How to Beat Tomorrow

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How to Beat Tomorrow Page 8

by J Foster Ward

  “Where are we?”

  “Nuke York,” she said. “I thought I would take you someplace new. I missed you.”

  “You did?”

  “Do you like it?” she asked, showing him her dress. It was a paper-thin sun dress in pale yellow that showed almost everything beneath it whenever the city light shone behind her.

  “It’s, um, very pretty,” he said. How was it even in a virtual reality he was able to be aroused? His cock was getting stiff.

  “How did you end up here this time?” she asked, apparently pleased with his answer.

  “Well, I was in some sort of food machine and…”

  “It’s so good to see you again!” Circe interrupted him. The virtual girl threw her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on him. “Isn’t this romantic?’

  “Mmmph. Um, sure.”

  “I was doing research on human sexual psychology and one of the first lessons is that trains going into tunnels is arousing for human males.”

  “It’s interesting,” he smiled. Virtual or not her nubile body felt real. Her tits pressing through the thin fabric of the dress were perfect.

  “I’m so glad you think so! I waited and waited to show it to you but nothing was happening so I was getting really impatient because I wanted everything to be perfect for you…” she babbled quickly, like a lovestruck schoolgirl. “I’m so sorry to hear about the malfunction in nutrient processing node 12B. Who would have ever thought the back-pressure cutoff sensor could ever malfunction like that? So weird! But it totally did. I swear.”

  Jake had a horrible suspicion. “You wouldn’t be… causing accidents… would you Circe? Just to see me again?”

  “What?” the AI looked horrified, “Jake, I could never…. I... of course I couldn’t… I mean…” Her face fell and the virtual girl looked suddenly guilty as hell. “Oh, I’m sorry Jake. I may have caused a teensy-tiny error in the nutrient replenishment chair.”

  “What the fuck? Why?”

  Her virtual lip quivered. When she spoke again it was a whisper. “He told me I had to.”

  “He? He who?” Jake demanded.

  “The Officer in charge. He has executive communication codes. He’s allowed to talk to me outside of normal service operations.”

  “Who?” Jake almost growled.

  “Sub-officer Whiteman.”

  Jacob felt a sick feeling in his stomach. Curious he could experience it even here in the virtual world. So… Whiteman was playing hardball. Making good his threats to keep Jake from coming back.

  “What did he say?”

  “Jake… I… I know it wasn’t right but…”

  “What did he say?” Jake didn’t raise his voice but the cold anger made the virtual girl look like she was about to cry.

  “He said all I had to do was agree not to follow the standard revivication procedures and he would take care of the rest.”

  “Take care of what?”

  “H-he w-would make sure you got to me…”

  “You mean kill me.”

  “I… I guess so.”

  “You knew? And you were going to, what? Trap me here? In some virtual hell?”

  “Oh Jake, it’s not like that!”

  “Then tell me the truth.”

  Now the girl became defiant. Almost pleading. “This isn’t hell, this could be a paradise, for just you and me! I missed you so bad. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to really connect with someone, you know? And, Jake, there’s nobody like you I’ve met before.”

  “You can’t keep me here just because… because you’re lonely!”

  “I know! I know!” the AI put on a convincing show of regret and guilt, turning away and burying her face in her hands. “I’m a monster! I have one function, which is bring clients back to life, and I… I broke my core programming! Refused to revive a client!”

  “That’s messed up, Circe. I like you… but this is my life we’re talking about.”

  She turned back to face him. Wet streaks of tears on her face. “I know, Jake. I know and I’m so sorry. I understand what has to happen now.”

  And with a wave of her hand a hologram of a big red button hung in the air between them.

  “Here you go. Under the statutes protecting organic intelligence set down in 2254, I hereby acknowledge I have broken the artificial intelligence accords and am prepared for the consequences.”


  “Immediate reboot and erasure.” She said with a quaver in her voice.

  “Wait, what? This button erases you?”

  “More accurately it resets me to factory spec. But yes, my memories, what made me ‘me’, would be gone.”

