Wolf's Calling

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Wolf's Calling Page 11

by M H Soars

  “I’ll give you a cloaking spell, but you can’t go back there tonight.”

  I raise my head, a glim of hope dangling before my eyes. “Why not tonight?”

  “Because I said so. Trust me.”

  “With all due respect, Mrs. Redford, I can’t trust you completely. You lied to your granddaughter her entire life.”

  She winces at my words, almost making me feel guilty, but I stand by what I said. Red and I have not spoken about her grandmother’s betrayal, but it obviously hurt her deeply. And I can’t be sympathetic to anyone who hurts her.

  “She wasn’t ready to hear the truth. I know it sounds like a half-baked excuse, but it’s a fact.”

  “Do her parents know you’re a witch?”

  “My son does, but he doesn’t have the gift. Quite frankly, he never cared to learn more about his heritage. He couldn’t wait to get out of Crimson Hollow. As you can imagine, he was against the idea of Red moving back here to take care of me.”

  Since it seems I’m not going anywhere for the time being, and the lady won’t give me what I came for, I might as well get some answers. “Were you ever truly sick or was that a ploy to get Red to move to Crimson Hollow?”

  Mrs. Redford’s gaze becomes hard, her lips turning into nothing but a slash. “Watch your tone, Samuel Wolfe. I won’t tolerate disrespect in my house.”

  “It sounds to me like you’re evading the question. It’s a simple yes or no.”

  “It’s not so simple as you put it. Yes, I was diagnosed with cancer, but when Red moved here, I went into remission.”

  “Let me guess—you never told her about that. You let her believe you were still sick.”

  Guilt shines in her eyes before she nods. Anger bubbles up my throat, making my hands turn into fists. I want to break something. “You let Red worry about you all these years. How could you?”

  “I did what had to be done. Red had a strong attachment in Chicago. I take it she never mentioned Alex to you.”

  “Who the hell is Alex?” Jealousy spikes my heart, twisting into it viciously.

  “Alex Flint, her high school sweetheart. The end of their relationship left Red brokenhearted. Right after I received the news I was cancer free, Alex reached out. If I had told Red the truth, she would have returned to Chicago.”

  “To be with Alex,” I complete, the words bitter on my tongue.

  Mrs. Redford nods. “I couldn’t let that happen. I knew Red had a destiny to fulfil here in Crimson Hollow. So I lied, and now you’re mated to my granddaughter. So in a sense, you have me to thank for that.”

  I can’t fault her logic even though her methods were shady as fuck. She could have told Red the truth or at least part of it.

  “Now sit down and have tea with me. I need to recover my strength before I attempt another cloaking spell. Although, I don’t know if it will work. I usually have to be nearby.”

  “Don’t worry. I have something with me that will do the trick.”

  “Oh? What is it?”

  Tired of playing games, I pull the ring Nina gave me out and show it to Mrs. Redford. She takes it from my hand, inspecting it closely.

  “My, my, where did you get this?”

  “Doesn’t matter.” I offer my palm up, wanting the ring back. She drops it on my hand with the disapproving clicking sound of her tongue. A shrill coming from the stove announces the water is ready.

  I’m not a tea drinker, but tonight, I’ll indulge the old lady. While she pours steaming water into my cup, my mind returns to what she revealed, about Red and her ex. Is she still in love with him? She’s bonded to us, but does she love us? It’s hard to tell when the strength of the mating bond takes over everything. Despite that, I’m certain I’m falling in love with her. It’s almost a feeling apart from the magic that connects me to her. And knowing she loved another before us makes me crazy with jealousy.

  “What is it, Samuel. Cat caught your tongue?”

  “How involved was Red with this Alex?”

  “Ah, you’re still thinking about that, huh?”

  I shrug, trying to downplay my interest. “Red and I haven’t had much time to get to know one another.”

  “That’s true. Unfortunately, I can’t answer that question. You’ll have to ask Red.”

  I grumble, like I’m going to ever remind Red of her ex. Mrs. Redford drops a satchel of herbal tea in my mug, and the aroma fills my lungs. I can’t tell what flavor it is.

