Past in the Present (MidKnight Blue Book 9)

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Past in the Present (MidKnight Blue Book 9) Page 3

by Sherryl Hancock

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

  Midnight shivered at the timbre of his voice. She looked up into his eyes. “And I love you,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.

  It always astounded her, the effect he still had over her. Even after twelve years of marriage, he could reduce her to a trembling set of nerves and desires so easily. If she didn’t love and trust him so much, she knew she would be terrified of his influence over her. In years past, she would never have allowed a man to get so close to her that he changed the entire way she thought and acted, but Rick could do just that.

  On this particular afternoon, he had taken the negative, desolate feelings she’d been allowing to build up over the interviews, and had replaced them with good, warm feelings of confidence and support. Rick knew her like no one else did, not even her best friend, Joe. Rick could always sense her moods and figure out a way to diffuse them, if that was what he wanted to do. It was a good feeling.

  The next interview was with Taylor. Midnight had seen a picture of this young man. He was good-looking in a blond-butch-hair-cut-cop kind of way. She waited near the gate and saw him as he got off the plane. He walked straight over to her and said, “You’re Chief Chevalier,” giving her an almost appraising look.

  Midnight nodded. “Yes, I am. You’re Assistant Chief Taylor?”

  “That’s me,” he said, smiling widely. “Call me Matt.”

  Midnight nodded, but stopped short of giving him the same privilege. She wondered if he’d notice; he didn’t seem to. As they walked toward the front of the terminal, Midnight realized she was already categorizing this man and pulled herself up short. Friendliness was not supposed to be a bad quality; nor was confidence.

  Once in the car, Matt began the conversation, and Midnight felt her stomach lurch immediately.

  “You look even better in person than you do in your publicity pictures.”

  Midnight gave him a sidelong glance, tempted to say, Are you sure you want to start out the conversation that way? Instead she said, “I do, do I?”

  “Oh yeah, you do,” Matt replied, grinning. Then he looked around at the scenery. “Beautiful place.”

  “We like it,” Midnight said, her tone almost normal.

  “Yeah, this is a lot better than Arizona, with the ocean and all—great place to have fun,” Matt said, and Midnight could almost feel the shift in his thinking. He gave her a long, considering look then, his gaze shifting to her tanned legs, exposed from the top of her knee down. With his eyes still on her legs, he said, “You and me, we could have a lot of fun, I’ll bet.”

  Midnight didn’t turn her head, her eyes narrowed slightly. “Could we?” she asked, making her tone light.

  “Oh yeah, it would be great.” Matt stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back comfortably, exuding male confidence.

  Midnight glanced over at him. Her expression, which was slightly amused, could have been mistaken for playful. “I don’t know if my husband would like that too much.”

  Matt didn’t bat an eyelash. “Oh yeah, your husband. He works for the department too, doesn’t he?”

  “Yes, he’s a lieutenant in charge of FORS,” Midnight replied mildly.

  Matt looked thoughtful for about two seconds, then shrugged. “I’d outrank him—what could he do?”

  “Outrank him?” Midnight repeated, not sure she’d heard him correctly.

  “Yeah,” Matt said, his tone almost chiding now. “He wouldn’t give us any trouble. Rank does have it privileges.”

  Midnight was literally stunned into a momentary silence by his complete lack of respect for either her or for the unknown husband he was already pulling rank on without even having gotten the job yet. She decided a change of subject was necessary and soon, before she took him back to the airport and dumped him on his head.

  “So, how did you move up so quickly in Arizona, if you don’t mind me asking.”

  “No, I don’t mind you asking,” Matt said, his voice almost a caress, and Midnight had to keep herself from shuddering. It only got worse as he informed her of his tactics. “Let’s just say I know who to throw dirt on, and how to do it.”

  Midnight nodded, feigning admiration for his methods. “So the other guy wasn’t as good a candidate?”

  “Hell no. He was an old coot. I deserved that job, and I got it. You do what you gotta do, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know. So how do you like being Assistant Chief there?”

