Busted Play: The Series (Players, Books 1-6)

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Busted Play: The Series (Players, Books 1-6) Page 35

by Stella Marie Alden

  She does the same, nods, and stares off into space. “If I were him, I’d buy a jet and get out of Dodge.”

  “Those were my thoughts, as well.”

  She sighs and leans back into me. “Then, I’d buy a villa somewhere in France or Italy. Did he embezzle enough to do all that?”

  I nod and kiss the top of her head. “And more.”


  Her head turns, and I gently place my lips to the tip of her nose. “I can think of better things to do than talk about him.”

  “Really?” Her eyelashes flutter and I laugh.

  “Come here, you.” When I stand, she throws her arms around my neck, and I cradle her into the bedroom.

  There, she slips down my body, her toes touch the floor, and her chin lifts into a heated kiss.

  My tongue asks for entrance, she opens, and I play, fanning the embers of our desire until they flame.

  “Mmmm. You taste good.” I slip my palms down her back, under the hem of her shirt, and caress her soft skin.

  She purrs and smiles, eyes closed in pure pleasure. Craving more, I pull her hoodie over her head and with her arms stretched high, unclasp her bra. My hands slide across her body to her breasts where my fingers squeeze and play. Her eyes open and the centers are dark with pure passion.

  Blood rushes to my cock.

  Using her elbows to stop my fingers from what they’re doing, she goes wild and undoes my shirt buttons. She kisses down my chest to my navel. When she’s done, I toss my shirt to the floor while she unzips my slacks and frees my cock.

  Bent over, she places her mouth on me.

  “Oh man. Just a sec.” I back onto the bed and sit while she kneels on the floor between my legs. Her fingers wrap around my thickness and she worships my tip.

  Never before has she been so bold and it fucking blows my mind as she licks up and down my length. When she hits the sensitive area just under my head, I arch, and she takes me deep into her sweet mouth.

  “Iz… oh… damn.” I press into her hair and lead her.

  Totally focused, she plays me like a fine instrument. Occasionally, she stops and places kisses on my navel, and everywhere but my fucking swollen desire.

  When her hands wrap around my base, she sucks and my inner beast flares. I grab her hand and her hair and help as I rock.

  Her sucks get frantic and her mouth tightens. My body coils and everything grows taunt.

  “Oh, fuck!” I come hard into the back of her mouth.

  She swallows, lets go of me, and I fall back onto the bed. With this vixen smile she climbs up my body, and kisses me, tasting of cum.

  When we come up for air, I press her tight to my chest, enjoying how her full, naked body molds to mine. “You are one wild honey.”

  Her giggles are so damn cute that I keep them going by tickling her mercilessly. Sitting on my heels, I straddle her, cup both her breasts, and squeeze.

  Her tits harden and her eyes roll when I put one into my mouth and suckle. Nibbling one nipple, I pinch the other and grow hard as she squirms and moans under me.

  I love how her back arches and her legs spread wider and wider. Only then do I kiss slowly down her body. Ignoring her mound, I torture her inner knees and upper thighs with my tongue.

  She sighs heavily and I lick along the outer edge of her folds. Lifting onto her elbows, she locks her heated gaze to mine. Her slick nub beckons me but instead, I tease everywhere around it.

  Isabella’s panting wildly as she stares between her knees, face flushed, tongue flicking over her lower lip.

  Holding that hot as hell gaze, I slip one finger into her. It’s fucking amazing how her eyes widen and her mouth drops open. When I add a second finger, curl and press, she closes those blue orbs, arches, and moans.

  “Gray…” She bends her knees, scoots to me on her ass, and pulls hard on my hair.

  Oh yeah, she’s good and ready.

  I blow cool air, she moans, sucks in her breath and freezes.

  My cock is about to burst at the erotic sight of my woman laid open for me. I lean over, press in my knuckle, and suck her off.

  “Holy… Oh God, oh fuck.” When she falls apart in my hand, my cock is as hard as it was before, maybe more so.

  Quickly, I climb up her and enter so deep that I feel the back of her womb.

