Dirty Villains

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Dirty Villains Page 10

by Cheri Marie

  A long silence takes over the little house; the only sound was the waves hitting against the pier outside the open window. The silence was so loud; I needed her to somehow acknowledge that she heard everything that I just said.

  “James?” The look on her face as she said my name was on of questions.

  “I love you, Raven Darkholme. I have loved you for years but just realized how much when I saw you walking on the beach. I want you to be mine, not just tonight, not just this week. I want you to be mine… forever.”

  The tears were flowing from her golden eyes, leaving traces down her cheeks. I couldn’t take the not knowing, I needed her to tell me her thoughts, something!

  “Woman, please, say something. Tell me to go to hell, or to leave, something.” The tears were now forming in my own eyes, threatening to overflow. I don’t know if I could handle it if she told me to leave.

  “Something, James.” Raven stood on her tiptoes and placed another soft kiss on my lips.

  “Something?” What was that supposed to mean?

  “You told me to say something… so I did.” She smiled up at me with glint in her golden eyes.

  “Yes, I guess I did.” I pulled her close to me, wrapping my arms tightly around her body, just wanting to keep her with me.

  “I love you, James. Deep in my cold, broken heart, I’ve known this for years. I just couldn’t bear to have you reject me because of who I am.”

  “Oh, Rave, how foolish we both are.” I pull away and hold her out at arm’s length, looking her up and down, loving every bright blue inch of her. I finally rest my eyes back on her tear stained face.

  “Raven, we both have made so many mistakes in our lives. Let’s not make this a mistake, too. Please?”

  “What are you asking of me, James? I can’t not be who I am, just as you can’t not be who you are. How are we going to handle that?”

  “We handle it as best we can. If it comes to something that we know the other would have a problem with…” I look away for a moment, looking into the darkness of the ocean for an answer, shaking my head I continue, “…well, I guess, we just take it as it comes.”

  “I don’t want to be away from you, even for a day, James, but, I also don’t know if I can be the kind of girl you take home to meet the family, either.” She said this with a little laugh.

  “I’m okay with that. I don’t have any family for you to meet.” I smile down and pull her back into my arms.

  “I’m okay with that, too.” She said as she leans against me, resting her head against my chest. She seemed to relax into my arms, not fighting against them as she usually does. Is this a sign that she’s willing to try?

  “Mystique, will you do me the honors of being my mate?”

  “Wolverine, my love, I would be honored to call you my mate.”

  “So, be it. The full moon is witness to our union. I swear to you Raven Darkholme, that I will always protect you from the evils of this earth.”

  “Ah, but James Howlett…” She trailed with a chuckle, “… who is to protect you from me? I am one of the evils of this earth.”

  “I will worry about that, if the need ever arises.” I turn her chin up with my finger and kiss her hard, letting her know that I wasn’t worried in the least about it ever arising.

  Chapter Five

  What Now


  James and I stayed in bed most of that day until we finally decided we needed food. I didn’t have much of anything in the house but was able to scrounge up some fruit and cheese. I knew he was a meat eater but he would have to make do with what I had. We could always take the skiff boat across to the other island if we needed something more. For some odd reason I didn’t think his thoughts were on food as much as it was on us.

  As I walked out onto the back deck with my tray of cheese, sliced apples, and grapes, I notice that James was off in his own little world somewhere. I cleared my throat but didn’t get a reaction. He didn’t even notice when set the tray on the table beside him.

  “James?” Still no answer. What could be so important that he was lost so deep in thought? Maybe be was trying to think of a way to back out of everything we just promised each other. My heart began to beat so fast that it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

  “James!” This time he heard me. His body jumped at the sound of his name and he looked at me like he didn’t know me.

  “Rave. God, I’m sorry.” He apologized and rubbed his eyes, almost as if to wipe away the thoughts he had been thinking when I startled him back to reality.

  “Where were you?” I asked; not sure I really wanted an answer.

  “I really don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?”

  “No. I really don’t know. I felt like someone, or something, was calling to me and I was trying to find them.” He glanced at me with a meek expression I had never seen on him before.

  “Do you think someone needs your help?”

  “I’m not sure. This has happened a few times before, but, not quite this strong.” He looked at me again with that same meek expression. “Rave, I don’t want to leave, but…”

  “You have to.” I stated with a tone that left no misinterpretation of how let down I felt.

  “This is what I do, Love. You know that.”

  “Yes, I know. You go save helpless humans that can’t take care of their own useless lives.” Ugh. I should not have said that. The look on his face was enough to tell me that he didn’t care for my choice of words.

  “Mystique, you may not care for the human population, but I happen to care for all populations, human or not.” He stood up and started to the kitchen door.

  “Wolverine, if you leave me here alone to go look for someone, or something, that you have no idea who, or what, may be wrong…”

  “What? Go on. What?” He was baiting me.

  “Never mind. Just go.” I stood up and walked past him into the small house; barely brushing against him as I passed through the door.

