Tricky Witch: A Reverse Harem Academy Romance (Academy of the Dark Arts Book 2)

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Tricky Witch: A Reverse Harem Academy Romance (Academy of the Dark Arts Book 2) Page 2

by Nikki Dean

  Damon glanced at him in annoyance and stood as well. “Good luck tomorrow,” he finally said. “I'm sure you'll be fine. Just stick with your healer friend and don't do anything crazy.”

  “Like beat my TAs at a game of hide and seek in the dark?” Mal replied. “I'll try to contain myself.”

  Alec laughed and leaned over for an awkward side-hug while Damon glared. “See you tomorrow, Bunny.”

  See me tomorrow? Why? She didn't ask as they let themselves out, leaving her alone with Matt and Nico. Oh, shit, what if they want to talk about the kiss? This could get awkward.

  She cast a quick, darting glance at Matt, then Nico, her eyes zeroing in on their mouths by accident. She immediately turned to look to the alarm clock instead, which read 11:15. It really was getting late.

  “So, I guess I'll talk to you guys tomorrow too?” Fuck, I didn't mean to say it like a question. Get your shit together, Mallory.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Matt asked quietly. His dark brown eyes were thoughtful, his brow slightly furrowed. “You don't seem like you're okay with this.”

  “Come here. We can help, I promise,” Nico said as he sat beside them on the couch. “Do you need anything?”

  You guys to pick up where we left off in the gym. Fuck, that’s not what I want. I mean, I do, but not with my handler and future TA. Except I don’t want that, because it all sounds confusing as fuck. I wouldn’t be okay with sharing Nico, so why on earth does he think he’d be okay with sharing me with his friends? Or is it just Matt that he likes? “I haven't done anything like this before,” Mallory replied, jumping a little as Nico cuddled closer. “I don't really know what to say.” She let him pull her into his arms, grateful that he didn’t seem fazed by the scene in the gym, one way or the other.

  “It was definitely a surprise for us, too,” Matt replied. “It was probably going to happen sooner or later, though.”

  “Hey! What's that supposed to mean?” she demanded. “You think I'm just going to give it up to all of you because it's inevitable?”

  Matt sat back, his brows going up in surprise. “What? I didn't say that.”

  “You may as fucking well have!”

  “I think he was talking about the amaroq, Bunny,” Nico said quietly from her other side. “Not what you're talking about.”

  “Yeah. The thing that almost killed us all,” Matt said slowly. “You were talking about the kiss?”

  She blushed and looked away, wishing the amaroq was back right then. Fuck. Of course he meant the demon. “Nope.”

  “You're a terrible liar, Mallory Serra. Why are you thinking about the kiss more than the monster?” Matt teased. “Oh, wait, because it was amazing and you were totally into it? Just like we were?”

  Kill me now. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

  Nico brushed her hair to the side and nuzzled her neck. “You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, Mal. No one is going to push you into it.”

  “But if you do want us both,” Matt trailed off with a wink. “You can tell us.”

  “Even if I did, it wouldn't be at 11:30 at night when I have an exam tomorrow morning, and we just had a near-death experience. Seriously, what's going to happen with the gym? Shouldn't we call someone to get that thing out of there?”

  “It's probably already gone,” Nico said, resting his cheek against her head. “It's very skittish. I’m honestly astonished that it was there at all.”

  “Why do you guys know so much about it?” she couldn't help but ask. “It's like you've dealt with it a lot.”

  They were both quiet for a second.

  “Once or twice, indirectly,” Matt finally replied. “It's been around a long time. Most of the academy staff have at least heard of it, if not outright seen it at one point or another. It never comes onto campus, though.”

  She scoffed at his use of the word never. “It was on campus tonight. Why was it in the gym? That seems really bizarre. There wasn't a reason for it to be there, unless it was after one of us. It was just so angry.”

  “You could tell what it was thinking?” Matt asked, his voice sharp. “On your web?”

  “Not like I normally can with other animals. It didn't register on my web at all, it was more like a blank spot than anything else. Just nothingness that the other strings were bending around, if that makes sense.”