  “It’s great,” Matt said, smiling widely. “I get to play all I want, and no one ever bothers me.”

  “Well, this is a working AC here, you know,” Midnight put in, unable to resist.

  “Oh, we’ll work…” Matt trailed off as his eyes trailed down her body and back up again. Midnight had the wild urge to slap him, but she knew there was a better way to handle this. Fortunately, they arrived at the department then, and she led him to the interview room. After introducing him to the panel, she excused herself for a moment and left the room to make a call. She came back five minutes later and the interview began.

  Matt did well, exuding charm and charisma to the maximum. His answers were good, although Midnight sensed he was exaggerating on a number of things. She found herself tapping her foot, waiting for the interview to be over. When it was concluded, Midnight escorted him out of the conference room. Rick and Tiny, a very tall and muscular Samoan also from Midnight’s original gang task force, walked up.

  Midnight turned to Matt and said, “I have a meeting to go to, but these gentlemen will make sure you get back to the airport.”

  Matt looked surprised, but nodded. He gave her a brilliant smile and extended his hand. “It was a great pleasure meeting you, Chief Chevalier,” he said, his tone thick with undercurrent.

  Midnight placed her hand in his, and he covered it with his other hand, almost possessively. She sensed more than saw Rick tense, but managed to smile up at Matt. “It was nice meeting you too. Have a safe trip back.”

  “We’ll make sure he gets back,” Tiny said, glancing at Rick. Rick nodded, his eyes not leaving Taylor’s hand over Midnight’s.

  Midnight turned to Tiny and smiled brightly, her eyes trailing over to meet Rick’s. “Thank you, gentlemen.” She turned and left. Tiny led the way back out to the parking lot, and Rick fell in behind Matt.

  At Rick’s Mustang, Tiny climbed into the back seat. Matt got in on the passenger’s side and grinned over at Rick as they pulled out of the lot.

  “Man, the chauffeur service in this department is great. I mean, the chief herself picked me up.”

  “Yeah?” Rick said, his accent evident.

  “Yeah…” Matt said, a wistful smile on his face. “That is some hot-looking woman, I’ll tell you.”

  Rick glanced in the rear-view mirror at Tiny, then over at Matt. “Yeah, she is,” he said. In a conversational tone, he added, “She’s married, ya know.”

  Matt shrugged. “Yeah, I know she is. But he’s only a lieutenant.”

  “So?” Tiny said from the back seat, looking confused.

  “So,” Matt said, almost laughing, “if I’m the Assistant Chief, I outrank him. What’s he gonna do?”

  Rick looked thoughtful, his lips turning down, then shrugged and looked Matt right in the eye. “He could kill you.”

  Matt was silent for a moment, his face showing surprise at Rick’s comment. Then he burst out laughing. “Come on, man. We’re all cops—that ain’t gonna happen.”

  “No?” Rick said, looking as if he wasn’t sure.

  “Nah, man. Duh, this is reality here.” Matt rolled his eyes and glanced back at Tiny, who was smiling and nodding.

  There was a long silence that stretched uncomfortably. Matt shifted around in his seat, looking back at Tiny. “So what do you do for the department?”

  “I’m a sergeant with homicide,” Tiny said, glancing at Rick.

  Matt turned to Rick. “And you?”

  Rick paused a full beat, then said, “I’m a lie
utenant in charge of FORS.”

  Matt nodded, and then suddenly something clicked. Rick was sure he could hear it, in fact. Matt started to grin, a self-conscious yet “I can fix this” grin. “Nah, you’re just messing with me, right?”

  Tiny leaned forward, his massive arms on the back of the seat between Rick and Matt. He looked at Rick, and then at Matt. “No, we’re not,” he said simply.

  Matt began to look distinctly uncomfortable at that point. Rick’s face had turned to dangerously unreadable. His deep blue eyes, however, were shooting sparks that were impossible to miss. “That was my wife you were making a pass at,” he said, his tone like ice.

  “Hey, man, I was just messing around. I didn’t mean any harm,” Matt said, his voice forcibly casual.

