The Ragdoll Sequence Box set

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The Ragdoll Sequence Box set Page 20

by J P Carver

  “Or someone cracked the security on their systems and started up their own drug shop. That’s what we need to find out. If someone cracked in and stole the drug, then there’s a good chance they’ll be someone at the dance.”

  I sat back in my chair, my stomach dancing in sickness. “This is far out there for the Stars. What do we do if we find the person? What if it is Rentena themselves? I bet they sunk a good chunk of change into research for the drug and would want to get that back.”

  “They could have sold it or made it on their own, we don’t know. That’s why we need you two inside.”

  “Come on, you’re screwing with me,” I said and looked between him and Marcus.

  “Nope, Plot’s your date, already got the tickets right here.” Ziller reached into the pocket of his jacket and laid down a pair of white strips of plastic with a code printed on each. “We got a briefing tomorrow evening, an hour before the event.”

  “Way to give me time to decide.”

  Ziller shrugged. “It’s a favor for Merigold, you won’t turn it down even if your date is an idiot.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Marcus said and stood. “Crow is handling the clothes I hear, so I’ll be by tomorrow afternoon to get dressed and all that jazz.”

  “This isn’t an actual date, Plot—”

  “Believe me, I’m well aware. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked out. I watched him go, wondering why he seemed so cold. It didn’t fit his nature.

  Ziller stood as well and picked up the holopod from the table. “Then it’s settled?”

  “This doesn’t mean I’m coming back.”

  He nodded. “No, I had hoped, but I didn’t expect it would. Still, it’ll be nice to have you on the team again, even for a bit.” He rounded the couch and then stopped. “You scared me, girl. I’m sorry for how I said things, but we — I thought I lost you that night in the hospital. We should have sat down and talked when it all calmed down but… we didn’t.”

  I nodded and when it was clear I had nothing more to say he left and the door snapped closed behind him.

  I woke the next morning feeling better, but not up to the evening ahead. I spent the day fidgeting and unable to focus on anything for too long.

  Nina showed up two hours before the party, pulling a suitcase. To my surprise, and annoyance, Merigold walked in behind her. Her wavy blonde hair laid as one long braid down her back and she had a devilish grin on her lips that sent a chill down my spine.

  “You look so happy to see me, Ragan.” Merigold patted my cheek. “Did you think I’d let you two do this by yourself? You’d look like you walked off the street, and believe me, this is a classy affair… even if those attending aren’t exactly full of class. Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes, and why did you tell everyone I wasn’t feeling well, Crow?” I wheeled around to face Nina who was busy laying out clothes on the recliner. She had her short hair dyed an emerald green, which made at least three changes of color in as many months. She never was one for sticking to something for too long.

  “I didn’t know it was a secret, sorry.”

  I scratched at the back of my head. “It’s fine, just keep my business to yourself, okay? I didn’t need Ziller coming in here last night.”

  “That wasn’t my fault, blame her.” She pointed to Merigold who feigned shock.

  “How dare you blame that on me, Crow.”

  “Come off it. You wanted her working this, so it’s your fault Ziller bothered her.”

  Merigold waved her off and sat her bag down on the coffee table with a thunk. “Someone wasn’t returning my calls, so I went to the source of the problem. I hope you worked out your issues, or do we need to set you two up in marriage counseling?”

  “You can go get rammed, Merigold. I’m doing this as a favor to you.”

  “No, you’re doing this to repay a favor, or did you forget all I did in October for you and your group?”

  I sneered and sat down on the couch. “Why you even looking into this drug? It’s not usually your scene.”

  “No, but it’s Sera’s scene. She’s a real doctor, and she was the first to encounter this drug in one of her patients. She wants to know where it came from, how it got out there. I’ve gone as far as I can go for her, so that’s where you come in, smart-stuff.” She laid cosmetic cases on the table and my skin crawled.

  “If you think you’re painting me up like a clown, you got another thing coming.”

  “Oh, now that would make a big splash. Crow, you brought the clown suit, right?”