  “Not really, but okay,” Matt said. “How do you know it was angry?”

  Mallory shrugged. “I’ve been around animals a lot. I know when one’s pissed off, whether I can feel it or not.”

  “Do you think you can track it?”

  “Seriously? You're going to ask her that right now?” Nico’s arms tightened around her.

  Why does Nico sound worried? “It's fine. I get it. Tracking it could be valuable information if someone is trying to capture it, to keep it from hurting anyone. I don't think I could, though. There wasn't anything there for me to feel, it was more of a blank than anything. I've never sensed anything like it before, but if Alec and Damon hadn't told us that it was there, I doubt I would have ever known.”

  “Until it ate us," Matt said. “You would have noticed then. Either way, I'm taking this as a compliment if kissing me was that great of a distraction.”

  She rolled her eyes and ignored him, turning to Nico instead. “I'm glad you're okay.”

  “Aww, but not me?”

  “Yes, I'm glad you're okay too, you jackass. Even if you're insufferable.”

  Matt's presence on her web brightened at the insult, though she couldn't say why.

  “I knew you liked me,” he breathed into her ear. “Now, about that kiss…”

  “We aren't talking about it ever again,” she said with a groan. “Nico, what's going on here? Are you two seriously into this?”

  The flash of deep-seated approval that hit her from both sides was all the answer she needed, even if he didn't respond right away.

  “Like I said, no one will make you do anything you don't want to do,” he murmured. “If you just want me, I'm all in. If you want Matt too, we can figure it out.”

  “You'd actually be okay with that? Why?”

  Chapter 3

  He shrugged. “I don't know. He's my best friend, and I think we would all fit together well.”

  “We would definitely fit well,” Matt said with a grin. “We fit perfectly in the gym. Or was I the only one that thought so?”

  Mallory elbowed Matt as her cheeks flushed. “And this is why it’s never happening again. Because you won’t shut up about it.”

  “So if I swear not to talk about it, that means there’s a chance?” Matt teased.

  Mal groaned and turned her face into Nico’s chest. “Make him leave.”

  “I’ll stop, I promise!” Matt cried out with his hands up as Nico reached for him. “It’s just so much fun giving you hell about it.”

  Mal sighed. “Fine. You can stay. But I’m going to bed.”

  Matt was smart enough not to make a joke.

  “We should all get some sleep,” Nico agreed. “You need to get up early. How's your head?”

  “Surprisingly better, but still hurts," she replied with a yawn. “I'll text you after class is done and let you know how it went." Or you could just stay the night, she wanted to say. But I'm not ready to ask Matt for that yet, even if he did already sleep on my floor.

  “Are you sure you don't want us to stay?” Nico asked.

  Are you sure you can't read minds? “That would be kinda nice after everything.”

  He smiled and kissed her, a gentle peck meant to reassure instead of anything else. “Okay. Matt, you're on the other bed, if that's okay with you, Bunny?”

  Is it? Do I really want them both in here? She paused for a second, looking back and forth between them. “Fine. Don't be getting any ideas about this, Matt. I'm still not sure how I feel about that whole kissing in the gym thing, especially since Nico and I just started dating. I wasn't planning on having even one boyfriend, m
uch less two.”

  “Ha, you brought it up this time. Don't worry, I'll grow on you,” Matt replied cheerfully.

  “Like a fungus?” she asked.

  “Eww. Shower more.”

  Nico laughed into her hair as they bickered, then kissed her head. “I'm running up to grab our stuff. You want anything in particular, Matt?”

  “Just my toothbrush.”

  “Wait, I thought you lived off campus during the week? Won't you need to go to work in the morning?” Mallory asked. “What about clothes and stuff like that?”

  “I'll just go home first. Don't really want to go back out to my car with that damn thing running around anyway.”

  “Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.” Wow, I'm an asshole for not thinking of that myself. Shouldn't we warn security or something that it was there? Why didn't they tell Nurse Cavell about it? Something's not right about this.