  “No?” Rick sounded unconvinced.

  “No, man, really.” Matt glanced at Tiny, who stared back at him with coal-black eyes and a slightly malicious grin on his face.

  “You picked the wrong woman to fuck with, man,” Tiny said, his tone low.

  “Yeah, you did,” Rick echoed.

  “Look,” Matt said, putting his hands out in a placating gesture. “I’m sorry, I should have had more respect for the married thing, okay.”

  Rick gave a short laugh, shaking his head. “Nah,” he began, holding up his left hand and wiggling his wedding band. “This don’t mean shit.” He closed his hand into a fist and brandished it menacingly. “It’s this you have to worry about.” His eyes narrowed as he pulled up to the terminal. “If you ever even think about touching my wife again, there won’t be any badge big enough for you to hide behind. You got that?” His tone was that of the gang member he’d been years before, and the look in his eyes did everything to back the statement up.

  “Yeah, man, I got it,” Matt said, glancing at Tiny and then back at Rick as he reached blindly for the door handle. He climbed out, visibly shaken.

  Tiny gave him a frosty smile. “I hope you enjoyed your stay.”

  Matt all but ran for the terminal.

  Tiny got out and climbed into the passenger seat, then looked over at Rick. “Think he got the point?”

  Rick glanced back at the big Samoan. “Yeah, I think he got it.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment and then both burst out laughing as Rick put the car into gear.

  “They aren’t all like that guy, are they?” Tiny asked a few minutes into the drive.

  “No, but they aren’t much better,” Rick said, shaking his head. “She’s gonna go bloody insane if this next guy don’t pan out.”

  “Who’s the next one?”

  “Some guy from New York,” Rick said, not sounding very impressed, then added, “Harvard graduate.” With that he rolled his eyes.

  Tiny chuckled, not real impressed with the Harvard label either. “What happens if he doesn’t work out either?”

  “Well,” Rick said, examining his hands on the steering wheel, “I’m considering blackmailing Joe into taking it.”

  Tiny laughed again. “Yeah? How come he won’t do it anyway?”

  Rick shook his head. “He doesn’t want that kinda responsibility. I can’t blame him—Midnight goes through a lot of hell to do the things she does. She couldn’t pay me enough to take a job like that.”

  Tiny guffawed at the mere thought of Rick as Midnight’s Assistant Chief. “Shit, if you became her AC, neither of you would ever get any work done.”

  Rick chuckled knowingly. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  “Hell, half the time you two can’t get through staff meetings together.”

  “Hey,” Rick said with mock indignation, “we’re fine as long as we don’t sit too close, or look at each other too often.” He was laughing all the while. It was true; he and Midnight shared an incredible physical attraction for each other that had not dimmed in the slightest over their twelve-year relationship. If anything, it had grown stronger with each year.

  “Yeah…” Tiny said, his voice trailing off as he thought about it, and then reflected on his own marriage. He and his wife weren’t quite that bad, but there were definite sparks between them, and he loved Jessica beyond anything he’d ever imagined he could feel for another person.

  Back at the department, Rick walked into Midnight’s office. She was sitting at her desk, her elbows in front of her, rolling her pen between her hands, obviously deep in thought. After a few moments she glanced up.

  “Did you enjoy yourself?” she asked, her tone only half joking.

  “Immensely,” Rick said, kicking the door closed and moving to sit in the chair across from her desk.

  Midnight nodded, then tossed the pen down and gave him a direct look. “Taylor just called from the airport and rescinded his application.”

  Rick didn’t even flinch. His face was perfectly composed when he said, “Good.”

  “Richard…” Midnight began, her concern for some kind of lawsuit coming to bear.

  Rick shook his head. “Night, no guy is going to talk to my wife like he did and get away with it.”

  “Yes, but—”

  “No buts,” Rick put in simply. He sat forward, his posture showing his need to defend his actions.

  Midnight stared back at him for a long moment, then blew her breath out in a sigh. “Just tell me you didn’t hit him.”

  “I didn’t lay a finger on him,” Rick replied, sitting back and relaxing now that he knew what she was concerned about.