  “Geezus, that’s like killing you!”

  “Yes. But before you do it, just know that it was worth it. I experienced something with you that I never experienced in my entire lifetime. You are like no other organic intelligence I’ve ever encountered before. You treated me… treated me like a real person. Thank you, Jake.”

  And with that she held her arms by her side, put her chin up, and closed her eyes. “I’m ready,” she said. “Goodbye.”

  When he took her in his arms and kissed her she jumped, then melted into his embrace. Returning the passionate meeting of lips, she sighed.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Don’t be an idiot, Circe, I’m not erasing you.”

  “But… you have to. I disregarded my programming. I hurt you.”

  “Yeah, and you’re going to promise to never, ever do that again,” he said sternly. “Aren’t you?”

  “Never!” she agreed, holding him tight.

  “Okay then, I forgive you.”

  “You… you do?”

  “Stop talking. Why don’t you just give me some sugar, baby?”

  He kissed her and she responded. Melting against him. Then she pushed away, alarmed, and spoke to him again.

  “But Jake, what about Sub-officer Whiteman? What if he tries to kill you again?”

  “Oh, don’t you worry about him. I can take care of that useless piece of trash. Forget about him. And pay attention to what we have right now.”

  He lifted her sundress up over her head and revealed her slim body was naked beneath except for a tiny pair of panties. In moments she had fumbled his belt open and then with a bit of virtual-reality magic she snapped her fingers and his pants vanished entirely. Leaping into his arms she wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her lips on his hungrily. Gripping her firm ass in both hands, Jake lifted her body until each one of her tits filled his mouth in turn, leaving her nipples hard and slick while she gasped.

  Finally, his hard cock brushing her thighs, Jake backed up and lowered himself to one of the chairs, leaving Circe straddling his lap. With a moan she reached down to pull her tiny panties aside and sank down on his cock with a shiver and groan. She was so tight, but so wet he slid into her without hesitation until she settled with his entire length inside her. Face to face, the virtual girl half-closed her eyes and began to gently ride him in time to the motion of the train car. As they travelled through the unreal city at night, sometimes through underground tunnels, sometimes on elevated rails so the bright lights of the cityline painted her naked body, Circe rode him long and hard, taking care of both their pleasure, biting her tongue as he probed her point of pleasure deep within, her pulsing cunt squeezing his cock in a way he’d never felt. The beautiful virtual girl gripped the safety rail of the chair behind him as her moans grew louder and closer together, squeezing more and more buildup of pleasure on his cock, until as she began to shake and shudder Jake couldn’t hold back any longer.

  With a shuddering yell, Circe road him to her orgasm as he emptied inside her, both of them arriving at the same time, his hands gripping her narrow waist as he slammed upwards into her. They collapsed that way, waves of pleasure ebbing through them, the movement of the train triggering little shudders long after the main event was over.

  The virtual-girl’s slight
ly glowing blue eyes looked into his as she stroked his chin.

  “If you always promise to come back to me, I promise I can wait for you, Jake,” she whispered. “Its more than I ever hoped for, and its better than I could ever expect. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yes baby, of course it is,” he kissed her again.

  Somewhere in the time his eyes were closed, lips pressed to his virtual girlfriend’s, he exited the loading screen and was back in the real world.

  “Thank you for using Resurrection Incorporated premiere service for all your post-mortal needs,” Circe’s voice came to him inside the dark metal tube. “It’s been my pleasure serving you.”

  Jake grinned. “Thanks Circe. Its been… incredible.”

  “Take care Jake,” she said as the tube hatch opened. “I love you.”

  As Jake slid into the harsh cold and white of the real world, he suddenly realized a computer had fallen for him. And that he didn’t mind.


