Dirty Villains

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Dirty Villains Page 22

by Cheri Marie

  “I do want to see this, and then I will keep quiet,” Austin replied while reaching for Rainkor’s bra.

  Backing away, Rainkor put her shirt back on and lifted her jeans to a comfortable height before butting them again. “Here’s the thing Austin. You’ve grown into an entitled man, and I don’t really know you anymore. And that’s fine, because you’re not a person I would want to know. You physically hurt women, and now you’ll have a scar to remind you not to do it again. Obviously, I found out before, so trust me, I will come back and drive my knife all the way through to your backside if I even sense you’re thinking about doing it again.”

  Austin offered no reply as Rainkor turned and walked out of the room.

  During her walk home, Rainkor asked out loud, “Was that all me Ross?”

  “Yes,” was his simple reply.

  “I thought so. It felt really good!” Rainkor smiled as she spoke.

  Waking early the next morning, Rainkor decided to try something she had never done before. After picking out a pair of sweatpants and matching t-shirt, she laced up her tennis shoes and walked through the door quietly, so she wouldn’t wake her mom, knowing her dad had recently left for work.

  “Do you see how much more freedom you have when you behave in the expected manner? You resisted that officer and his lies, and that made me feel like a proud father” Ross spoke unexpectedly.

  “I suppose,” Rainkor answered quickly.

  “Just keep it up, and we will do great things together. Do not listen to anyone who wants to come between us. Understand?” Ross explained.

  “Understood,” Rainkor replied.

  Breathing in the cool morning air, Rainkor stretched before beginning her intended run.

  Before getting too far down her street, she heard a car pull up behind her. “I’ll bet that’s you, Officer Thomas. Are you stalking me?” Rainkor spoke loudly.

  Shutting his car door before speaking, Officer Thomas asked, “Can you please stop running Rainkor? I really would like to help you. I can give you a few basics right now to get you started. I know you’re going to have to learn in very small doses. Whatever you call him is going to try to stop you at every turn. But you will get stronger and better, and you will be in control someday.”

  Suddenly, Rainkor’s head hurt as though a small animal was inside trying to claw its way out. Almost instantly, she fell to the ground and rolled into a fetal position. Tears formed in her eyes and she began sobbing out loud.

  Officer Thomas didn’t hesitate as he picked up Rainkor and placed her in the back seat of his car. “I’m sorry. It’s not fair you’re going through this. But remember, you are stronger than you think. This is the key. You’ve been told since you were born that you are weak and in need of his help. You learned to give him the power. Take it back Rainkor. Fight through this. Fight him!”

  “Take me home! He’ll make me hurt you!” Rainkor pleaded in between attempts to catch her breath.

  Moments later, Rainkor’s mom opened the door to find Officer Thomas holding Rainkor in his arms. “What happened? She looks awful! Shouldn’t you be taking her to the hospital?!” Stacey panicked.

  “Where’s her room so I can lay her down. She doesn’t need a hospital. They wouldn’t know what to do with her,” Officer Thomas answered.

  “What do you mean?! Look at the pain she’s in! If you don’t help her, I’ll call an ambulance!” Stacey yelled as confused tears rolled down her face.

  Grabbing her hands, Officer Thomas looked into Stacey’s eyes until he had her attention. “Rainkor isn’t sick. She is in pain, but not because something is wrong with her body,” he spoke slowly hoping to get her attention.

  “It’s because of what’s inside her, isn’t it? Oh my god, what have I done to my baby?!” Stacey fell to her knees and held her hands over her face.

  “What do you mean, Stacey?” Officer Thomas questioned.

  “I did this to my baby because I couldn’t handle the pain myself. That thing was in me, and he threatened me during my entire pregnancy. I thought Rainkor and I were both going to die, so he made a deal with me,” Stacey still hadn’t taken her hands away from her face.

  “You put that thing in your own child?!” Officer Thomas yelled with anger seeping from his voice.

  “He promised me he would protect her and make her strong. He only weakened me because I wasn’t right for him. He told me every day, and I believed him. I finally started becoming who I was meant to be the moment he left me,” Stacey looked up and toward her daughter as she spoke.

  “You have to take it back. You can’t do this to your child any longer, Stacey. I can teach you how to become strong. I’ll do it now, before you take him back. That way he can’t hurt you. Please Stacey, he may kill your daughter if you leave him there, but I can help you both!” Officer Thomas spoke gently as he pleaded.