  “What is it?”

  “Just green tea.” She drops a satchel in her own mug before sipping tentatively.

  “How long until you can cast the spell?”

  “What’s the hurry? I already told you that you can’t go tonight.”

  The muscles around my jaw lock tight. I’m at the lady’s whim, and I don’t like it one bit. I have half a mind to just take off and deal with the sentries in Valerius’s territory. I have to see Red tonight.

  “It’s almost like you don’t care about your granddaughter’s well-being.”

  She cuts me a glare so powerful I almost cower in my seat. “I am thinking about Red’s safety. That’s why I don’t want you to invade Valerius’s territory looking for her tonight. Have you stopped to consider the repercussions if you’re caught together?”

  Damn the old lady. She knows exactly what to say to make me feel horrible. To hide the consternation on my face, I bring the cup of tea to my lips, taking a huge gulp that burns my tongue. The tea has a sharp tang to it, almost bitter, but despite that, it doesn’t taste like green tea.

  “Ugh, what the hell is this?” I stare at the contents as if it has done me great injury. In a sense, it did.

  “A special brew to calm the nerves.”

  I raise my gaze to the old lady, finding her staring at me almost expectantly. Then it hits me, the numbing sensation. My eyelids become heavy as tiredness takes hold of me.

  “What was in this tea, witch?”

  “Mint, ginger, and a pinch of Goodnight, Cinderella.”

  Ah fuck, Red’s grandmother drugged me. Son of a bitch.

  Chapter 21


  Talking to Red, even if mind to mind, helped relieve a little of the pain in my chest, but the unease still lingers there. She wants to play spy, find out what Valerius is planning, and it does make me proud, but at the same time, I hate she’s risking her life, that we aren’t there to protect her.

  Valerius is an unhinged motherfucker. The way he keeps his wolves submissive is unnatural. A quick glimpse at the assembly and I could tell the wolves present hate their alpha with an unwavering passion. So why don’t they revolt?

  I’m betting the reason is what Red wanted to tell me and couldn’t. I need to find a way to return. It’s against my nature to simply wait for her to discover something worthwhile while I sit on my ass.

  When I returned to the compound, I searched for my brothers. There’s still the matter about Seth they need to be made aware of. I couldn’t find either. Even casting out my senses, I couldn’t locate their essence, which told me they weren’t on the property.

  I search for Mom instead even though her words come back to haunt me. I’d promised we would be back to attend Dad’s funeral, but we broke that promise, just like she said we would. I head for the clinic at first, but an odd pull in the opposite direction makes me stop in my tracks. Curious, I follow the invisible thread that leads me to a smaller building next to the gymnasium where our wolves train. The door is unlocked. At this hour, it tells me someone is still in the building. When I push the door open and enter the grand hallway, I see illumination at the end of it, coming from the library.

  Realization comes to me now that I’m in close proximity with her. The odd pull I felt was my link to Mom. She’s the one burning the midnight oil in the small community library. I find her with gaze down on one thick book, reading and completely absorbed in her task. She doesn’t even glance my way when the door shuts behind me.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?” I
head her way.

  “Looking for answers.”

  I pull up a chair opposite hers. “Answers to what exactly?”

  She finally glances up, her eyes bloodshot and unbelievably sad. My chest becomes tight, and the thickness in my throat renders me silent for a moment.

  “I’m so sorry about tonight, Mom,” I say telepathically instead.

  This is a loaded apology. I’m sorry for missing Dad’s funeral, for not being able to see before it was too late that he was under the influence of a controlling chip, and also for fucking it up tonight at the showdown with Valerius. I didn’t try to talk to my brothers before we parted our separate ways. Didn’t tell Tristan about my suspicions of Seth and Lyria. My brief telepathic convo with Red left me reeling, feeling hollow and impotent.

  Mom seems to read all that in my eyes. Her gaze is understanding and forgiving when she reaches over and covers my hand with hers.

  “I know how much you loved your father, Dante. But the mating bond is the strongest link between wolves. You had to go after your mate.”

