quick enough. Falcon’s tall frame appeared in the doorway, he was wearing a sexy scruff of a beard as he marched through the door without stopping and slung a large Party City bag onto the bed.

  “Falcon, you’re supposed to knock and wait.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You’re lucky I knocked at all.” His eyes went to the costume she held in her hands. “Fuck, no.” He ripped the garment from her grasp. “Where the hell did you get this?” He held up the devil costume, and his brows knitted together as he examined it.

  The Halloween costume looked even more scandalous in his huge hands. Every part of it looked skimpy and there was seriously no way her ass, or her tits for that matter, could be squeezed into that thing without her stopping traffic.

  “Kane gave it to me.” Cassidy shrugged. “He wants me to wear it tonight.”

  “No fucking way, Ryker will shit bricks.”

  “Ryker? What about me? I’m the one that has to wear the thing, all Kane’s goons will be ogling me.”

  Falcon took hold of the long tail that protruded from the back of the catsuit. “What the actual fuck?”

  Cassidy snatched it from him. “Please tell me you have something less, um, revealing.”

  Falcon grinned and snatched up the plastic bag he’d brought in with him. “Here, it’s all they had left.”

  “Oh, thank God.” Cassidy took it from him and pulled open the bag. “You can’t be serious!” She pulled the large foam object out of the plastic and held it up. “What the hell is this anyway?”

  “A taco.”

  Cassidy pulled out a green hat that was layered with frills of crepe paper. She stuck it on her head and looked in the mirror. “And this?”

  Falcon stood behind her, and peered over her shoulder into the mirror. His frown told her all she needed to know—I look ridiculous!

  “Huh, lettuce, maybe, or guacamole?”

  Cassidy bit back the tears as she held the rest of the foam outfit against her. She’d probably stop traffic in this thing, too—but for an entirely different reason. The only good thing about this Halloween costume was that it had zero sex appeal. Like who in their right mind would want to fuck a five-foot-four taco?

  “Oh, and these go with it.” Falcon handed her a pair of thick-knit pantyhose in a very unflattering shade of orange.

  She snatched them from him and gave him the stink eye. “You expect me to wear this? To my eighteenth birthday party? I’ll be the laughing stock! And when everyone finishes pissing themselves, Kane will…”

  “Kane will ignore you, sweetheart. Not even Kane will get a hard-on with you in this.” Falcon tried to hide a smirk, but he wasn’t quick enough, and she saw it.

  “Everyone is going to think I’m frumpy and… and… ridiculous.”

  Falcon grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him. “That’s the whole fucking point, Cassidy. Did you forget what damn day it is?”

  “How could I? I’ve spent the last couple of days thinking of nothing else.”

  Cassidy sighed and looked up at Falcon. Why couldn’t Kane look like this guy? If he did, there would be no claiming, she’d damn well throw herself at him! Falcon was a long drink of water, as her gra
n would have said, and boy, could she drink him all in. He had the longest freaking legs she ever saw, and they were encased in washed-out black jeans that had gaping tears and pulled threads across his deliciously sexy thighs. Not designer tears, but actual rips that came from the scrums he was always involved in. His lean torso, under that skin-tight white tee, didn’t so much hint at being perfectly toned, but rather shouted it out like it was in all caps!

  Just one of the many mysteries about Falcon was that he always wore the most pristine white T-shirts, and even after he had kicked someone’s ass or walked away from a knife fight, Falcon’s shirt still looked like it was freshly laundered. Seriously, it was an impossibility, but whatever scrape he emerged from, that white color still resembled virgin snow. The only possible explanation was that it was either Teflon coated or Falcon was the Messiah.

  Kane, on the other hand, was none of those things. But there was no getting away from it, Kane was her damn destiny. Despite Falcon’s faith in the taco costume, she knew she didn’t stand a chance in hell. At midnight, Kane would take her to his room and neither Falcon nor her brother could save her from her fate, so why poke the bear? It’d be worse for her if she defied him.