  “How do you know about these things? Why do you think you can help?” Stacey became agitated.

  “I use mine to my advantage. It took a long time, and I’m not going to lie about that. But the longer you wait to learn, the more damage that thing is going to do to Rainkor,” Officer Thomas replied.

  Stacey stood and walked to her daughter’s bed. Watching Rainkor’s body twitch and writhe in pain, she turned to Officer Thomas, “Alright, let’s do this. Teach me, and I’ll take it back. Hopefully he’ll come. I can’t hurt my baby any longer. How am I going to explain this to my husband when he comes home from work? There’s so much to do all of a sudden, and I’m scared!”

  “You’re not alone. Does your husband know anything about what’s happened so far?” Officer Thomas inquired.

  “Nothing,” Stacey cried.

  “Then that is what you will tell him.” Officer Thomas answered quickly.

  Officer Thomas left for a short time before promising to return as soon as possible. An hour later, he returned in his street clothes. Stacey answered the door, but then rushed back to her daughter’s bedside.

  “How is she?” he inquired.

  “I think she’s shut down. It’s the best thing for her now,” Stacey said crying.

  “Well, let’s go learn how to house a demon,” Officer Thomas said matter-of-factly.

  “Demon?” Stacey questioned in shock.

  “Close enough,” Officer Thomas replied.

  For the next few hours, Officer Thomas told Stacey every secret he had to control the thing inside his head. He let her know everything was trial and error, but the secret was to always tell yourself you are in control, and that could never be relinquished.

  “I’m scared I’m going to fail,” Stacey avoided looking at Officer Thomas. “I appreciate your help. I never should have put Rainkor through this all these years, and I will never get over the guilt I feel from that.”

  “Then you have already lost. You did the best you could at the time, and now you’re going to do better. Be strong and believe you are stronger than anything else,” Officer Thomas spoke seriously as he placed his hands on Stacey’s shoulders.

  She gave him a quick hug before both headed down the hall into Rainkor’s bedroom. Looking down, they both observed her still moving in hardened, painful tics. Although her eyes were closed, tears still dripped slowly from them and fell onto sweat soaked clothes.

  Without hesitation, Stacey yelled out the name she used to call out to the voice in her head, “Seth! It’s time to come home! You are done with my daughter, now return to me!” Although Stacey’s voice slightly shook, she stood upright with her shoulders back and her face focused on her daughter.

  After a moment, Rainkor slowly sat up and turned her head in Stacey’s direction. “I will do as I please, not as I’m told.” Rainkor’s mouth moved, but a deep male voice came from deep inside.

  “Now Seth! You have weakened her, and I am strong. I was strong without you and am now a more viable specimen for you. Leave my daughter immediately! Return to me now!” Stacey’s voice screamed her words.

  “I am growing bored
with the girl’s insolence, and I had many years invested in you. This arrangement may make sense,” the voice continued to come from Rainkor. “Fall asleep Stacey and let your mind wander. I may check to see how safe it is to enter.”

  Stacey crawled to the other side of Rainkor’s bed and laid down next to her daughter. Moving to her side, she wrapped her arm around her offering the only protection she could at the moment. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.

  Officer Thomas sat waiting for the next hour, never taking his eyes off Rainkor and Stacey. Rainkor was the first to wake up, at first by stretching for aching muscles.

  “Rainkor?! How do you feel? Do you hear any voices?” Officer Thomas demanded to know.

  “No, I don’t think so. I’m sure he’ll talk soon enough though. What happened? Why does everything hurt so badly?” Rainkor looked around confused and frightened. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

  “It’s just me and Seth,” Stacey tried to smile when Rainkor turned her head to face her mom.

  “Who’s Seth?” Rainkor questioned.

  “You’ll understand soon enough, my beautiful daughter,” Stacey smiled as she wiped away a section of hair from Rainkor’s face.

  Six months later, Rainkor walked down the block toward her tiny New York apartment. She hadn’t realized she had been caged her entire life until she had been set free. Her parents were still in the same town, along with Officer Thomas. Although she was grateful her mom had taken Ross from her, she still gripped hard to the resentment of having to live with him for so long. She called her mom daily to check in and was always excited to hear she was proving to be stronger than ever before and remained in control of Seth. She also spoke to Officer Thomas every week to ensure he was still being a cheerleader for her mom.