  “Oh Gray.” Her body bucks, and the small pulses of her orgasm make this tsunami of need. It crashes over me, wanting what it wants. Quickly, I turn her onto her hands and knees so I can have more access. She presses her ass back and it feels so damn good, I just about lose my mind.

  With my angle just right, we bang so hard, the bed thumps. Time stands still and we ride each other, sweat pouring off our bodies. Suddenly, my whole body goes tight, my lower back twinges, and I swell, ready to come hard.

  “Izzy, oh shit. God, yes.” One final thrust into her sweetness and I release into this amazing high, pulsing, never wanting to let go. “You are so fucking incredible.”

  She sighs deeply and comes. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  We sleep for a while and when my eyes open, she’s staring at me. After, she finds a pillow and stuffs it under the back of my head. “Hey sleepy head, let’s try something new.”

  My always eager cock jumps at the thought and she giggles when it hits her legs. “Not that, at least not right this second. We’re going to try pillow-talk.”

  “You’re serious?” I nibble her ear and blow in it.

  “Stop that.” She turns, presses those naked breasts into my chest and kisses me. “I mean it.”

  Grinning, I stare up at the ceiling pretending to think hard but my hand slips to her upper thigh.

  She slaps it away and laughs. “Alrighty, then. I see I need to start. We could talk about… the future.”

  “That’s easy. We’re going to get married and have fifteen babies. Pretty simple.”

  She bumps my shoulder as she rolls off from me and onto her side. “This is so not pillow-talk. Let’s talk about all the new developers I hired.”

  I waggle my brows up and down, just to get her goat. “What about them?”

  With a groan, she rolls her eyes. “I swear, Patten, you’re doing this on purpose.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Oh, for God’s sake. Let me try another subject and don’t answer with one word. Be serious. Are we going to continue with the Houston Project?”

  She gives me a little triumphant smile because I drop the act as I think of all the repercussions of losing their business. “There’s a lot of money on the line and it’s a worthwhile endeavor… still… I don’t like how sneaky they are. They need to be a lot more upfront.”

  “I was going to suggest that myself.”

  I pull her close, kiss her neck, and whisper into her ear, “See? I can do this. Are we done now, professor?”

  Giggling, she wraps her clever fingers around my rising length. “I suppose, for a first try, we did pretty good.”

  “Damn right we did.” I unwrap her fingers, then roll onto my elbows, my legs between hers.

  “Wait. One more thing.”

  I moan.

  “Real quick. We visited my family, when will we visit yours?”

  “Let’s schedule that for pillow-talk-part-two, right after this.”

  Chapter 18


  “So, this is la-dee-da, Connecticut.”

  “Most people refer to it as Greenwich.” Grayson laughs but it doesn’t reach his eyes and I don’t get it. I’ve been trying to cheer him up since we left Manhattan.

  Slate notices too and shrugs, standing by the limo door. As I get out, I open my arms to give him a hug and he shoots his boss a quick glance.

  “Chicken.” That’s said loud enough for Gray to hear.

  So, Slate feigns to shudder and hugs me stiffly. “Damn right. He pays the bills.”

  “Not nearly enough, old man. Just glad I didn’t lose you in Brooklyn.” Grayson slaps him on the ba

  Slate raises his brows. “Old?”

  “Reflexes are the first to go…”

  “Fuck you, boss. Ping me when you need me. I’m out of here.”

  I grab Slate by the shoulder as he starts to sit back down in the driver’s seat. “Wait. You’re not coming in with us?”

  “Hell, no. Good luck.” He exits the long driveway and burns rubber.

  Shaking his head, Gray leads me up the long walk to the front of what could only be described as an estate. There’s a pool to the left, tennis and basketball courts to the right. The garage, an old carriage house, is attached at a right angle to the main building.

  I didn’t necessarily expect his mother to be waiting at the front door. However, I am surprised that we’re greeted by a middle-aged man, dressed in a pullover sweater, dress shirt and tie.

  The guy takes our coats with a warm smile and says with a bit of an English accent, “Grayson? How nice to see you, sir. And you must be Ms. Harte?”

