Just Drop Out (A High School Bully Romance): Hannaford Prep Year One

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Just Drop Out (A High School Bully Romance): Hannaford Prep Year One Page 21

by J Bree

  I was wrong. Joseph Campbell Fedor Beaumont, or Joey, isn’t a killer in the making. He’s already got three deaths under his belt.

  Not that the file says that outright but it’s clear what’s been going on. There’s a nanny, a maid, and a groundsman who have all turned up dead on the property. Newspapers have declared the house haunted since the police ruled the deaths accidental. There are pages and pages of evidence that any prosecutor worth their wage would be able to convict Joey for but it’s all been swept under the rug. The autopsies are unpleasant to say the least. The things he’s done, especially to the maid, are truly horrifying. Biting, burning, stabbing. Evidence of sexual assault.

  He was eleven.

  It dawns on me just how lucky I was that night of the party. Had he been sober, or at a different stage of his high, if I hadn’t had my knife. If, if, if. So many things had worked in my favor that I didn’t know about.

  At the very back of the file there’s a single page of information on the twins.

  Alexander Asher William Beaumont. Born three minutes before his sister, former state swimming champion now retired, allergic to mangoes, presented at emergency department seventy-six times in his lifetime which is an average of five times a year. I grimace. There’s a list of the injuries too. Broken wrist, fractured skull, internal bleeding, concussions, every rib in him must have been broken at least twice. Child protection services have been contacted multiple times but no one ever checks on the family which tells me his parents are paying bribes. Frequent and expensive bribes.

  Then, finally, there’s Avery Aspen Waverley Beaumont. Only daughter, interests include ballet, violin, and the war strategy game of Go. No known allergies, though she refuses to eat mangoes thanks to Ash’s allergy. One trip to the emergency department for Avery. Last year she was DOA and resuscitated. Clear signs of strangulation, another call to child protection services but again no follow up.

  That explains the escort she gets from the guys everywhere she goes. It also explains why they’re so protective, she wasn’t just attacked, she was killed. My chest hurts as I think about how Ash would have felt, knowing she had stopped breathing. Knowing she was gone, even for the few minutes she was, must have destroyed him. The day Joey strangled Matthew in the library Ash didn’t hesitate for a second to help me. After so much trauma, he is stronger than I would have ever though. I’ve always looked at him and seen the spoilt rich brat he puts on. Even the anger and the flinches in his brothers directions didn’t clue me in to how bad Joey really is.

  I’m going to have to deal with Joey.

  I’ve done a lot in life but I’ve never actually planned a murder. I’m not quite sure that’s what I’m doing now but I’m going to have to start taking Joey and the warnings about him seriously. Loose cannons and unpredictable drug addicts are dangerous people to have around you, especially if you carried as many secrets as I do.

  I flip the last page to make sure I haven’t missed anything and there a small, handwritten note in the back. It’s not Matteo’s handwriting so it would have to be from Diarmuid.

  Do not let Joseph Beaumont Sr know you’re looking into his son. His hands are bloodier than mine.

  Fuck. A complicated web to unravel.

  Now that I’m not being whispered about or having my food spiked I begin to use the study areas that are everywhere at Hannaford. All of my assignments have been handed in for the school year and now I’m focusing on my last minute revision for the upcoming exams. I’m an expert at keeping well organized notes and so I drag a giant file around with me everywhere I go so I can read and cram at every opportunity. I’m confident I’ll be the top in all of my classes but the perfectionist in me compels me to study until every second of every day until the exams are over.

  I’m enjoying the quiet of one particular study nook when Joey slips into the chair beside me. I tense and slip my hand into my blazer pocket to clutch at my knife. There is no one close by. I’m aware that has never stopped Joey in the past but I’d prefer to never be alone with him again. The images of his maid’s autopsy flash into my mind and focus to keep my breathing even.

  “It’s been such a long time since we last spoke, Mounty. I’ve missed you.” he drawls as he flicks my colored pens so they roll around the desk.

