Past in the Present (MidKnight Blue Book 9)

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Past in the Present (MidKnight Blue Book 9) Page 6

by Sherryl Hancock

  He’d been so dumbstruck by Midnight that he would have followed her anywhere at first, but then he came into his own as a member of the unit. Midnight had made him into someone worthwhile. His crush had deepened, but she was with Sinclair then. Years later she met and married Rick, and Tiny had accepted then that women like Midnight were out of his reach. Then along came Jessica. As luck, or cruel fate, would have it, Jessica was also smitten with Joe Sinclair. She had come to San Diego from Sacramento to visit Joe, whom she had met when he taught a range class in Sacramento. She thought Joe Sinclair was incredible.

  One night, Tiny had gone to Joe’s to give him news about the Chief of Police at the time, and because Joe wasn’t home, he’d had a chance to sit and talk with Jessica. She’d been funny, and nice, and he’d gotten brave enough to ask her out, with her help. He’d been smitten with her the very first time he met her, but he’d never dared to hope. Now here she was his wife, his lady, his love. It still astounded him.

  “Nathan?” Jessica queried, using his given name, or a shortened version of it. She was never sure where he went in his mind when he looked at her like that. Whenever she asked, he’d just shake his head and smile at her, as if it was too complicated to explain.

  “I’m sorry,” Tiny said, grinning sheepishly. “What did you ask me?”

  “I asked how you, Spider, and Midnight know Kyle Masterson,” she repeated patiently, knowing her husband was always thinking a million things at once.

  “Oh,” Tiny said, shrugging slightly. “He was with Midnight a long time ago.”

  “With?” Jessica asked, looking surprised.

  Tiny grinned shyly, but with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Yeah, with, as in carnally with.”

  “Wow,” Jessica said, shaking her head slowly. “When was this? I mean, not while she’s been married to Rick, right?”

  “No,” Tiny said. He looked offended that she’d say that about Midnight.

  “Nathan, I didn’t think so—that’s why I asked that way.”

  “Well, it was about two years before she ever even met Rick,” Tiny explained.

  “I thought she was with Joe before Rick,” Jessica put in, ever the intuitive investigator.

  “She was with Joe sometimes, but they weren’t a constant thing,” Tiny said, obviously uncomfortable talking about Midnight’s love life.

  “Okay, I’m sorry,” Jessica said, sensing his discomfort and quick to try and relieve it. “Does Rick know Kyle Masterson?”

  “Why would he know him?”

  “I was just wondering.” Jessica shrugged, then looked at her husband pointedly. “It might make things go smoother.”

  “What things?” Tiny asked, suspicious.

  “Things like the fact that he’s our new Assistant Chief,” Jessica said, grinning ingenuously.

  “Holy shit!” Tiny exclaimed before he could stop himself, then looked over at his wife apologetically. “Oops, sorry.”

  Jess laughed. “Don’t worry about it, hon. I have to agree with you.”

  “Rick’s not going to like this,” Tiny said ominously.

  “Probably not,” Jessica replied, grimacing comically.

  Midnight’s cell phone rang before she reached home.


  “Hey,” Joe said on the other end of the line, his voice somehow soothing her frayed nerves.

  “What’s going on?” Midnight asked, relaxing.

  “I hear you had an interesting interview.” Joe’s grin was almost visible through the cell phone.

  “Jesus! How did you find out so fast?” Midnight asked, shaking her head incredulously.


  “That rat,” Midnight said, even as a stubborn smile started on her face. Couldn’t keep news like this quiet for long.

  “Rick know yet?”

  “Joe,” Midnight deadpanned. “How would he know? I just found out when I picked Kyle up at the airport, and I’m not even home yet.”

  “Oh,” Joe said, and Midnight could feel him grinning again. “So you gonna tell him?”

  Midnight narrowed her eyes at the phone, as if it were the one thoroughly enjoying questioning her like this. “Sinclair, I’m not stupid!” she said unnecessarily. “If you already know, you can imagine the rest of the gang will know soon, and if you think for one second any of them would hesitate in telling Rick just exactly who Kyle Masterson is, you can just think again.”