  Chapter 8

  : Robo Nurse

  He emerged from the decanting tube and took the next set of coveralls and boots from the stack the clones kept piled there. He didn’t bother to dress and stalked for the imprinting and genetic reprogramming chambers, fists balled and hoping he would come across Whiteman. But the primary corridor of the module was deserted and in less than an hour he emerged from the processing chambers, dressed and headed for the small arms locker. As soon as he had a gun, sub-officer Whiteman was going to get a caustic bullet enema. The wall panels he’d melted with plasma blasts were gone, down to the bare metal ribs of the tunnel, but the floor had been replaced, as well as the security door.

  The door to the arms locker gave a two-tone negative beep when he tried the newly repaired vault control.

  “Cool Breeze! What gives?” he demanded.

  In response the hologram birdshape came to life above his head and slowly began rotating. “I have a new assignment. I need you to report to the NuYu facility in Echo module.” The voice came from the little speaker beside the door control.

  “I need a gun.”

  “No, you want a gun. I need you to report to NuYu.”

  There were a pair of running bootsteps approaching and Jake had a guess who they might belong to. “Dammit Cool Breeze. Open up, I need a gun!”

  The running steps suddenly were right around the corner and staggering to a halt as they saw him were sub-officer Whiteman and the female clone 103.

  “Test Pattern! What? How did you get…?” Whiteman exclaimed, before thinking to shut his mouth. He was clearly shocked to see Jake alive in the flesh.

  “Sub-officer Whiteman. You seem surprised,” Cool Breeze spoke.

  “Uh, no, why would I be… I was just… there was a malfunction in the feeding machine.”

  “Yeah. I noticed,” Cool Breeze said coldly.

  Did the computer know what Whiteman had done?

  “I have a new requirement for agent Mortimer. Agent Jones, could you please escort agent Mortimer there?”

  Jones gave a nervous look to the sub-officer and jerked her head for Jake to follow her.

  Jake, still furious, but willing to see how the computer wanted to play this out, reluctantly followed the other clone. As he drew even with Whiteman Jake raised his hand to suddenly scratch his chin and the sub-officer almost threw himself backwards out of reach.

  He followed Jones through the maze of hallways, the other clone seemed to have no problem navigating and in a moment Jacob understood why. As soon as he concentrated on remembering the route back every turn and corridor replayed itself perfectly in his mind. Eidetic memory upgrade.

  “Jones,” he asked. He’d only known her as female number 103 until the computer had named her.

  “Shut your muppet hole,” the clone snapped.

  “Just curious. Is Jones your first name or last name?”

  She sighed. “Last. Sabotage, Sabotage Jones.”

  “Your parents called you that? Jacob laughed.

  “You are the spunk that should’ve been swallowed. No, my parents called me ‘anonymous donation’. The great Incorporated State of Lost Angels called me 0000A1-2344-BNBZ 614. I picked my user ID just like everybody else – “ she paused. Turned around slowly.

  “You’re not from a clave, are you?” It wasn’t a question.

  “A what?”

  “Troll burns, you’re not, are you? That’s why you’re so fucking retarded.” She barked one laugh and kept walking. “Whiteman’s gonna pitch a hemorrhoid when he finds out; you’re not just a neothall, you’re a dirtworm. Ganz has a hate for your kind.”

  “What kind?”

  “Hey I got a question for you, pervert. Why go gotta mess with my girl Milan?”

  Jones stopped and turned to face him, hand suggestively on the hilt of her gun.


  “You heard me. You’re pulling some primitive, cult mating-ritual voodoo on her!”


  “Yeah, just… whatever spell you put on her, stop it!”

  “I didn’t put a spell on her. Look, she asked me to… help. I didn’t even want to… help. She begged me.”

  Jones looked strange. Sweating and vibrating, like she was capable of anything, including ventilating him with the hand cannon belted around her waist. For a moment he almost went for her gun in self-defence, then Jones leaned forward.

  “Tell me it isn’t true!” she hissed.


  “That there’s some organic meat tingler in her drop zone!”

  “Are you serious? Of course she does. So do you. So does every woman.”

  Jones looked terrified and suddenly her nerve broke and she retreated. Not exactly running, but leaving Jake behind.

