Delta Force Rescue (Brotherhood Protectors Book 15)

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Delta Force Rescue (Brotherhood Protectors Book 15) Page 14

by Elle James

Was the Devil Boss about to perform his first act of torture on her? Would he record it and send it to Hank and Rafe to make them convince Alejandra to make the trade?

  All these thoughts raced through Briana’s head in seconds. Then they were at the gate, and the cartel leader was there as well.

  As soon as the gate opened and the path cleared of cartel men, Briana could see three SUVs standing at the end of the drive. The lead one stood open and men were outside the vehicles, using the doors as shields.

  Briana’s heart skipped several beats. She couldn’t help but think that shit was about to get real in El Salvador.

  Then Hank Patterson got out of the second vehicle and opened the back door.

  Rafe emerged.

  Briana gasped, and her heart fluttered. He was there. He’d come for her. Her eyes welled with tears she quickly blinked back. The two guards at her side walked her forward a couple of steps and stopped, still holding tightly to her arms.

  After Rafe got out of the SUV, he turned and extended his hand.

  Alejandra emerged, leaned up and kissed Rafe’s cheek.

  A short stab of something hit Briana square in the gut. Jealousy? No, the kiss had been quick, as if in thanks. Envy. Probably. She wished she could kiss Rafe’s cheek and lips and hold him close.

  Then Alejandra called out in Spanish and then English. “Let her go. We meet halfway. Alone.”

  Her heart pounding, Briana nearly collapsed, when upon a command from their leader, the cartel guards released her arms. She was free but had to walk the gauntlet of the road leading into the compound.

  Alejandra stepped away from Hank and Rafe, walked around the open doors of the lead vehicle and kept coming.

  “Go,” El Chefe barked.

  Briana lurched forward, rubbing her arms where the men had held her so tightly there would be bruises. The fifty or so yards to the SUVs seemed like a lot more.

  As Alejandra neared, it dawned on Briana that she didn’t have her baby with her. Where was Bella? The men behind her didn’t seem to have her. Was she in one of the vehicles? Her heart stopped for several beats. Had she left Bella in the States?

  Her heart squeezed hard in her chest. This woman was sacrificing herself to save Briana. Leaving her baby in the hands of others…

  Oh, her heart hurt.

  As she approached Alejandra, she shook her head. “You shouldn’t have come. Where’s Bella?”

  “I had to. She’s with Sadie. Be ready to run.”

  Briana frowned. “What?”

  Alejandra glanced down at her hand, holding something green with a handle clutched against it. “Just run,” Alejandra said as she continued to walk toward the compound.

  As the item registered in Briana’s mind, she picked up her pace, walking faster. Holy shit. Alejandra had a grenade.

  Dear Lord, please don’t let her martyr herself for me.

  Briana glanced over her shoulder as Alejandra approached the phalanx of men surrounding El Chefe. In an underhanded toss, she rolled the grenade between the legs of the men guarding the cartel leader. They scrambled, dancing away from the object.

  Alejandra spun and ran toward Briana. “Run!” she yelled.

  Briana stumbled over her own feet then righted herself and ran as fast as she could.

  Alejandra caught up with her, took her arm and pulled her along with her.

  An explosion rocked the ground beneath their feet, the force at their backs pushing them forward so fast, they fell to their knees.

  Gunfire exploded all around.

  “Stay down,” Hank called out.

  “Cover me!” Rafe cried and ran toward them, hunkered down.

  Briana crawled on all fours toward him.

  Alejandra did the same, moving as fast as she could.

  When Rafe reached them, he pointed to the ground in front of Alejandra. “Stay flat on your belly. I’ll be right back.”

  Alejandra dropped to her belly.

  Rafe bent, helped Briana to her feet and, shielding her body, ran her toward the vehicles. As soon as he had her safely behind the bulk of an SUV, he left her and went back for Alejandra.

  Briana watched from the relative safety of the SUV as Rafe started to run toward the other woman.

  Hank caught him before he got too far. “Cover me.”

  The founder of the Brotherhood Protectors ran across the open ground, dropping down beside Alejandra.

  Briana held her breath, praying Hank and Alejandra made it back to safety, alive.