  Cassidy looked between the two Halloween costumes and sighed. “You should go, I need to get changed.”

  She bit down on her lip, and took a lungful of air. I can do this. If it will save my brother, I can give myself to Kane.

  Chapter 10

  “Where’s Cassidy?” Ryker was wound so fucking tight it would only be a matter of seconds before he’d lose his shit and blow the past year’s fucking work to shit.

  “She’s coming. Cool it, you need to get a grip, man.” Falcon leaned back against the grimy wall of the courtyard. He’d added Brylcreem to his hair and arranged it into a ridiculous coif. The leather jacket he always wore had the collar popped, and he was wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, even though the sun went down half an hour ago.

  “What the fuck are you dressed as?” Ryker frowned at the guy, wishing he’d found a costume where he could have hidden his weapon. This Spiderman costume didn’t leave anything to the imagination—not a fucking thing, from his crown jewels to his six-pack. It was all on show through the stretchy material. “And remind me again, why did I have to wear this ridiculous costume? I feel naked without my gun.”

  “I got you.” Falcon swept his jacket aside to reveal his piece tucked into the waistband of his jeans, then quickly recovered it. “Kane needs to see you’re not carrying. When Cassidy vanishes, you need to be squeaky clean.”

  Ryker nodded, but he clenched and unclenched his fists in the hope of releasing the tension in his shoulders. He didn’t like this—not one fucking bit. “So how come you don’t get to dress up? Kane said everyone had to be in costume.”

  “I am in costume.”

  “Who the fuck did you come as?”

  “Danny Zuko.”

  Ryker stared back at him. “Who the fuck is Danny Zuko?”

  “Grease. You know…” Falcon gyrated his hips and swept the coif back. “I got chills, their multiplyin’, and I’m losing control…”

  “The fuck. It’s a Halloween party. You’re supposed to be a superhero or scary, or…”

  Falcon pulled something out of his pocket and shoved it in his mouth, he took off the sunglasses and messed with his hair. “Okay, how’s this then?” He grinned revealing a set of plastic vampire teeth. “Edward Cullen. What’s more Halloween than a vampire?”

  Ryker didn’t have the time to answer, because the door to his room opened and he looked up to see Cassidy emerge. His jaw just about hit the ground. Cassidy was dressed in a skintight bright red catsuit. The PVC costume was molded to her body, going in and out over all her swells and curves. As she turned around to lock the door, a long-forked tail swung from his sister’s shapely backside, and when she turned back to face him, he had to tear his eyes from the low cut front. His gaze jolted upwards to the two devil horns that protruded from her scalp. Her long faded red hair from yesterday was freshly dyed and resembled a freaking fire engine.

  “Hell, no.” Ryker swung around to Falcon. “What the fuck were you thinking when you gave my sister this costume?”

  It was a moment before the guy could close his mouth and tear his eyes off of Cassidy. “N-no,” Falcon’s eyes drifted back to Ryker’s sister a half-second later, like he needed to confirm what his peepers were seeing. After a second look, it seemed impossible for him to look away again, and he watched her walk all along the balcony to the stairs. “I bought her a taco costume. It was huge and made out of foam, it was…”

  Ryker pushed past him and ran down the stairs after his sister and grabbed her by the upper arm. “Go back to the room and change.”

  Cassidy dug her feet into the ground, and it was only then that Ryker noticed the spiked-heel, thigh-high boots and he lost his shit. “What the fucking hell are you playing at, Cassidy? Did you forget what day this is?”

  She ripped her arm out of his hold and he thought he detected tears in her eyes. “I know exactly what day it is. Kane gave me this outfit this morning. What the hell do you expect me to do? If I turn up in that damn taco monstrosity, he is gonna lose his shit.” She folded her arms across her chest, and looked defiantly at him. “Besides, the taco was so ugly. It’s my birthday, Ryker. Please don’t make me look ugly on my birthday.”

  Ryker presumed those words were meant to assure him she was in control, but her voice cracked halfway through, revealing it was all bravado.