  I didn’t get far when his large hand reached out and grabbed me by my upper arm, stopping me where I was.

  “I’ll be back, Rave, I promise. Just give me a day; if that.” His eyes were begging me to understand, but, I couldn’t. He would rather go help a race that condemned us mutants, then to stay with me; a woman, a mutant, that he professed to love just hours ago.

  “You go do what you feel you must. I will either be here, or I won’t.” I pulled my arm loose from his grip and walked into the bedroom where we had made love not so long ago.

  “Fuck!” The door slammed as he left. I could hear him as he walked down the pier and start the boat. I listened as the boat left the island. I listened until I could no longer hear the engine, then I cried.


  Watching the ocean waves coming in and going out while sitting on the back deck of the little house waiting for Raven to get us something to eat, I could feel as if someone, or something was calling to me. The sound of the waves put me in some kind of trance and I could hear in my mind the calling of my name. The problem being, the name they were calling wasn’t my given name, James, nor was it my mutant name, Wolverine. Instead, the name being summoned was Logan.

  Logan was a name I had used during a very painful time in my life. My wife, or rather, my late wife, had called me Logan. I couldn’t tell Raven that; I don’t think she would have understood. She knew I had been married once, as I knew she had been married. But, the fact remains that she and I had just spent hours making love and professing our love to one another, and now, a voice from my past was summoning me.

  I had to go and see who was trying to lure me away, and why. I hadn’t heard Raven call my name until she all but shouted it. I tried to tell her what was going on but, of course, she jumped to the wrong conclusion, once again, and I let her think whatever it was she was thinking, so that I could leave. I hope to God that she’ll still be there when I return. I can’t bear to lose her, especially over a love fr
om the past that can never be had.

  I maneuvered the little skiff boat around the edge of the island and out into the open water. I don’t know where I’m headed, all I know is that I’m following my instincts and I honestly don’t like where my instincts are taking me.

  My thoughts drift back to just a few hours ago. Raven was beneath me, her long legs wrapped around my hips as I thrust into her, causing her to moan with pleasure. I could feel her heart beating so strong and fast, it kept tempo with my own heart-beat. We were in sync with each other, and I had never had that with another woman, except for one. But, she’s gone, and someone is trying to use her memory to fuck with me. Or maybe it wasn’t me they were trying to fuck with… Goddammit!

  I turn the boat around and head back to the little island I just left and back to Raven. I hope to God that I get there in time.


  I must have fallen asleep because it was just starting to get dark out. I got up and walked around the small house, touching places where James and I had made love; remembering the way he lovingly and gently caressed me with his blades. I shivered a little from the remembered pleasure and, shaking my head, I walked into the kitchen for a glass of water and some of the grapes I had left out from earlier.

  I could hear footsteps out on the pier and my heart skipped a beat; he had come back for me. Wait, those aren’t James’s footsteps. There was more than one person out there; by the sounds of it, there were at least four men, four large men.

  I quietly moved to the bedroom window and stood to the side, just leaning enough to peer out into the darkness. I could sense four figures moving to surround my small house. Were they here for me or for James?

  Relying on my mutant qualities, I changed my appearance to that of a man. Maybe these goons would go on about there merry way if they didn’t find a woman in here, alone.

  I pulled on some jeans and walked out onto the back deck, sat down at the small table and waited. It didn’t take long for the large goon to make his way up the path. He was dressed in all black and had a hat pulled low over his brow.

  “Can I help you?” I said in a low baritone voice.

  “Are you here alone?” The goon asked, looking around behind me.

  “Why do you need to know? Who ya lookin for?” I stood up and faced the goon squarely.

  “Listen dude, I’m looking for a chick. She was supposed to meet me here.” The goon was still looking around behind me as if he expected to see into the dark house.

  “No chicks here, man. I’m here to get away from all that bullshit.”

  “I hear that.” He walked over to the corner of the deck and looked around behind the house.

  “Dude, really, you’re welcome to walk inside and check for yourself if you don’t believe me.” I waved towards the back door.

  “It’s not that I don’t believe you…” The man walked toward me.

  I moved to the side to let him know it was fine for him to walk inside.

  “I just have to make sure… you know… to ease my mind.” The goon walked through the back door and I followed behind him.

  He peered into the small kitchen, around the living room, opened the door to the bathroom, and then walked into the bedroom. It was there that I walked up behind him and grabbed him, my hands on either side of his head, and whispered in his ear.

  “Make sure who and what you’re looking for before you turn your back on someone.” He didn’t have time to answer before I snapped his sweat covered neck.


  How could I be so stupid? I should have known that the summoning I was hearing wasn’t real. There’s no way that my late wife could have been calling me. God, I hope Raven is safe. When I left her, she wasn’t in the best of moods and she could have let her guard down.