  Hank wrapped his arm around Alejandra, effectively shielding her body with his as he ran with her to the waiting SUVs. He helped her into the back seat of the middle vehicle and slid in beside her. One of his men took the driver’s seat.

  Rafe returned to Briana and ran with her to the last vehicle, the one closest to the main road. As they reached it, Briana heard the thunder of rotor blades beating the air. She looked up to see a helicopter rising above the canopy of trees.

  She turned to Rafe. “Did El Chefe get away?”

  Rafe’s jaw was so tight it twitched as he helped her into the backseat. “I don’t know for sure, but he jumped behind the gate and slammed it shut before the grenade exploded.”

  Briana cursed as she slid across the seat. “That man doesn’t deserve to live. He’s a monster.”

  Rafe slipped in beside her and pulled her into his arms.

  Swede and Bear climbed into the front seats and closed their doors. Bear spun the vehicle around and raced for the main road heading back to San Salvador, followed by the SUV carrying Hank and Alejandra and the last vehicle with two more of Hank’s men.

  Rafe spoke into the mic on his helmet’s radio. “I have Briana in the lead vehicle.” He listened. “That’s what I thought. This isn’t over as long as El Chefe is still alive.” He looked across at Briana. “He got away.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Briana said.

  He took her hand and held it in his. “The good news is that all of the Delta Force team members got away without injury.”

  Briana raised his hand to her lips and pressed a kiss to the backs of his knuckles. “Thank you for finding me.”

  “I wouldn’t have stopped looking until I did.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the tips of her fingers.

  “Did you know Alejandra was going to throw a grenade?”

  “Not until she stole one from me at the last minute.”

  Briana cocked an eyebrow. “When she kissed you?”

  He grinned. “You saw that?”

  Her brows formed a V over her nose. “I did.”

  “Were you jealous?”

  She sighed, her brow smoothing. “Truthfully, I was, a little.” Briana leaned her head against his shoulder. “I thought we had a connection up there in the Crazy Mountains, unless it was all one-sided…?” She glanced up at him from beneath her eyelashes.

  “If by one-sided, you mean, all on my side, that could be. Because, you see, I have no idea where I stand with you, Briana Hayes. When you left, I felt we had just gotten started. I was falling for you. Now, we’ve all been traumatized, and we’re likely to think we’re in love when we’re just getting to know each other.”

  “Why not accept the fact we’re in love?” Briana asked. “Life’s short, and none of us get out of it alive. Unfortunately, some sooner than others.”

  He nodded. “You have a point.” He leaned close and kissed her lips. “Lucy and I missed you.”

  “Oh my God, Lucy! She made it?” Briana smiled, her heart swelling. “I thought that bastard killed her when he hit her with the club.”

  “She made it. I’m sure she’s got a headache.”

  Briana reached up to unbuckle his helmet and pull it off. Then she touched the bruise and knot at his temple. “You should have seen a doctor.”

  “I’m okay.”

  She leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to his injury.

  “You’re the one I’m worried about.” He brushed the backs of his knuckles below the gash on
her cheek. “Who did this?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “The Devil Boss. I’m glad we got Alejandra out of there. She doesn’t deserve to live in that kind of fear. The man is horrible.” She shivered, remembering how he’d toyed with the guard who’d cut her before killing him.

  She lay her cheek on Rafe’s shoulder. “I’m worried.”

  “You’re out of there.”

  “I know. But El Chefe is still alive. He won’t let this slide. He’ll be back for more. I’ll be surprised if we make it out of El Salvador without further backlash from him.”

  “The Deltas will be right behind us. They’ll make sure we aren’t tailed by the cartel men. The DEA agents are guarding the plane at the airport. If all goes well, we’ll be on our way back to Montana within the next couple of hours.”

  “If all goes well.” She sighed. “I’m not holding my breath. I don’t feel like this is over. El Chefe doesn’t give up that easily.”

  “We’ll be ready.” Rafe smoothed a hand down her arm. “We’ll get you home.”

  “Home.” She sighed. “Where is home? I can’t go back to my apartment.”