  “Please, call me Izzy.” I give him a nervous smile as he leads us through a huge foyer.

  “Don’t worry, we don’t bite. Mrs. Patten is waiting in the parlor.”

  I whisper to Grayson. “She has a butler? I should’ve dressed up.”

  He eyes my over-the-knee boots, leggings, and black tunic, then winks. “You’re perfect. Good enough to eat.”

  We’re led into a room right out of a Victorian romance novel. A wooden box of assorted teas sits on a carved-foot coffee table. There’s also a delicate set of china tea cups with a matching blue and white creamer.

  A beautiful woman in her sixties, dressed in high boots, jeans, and a cable knit sweater gives Grayson a smile. She kisses his cheek, leaving at least a foot between them. When finished, she gives me a once over. Apparently, I pass inspection for she gives me a half-smile and she takes my hand in a rather limp shake.

  “Isabella? How lovely to meet you. So, you’re the woman who stole my son’s heart.”

  Her tone is not friendly but not overly hostile, either. I give a worried glance at Grayson who throws me a wink and a smile.

  This is my doing. Despite his warnings, I insisted on meeting her.

  “Sit, please.” His mother moves between us, hoping to make Grayson take a chair and me with her on the couch.

  However, Grayson has a bit of a coughing spell, something I’ve never seen him do. When she moves for a tissue box, he plops on the couch and drags me with him.

  I whisper, “Fast move.”

  “You know it.”

  She turns with a frown, then perches down on the edge of a ladderback chair making me wonder if she practices posture in a mirror, daily.

  Holy shit, although it’s only ten in the morning, I wish had something a whole lot stronger than what’s in front of us.

  “Coffee, mother?” Gray holds up an expensive-looking glass carafe.

  “Dear God, no. I’ve been off from that for years. Haven’t you read how bad it is for you?”

  I chuckle a little nervously. “Maybe I’ll have to rethink it.”

  Her mouth purses and tiny wrinkles grow deep. “Certainly, you should. Terribly bad for the baby.”

  My jaw drops, eyes wide and I look to Grayson for some kind of help. “Hey, whoa. Hold on, now. I’m not… I mean… We’re not pregnant.”

  At least she blushes bright red. “Oh. I’m so sorry, dear. I just assumed, what with the wedding so rushed… Nothing personal dear, but you’re not exactly Grayson’s type.”

  I nudge my fiancé hard with an elbow and he finally jumps in to the rescue. “Just stop, Mom.”

  He puts his arm around my shoulders. “I knew the minute I saw her, Isabella was the one.”

  “You did?” I smile, thinking of the day I stormed into his office, yelling at him about my performance review.

  “Sure, I did.” He kisses me on the tip of the nose, squeezes my hand, and everything inside goes warm and fuzzy.

  His mother clears her throat in an irritated manner. “I assume you’ll want the wedding up here. I can work with you on the details and–”

  “No. We’re getting married in International Falls, Minnesota.” Gray uses that no-arguments allowed tone.

  “My God. Is that even a place?” His mom sets her tea cup down too quickly, liquid sloshes onto the saucer, and she stares aghast as if she’d broken it.

  I nudge Grayson in the ribs, feeling a little sorry for her. “We’re also planning on another party in Manhattan for friends and family.”

  Her mouth goes tighter, if that’s even possible, and her posture more perfected. “May I see you in the kitchen, Grayson James.”

  “No, Mom. You may not. I love you, dearest, but this is not up for discussion. Call Cherry. I’m sure she’d love to hear your suggestions.”

  The tops of her cheeks are bright as she stands “Very well, then. How about we go riding? You do ride?” She peers imperiously down her nose and I almost don’t answer but this is my future mother-in-law. Best I make nice.

  I smile sweetly. “One of my cousins runs a dude ranch out west. I worked summers there, all through college.”

  Her brows go up but not as much as before. “I assume you brought clothes?”

  Grayson laughs, stands, and pulls me off the couch. “Of course. I’ll get our bag in the car.”

  I follow him out and hiss, “Oh. My. God.”

  “I warned you.”

  “I know but wow. Is she always like this?”

