D.C. Power Games Box Set

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D.C. Power Games Box Set Page 53

by Ivy Nelson

  I’m sorry. How do I help?

  Darci pulled a file off the top of the stack while she waited for his response. It came just a few minutes later.

  Actually, Adara will be calling you soon.

  I might have something you can help with.

  What could he possibly want her help with? Had word of his involvement in BDSM come out? There hadn’t been anything in the headlines she had browsed this morning. Whatever it was, Darci knew she wouldn’t say no, so she fired off a quick response.

  Of course!

  Gotta run baby. I miss you.

  His last message made her smile. Even after last night and this morning, she missed him too and was enjoying the game they were playing.

  Memories of the previous evening flooded her again, and with them, a fresh wave of need washed over her. So much for putting it out of her mind. Hopefully he would give her some relief when they got home tonight.

  Most of the morning was spent on the phone, but Bradley was always in the back of her mind. By the time Adara called to see if she could be in Bradley’s office at three o’clock, she was cranky with need.

  The security team drove her to the Hart building, and she got there right on time. Bradley was running behind schedule, so Adara let her into his office to wait. The mere thought of seeing him made her ache all over again. She hoped he didn’t keep this denial game going too much longer. Could she talk him into locking the office door for a few minutes? The thought brought on a strong blush.

  At three-fifteen, the door to his office opened, and Bradley walked in followed by two more people. She cursed him for bringing other people to this meeting. Bradley gave her a seductive smile before he turned to his companions. Their game was still in full swing.

  “Darci, this is Charlie Cooper, the senator's head speech writer, and this is Sandra Brown, his press secretary.” He explained to them that she worked for the ACSL.

  Turning back to her he said, “What we’re about to talk about doesn’t leave this room. You know nothing. This meeting never happened.” Darci’s eyes grew wide, but she nodded. He then launched into an explanation of the bill Atleigh wanted to propose, and Darci played along as if she was hearing it for the first time.

  “None of us are on board with this idea, but we can’t talk the senator out of it. What we would like from you, is a direction to point the researchers in. Something they can stumble upon themselves that will lead them to the conclusion that this is not a good idea. If they present that to the senator, he might listen to them.”

  “Clever. I’ll be honest, I’m not keen on helping the man, but I do want to help you, Bradley. I’ll gladly do what I can to keep this bill from ever happening, so let’s see what we can come up with.” They spent the next half hour brainstorming, but Darci was having a challenging time paying attention. To her relief, it wasn’t long before Sandra and Charlie said their goodbyes and headed to their own offices.

  “You seem distracted today, baby,” Bradley said with a grin, as he crossed the room to her.

  “Can’t imagine why that is,” Darci grumbled. When he laughed, she had to fight the urge to stick her tongue out at him lest he decide the office was a private enough place to spank her. He took her face in his hands and kissed her long and deep. She groaned as his kiss sent sparks straight to the ache that had been growing stronger all day.

  “I bet your panties are wet for me, aren’t they?” he asked when he pulled his mouth from hers.

  Heat flooded her face and moisture gathered between her thighs, but she didn’t say anything.

  “I asked you a question, pet.” His tone was serious and his eyes dark. Words wouldn’t come, so she just nodded. He pulled her closer to him and slipped his hand beneath her dress. His fingers fluttered over the lace of her panties, and she gasped.

  “I like making you wet for me,” he whispered in her ear as he slipped a finger inside her panties and found her clit.

  She groaned and whimpered, “please,” as he ran his finger through the slick folds.

  Ignoring her pleas, he offered a wicked grin and pulled his hand out from under her dress.

  “I’ll see you at home, baby.” Winking, he pecked her cheek with a quick kiss before walking back to his desk. Everything in her wanted to beg him for an orgasm, but she had a feeling he wasn’t ready to say yes yet, so she left before she risked an office spanking.

  The last few hours of the day dragged on. Finally, it was time to leave. Disappointment filled her when Bradley sent word that he would be working late. All she could do was go home and sulk.

  It was almost midnight when Bradley got home. When he found her in the living room, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deep, hoping it would entice him to take her to bed. Instead, he peeled away from her, saying he had to shower and get to sleep because he had an early breakfast meeting.

  The growl of frustration that left her when he walked away was involuntary. Later, when they climbed in bed, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair.

  “Sweet dreams, baby girl.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Goodnight,” she said with a pout.

  Darci swore she could hear him laughing at her before he fell asleep.



  The next day, Bradley was already gone when Darci woke up, much to her disappointment. It was Friday though; she hoped they could have some fun when he got home tonight. The day seemed to drag, and she wasn't sure she could make it until she got off work. Twice, she snapped at her assistant, so she bought lunch as an apology.

  At five, she had had enough and asked the goon squad to take her home. It surprised her when they let her go inside without checking for intruders first. It had become part of their routine. She saw why as soon as she walked in.

  Bradley was home already, and he had shed his typical suit and tie and instead was wearing a tight white t-shirt and a pair of jeans that hugged his hips in a way that left her mouthwatering. “You’re home early,” she observed, hoping she didn’t sound as needy as she felt. He crossed the room to where she stood and took her purse and keys from her trembling hands.