  “I hate all that shit, you know that,” I said and Merigold came over and pulled me to my feet. “Do I gotta wear heels? Please say no.”

  “It’s the whole nine years, sweetheart.” She made me sit on the coffee table and then sat across from me on the couch. “I promise, I won’t cake this crap on. Just some touch ups.”

  I sighed as arguing would waste time. “Fine, but you’re helping me get it off when we’re done.”

  She picked up what looked like a pen and took hold of my chin with her free hand. “Deal. Now hold still, I don’t want to poke your eye out.”

  “You suck.” I held as still as possible as she worked. I wished I had a mirror, but I didn’t want to see what she was doing. There was still the chance of her doing the clown makeup.

  “Where d'you get all these dresses anyway, Merigold?” Nina asked, and I glanced over to see the pile of colored fabric and the half dozen pairs of heels that laid between the recliner and couch. My feet ached just looking at them.

  “Not from my closet, I assure you. They're Sera’s as she and Ragan are roughly the same size. And before you ask, yes, I got her permission.” She said and applied something to my cheeks with a brush.

  “They’re really nice, Raggy. I already picked out the ones I think you’d look best in, but I brought the rest just in case. Here, what about this one?” She picked up a long red dress, the fabric bunched up around the collar in a fake scarf.

  I shrugged and Nina frowned. I was a basic girl, give me jeans and a t-shirt and I’m pretty happy. Clothes could be fun, but with fashion and dance things, I didn’t have the head for it. Still, I couldn’t deny that the dress was pretty.

  “That’s the reaction I expected,” Nina said and put the dress back on the chair.

  “Whatever you guys think works is fine with me.”

  “Maybe we should wait for Plotigian and ask his opinion?” Merigold gave me a sly smile as she worked on my lips. “I'm sure he’d enjoy that.”

  My heart skipped a beat at the idea. I had tried to block out the idea that Marcus, and I were going to the ball together, but now it was at the front of my mind. Neither Merigold nor Nina would let the opportunity to tease us pass unused. “I’ll murder both of you, I swear it.”

  Merigold tapped my cheek hard with a finger. “No talking unless you want your teeth colored mirage pink. Your ears pierced?” I grunted and tapped my earlobe. “Good. Crow picked out some nice earrings that should go with any of the dresses.” She continued to work for a few minutes more and then sat back. “All right, all done.”

  I fought the urge to lick my lips as Merigold packed up her stuff and placed the bag beside the couch. She looked me over and nodded. “You’re gonna turn some heads just with that face.”

  “I just love the attention, ya know?”

  A knock at the door had the three of us turning toward it. There was a small pit in my stomach as I knew it was Marcus. The idea of him seeing me wearing so much makeup sent me to nerves, and I hated it. Nina had said he liked me and I got that vibe from him too, but what I had a problem with was that I didn’t dislike him. It had been a few years, not since Chris, that I even considered being with someone again.

  I stood and took a few steps back. I could feel Nina’s eyes on me as Merigold walked to the door and turned to face me. Another knock came, but she continued to stare at me. “You gonna answer it?”

old, open the door already,” Marcus called from the other side.

  “Hold on, we’re busy in here, guy.” She came over. “What’s your issue? Afraid he might try to jump you when he sees you all dolled up?”

  “No, I just—I feel out of my skin right now.”

  “It’s gonna knock him out, Ragan. Oh man, this is gonna be hilarious.” She pranced over to the door and with a glance back at me, pulled it open. Marcus walked in wearing torn jeans and a heavy jacket, his messy brown hair worse than usual. He looked like he just woke up.

  “What are you guys whispering about—” His gaze found me and I fought the reflexive slouch, but couldn’t meet his eyes. “W-wow.”

  “Shut up,” I said and forced myself to face him. “Go on, get the jokes over with, but you better believe I’ll make you pay later.”

  “Joke about what? You look… good. I don’t think—I’ve never seen you look like—like that…” He walked toward me, his eyes wide as if taking it all in. It felt like he didn’t see me anymore and it made me uncomfortable. I wanted to wipe the painted face off but that meant having Merigold putting it back on.