  “Normally, she’s worse but once she’s on horseback, she’s a whole different woman.”

  Sure enough, on the horse path, her tight mouth loosens, her hair comes out of its bun, and her eyes brighten, taking away at least ten years.

  After a bit, she smiles. Especially, when she sees how well I get along with the lovely, mild mannered horse. The path meanders through fields filled with violets popping through new green grasses and trees, thick with buds. The sun warms me but I was glad I had my heavy coat because the wind is fierce.

  Grayson presses in his legs, urging his mount ahead so his mom rides up beside me. “I really am sorry about my gaff. It’s just that you aren’t really of his class now, are you dear? How will you manage?”

  Grayson’s out of earshot so I guess it’s up to me to set the ground rules with my future mother-in-law. I dealt with Xavier and my cousin, Mike. Surely, I can handle her.

  “I worked for your ex-husband, you know.”

  “How interesting.” Her tone says just the opposite but I ignore it.

  “That’s how we met. I was going to take Patten Securities to court, for how they treated women.”

  She gives me her first real smile. “Grayson’s father was a piece of work. Thank God, his son is more like me. That’s why I’m so worried about this marriage. I don’t want him to make the same mistakes I did. I was so sure his father was the one. I just knew it. And I was so, so wrong.”

  “That’s why I was the one who insisted we wait.”

  Her brows lift. “You were?”

  “Oh my God, yes. If he had his way, he would’ve married me last month, after knowing me only a few days. I’m the one who keeps insisting we need to know each other better.”

  She thinks as her horse picks her way through a stony section of the path. “I see… I bet you were the one who insisted on coming here, as well.”

  “Well, we both did.”

  She snorts a little laugh out her nose. “Not likely, but thank you for saying so. Do you like children?”

  There’s hope in her eyes and I’m glad to find some mutual ground that will make her happy. “I was an only but I’ve got fifteen uncles. I absolutely adore large families.”

  She clucks her tongue, laughs, and rides forward to meet up with Grayson.

  I count this one as a win.

  Chapter 19


  I should be excited. I should be thrilled. Instead, I’m hiding in the lady’s room. How did I let Cherry talk me into this? There must be a t
housand people out there, most of them g’zillionaires.

  I peek my head out the door where Gray is waiting, smiling, handsome as hell. The lock of hair that refuses to be tamed has dropped onto his forehead and his steel gray eyes pierce through my heart as he holds out his hand.

  “I’ll be by your side the whole time, Isabella. You can do this.”

  “Can’t we just elope to some exotic beach?” My eyes dart to possible exits. It wouldn’t be the first time I tried such a thing.

  His smirk is so damn cute. “I offered. You’re the one who refused.”

  My heart melts and I chill but not enough for me to leave my safety zone. “I know you did but this is just what your mom implied I wouldn’t be able to handle. Someone in your position deserves a socialite. I had no idea it would be so damn hard to smile and make pleasantries.”

  “How about you hold onto my arm and I do the rest?” He tugs me out of the door and sucks in his breath when he sees what I’m wearing.

  “Is there anyone else in there?”

  “No, why?”

  Suddenly, he drags me into the bathroom and locks the door. My short skirt goes to my waist and my new lace garter belt shows. It’s holding up these delicate white stockings that I’m sure will run with what he as in mind.

  His hand slips to the inside of my thigh, all the way up. “No fucking panties? Fuck, Isabella. No way.”

  He unbuckles his belt, unzips his pants and his huge cock busts out, ready for business.

  I turn around with my elbows on either side of the sink. “Make it quick, guests are waiting.”

  He groans, steps up, and slides his finger over my nub to see if I’m ready but I was wet the second he pushed me back into the lady’s room. Actually, the moment I slipped into this sexy underwear.

  He feels how slick I am, how my nub is out and waiting then slides slowly into me, plunging deep.

  When I start to shout, he slips a thumb into my mouth and I bite down. We rock together, gaining momentum, until we’re in a frenzied heat.

  I come almost immediately and he follows. Then he turns me to face him, grinning like a kid. “Oh shit, Isabella. Look what you do to me.”


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