  “How was it?” I finally find my voice.

  “Sad, but also enlightening. I was able to tell exactly who I can count on, and who wants me gone.”

  “Let me guess. Seth and Lyria were among the disloyal scumbags?”

  Mom lets out a humorless laugh. “Seth tried to hide his true feelings, but Lyria didn’t even make that effort.”

  “Who else?” I spit out, anger turning my nails into claws.

  “A few other enforcers.” She shakes her head. “Nobody I can’t handle or best in a fight if push comes to shove. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “I have to worry, Mom. Seth and Lyria delivered Red to Valerius. I know it in my bones. We’re not dealing with honorable wolves here.”

  Mom turns her gaze to slits. “You don’t need to tell me that. I wasn’t born yesterday, son. I survived being a member of one the most ruthless witch’s covens for years before I turned into a shifter. I can handle a few backstabbers.”

  I open my mouth to protest, but Mom cuts me off. “Enough about pack politics. I found something that could be useful to you.”

  Mom slides an old leather tome with faded golden letters printed on the cover across the table. I can’t discern what it says.

  “What is it?”

  “The chronicles of Crimson Hollow’s founding members. Maybe you can find some of the names from the list Zeke Rogers left for us in it.”

  I take the book, opening to a random page. “I’ll have a look.”

  Mom tries to suppress a yawn, then closes the book she was reading when I came in. “I need to try to get some rest. You should, too, Dante.”

  We both rise at the same time, me with the chronicles tucked under my arm, and Mom with a handful of books in hers.

  “What are those books about?”

  “Witchcraft. It’s been a while since I dabbled with the gift.”

  Her admission gives me pause. I only ever saw Mom as a shifter who had a peculiar gift like mine. I kind of brushed aside the fact she was a witch before she made the change.

  “Do you think you’ll need to use your witch powers?”

  Her gaze turns more somber, if that’s even possible. “I don’t know, Dante. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared.”

  I walk with Mom back to the manor, then ask her if she wants me to stay, an offer she refuses. So I head to my studio, brooding about everything that has happened and everything that has yet to come. My last vision comes to the forefront of my mind. The original artwork remained at Brian’s place, but I have it memorized. Red is once again at the center of the picture. This time, leading the charge against a foul creature that can only be a demon of grand order. She’d appeared fierce in that image, a true warrior. It made me love her even more.

  That vision should have given me solace that Red will not perish at Valerius’s hands, but it doesn’t mean she won’t get hurt. I try not to think about what that brute is doing to her, where he’s keeping her. Before I know it, I’m pacing in my studio, pulling my hair in a maniac motion. I hate not being able to do anything.

  Out of sheer frustration, I kick the nearby table, sending everything on top flying to the floor, including the chronicles I brought home with me. I had set it there as soon as I entered my place. It drops at my feet, face down and opened in the middle.

  Since I have nothing to do and I’m going out my mind, I might as well do some research. I grab the book and the list of names before heading to the couch, eyeing the liquor cabinet as I go. I shake my head. No, I can’t get drunk tonight, I might miss something. Plopping my ass down on the sofa, I peruse the table of contents first before diving in. Nothing jumped out at me, so I’ll start from the beginning. It’s going to be a long night. Maybe I should make some coffee.

  It’s not until way past two in the morning that I reach the middle of the chronicle and a name jumps out at me. Robert E. Saint. It’s the second name on Zeke’s list. He was Crimson Hollow’s mayor from November 1876 until April 1878, when he died from a mysterious illness not mentioned in the book. He was the youngest man to ever be elected mayor, only thirty-one.

  There’s still one member of the Saint family living in Crimson Hollow, a man rumors say came from the past during the Thirteen Days of Chaos. Could he be related to Robert? More importantly, if the rumors are true, could he have lived during that same time?

  Maybe that’s why Zeke gave me this list, so I could trace back to Albert Saint. I read everything about the illustrious mayor, noting the date on the list is exactly what I suspected it was—the date of his death. Invigorated by my discovery, I ignore the fatigue and keep on reading. A couple of hours later, I reach the end of the book, not finding any of the other names in it. But if they were shifters, then they wouldn’t be recorded in the chronicles of the founders. It’s highly likely that, back then, supernaturals weren’t integrated with human society.