  Joe laughed. “I was thinking of calling him myself.”

  “You are such a shit.”

  “Yeah, but you love me anyway.”

  “Maybe,” Midnight admitted, a grin tugging at her lips. “Just keep it to yourself for a bit, Sinclair. I’m going to tell him when I get home. Is that soon enough?”

  “It’ll do,” Joe replied, a smile still in his voice.

  “Yeah, yeah…” Midnight said. “What I wouldn’t do for a department of people that respected me, just for ten minutes…”

  “We respect you. We just love you more, so giving you constant grief is part of the package.”

  “I see,” Midnight said, rolling her eyes. “How ’bout you love me just a little less over this issue, okay? Rick’s gonna be bad enough—I don’t need you guys making it worse. Think about Kyle in this—he’s gonna have to deal with Rick. You and I both know what Rick’s like when he’s been pushed too far by good-natured ribbing. Okay?”

  “I got ya, babe. I’ll inform the crew,” Joe said, his tone sobering somewhat. She was right; Rick could be pushed too far when it came to Midnight. Kyle Masterson might end up laid out flat the first time he met up with Rick face to face. Not a good way to start a good business relationship.

  “Thanks,” Midnight said as she pulled into the driveway to her house.

  “Anything for you,” Joe said sincerely.

  “Now you tell me,” Midnight replied, smiling. “Hey, speaking of which—do you think you’d be interested in renting Kyle your old house?”

  “I don’t see why not.”

  “I know you usually don’t charge people to use it, but I have a feeling he’ll expect to pay something, so just go along with it, okay?”

  “Ah, pride thing, huh?” Joe said, grinning.

  “Yeah, well, what can I say—not all cops are bums.” Midnight laughed. She knew Joe had given many of their friends breaks when they needed it. Since Joe was worth millions, money wasn’t a big concern of his.

  “I’ll work out something with him, okay?”

  “Thanks, Joe. I’ll owe ya.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Joe said airily. “Goodnight, and good luck.”

  “Yeah, you too… thanks.”

  The light was on in their bedroom when Midnight walked in, so she knew Rick was still up. She didn’t know whether she was relieved or not. She hung her FORS jacket up in the hall closet and set her briefcase down on the table. When she walked into their bedroom, Rick glanced at her. He was lying on their bed, wearing gray shorts and a black-and-gray plaid sleeveless pullover, unbuttoned all the way, with nothing underneath it. His tanned, lightly defined chest and flat stomach caught her attention and quickened her pulse, as always. His deep blue eyes followed hers dropping to his chest, and he knew what she was thinking instantly. Perfect white teeth showed in a finely boned, tanned face as he grinned and shook his head.

  “You know, I’d love to just be respected for my mind,” he said lazily, his accent deeper than usual because he was tired.

  “Uh-huh,” Midnight said, kicking off her shoes and grinning over at him.

  “See how dumb that sounds?” he replied, sitting up as she walked toward him. He pulled her down on his lap, his lips finding hers instantly as his arms wrapped around her waist. Midnight’s arms went around his neck, and she enjoyed the feel of his curly hair as her fingers laced through it. They kissed for a long while, getting more and more passionate with each moment.

  “Mama!” a small voice cried from the doorway, causing a quick end to the passionate embrace as Midnight lo
oked up and laughed guiltily. Ricardo launched himself up onto their bed and crawled across to Midnight’s side. Midnight was still sitting on Rick’s lap, and she turned around to face the youngster, who immediately threw his arms around her.

  Rick laughed at Ricardo’s enthusiasm. “I have to admit, Ricardo,” he said, grinning at the little boy, whose face was only inches from his own, though half buried in Midnight’s copper-blond hair, “that I feel exactly the same way when I see her.” Ricardo didn’t understand the meaning of that, other than that Papa was happy to see Mama too, but Midnight got it and laughed.