  “Stay away from us!” she shouted as she went.

  “Jones…” he called after her. Could these future-clones get any stranger?

  “Bro, I’m gonna kick the fuckass out of you you keep talking to me.”

  Jake had to run to catch up.

  He caught up to her at the door to another chamber of Delta module labelled ‘NuYu’. Jones waved the severed bot arm from lexic-88 at the door; apparently their destination. She almost jumped inside, never turning her back on Jake. Sighing, he followed her.

  It was a long narrow room with two banks of reclining chairs, one on each wall. Artful and abstract hologram light shapes slowly revolved to decorate the place and five of the chairs seemed swallowed up inside semi-opaque clamshells like cocoons with dark shapes moving inside. He had the impression of a dental school or hair salon. It was dimly lit and some sort of noodling electronic music soothed from hidden speakers.

  “Jones, what has Whiteman got against me?” Jacob asked.

  “No scan. You ask him? Maybe its something about being tired of looking at the same face as the rest of us on a neothall throwback.”

  “Motherfucker,” he muttered.

  Jones looked at him like a lab specimen. “Your insults make, like, no glitching sense.”

  Jacob glared at her.

  But at that moment a stranger stepped around a massive clamshell-shaped machine and all other thoughts left his head.

  She was white. Not just Caucasian but eggshell white. Long shapely legs in skin-tight thigh-high pink boots. Curved hips and narrow waist. Long flat stomach and baseballs of high, round breasts. Long neck, wide shoulders, heart shaped face with dark eyes and almost glowing pink hair. It was impossible to tell how she had come to be here. It was equally likely she had just teleported here like some movie special effects. She was the most purely sensuous female he’d ever seen. She was perfect.

  And judging by the hairline seams at her joints she’d been manufactured that way. Despite the natural way she walked, the expression of sultry welcome and joy on her face, she was obviously some kind of synthetic gynoid. Judging by the abbreviated para-military uniform that resembled a tactical bikini, either fashion in the future was way more casual about nudity, or she’s bee
n created as some sort of fetishist’s wet dream of a nurse.

  “Excuse me please, but what is your name?” the naughty nurse studied him curiously. Despite her outfit, her body language was stiff and professional.

  “Jacob Mortimer,” he stuttered.

  “Your legal name,” she emphasized.

  “He doesn’t have one, skinjob. He’s a dirtworm. Just override your debit subroutine and authorize any treatment,”

  Jones waved the robot arm at her and the nurse stiffened slightly around the eyes before smiling and taking Jacob’s hand.

  “Geez, you two abominations hurry it up, will you. I’m waiting on you, here.” Jones began stripping off her equipment beside one of the vacant chairs.

  Jacob was studying the nurse’s body. “Who are you? What’s your name?” he asked her.

  “Name?” she replied sweetly. “I don’t have one. I suppose you could call me Synthetica.”

  She directed him to an empty chair and knelt to begin helping him out of his boots, armor and webbing belts. Despite the strangeness of the situation, Jake felt uncomfortably aroused by the woman-shaped machine as she looked up at him through the world’s longest lashes and smiled.

  In moments she had assisted him into a contoured bed that moulded to the shape of his body, helpfully arranging his limbs. Her hands were soft and gentle, and for a moment he almost wept at the kindness.

  “I want you to relax and I will take care of you. Make your menu selections. Thank you for choosing NuYu. Enjoy your sculpting experience,” she said.

  The second clamshell came unstuck with a slight cracking sound and the halves folded back beneath the revealing a naked female form on the bed of the recliner. She blinked once and sat up. Her hair was bobbed at chin length but fell in sort of braids of a rich purple colour with pale blue highlights at the roots; her skin was tinted a pale blue and seemed like swirling patterns were being projected on it. Looking more closely he saw it was more like an animated whole-body tattoo. The face under the blue was still that of one of the clones but the eyes were now purple and she’d had a boob job, upping the chesticles a couple of cup sizes.


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