  “Then make Montana your home. There are plenty of children who need someone like you to look out for their best interests.”

  She smiled up at him. “You make it sound so easy. My life was in Chicago.”

  “And is it still?” He kissed her forehead. “What’s keeping you there?”

  “What do I have in Montana?” she asked.

  “Me and Lucy,” he answered.

  She cocked an eyebrow. “For how long?”

  “As long as we both shall live?”

  “Ah, put the poor guy out of his misery,” the driver said.

  Rafe laughed. “Briana, you might not have had the pleasure of meeting Bear and Swede. They work with Hank as some of his Brotherhood Protectors. Swede’s prior Navy, and a SEAL. Bear was Delta Force, like me. And they’re interrupting a private conversation.”

  “Problem is, you two lovebirds are making things too difficult,” Bear said from the driver’s seat.

  “Bear’s right,” Swede said. “Admit you care for each other and get on with life.”

  Briana laughed. “We’ve only known each other for a week.”

  “A week…a month…” Bear shrugged. “You know what you know. I knew within the first couple of days I loved Mia.”

  “Same with me and Allie,” Swede said. “In our line of work, we have to rely on our instincts…you know…gut feel. What is your gut telling you?” Swede turned and pinned Briana with his gaze.

  Heat rose up her neck. “I’ve never been happier than the week we spent in the cabin in the mountains. But that doesn’t mean Rafe feels the same.”

  Rafe pulled her into his arms, the hard bulletproof vest digging into her. “Oh, sweetheart, I do.”

  “There you go. End of discussion,” Bear said.

  “Not really,” Swede argued. “It’s only the beginning.”

  “The beginning,” Briana sighed. “I like the sound of that.”

  Chapter 13

  Rafe held Briana in his arms the entire trip back to Montana. He felt that if he let go, she’d slip through his fingers and be gone again. He wasn’t ready to let her go and hoped she’d stay with him in Montana.

  The big question was as what?

  Was a week together enough to know if you were right for each other? Did he want a commitment from her? Did he want to marry her? Maybe the question he should’ve been asking himself all along was whether he was willing to lose her.

  After her abduction, he knew the answer to that question.


  When they arrived at the airport in Bozeman, Hank called Sadie, waking her up, to let him know he was on the ground and would be home in less than an hour. The other guys all called their ladies and let them know they’d be home soon as well. The atmosphere was jovial, if not completely happy. They’d extracted both women and none of their people had been killed or injured badly.

  The big downer was that El Chefe had gotten away.

  Alejandra and Briana rode in the SUV with Hank and Rafe. Swede, Taz, Bear, Boomer and Chuck rode in the other. Rather than go to Hank’s ranch, where they’d all parked their own vehicles before they’d loaded up weapons, communications and personnel for the trip to El Salvador, Chuck would drop them off at their homes so they could get some sleep.

  In the early hours of the morning, Hank drove up to the ranch house. The lights were all out.

  “That’s unusual,” Hank said as he shifted the SUV into park. “Sadie always leaves a light on the porch and one in the living room when I’m away.”

  “Maybe she forgot,” Rafe suggested.

  “Maybe,” Hank said, a frown settling between his eyebrows. “Leave the gear in the vehicle. We can unload it all tomorrow. Everyone will want to get sleep. And speaking of home…Donovan and Briana, you two can stay here for the night. It might be safer than the cabin. Alejandra, you’ll stay with us until we can figure out something. Right now, we all need sleep.” He pushed open his door and stepped down.

  Rafe got out and held the door for the two women. He’d stripped out of his bulletproof vest but wore a shoulder holster with his Glock. With El Chefe loose, he could have his mercenaries make another attempt on Alejandra or Briana. He’d had enough time to make some calls while they were in the air.

  Hank led the way up the stairs to the porch, shaking his head. “It’s not like Sadie to leave the lights off. At the very least, I would’ve thought Maddog would’ve left one on. He was in charge of ranch security while we’ve been gone.” When he reached for the door handle, it turned without resistance. Hank held up a hand with his fist clenched, the sign for his team to stop. He pulled his weapon from the holster beneath his jacket, stood to the side of the door and nudged it open.