  After a long hug, Ricardo leaned back and looked up at Midnight. “You are late,” he said, his broken English still heavily accented with his native Spanish.

  “Yes, I am,” Midnight agreed.

  “Did you call?” Ricardo asked, sounding like Midnight or Rick scolding their daughter, Mikeyla.

  “I, um…” Midnight stammered, glancing at Rick for help.

  “Yes, Ricardo, she called me,” Rick put in, rescuing her from having to explain why adults didn’t always have to call when they were going to be late.

  “Ah, bien.” Ricardo said.

  It had been a difficult time at first when Ricardo had come to live with them. His mother, Marta, had been killed saving Midnight’s life. She’d pushed Midnight out of the way when the bomb meant to kill the chief exploded under the hood of her Corvette. It had been Ricardo’s uncle, Juan, who had pulled Midnight’s unconscious body out of view and taken her to his apartment to administer what first aid he could. In the end, Juan had contacted the chief of the Mexican police and told him Midnight was alive. They had allowed the world to think Midnight had been killed, to keep the assassin, Ricardo’s own father, from making another attempt on her life before he could be caught and brought to justice.

  It had been Juan who had told Midnight that he thought his sister would have wanted Midnight to take the son she loved so dearly. Midnight and Rick had discussed it, and since having another child had not been an option for Midnight, due to a medical condition from her first pregnancy, they decided that Ricardo was exactly what their life needed, that it had been fate smiling on them. Midnight had befriended Ricardo and his mother in a cantina a few days before the bomb had been set in her car. She had broken up an altercation that threatened to turn violent between Ricardo’s mother and father. She had humiliated Ricardo’s father in front of the entire cantina, because he had threatened first to hit his wife, then when Midnight stepped in, threatened to teach her a lesson as well. Ricardo and Marta had been very impressed with the American woman with an excellent Spanish accent and incredible fighting skills, and such a warm smile. Ricardo had been smitten from the moment he’d first seen her.

  In the end, Rick’s father, Robert, an attorney in England, was able to get through the red tape involved in adopting Ricardo with surprising ease. It did help that Midnight was very well acquainted with the Chief of Police in Mexico, as well as the fact that Rick’s family had a good deal of money to smooth over any major problems. Ricardo had been with them for nine months now. Midnight was the only member of the family who spoke fluent Spanish, and at first Ricardo hadn’t known any English. It had been a learning process for all of them. Midnight had been very proud of both Rick and Mikeyla for putting forth their best efforts to learn Spanish, and also of Ricardo for not only learning English quickly but for adjusting to their family with ease. His uncle Juan came to the States as often as possible for visits, and commented on how happy Ricardo seemed.

  There had been times when he had asked about his mother, and Midnight told him that his mother was a very brave and strong woman who had saved another person’s life, giving her own unselfishly. Midnight had made a point of getting a few photographs of Marta from her brother, and placed them in frames to put in Ricardo’s room so he would never forget his mother. She frequently told him that she was not trying to replace her, that she only wanted to love him and raise him to be the best man he could be, which she knew his mother would have wanted for him. It was Midnight’s intent to repay Marta’s selfless act by giving her son every opportunity she possibly could. Midnight honestly believed Marta was looking down from heaven and watching what was done with her son. She even talked to her every so often, thanking her for her great sacrifice, which had allowed Rick and Mikeyla to get her back. Midnight had no idea how often Rick also talked to the woman he had never met, thanking her for that very thing.

  Even now, as Ricardo smiled up at Midnight, Rick closed his eyes and said a silent thank you to Ricardo’s mother.

  “Shouldn’t you be in bed, niño?” Midnight asked, glancing at her watch.

  “I told him he could stay up till you got home,” Rick said as Ricardo glanced at him.