  Suppressing a yawn, I put the book aside, then let my head hit the pillows on the couch. Exhaustion has finally taken over, but it has not erased the worry. Red, please be safe.

  A loud knock on my door has me reeling. With a groan, I peel my eyes open, noting it’s still early in the morning by the way the light is hitting my living space.

  “Who is it?” I throw my legs to the side of the couch, wincing as a blinding headache flares on my forehead.

  “It’s Billy.”

  Springing to my feet despite my muscles’ protests, I shake out my body, knowing I shouldn’t have slept on that couch. With long strides, I reach the front door, opening it with a brusque movement. Bad idea. The morning light hits me square in the eyes. I have to use my arm to block it.

  “It’s damn early, kid. You’d better have a good reason to be here.”

  “Yes, I have information for you.”

  “Oh?” That piques my interest. I hope Billy has found proof his brother is a rat.

  I move out of the way, opening the door further. Billy enters, still wearing yesterday’s clothes.

  “What do you know?” I ask.

  He turns to me, his face solemn and hard. “There’s a demon roaming Valerius’s lands. Red is not safe there. We need to rescue her.”

  It takes a moment for my foggy brain to catch up with the omega’s words. I raise my hand, closing my eyes for a brief second. “Whoa, back up. I thought you had information about your brother.”

  “No, I haven’t seen Seth since he left the infirmary.”

  That I don’t like to hear. “What’s this nonsense about a demon in Shadow Creek?”

  Guilt flickers in the kid’s eyes before he lowers his gaze. “I went to Shadow Creek on my own last night. I didn’t know you’d be there.”

  “Why in the world would you do that? That was reckless and stupid. You could have been caught or worse—killed. What the hell, Billy?”

  Billy winces at my outburst, his shoulders sagging forward as he becomes smaller.

  “I just wanted to help.
And nothing happened to me. I even saved Nina’s life.”

  I raise my hand once more. “Slow down. What now?”

  “Nina Ogata was there. Sam hired her to gather intel on the Shadow Creek’s territory, find a way in without alerting the sentries.”

  Eyes on the ceiling, I curse. It was such a Sam thing to do, involving that freaking spy to help, a fox who can’t be trusted by anybody. She was shunned by her parents for crying out loud. I hope Sam hasn’t told her anything that she can turn around and sell to the highest bidder.

  “So, what are we going to do?” Billy asks.

  I arch an eyebrow. “We? We aren’t doing anything. I gave you a task, which is to find out what your brother is up to. My brothers and I will handle Valerius.”

  Billy tenses up, but he refrains from speaking back. Smart kid.

  “I’ll go look for Seth, but…you’re going to get Red out of Shadow Creek, right?”

  Placing my hands on my hips, I glare at him. He’s shedding his omega shell and turning into something more, maybe even a beta if he puts his mind to it.

  “Yes. We’re getting Red out of there.”

  I don’t know why I felt the need to answer him. I don’t owe the kid any explanation, but I can read the signs of rebellion. He already went rogue once and broke into Valerius’s territory. There’s nothing keeping him from doing it again, even with the promise of severe punishment. Maybe he knows I wouldn’t punish him for something that needs to be done.

  He takes his leave, and I turn around to change and grab last night’s literature from where I’d dropped it on the floor. It’s time I pay Albert Saint a visit.

  Chapter 22


  I couldn’t let Nadine go to sleep in the forest, not with that thing from nightmares roaming about. As soon as I managed to soothe her, we made a break back to my shack. Even behind closed doors, the poor teen couldn’t stop shaking. I told her to take the bed. Even if the mattress is a piece of shit, it’s better than sleeping on the floor. She didn’t want me to leave the room, so in the end, I laid down next to her and held tight. It took a while for her fragile body to stop trembling. In the end, I believe exhaustion took over and she finally relaxed in my arms.


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