  I could smell sweat and human scent on the air. I turned the motor off before I got close enough for anyone to hear me. I got out of the small skiff and swam the rest of the way to the pier. I could tell that there were at least three men waiting outside the house. Why were they just waiting there? Someone one must be in the house with Raven.

  I silently made my way to the nearest man. He was leaning up against one of the posts that was part of the foundation of the small island house. He was lighting a cigarette; apparently, he wasn’t told he was here to capture, or maybe eliminate, a mutant. The slender man was dressed all in black with a beanie on his head. He had blacked out his face with mud, or some other substance, but, he couldn’t hide his offensive odor. To mutants, the smell of a human was not one that we particularly found inviting.

  The man was inhaling his menthol stick when he felt my blades enter his lungs on both sides. He didn’t have time to exhale before I let his body fall quietly to the ground. Now, on to the next. He wasn’t hard to find. Who sent these morons anyway?

  I made my way to the other side of the small house, almost diagonal from where I just skewered the slender smoker. I stopped for just a second to set my sights on the third man. He was slowly making his way up the path towards the back deck. I had to move quickly so I could get to him before he got inside.

  Reaching the second man, I didn’t wait for him to turn or make a move, I just rammed my blades under his ribs and ended him quickly. He was a little heavier than the slender man, but I quickly lowered him to the ground.

  I could hear movement in the house and I didn’t want to think that Raven may be in danger. I knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself, but, four men was a little more than I wanted her to have to take on by herself.

  I moved silently and quickly up the path behind the third man. He had just stepped on to the back deck when I reached him. I wasn’t going to drop this one, not yet. I wanted to know who sent him, and who he was sent after. I was right behind him when he realized, a little too late, that I had my blades against his side, ready to puncture, if need be. My other blades were directly against his jugular.

  “Don’t make a sound. Not even a whimper. Do you understand?” I whispered low into his ear.

  The third man nodded his head yes while piss was running down his pants leg and leaving a wet spot at his feet on the deck.

  “Seriously?” I said under my breath as I moved him slowly into the house.

  I waited for a moment, listening for any sounds of movement. I heard nothing, but I could smell Raven. I could hear her heartbeat. She must have taken care of the fourth man because I couldn’t detect his heartbeat, only his stench.

  “Rave?” I shouted.

  “Rave, it’s James. You’re safe.”

  “Of course, I’m safe. Surely you wouldn’t think otherwise.” She came from the darkened bedroom, dressed only in a pair of jeans.

  “I’m not even going to ask.” I stated when she noticed I was looking at her strangely.

  “I was a man for a short time. I didn’t want them to think that a helpless female was here all alone with no man to protect her.” This she said with sarcasm. A sarcasm that wasn’t wasted on my heart.

  “We’ll get to that in a bit, my love. First, we’re going to ask this fine gentleman here a few questions.” I moved the man with the pissed pants over to the chair in the kitchen and gestured, not too kindly, for him to sit.

  “Now, Mr. Pissy Pants, who sent you here?” I placed one of my blades tightly against his neck, letting him know, with no uncertainty, that I was willing to slice his throat without any second thoughts.

  “I don’t know who sent us.” The man started to cry as I drew the first drops of blood from his skin.

  “I swear, I swear! If I knew, I’d tell you!”

  “Okay, if you don’t know who sent you, then tell me who they sent you after.” My voice was stern, and he knew he’d better have an answer for me. His gaze went to Raven and my question was answered.

  “Her. We were sent after the woman.”

  “Why?” Raven asked Mr. Pissy Pants.

  “All I know is that we were sent to bring you back to the mainland, to some college.
I don’t know the rest. I swear lady. You killed the man that had all the answers.” The scared man nodded his head to the dead goon on the bedroom floor.

  “Kill him.” Raven looked at me and nodded her head to the man in the chair, then walked out the kitchen door to the back deck.

  “No! Pleeee…!” That’s all the man got out before my blade sliced his neck, removing his head from his body.

  Chapter Six

  Moving On


  As soon as the man said college I knew who sent him. I should have killed the bastard years ago when I had the chance. He had assassinated Senator Kelly at a rally and swore he would get me if it took him until his last breath. Well, he just earned his wish.

  “Raven?” James came out of the kitchen door, wiping his blades clean with a now bloodstained towel.

  “Why did you leave me here?” That was the only question I wanted answered. I needed to know why he left me.

  “Raven, I don’t know how to answer that.”

  “Well, the easiest way would be just to answer the damned question.” I couldn’t stop the sarcasm. He had hurt me, and I wanted him to know it.

  “Sit, and I’ll try.” He motioned to one of the seats at the small table on the deck.

  “You can have the pissy chair.” I moved across to the other chair and waited for him to answer my question.

  James moved to kneel in front of me. He had already cleaned and retracted his blades and was now taking my hands in his.

  “You know that sometimes I can tell when I’m needed. I hear a voice in my head that says my name, and, most of the time, I can tell who it is that needs me.”


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