  “Is there something you want, Beaumont?” I try to keep my tone civil but uninviting. I watch him from the corners of my eyes, assessing just how high he is.

  “There are so many things I want but I’ve just been told I can’t have one of them. Tell me, how is it you know the Jackal? I received a personal phone call from him.” I shrug and look back down at my notes. I knew this was coming. When I don’t answer he continues.

  “I’ve met quite a lot of his, shall we say, associates. I enjoy his products. They’re much more pure than the crap you get out here or in the city. So I do a pick up with my usual supplier and he tells me his boss needs a word with me. I’m thinking I’m going to get a frequent shopper card or a job offer and instead I’m given an order. Stay away from one Eclipse Anderson.”

  I set my pen down and turn in my chair to look at him. His eyes are clearer than they were in the library but he is still having trouble tracking. His cheek has a little tick as he talks and his brow is furrowed like I’m confusing him. I decide it’s safe enough to speak calmly to him.

  “He’s a friend of mine. It came up in conversation that you were interested in me and he was concerned that I’m too young for such a thing so he told me he would have a friendly chat. That’s all this is.” That is not even close to what this is.

  “He told me you belong to him. He told me if even a single Hannaford boy touches your pussy he’s going to come here and deal with it personally.”

  I clench my jaw so the words I want to say don’t come flying out of my mouth. When I have myself under control I say, “So you’re going to leave me alone then?”

  He tips his head back and laughs.

  I can’t stand the manic sound of it so I grab my books and leave.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I arrive to my last tutoring session in the library early and set up the table. I’ve written pages and pages of notes for Blaise’s final Math test and if he nails this one he’s got the B+. He’s still being a dick to me at every opportunity but I’m letting everything just bounce off of me. He can believe whatever he wants about me, I know who I am. Plus I’m doing all of this so I have a new Vanth album to listen to. I want to know what he’s going to write now I’ve actually met him. Not that I think I’m going to affect his writing at all, I’m nothing to him, but the rockstar Blaise and the Hannaford Blaise still don’t completely gel together in my mind yet.

  When neither of the guys arrive on time I’m pissed. When they’re both twenty minutes late I’m starting to get worried. Ash always can to our tutoring sessions and he was always on time. There was a chance they had both been held up in their last class, they shared Biology, but there was also a chance Joey had escalated. I’m about to pack up and leave when Ash walks in, without his bag, and sits down across the table from me.

  Something is wrong.

  The softness I’d once seen in Ash’s eyes is gone. He’s looking at me the same way he did back when I first started tutoring him and he wanted to get rid of me. I don’t know what’s happened, I feel like we were close to being… friends? Or friendly, at least.

  “You know, the very first week we got to Hannaford I set up a camera to watch Joey’s door. We all try to keep tabs on his movements.” he says without a greeting. “I’ve got footage of you sneaking in and then back out again on the day he was arrested for drugs.” He’s glaring at me. This is not what I was expecting at all.

  I speak carefully, “So you’re going to tell Joey you have proof it was me, then?”

  Ash doesn’t move. He doesn’t lean back in his chair and cross his arms with a cocky grin. He doesn’t lean forward to whisper at me. He doesn’t move an inch as he says, “Joey has told his friends you’r
e off limits.”

  I close my textbook. I should have known this was coming, Matteo had told me he was going to step in now he knows Joey wants to rape me. Not that Joey gives a shit about rapists, he just doesn’t want anyone breaking his toys. I feel sick at the thought.

  “I’m going to send Trevelen the videos. I’m going to tell him if he doesn’t expel you I’ll go to my father.”

  I look up at him. Ash is staring at me with his face carefully blank. There’s no conflict in his eyes. He’s called me names and laughed at everything that’s happened to me but he’s never actually tried to get me out. He’s never actively campaigned against me like Avery and Joey have but I have never doubted that he was capable of doing whatever he deemed necessary to get what he wants.

  If he wants me out then telling his father would make that happen.