  “Ok, here's your crap,” Nico said as he dumped a pile into Matt's lap. It included a toothbrush, deodorant, razor and bar of soap. “Damon said he called the dean and told him what happened, so security is doing a sweep and the gym will probably be shut down for the next week or so.”

  Mallory blinked, impressed again at his efficiency. “You've been gone for like, a second. How'd he have time to tell you that?”

  “Magic.” Nico gave her an unrepentant grin. “We understand each other.”

  “Even if he doesn't like me?”

  “He doesn't dislike you,” Nico replied. “He just doesn't approve of our relationship.”

  “Which is weird in and of itself. Why's he so invested in who you’re dating?” she asked in annoyance. “I don't see how it's any of his business.”

  “None of them are supposed to be dating students,” Matt chimed in. “They're not full-out professors, but it's still a conflict of interest. Which is why I should be your designated boyfriend,” he finished with a smirk.

  “But I'm not even in Nico's class!” she exclaimed, pulling back to face him with an angry glare. “You said it would be fine to date since Alec and Damon are my TAs, not you.”

  “It is fine,” Nico replied, turning narrowed eyes onto Matt. “Don't worry about it. Damon is just being paranoid, but no one is going to find out, anyway.”

  Mallory had fight to keep her expression still, surprised at how much it hurt to hear him say that. “So I'm some kind of secret now? Awesome. I knew this was a bad idea.”

  She instantly felt his regret at her words. Still, that didn't make her wrong.

  “Bunny, it's not like that. I'm not trying to hide you, I swear. It's just an awkward situation. I don't know what would happen if the administration found out we're dating, much less committed to each other.”

  “Are we, Nico? How committed are we, really? It's only been a week. What would you say if someone found out? It's not worth losing your job over, is it?” Mallory burst out, getting up from the couch. “It'd be stupid to put your position at risk all because of a girl you just met.”

  Nico sat back, his whole body tensing at her words. Matt looked between them. “Is that really how you feel? Like it wouldn't be worth it if we got caught?”

  “Worth what? What would they do to me, kick me out? Big deal. What would they do to you, though? You'd probably get fired from being a TA and reassigned somewhere outside of the Academy. You'd have to leave your friends and your home, all because of me. Maybe Damon's right and we shouldn't be dating if it means possibly destroying your whole life over it.”

  “So you're more worried about what will happen to him, not you?” Matt clarified.

  “They can't kick you out,” Nico muttered.

  “Of course I am! And why couldn't they kick me out, it's not like I'm much good! My powers are kind of useless, as demonstrated tonight against that thing.”

  “Your powers aren't useless, and I'm not letting you call this off just because it's only been a week, or because you're afraid of what will happen if we get caught,” Nico said, looking up at her. He stood and pulled her into his arms, holding her tight against his chest. “Your magic is amazing, but it’s the least interesting thing about you. Don’t run from us just because you’re scared.”

  Mallory stood there stiffly for a moment. Fuck it, if he wants to ruin his life and his friendships over me, why should I save him from himself? His heart beat loudly in her ear, steadily calling to her until she relaxed against him.

  “That's better,” he murmured against her hair. “Everything will be fine. I promise.”

  She felt his sincerity as much as she heard it, even when Matt snorted on the couch.

  “You wanna talk more shit next?” Mallory demanded with narrowed eyes. “You're already sleeping on the floor.”

  He laughed and got up, crossing the tiny room to the other bed. He pulled it out and lifted an eyebrow at the sheets that already adorned it. “Then who are these here for?”

  “No one,” she replied. “Mind your own business.”

  He laughed and Nico swatted her ass, then turned her toward the bathroom. “Get a shower first, then I'll be right behind you.”

  Bossy thing, isn't he? Still, she didn't argue. She was too tired to argue. “Fine. I'm locking the door though.”

  Nico chuckled and Matt pouted as Mal shook her head at him.

  “Your friend is weird, Nico.”