  “And Tiny?” Midnight asked, knowing Rick’s penchant for telling half-truths when he could get away with it.

  “Tiny didn’t touch him either.”

  Midnight’s eyes widened in surprise, and Rick saw the beginnings of a grin tugging at her lips. “What did you tell him?”

  Rick shrugged. “Just that if he ever even thinks about touching you again, there won’t be any place for him to hide.”

  “That’s all, huh?” Midnight said, grinning now.

  “It was simple but effective,” Rick said, grinning back at her.

  Midnight shook her head. “Apparently.”

  “Did he say why he was taking his application back?”

  Midnight paused for a moment, composing her face into a serious expression. “He didn’t feel he could contribute anything to this department.”

  Rick’s grin was sardonic as he shook his head. “Wouldn’t have been able to contribute much with two broken arms either.”

  “Probably not,” Midnight replied, rolling her eyes. “I should know better, shouldn’t I?”

  “You should,” he agreed.

  “Well, I know I would have wanted that chance if the roles had been reversed.”

  “And I appreciate that chance.”

  “As well you should,” Midnight countered.

  “That so?” Rick asked, grinning as he stood to walk around the desk.

  Midnight stood to meet him, looking up at him. “That’s so.”

  He reached out, touching her cheek. “So you’re saying I should show my appreciation.”

  Midnight stared directly into his eyes as she said, “For hours on end.”

  “Oh…” Rick said, trailing off as he leaned down to kiss her.

  They kissed for a while, feeling like teenagers making out in the adult’s office. Eventually, Rick went to sit on her desk, with her standing between his legs, his arms around her waist. Midnight’s hands were on his shoulders as she gazed up at him.

  “So, this last guy is your last big chance, huh?” Rick said, trying to keep his tone light.

  “Actually, no,” Midnight said calmly.

  “Really?” Rick asked, surprised.

  “Yeah, really.” Midnight reached over and picked up the list she’d been making before he’d come in. “I started going back over the applications and adjusting my thinking a little bit, and I have some other possibilities here.”

  Rick looked at the list, only remembering half of the names. He glanced at his wife and nodded in admiration for her ability to overcome any and all obstacles.

  “Should have known you’d pull out of this one,” he said, his smile warm.

  Midnight shrugged off the compliment lightly. “I do what I have to do, babe.”

  “I know,” Rick said, nodding. “And you do it quite well.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she replied airily, smiling to take any sting out of her dismissal of his compliment.

  “So when’s the next one due?” Rick asked, glancing at his watch and noting it was already four o’clock.

  “Not till six.”

  “Why so late?”

  “All the commuter flights were full from New York.”

  “Oh,” Rick replied simply.

  “Oh,” she echoed, smiling.

  “Then you’ll be late tonight?”

  Midnight nodded. “Pretty much.”

  “Okay,” Rick said, standing and looking down at her. “Guess I better get back to work.”

  “Never know when the chief might be around.”

  “Nope,” Rick said, grinning. He leaned down to kiss her again, but pulled himself up short. “Think she could be around now?” he asked, shifting his stare to either side of them comically.

  “Well, if she is, let her watch and get jealous.” Midnight reached up to kiss him.

  Two hours later she was still thinking about that exchange as she stood waiting at the gate for Masterson. She was wearing her black leather FORS jacket, because the weather had cooled significantly since the sun had gone down. She realized the jacket had her first name on it, which could easily tip Masterson off to who she was. However, she was tired, and the last thing she felt like doing was freezing her ass off just to test one more person. The line of people had trickled down to almost nothing, and she was worrying that she had for sure missed the guy when she saw him. She did a double take, because the man she’d seen was familiar to her, and she had immediately assumed it was Masterson. She realized then that he was walking straight toward her. But the name that came to mind for this face wasn’t Masterson, but Masters. Her mind was working even as she reached out to meet his outstretched hand.

  “Chief Chevalier, it’s good to meet you,” Masterson said, his voice exactly as she remembered, his smile warm.


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