  Whatever the dirt Matteo has on Trevelen I doubt it would trump the hell billionaire Joseph Beaumont Sr could unleash. Plus, the warning from Matteo’s file rings in my head. If Ash tells his father I will have his attention. I’ve been very careful about the things I’ve done in my life but that doesn’t mean he won’t be able to uncover something and destroy me. He could also just hire someone to take me out. Diarmuid comes to mind. But there is something I’m missing about the Beaumont’s, a piece to this puzzle that I haven’t quite placed yet, but I can feel the answer dancing just out of my grasp. Why do the twins protect him?

  “So your brother finally leaves me alone and you’re just going to take his place? Is there a standard number of fucked up Beaumont’s that must bully me at any one time?” My voice is level even as my heart thuds violently in my chest.

  “Joey didn’t just warn them off for his own enjoyment. He told them you were permanently off limits.” I nod, I already know this but it’s nice to have it confirmed. I might start getting some sleep if I don’t have to worry about being killed during lunch.

  “Harley told me you were dangerous but I didn’t believe him until now. You’re out of this school by Friday.” He moves as if to stand up and leave me. I shoot out a hand and grab him by the wrist and he freezes. He eyes are the colour of a summer storm, seething rage. It makes no sense, I’ve been moving the pieces on the board to get away from this sort of hatred.

  “If you’ve chosen to take Joey’s side then I’m getting you out. I can’t have you sleeping across the hall from Avery.” My fingers loosen a fraction and he rips his arm out from my grasp. I’m gaping at him, I don’t even try to hide it. He shakes out his arm like he’s trying to shake of the feel of my touch. I’m just Mounty trash to him.

  “I would never take Joey’s side. The guy is a serial killer in the making.”

  Ash laughs derisively, and pegs me with a look.

  “I wonder what it was you offered him, what someone like you could offer him, to get his protection. I know exactly what the other girls here do. I guess it was only a matter of time before you gave it up to him too.”

  That final jab hurt far more than it should.

  Possibly the biggest problem of being expelled is dealing with Harley.

  Word will have already reached the O’Cronin family. I can’t rescind my protection, he’ll be killed the second he walks out of this school if I do. I could call Diarmuid and tell him the problem but then I’ll have to admit why I told him I was keeping him in the first place and he’ll have leverage over me. Leverage that the Jackal will pay him big money for.

  I can’t leave Harley here without some sort of warning either. There’s a whole list of people that would kill him to prove a point with me and, again, the Jackal is at the top of that list.

  My only chance at stopping Ash is to talk to Harley and try to make him understand that I don’t want anything to do with Joey. He’s in a better position than anyone to believe me, knowing what he does about the world I’m from.

  It’s the weekend so I have to search the entire school to find him. When I can’t find him in the main building I’m forced to look through the outbuildings and sports facilities. I’m about to give up and walk right into the boys dorms when I find him.

  My jaw drops and I think I destroy my panties instantaneously.

  The school has a boxing ring in the gym. I’ve never been down here and I’m suddenly pissed I didn’t pick gym instead of choir. In the ring, sparring, is Harley and Blaise.


  Teeny, tiny black shorts.

  Legs, tattoos, muscles, sweat, oh my god I’ve fucking died and gone to the one place I know I’m not going to end up.

  They don’t notice me come in, thank god, so I have a minute to collect my brains from where they’ve spilled out onto the floor. My legs are shaking so badly I have to give myself a stern talking to about how serious my current situation is. I don’t have time to turn into a puddle at boys feet. Even if they are ridiculously attractive.

  Blaise is covered in colorful tattoos, they stretch from his collarbones down both arms and his chest. One of his legs is covered and the other has a few on his thighs, obviously a work in progress. It’s shocking to see because with his uniform on you can’t see any of them, he looks like every other polished rich kid.

  Harley has a chest piece, wings and a crowned heart like a bastardized claddagh ring, all in black and white and shades of gray. It makes his chest look even wider and more impressive. I can’t breathe.