  Hot water ran over her back as she stood there, trying not to think about the fact that she'd just come face to face with the amaroq, of all things, a demon lion that was known for destroying its enemies with one swipe of its massive paw, or that Nico had declared that he was committed to her, even though it could destroy his life.

  As usual, trying to avoid the subjects just made her focus on them that much more.

  Why couldn't I feel the amaroq? It was right above us, and I couldn't sense it at all. Me, who can feel everything from a gnat to a tiger, or whatever that was that day. But the amaroq was just empty.

  She closed her eyes, envisioning it in front of her again. The way its mane writhed with a mind of its own, each tendril coiling around in the air as though looking for something. Its tail, braiding itself into a thick rope after it landed on the floor, presumably once it didn't need the individual strands to steer its way through the air anymore.

  How was it hanging from the ceiling like that? How did it get in, and where did it go after we left? Did Damon really have a chance to call the dean already? I guess he did, but how did he tell Nico about it in the half a second he was up there?

  Too many questions were making her headache come back, so she dipped her head back under the water. The heat seeped into her muscles and she gradually relaxed beneath the spray.

  I wonder where it lives, and if I could find it. The thought popped up and she instinctively shoved it away. Not that I want to since it just tried to kill us and all. But maybe if I know how to sense it, it won't surprise us like that again.

  She couldn't stop herself from widening her web a little, feeling for the guys in the next room. Matt was on the unclaimed bed, stretched out in just his sweatpants on top of the blankets. Nico was little more than a blur streaking back and forth, presumably pacing while he waited for her to finish up.

  “…will figure it out eventually. There's no way to prevent it. She's clever,” Matt was saying.

  How am I actually hearing him right now? This is new. It was like she was hearing Matt’s voice inside her head like her own thoughts, instead of hearing him with her ears. She focused on him and Nico a little more, hoping to catch the rest.

  “Too clever to put up with bullshit. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up with both flags during tomorrow's battle sim,” Matt finished.

  Both flags? Can I do that? she wondered. What would be the point?

  “Her talent is really useful if she can control it instead of blacking out all the time. Fitzam would shit a brick if he knew how far she's gotten over the last few days. To track people now, on top of animals? She could infiltrate anything he ordered her to,�
� Damon said.

  Wait, why the fuck is Damon back in my room? And what does he mean, infiltrate anywhere Fitzam wanted me to? But more importantly, why can't I feel him on my web?

  Chapter 4

  Damon wasn't as invisible as she had first thought. As it turned out, Nico's presence streaking back and forth as he paced had merely masked Damon's, who lounged on her bed behind him.

  “Stop it, you're giving me a headache,” Matt finally said, throwing a pillow into the middle of Nico's path. Nico caught it easily, throwing it back at his friend's face. “She didn't mean it.”

  “Mean what?” Damon demanded.

  “I thought she was going to break up with me,” Nico answered after a second. He stood in the middle of the room, fully visible since he'd stopped pacing. “She was close. This jackass pointed out that I'd get into trouble with the academy if anyone figures out that we're together.”

  “Of course you would. She's a student, which is reason number fifty-six that fucking with her is a terrible idea,” Damon muttered.

  So I can hear him too, without focusing on him? It must be because Nico can hear him, and I’m focusing on him, Mallory realized. That's handy. She washed her hair slowly, trying to stall and eavesdrop a little longer. Why does Damon dislike me so much that he doesn't want Nico and I together?

  “I know! I know it's a terrible idea, but you don't understand,” Nico protested. He dropped his head back and looked at the ceiling, Mal's view from his mind spun a little as she caught up with what he was seeing.

  So I’m inside Nico’s head, and maybe Matt’s too? If it was just Nico’s, wouldn’t I have seen him pacing from his point of view? This is weird.

  “I'm so drawn to her,” Nico continued. “It's like there's something inside me that has to have her. A link, of some kind, craving her. Plus she's really cool, and I like her a lot.”

  “A link?” Damon repeated doubtfully. “Craving her? Do we seriously need to have the conversation where I remind you what other links are at stake here?”


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