  There was a commotion at the far end of the courtyard, and Kane emerged from his room. As their leader’s eyes gravitated toward Cassidy, the fire went from her completely, and she stepped behind Ryker and Falcon.

  “Drop it, Ryker, she’ll have to go like this, he’s seen her now.” Falcon placed his hand on Ryker’s arm, a simple gesture, but Ryker knew it was meant as a restraint. He balled his fists and nodded his agreement.

  Kane crooked his finger at Cassidy. “Why so shy? Come here, and let me take a look at you.”

  Ryker’s sister stepped around him and took four trembling steps forward. At least she had the sense to keep her fucking distance. Ryker took a deep breath and slowly let it out over the count of five. Falcon was right, there is nothing I can do about Cassidy’s costume now.

  “We move everything forward,” he hissed through gritted teeth at Falcon.

  “What? Shit, Ryker everything is set for midnight.”

  “It happens now. If she arrives at the venue, she doesn’t stand a chance of making it through the night without that bastard molesting her.” Ryker could see the look in Kane’s eye. The guy was practically salivating over Cassidy in that red devil’s costume. If they got to the nightclub, Ryker couldn’t guarantee his sister’s safety.

  “But Liam’s expecting her…”

  “Fuck Liam, make it happen.”

  “Jesus Christ. I’ll try to get a hold of him, but you better distract Kane and stay with him, or you’re the first person he’ll suspect.”

  Ryker continued to stare at his sister. I don’t fucking care what happens to me, but Kane is not having her. “Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself. One way or another, I’ll come out of this.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. A pine box isn’t a good look, Ryker. What will Cassidy do if you get yourself killed?”

  Ryker turned to face Falcon. This guy was the brother he never had, and he trusted him more than anyone in the world. Well, at least as much as he trusted Liam. “You and Liam will take care of her for me.”

  Falcon shook his head. “Of course, we’ll see her okay, but I’d prefer it if you were there to help us.”

  Chapter 11

  Kane strolled towards Cassidy and a lump formed in her throat. Huh, why didn’t I wear the taco costume?

  His whiskers brushed her ear as he leaned in to whisper to her. “Fucking hot, Cassidy. Can’t wait to peel you out of this later.”

  A shiver ran
down her spine, but it was about as far from pleasurable as you could get. More like the kind of shiver you get when you know something fucking bad is going to happen.

  Behind her, a growl alerted her to the fact her brother was still there, and that any moment he was going to lose his shit and go for Kane. It would mean certain death for Ryker, as Kane’s entourage was with him, and they were all packing heat. He wouldn’t stand a chance, unless Falcon backed him up, and she was never one hundred percent sure which way that guy’s loyalties fell. Sometimes she got the impression Falcon was trying to protect her and Ryker, then other times, she wondered if he was sucking up to Kane to pad his own future in the gang. Either way, there was no way she could predict whether Falcon would have Ryder’s back, or stick a knife in it.

  She glanced over her shoulder at her brother and mouthed, “It’s okay.”

  “Sensible girl, your Rottweiler is on borrowed time if he keeps up that attitude.”

  It may have been her imagination, but Kane seemed to hiss on the ’s’ sounds, and for a second she could imagine him as a vicious viper ready to spring at her brother. She brought her attention back to Kane. “Take no notice of Ryker, he sometimes forgets I’m a grown woman.”

  Kane encircled her waist, and his hand flattened over her bottom. He gave it a quick squeeze, licked his lips, and his eyes drifted down to the very low neckline she was wearing. “Mmm, so I see.”

  Cassidy wanted to fold her arms across her chest and hide herself, but by the way Kane looked at her, she guessed he might get off on that, too, so she kept her arms by her side, and shifted her position to show off her body more. Perhaps if I don’t let him intimidate me, it won’t be so bad.

  “Ride with me, Cassidy. Falcon, you drive.” Kane tossed a set of keys over her shoulder and she heard them land in Falcon’s hands with a chinking sound.

  “Yes, Boss.” Falcon stepped around Ryker and strode out onto the street.


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