  “Both of you get behind the SUV,” Rafe said to Briana and Alejandra. He pulled his weapon from his holster and climbed the porch steps, moving to the opposite side of the front door.

  Hank nudged the door wider and dove in, rolling to one side and to his feet in a hunched position behind a table in the foyer.

  Rafe dove in as well and remained in a prone position on the floor.

  A light blinked on, illuminating the living room.

  Hank cursed.

  Sadie sat in a straight-back wooden chair, her arms secured behind her, duct tape across her mouth.

  In a playpen beside her lay her little girl, Emma, sound asleep.

  Sitting in a wing-back chair beside them was El Chefe, holding Alejandra’s baby, Bella, in his arms, a gun pointed at her little head.

  Two of his men stood behind him, AK-47s in their hands, pointed at Hank and Rafe.

  “It took you long enough to get here after you destroyed my home,” the cartel leader said. “I don’t forgive transgressions easily.” He shrugged. “Actually, I don’t forgive transgressions at all.” The man glanced down at the baby in his arms. “I get what I want. Every. Time.” He glanced toward the door. “Is that not correct, Alejandra?”

  Alejandra entered through the front door, her eyes rounded and shaking her head. “I’ll go with you. Just don’t hurt her. She’s innocent. She’s your daughter.”

  “I thought as much. Another reason for her to return to El Salvador with her mother.” He brushed the baby’s hair back with the barrel of the gun he held. “It would a shame for her to die for no reason but that you didn’t care enough about her to stay where you belong.”

  Alejandra looked from El Chefe to Sadie, Hank and Rafe. “Leave these people alone, and Bella and I will go with you. Now. This minute. No argument.”

  “You’ll go with me no matter what I do with the rest of your friends.”

  “Please, they only wanted to help me,” Alejandra begged.

  “As I told your beautiful friend, Briana, I didn’t get where I am by being kind to strangers. I take my business seriously. When people interfere in my business, they pay.” He pushed to his feet

  The baby whimpered.

  “Let me hold her.” Alejandra walked forward, her arms out. “She’s probably hungry and hears my voice.”

  As if to prove her mother right, Bella’s whimpers turned into soft cries. She stretched and raised her arms, as if seeking Alejandra.

  The cartel leader quickly became impatient with the baby and struggled to hold onto her and his gun at the same time. He almost dropped her.

  Alejandra rushed forward to catch Bella.

  El Chefe let her have the child and grabbed her instead, shoving his gun up against her temple. “Now, we are going to walk out of here, and none of you will stop us. If you do, I will kill the woman and the baby.” He held out his hands. “The keys to your vehicle.”

  Hank dug in his pocket and pulled out the key fob, tossing it at the cartel leader. The fob landed at his feet.

  “Get it,” he told Alejandra.

  Balancing Bella in her arms, Alejandra bent to retrieve the key fob.

  El Chefe held the gun to the back of her head the entire time until she handed it to him. He pocketed the key fob and hooked his arm around Alejandra’s neck, again pointing the gun at her temple.

  With the keys to the SUV, the man was about to walk out of the ranch house with exactly what he’d come for. Alejandra and her baby.

  Rafe’s heart skittered to a stop and then raced. He prayed Briana had headed for the woods to hide until the cartel leader and his men were gone. The farther away she was, the better. Especially if El Chefe was taking the SUV she was supposed to be hiding behind.

  El Chefe backed toward the door, holding Alejandra in a chokehold. His men followed, also backing toward the door, their AK-47s pointed at Rafe and Hank.

  “If they move, shoot the woman,” El Chefe said. Then he backed through the door and out onto the porch.

  A loud crack rang out in the darkness.

  The cartel gunmen turned toward the sound.

  At that moment, Rafe sprang at the man nearest him, grabbed his rifle and shoved it up in the air.

  Hank went for the one on his side and did the same.

  Rafe’s guy pulled the trigger, shooting a hole in the ceiling. They struggled for control of the weapon. Fueled by searing anger and pure determination, Rafe slammed the weapon into the man’s face. It hit the guy’s nose with a sickening crunch. Blood gushed from his nose, and his eyes teared. His grip weakened on the gun.


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