  “Don’t get use to it.” I turned away and faced Nina hoping she would step in and save me. She shook her head at me and took my hand.

  “We still gotta get her dressed so why don’t you go with Merigold and get ready?”

  “Whoa, what? I’m not going anywhere with her,” he said, fear flushing his face. He backed away to the door, but Merigold grabbed his wrist before he made it too far and pulled him toward the bedroom. “Stop! Wait!”

  “Oh, quit crying, I won’t hurt you… much.” The two of them disappeared behind the partition wall and I couldn’t help the laugh.

  “It’s kind of unfair, you know?” Nina said as she smoothed out a dress on the couch.

  “What is?”

  “That you put so little time into any of this crap and guys still think you’re hot. You just have all the luck, huh?”

  “Shut up, you got Winter and you’re always gorgeous.”

  “Yeah, no, but thanks for trying.” She stood away and held a hand out to the dresses. “I like the—what did Sera call it? The champagne one. It’d go well with your skin tone. These heels too.” She picked up a pair and placed them next to the dress. “I tried to pick out the ones that had the least amount of heel. There weren’t many to choose from.”

  “Well, I’ll try the dress on and you tell me,” I said picking the dress up and heading toward the kitchen to change. “At least Merigold won’t be here to mock me.”

  “Yeah, but poor Marcus,” Nina said as we heard a yell come from the bedroom. “I don’t even want to think about what she’s doing to him.”

  “Probably for the best.”

  When Marcus came out, I looked up and my eyes widen at the sight of him. The only reason I knew it was him was because of how traumatized he looked. His hair was combed down, still unruly, but at least styled. His goatee was gone, which was probably where most of the trauma came from. He wore a three piece black suit that looked almost tailored to him.

  “Well, if there is one thing to say about Plot, it’s that he cleans up well,” Merigold said with a grin and reached over to adjust his tie. “What do you think, Ragan, is he date material now?”

  “Y—yeah, he looks… he looks fine,” I said and felt like an idiot because I couldn’t take my eyes from him until I looked to Nina for a change of subject. I hated feeling flustered, but couldn’t help it. I hadn’t expected him to come out looking like… he did. Nina seemed like she was going to take pity on me when she took my hand, but it was to keep me from leaving the room.

  “What about Raggy, Plot? The dress looks awesome, doesn’t it?” She smirked as his gaze lingered on the dress before reaching my face. He looked away after a second or two. “She your type still? You aren’t gonna try anything funny at the dance, are you? Cause if so, remember that I own a gun.”

  “Shut up,” Marcus said and there was a growing hint of anger in his voice. “This is stupid. Are we done yet?” The three of us stared at him which made his face even redder. “Whatever. I’ll be outside, so tell me when it’s time to go.” He sneered and left the apartment, the door slamming behind him.

  “That was too far, guys,” I said and looked between the two of them, shaking my head. “Christ, now he’s going to be a big baby the rest of the night.” I turned to Merigold and glared. “What the hell were you thinking when you shaved off his goatee?”

  “You liked that thing?”

  “No, but he did. Nice going.”

  “We were joking around, Raggy—”

  “I know, but he’s been acting strange so now was not the best time for that.” I made my way around the coffee table and struggled not to trip in the dress. “Just… stay here,” I said and headed out the door. I found him standing in the hall lighting a vaporette. He sighed out the vapor as he glanced at me.

  “Come to tease me too?”

  “About what?”

  He shook his head and looked down the dark hall. “Look, this is just a job.”

  “It is,” I agreed, treading lightly. Something had changed between us since October. Maybe since the break room argument. I hadn’t been in touch with the Stars much beyond Nina and I was ignoring any messages sent to me, including his. Not for any real reason, I just found excuses not to reply. It wasn’t about him, I didn’t want to talk to anyone.

  That didn’t make it fair, and I would have to fix the divide between us. The last thing we needed before a mission was him shutting down on me. “Hey, we okay?”

  He took another pull, held it for a moment and then let it out his nose. “Sure, why wouldn’t we be?”