  I get all the way to the ropes before they notice me. Blaise’s eyes flick to mine and Harley uses the opportunity to smack him in the ribs and then wrestle him to the ground. It’s all just a writhing pile of bulging biceps, defined legs, and sweaty chests.

  It’s basically better than porn.

  Resisting the urge to get my phone out and film this for, ahem, later and more intensive viewing I call out to them instead, “Sorry to interrupt. Harley, can I speak to you for a minute please?”

  He releases Blaise, who stays panting on the floor, and gets up to walk over to me. He’s not panting or red, the only sign of his exertion is the sheen on his chest. He unwinds the strapping on his hands and tightens it, casually like he’s done it a million times before. He won’t look me in the eye. Unease begins to pool in my gut.

  “What do you want, Mounty? We’re busy.”

  Yes, you are. My eyes flick over to Blaise who’s still lying on the ground but his head has turned so he can watch us both intently. I choose my words carefully. “Are you aware of Ash’s intention to get me kicked out of Hannaford?”

  Harley smirks and nods, his eyes still focussed over my shoulder. Not what I’m expecting. I wasn’t expecting him to bitch out his cousin and best friends but I was kind of hoping after everything I’ve done for him he could at least care that my life was about to be ruined.

  “Do you really want to discuss this with him here?” he drawls, jerking his head at Blaise.

  “Will you make him leave?” I snap back.


  I grit my teeth and smile so it looks like I’m baring them, “I guess I have no choice then do I. If Ash gets me kicked out then we have some things to discuss.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what.”

  “Like the fact that you’ll need to be very careful without me being here to keep an eye on you. Like there are teachers here who are on the payroll for someone other than the Beaumont’s and he’s looking for an opportunity to remove you from my protection. Like you need my contact details so if something does happen I can fix it.”

  Blaise’s eyes have narrowed and he has that look on his face I’ve seen far too much lately. The one he pulls right before he runs his mouth to try and piss me off or embarrass me. “How would you be able to protect Harley? You can’t even protect yourself.”

  They both snigger at each other for a second and I lose my cool. “Do you really not give a shit about whether or not your grandfather can come for you? Have you become suicidal in the last few weeks without me noticing? You should have told me that before I paid such a high price to keep you alive.”

Harley’s eyes turn into slits. It’s the first time he’s looked me in the eye since our kiss. I lift my chin and stare him down. I don’t really give a shit about the favor but I have very little to work here with them. Blaise shoots a lopsided grin at me and says, nonchalantly, “Leave, Mounty. You don’t belong at this school or around people like us. You’re a groupie, you fuck gangsters and serial killers and you’re playing in a world you don’t belong in. No one wants you here.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I wander through my classes on the last day of freshman year in a daze.

  Ash hasn’t made his move yet but I know it’ll have to be today or tomorrow. There’s a closing assembly tomorrow for each school year to give out the usual awards and praises, parents are invited so I’m sure I’m going to come face to face with Joseph Sr and have to face his wrath. I think it’ll happen then, Ash will tell his dad right before the awards and I’ll be dragged out of the building and thrown out of the school grounds. I’ll be forced to go home to Mounts Bay and back to the Jackal.

  I need a new plan.

  I’m scowling so much students are darting away from me as I walk through the school halls. Some of the guys in the upper grades flinch as I walk past and that cheers me up a little. Punch a guy in the throat for hitting on you and they’ll all learn to fall into line. When classes end I duck into the bathroom on the lower floors to wash my hands before I have an early dinner. I’m planning on savoring the last of the good food I’ll probably ever have. It’s a depressing thought.

  I open the bathroom door and I can hear breathing.

  A grunt. Scuffing of shoes. A slap of a hand against bare skin.

  I know those sounds, growing up in the public school system in a shitty area means I've gone into more than one bathroom to find students fucking. I think the majority of my education of what happens between two people came from these sorts of encounters which is probably why I have avoided relationships so far. I roll my eyes and I'm about to leave when I hear a boy curse.


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