  “Aha, a conspiracy!” Midnight said, grinning down at Ricardo. “Well, come along, little man. Let’s get you into bed. Mama has lots to talk to her Ricardo about.” Rick laughed, because he knew she meant him. Ricardo grinned, remembering when Midnight had told him that her husband’s name was Ricardo too. That had been outside the cantina with his mother. A shadow chased across his small features as he thought of his mother, but then Midnight took his hand in hers and he smiled. His mama had done a great, great thing, saving this woman’s life. It was God’s will that he be with this new family, and God knew everything, so certainly he knew what was best. His mama was with the angels, and guiding his new mama to keep her safe from harm. Ricardo squeezed Midnight’s hand as the emotions seemed to well up in him again. He looked up at her with eyes threatening to overflow with tears. Midnight bent down and picked him up as she continued toward his room. He wrapped his arms around her neck and buried his face in her hair. Rick felt compelled to follow them, at a discreet distance so as not to intrude.

  Once in Ricardo’s room, decorated in trucks and cars, which were his two passions, Midnight sat down on his bed, a race car with tires and everything. She clutched the little boy in her arms, not sure what had caused his sudden need to cling to her as if he were drowning, but realizing that he needed to be comforted. She stroked his back, kissed the dark curls at the back of his little head, and then his forehead when he turned toward her. After a long moment, he reached up to touch her cheek softly. Midnight looked down at him and saw that his eyes were shining and his cheeks were wet from tears.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked softly.

  He shook his head slowly.

  “Okay,” Midnight said. “But you know if you ever want to talk, I’ll always listen, don’t you?”

  This time he nodded. “I talk to her sometimes,” he said, his voice soft and a little choked with emotion.

  “I do too,” Midnight replied quietly.

  His eyes widened. “You do?”

  Midnight nodded, touching his cheek with her fingertips, gently brushing away his tears. “I talk to her about you, and how you’re doing.”

  He nodded, blinking as if trying to adjust to what she was saying. “Does she answer you?” he asked, his small voice hopeful.

  Midnight was quiet for a moment, then shook her head. “No, she doesn’t answer me, but I know she hears me.”


  “Because I see her smile in yours every day. I see her eyes in your eyes, and when you smile and are happy, I know that she is too.”

  That statement made Ricardo smile so brightly, Midnight felt her chest constrict with emotion. She smiled to try and keep her composure. Then she hugged him tightly, tears shining in her eyes. Glancing up, she saw Rick standing in the doorway, and she could have sworn there were tears in his eyes too. She put Ricardo to bed then, tucking him in and reading him his favorite story, then kissed him goodnight. Rick came in to kiss him as well.

  Back in their room, Midnight went to their bathroom to shower and change. When she came out ten minutes later, Rick was sitting on their bed, his back against the headboard, his legs stretched out in front of him. He was lazily flipping through the channels, obviously wait
ing for her. He turned the TV off. Midnight, wearing a green silk camisole that reached mid-thigh, walked over and straddled his legs.

  “So how did the last interview go?” Rick asked, his gaze touching on her bare shoulders then moving to her eyes.

  “It went really well,” Midnight said hesitantly—and Rick picked up on it instantly.

  “Oh man, I can hear a ‘but’ in that statement,” he said, rolling his eyes. “What was wrong with this one?”

  Midnight was silent a moment, looking at the wall above his shoulder. Then she shrugged and looked him in the eyes. “Nothing. In fact, I hired him.”

  “Okay…” Rick said, knowing there was more and trying to figure out what that was.

  Midnight took a deep breath, then let it out in a sigh. “Look, the fact is, I know him.”

  “You know him?” Rick repeated, dumbfounded. “Then why didn’t you tell—”

  “I didn’t know I knew him till he got off the plane tonight,” Midnight interrupted, wanting to get this over with quickly. “I met him a long time ago, at a conference.”

  Rick nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Why do I know there’s more?” he asked, his tone chilling slightly already.

  Again Midnight took a deep breath, holding it. “Because there is.” Her voice took on a business-like tone as she continued. “We met at the conference, we hit it off, we went out.”

  Rick nodded again, a knowing look entering his eyes. She could feel him tensing under her. “And you slept with him,” he supplied when she didn’t say anymore.


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