  “Hi,” he whispered, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. “I thought we could have some fun.”

  “I like fun.” She had forgotten about the aching that had been present for two days, but now it was back and more intense than ever, and he had only kissed her. “Are you going to let me come this time?” she asked, a little breathless.

  “I haven’t decided yet.” The grin he flashed her as he spoke was pure evil, and his eyes were full of wicked promise. That had to mean good things for her. He took her hand and led her into the living room.

  He had wine and dinner sitting on the coffee table. It was Chinese takeout from one of her favorite places. Darci smiled at his thoughtfulness as she lowered herself to the floor in front of the coffee table. Bradley surprised her by dropping down next to her instead of sitting on the couch like he’d done so many times in recent weeks. For a brief moment, she rested her head on his shoulder while he dished himself food and passed her the takeout boxes.

  “I’m surprised you’re home before me after everything that’s happened this week,” she said as she dished orange chicken onto her plate.

  “I’m surprised too, but we’re gearing up to travel for the first time as part of the campaign, so we ended the day a little early. I want the whole team well rested and ready to hit the ground running.” Darci nodded. It made sense.

  “Though, considering the plans I have for you, I’m not sure how well rested either of us will be come Monday.” He winked and sent a surge of heat through her body. Her face flushed and her nipples tightened, and she wondered exactly what he had in mind. He didn’t elaborate though.

  “Eat your dinner,” he said as he dug into his own plate of takeout.

  Dinner conversation was mundane. They discussed their days at work and upcoming schedules. As she scooped the last bit of rice onto her fork—she never was adept at usin
g chopsticks—Bradley’s expression changed as he took his last swallow of wine. He picked up her hand as she set her fork down. “I’ll clean up the dishes. You should go wait in the bedroom for me so we can finish what we started the other night.”

  Shit, Darci thought. The other night he had punished her for ditching her security detail. He wasn’t planning to continue that, was he? She decided to be bold and ask. “You’re not still mad at me, are you?”

  He thought for a moment. His hand caressed her cheek as he spoke. “Maybe a little. But if you’re asking if this is punishment then no., I would say we took care of that. Now, do as I asked, please. I’ll be along shortly.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she rose from the living room floor and headed into the bedroom. Now that she knew she wasn’t being punished, excitement flooded her as she thought about what he might have planned for her.

  The first thing she noticed, was that the bed was covered with a sheet. It made her even more curious about his plans. Large pillar candles she had never seen before were lit on the nightstands. The sounds of Bradley in the kitchen rinsing their dishes made their way into the bedroom, so she wasted no time stripping off her work clothes and taking her spot on the floor at the foot of his bed.

  When he crossed the threshold of his room, he was carrying a soft cloth bag. The look of approval he gave her as he deposited the item on the bed sent a rush of pride through her.

  Crossing the room, he lowered himself into a chair and observed her in silence for a moment before saying, “Come over here, pet.”

  She clamored to her feet and walked the short distance to where he sat. When she started to sink to her knees at his feet, he pulled her into his lap instead. One hand slid down her back, sending swells of sensation through her entire body. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He leaned up and drew one taut nipple into his mouth, sucking hard. She groaned, and her head fell back. His tongue swirled around the sensitive nub. His other hand continued to stroke up and down her spine. He released her nipple and gave the other a quick pinch. She squeaked then giggled. He smiled fondly at her.

  “I know I tied you to the bed the other night, which you enjoyed, but how much other experience do you have with rope?”

  Darci shook her head. “Not a lot. My first dom, Peter, was really into it, but he saved most of his ropework for his wife, Carrie. Though there was one time when he tied us up together.”

  She could tell he wanted to ask questions about her dynamic with the couple, but he didn’t. Instead he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “It’s a favorite of mine and I would like to play with it tonight.” Her eyes lit, and she nodded with enthusiasm. He chuckled. “I like how eager you are baby. So, you’ve never been suspended?”

  Her eyes grew wide. “You can do that here?”

  His hand gestured to the ceiling in the center of the room as he flashed a grin. “I own this apartment, it’s not a rental, so I installed a hard point there. I can assure you it’s safe and will support you while we play.” She had never noticed the recess in the ceiling before. Probably because they were usually occupied with... other things when they were in the bedroom.

  She turned her head back to him. “How many others have you suspended?”

  “Quite a few. Like I said, it’s one of my favorite types of play. We’ll start with something basic. It might be painful, but I promise to make it worth your while.”

  “By that you mean I’ll get to come?” she asked trying not to sound too eager.

  Bradley chuckled, but his eyes grew dark. “Ask me again, and I’ll make you wait longer.” Dipping his head, he bit her left nipple. The gentle bite sent sparks straight to her pussy and she squirmed, fighting the urge to grind against his lap.

  “What do you say, baby? You want to try this?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He grinned. “Good girl. We’re going to make a mess, so why don’t you put your hair up.” He released her from his lap, and she hurried into the bathroom to pin her curls back. When she was satisfied that it wouldn’t get in the way, she came back into the bedroom. Bradley was laying bundles of rope out on the bed. He turned when he heard her enter and smiled. “So lovely,” he murmured as she made her way towards him.