  The way he said it told me we weren't. I sighed and took a few steps to him. He eyed me as if I would attack at any moment. “It’s been a crazy couple of months and I… I know I haven’t been the greatest friend as of late. I got my own shit to sort, Marcus, and I’m not looking to drag others down with me.”

  He stood silent for a moment and then offered the vaporette. “I get it.”

  I took a pull from the vaporette and handed it back over. It tasted of mint and lemon. I moved to stand in front of him as I let the vapor out. “We can do this without it being weird, right?”

  “See no reason why not.”

  “None?” I asked, and he shrugged. “At all?”

  “Nope.” He rested his head against the wall and watched the vapor curl into the ceiling. “You better get a coat, it’s cold out.”

  “Yeah. Okay,” I said and couldn’t explain why my stomach felt like someone had shoveled gravel into it. I turned to open the door and paused. “I’m sorry she shaved off your goatee.”

  “Me too, Doll. Me too…” He almost sounded like he was tearing up, but I didn’t look back as I pushed on the door. It caught for a moment and I heard Nina and Merigold curse and stumble back.

  “Really, guys?” I said as I stepped in and closed the door. “What the hell is wrong with the two of you?”

  “Just wanted to make sure you weren’t killing each other,” Nina said.

  “Or getting carried away snogging,” Merigold said and Nina punched her arm.

  “I said no jokes.” Nina glared and Merigold rubbed at her arm. “We’re sorry, Raggy.”

  “It’s whatever right now.” I sat down and did my best not to wrinkle the dress. “What’s the plan tonight? And tell it simply as I’m gonna have to relay it to him later.”

  “Why not just pull him in here? He needs to act like an adult,” Merigold said as she started toward the door.

  “Leave him be. It’s weird right now between us.” She stopped and looked back at me. “He’ll be fine in a few minutes.”

  “It’s always been weird between you two.” Merigold crossed her arms and glanced at the door. “Don’t know why he can’t man-up and deal with it.”

  “I’m not the easiest person to deal with, I get that. Let’s drop the whole Marcus thing and get on with t
his job.” I looked to Nina who nodded and then dug through the bags that Merigold had brought. She came over with a box and opened it. “What’s this?”


  “That didn’t answer a damn thing, Merigold,” I said, and she laughed. “What do they stop from being suppressed?”

  “This gala is in Rentena’s HQ. Did you think they’d let neurals run wild in that kind of environment? There will be security measures out the wazoo. And, while I do enjoy seeing you in a dress, you’d be pretty useless without your neural. These will keep those measures from screwing with the functionality of your neural and let you hack anything and everything.”

  Nina clicked a bracelet over my wrist and a tingle of a shock ran up my arm. She then held out a necklace. “At least they look nice, right?”

  “Jesus, just shoot me now.”

  “You need to woman-up, too,” Merigold said as she sat down in the recliner. “You two are peas in a pod, I swear.”

  I bent so Nina could do the clasp on the necklace. “Only because we have you two as friends.” I felt the same faint shock as the necklace rubbed at my neck. “I’m guessing you have a way of getting me and Marcus somewhere that we can work?”

  Merigold shook her head. “That’s something we’re gonna have to figure out on the fly. We may have to swipe a card or two to get where you need to be.”

  “I don’t think a dress was a good idea then.”

  “It’ll be fine as long as you don’t do anything stupid. Stop thinking this is all gonna go to shit, okay?”

  “Hey, let’s be honest here, it’s most likely gonna go to shit with the luck I have,” I said and stood. “Don’t you have to get changed too?”

  “Sera is picking us up from here, I’ll get changed in the car.”

  I rolled my eyes and then looked to the corners of my vision when a little box appeared from my neural and a voice echoed in my head. “You hear me all right, girl?”

  “Don’t tell me you’re my handler,” I said and Ziller chuckled. “Can’t Crow do it?”

  “Cool your jets, girl, I’m just testing. Crow and I will both be on the support line. Jankiee is gonna be listening too as he has a lot of experience with Rentena’s security measures.”


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