  When she got to him, he laid the last bundle of rope down and pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  “I’m going to bind your arms behind your back, one resting on top of the other. The tie will form a chest harness. It’s meant to be tight, but if it’s too tight you have to tell me, OK?”

  She nodded her agreement, and he turned her so that her back was to him. Gently, he brought her arms behind her back and rested them at the small of her back.

  “Keep them like that,” he said, planting a kiss on her shoulder.

  Then, he flicked a bundle of rope, and it unfurled behind him. He looped it around her wrists and began to tie. He moved the rope in expert fashion. It flew back and forth as he created tight lines of rope around her arms and chest. Soon, her arms were trapped, and she was very aware of her bare breasts as they were encased in rope. It was tight, but not so tight that she felt unsafe. He knew his way around rope.

  “How does that feel?” he asked as he turned her to face him.

  “Good,” she whispered. His eyes lit up.

  “Some people can’t stay in this tie for very long, so if it gets uncomfortable tell me immediately and we’ll transition to something else.”

  Next to the pile of rope, was a second sheet similar to the one covering the bed. He unfolded it and placed it on the floor beneath the hard point he had shown her and motioned for her to stand on it. He unfurled another piece of rope and attached it to the knot above her wrists. Then, he stood on a small stool and looped the other end through the ring that hung from the ceiling.

  “I’m not going to lift you all the way off the ground tonight, just partially. We can work up to a full suspension.” His soft voice flowed over her as she relaxed into his ropes. The line from her back to the ceiling allowed her to relax without fear of falling. Soon, he was kneeling and looping another piece of rope around her thigh. His fingers danced over her skin causing her to shudder as he stood. With the free end, he lifted her leg off the ground. She felt like she was going to fall but he spoke in a slow soothing tone encouraging her to relax and remember that the rope wasn’t going to let her.

  “You’re perfectly safe baby. Just relax.” Soon he had the rope around her thigh attached to the ceiling ring.

  “How does that feel, pet?”

  Darci smiled. “Good, Sir.”

  He grinned. “Good girl, now let’s have some fun.” He crossed the short distance to where lit candles sat on the nightstand and picked one up. Approaching her, he blew out the candle. The pungent scent of smoke filled her nostrils as he held the candle high above her breast and tilted the white pillar. The warm liquid dripped over her right breast and coated her nipple causing her to gasp. It didn’t burn, it was a nice warm temperature.

  He continued coating her breasts until the melted wax was depleted. Then he relit the candle with a lighter he had in his pocket and placed it back on the nightstand before picking up another. Soon, her breasts and belly were coated in the warm candle wax. It was so soothing.

  As the wax continued to drip over her skin, she relaxed deeper and deeper into the rope and her role as his submissive. A few moments later, he extinguished the candles one final time and poured the final pool of wax. As it cooled and tightened on her skin, he stood in front of her caressing her cheek.

  “I’m so proud of you gorgeous. Do you trust me?”

  There was no hesitation as she nodded and said, “Yes, Sir.”

  Bradley produced a pocketknife from his jeans and flicked it open. Her eyes grew wide.

  “Relax. Trust. Surrender,” he reminded her as he set the knife aside and untied her bindings. Once she was free, he helped her lay on the bed which was still covered in a protective sheet. Straddling her thighs, he picked up the knife again. Kni
ves were not something she had ever experienced before. Her heart was pounding.

  “Close your eyes,” he instructed. “I won’t even scratch you baby.” She took a deep breath and did as he asked.

  As her eyes drifted shut, she tensed as the cool steel blade touched her shoulder. It soon moved from her shoulder to the wax that was built up at the top of her breasts. It only took a second to realize what he was doing.

  The wax fell away as the knife slid across her body. As promised, it never even scratched her. After a few moments, she relaxed and soon enjoyed the sensation of the wax being removed from her chest and torso.

  “Good girl. Almost done. You have to be very still for this next part,” he said.

  A gasp left her as the blade rested just above her pubic bone, the last place wax had gathered.

  “Still, baby. I don’t want to cut one of my favorite bits of you.” She could almost hear the grin she knew was on his face.

  As the knife slid across her most sensitive area, her need returned with a vengeance. Darci had all but forgotten her desire for an orgasm as she focused on their exercise in trust, but the intense need was back now.

  As the last bits of wax fell from her skin, she moaned. Would he make her come now? Instead of burying himself in her like she wanted, he instructed her to stand so he could fold up the sheet to keep wax from going everywhere. It was prudent, but she was growing impatient again.

  Thankfully he was quick with his cleanup and was soon at her side. He fisted a hand into her hair and tugged gently, then he slid the other hand between her legs, and she groaned. This is what she had been waiting for.

  “Hungry, pet?” he asked, as he flicked a finger across her engorged clit.

  As the gentle flick sent shockwaves through her body, she managed to whimper a barely coherent, “yes, Sir,” and he growled in her ear.

  Soon he had her on the brink of orgasm and for a moment she thought he was going to deny her again. Instead, he whispered the words she had been waiting to hear for two days.


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