  New thoughts often invaded Rainkor’s free mind, and one of them never seemed to leave. She knew how it felt to have something like Ross in her head, and she knew they couldn’t be killed, at least not yet. She wondered how many people were infected and how many more of those things were lingering around waiting for a host. Rainkor had never felt stronger or more in control of her life, and she had decided she was going to be the one to heal her mom and anyone else who needed her help. She knew her meaning and purpose, and she was ready to fight.

  Aqua Pura

  Lindsey Taylor


  It took her many years to figure out how much power she possessed. She knew growing up that her life was different. Her great-grandfather broke free from a hierarchy that he deemed unfit for his regime. He was the first to start the human trafficking in underwater chambers. It was the first of its kind and brought humans into the sea. In the land of Plashinque, where Octopi ruled. Far from the merpeople, sharks, and other water life, the water chambers brought revenue to the sea that helped the octopi prosper, and instilled a fear of the sea for all. Since his rule, there has been none more powerful than them. Princess Ursula, was oblivious to this strength. Once she learned who she was in the scheme of things, life in Plashinque became more evil and more powerful.

  Princess Ursula was beautiful, her sea-green eyes were encased in winged eyeliner, her lips were plump, glossy and red, her cheeks blushed. Her body was buxom, she was curvy and sturdy. She was strong-willed and knew who she was and knew who she wanted to be. Her slaves, patrons and lovers were in awe of her beauty, but were terrified of her reign. For them, they didn’t know what was in store for them, in their worst nightmares, they wouldn’t realize the evil that lay behind those eyes or that silky silvery-white hair or the large breasts that shielded her heart. Her blue skin glowed with power that would be the end-all to her kingdom. She looked like a sparkling diamond, but the evil inside her shone brighter than the most complex and beautiful gem. They would soon learn that Princess Ursula would be the evil queen that they only read about in stories.

  She was seventeen when her great-grandfather was on his deathbed. He was surrounded by all the Octopi in Plashinque, if they didn’t believe in his reign they never told him or let their feelings be known in their city or surrounding areas where news or gossip could travel. He had respect even if that respect came in the form of fear and loathing. He built his empire with a heavy rod and spared no being no matter how they begged and pleaded. He was ruthless and gave all of his Octopi the same treatment except for his favorite great-granddaughter Ursula. He put her on a pedestal and praised her daily. Even on his deathbed he made sure she knew how special she was.

  “Everyone out,” his voice boomed even through his illness.

  The sound rippled through the water. Everyone scattered and scurried out of his room.

  “Everyone except my sweet Ursula,” as he said her name his voice softened, and he said ‘sweet Ursula’ as if it was her full name.

  A glimmer of pride splashed across her face. She knew she was the favorite and the heir to her great-grandfather’s empire. She has been conditioned and trained since birth. He made sure she saw the in’s and out’s of running the chamber and how to traffic humans from above sea level to the bottom of the seabed. She saw the sexual acts that were performed by the humans with other sea life, she saw the slavery that the humans were forced to do with the sea life. She knew that for coins a family could purchase a human for their own ornament to do with what they willed. She saw the devastation that followed sea life that fell in love with humans or vice versa, and she knew the fear that the Octopi and other sea life had for her great-grandfather.

  With all that he showed her, he even kept a diary of his role and how she should rule the kingdom once he left this world. This diary contained the most important secrets of running Plashinque, it had critical information that would help aid the next leader. Many wanted this diary and to them it was a mystery. No one was for sure if it existed or not, but other beings and creatures looked for this diary just in case it was real. The magic inside would create a world that gave endless power and an abundance of wealth and knowledge, if the diary got into the wrong hands, it could go awry quickly.

  Death was expected and embraced in the Octopi community. They believed the God of Sand took their tentacles and planted more divine Octopi to rule the underworld. Ursula heard all of the stories from her great-grandfather and grandfather. They lavished all of the knowledge of the Plashinque people onto her since birth. She remembered floating around the seafloor and seeing fire underwater, crystal balls showing her humans on shore, and the mirror to all of the underwater world. The power she saw radiating off of those in her family that ruled before her was intoxicating. It was hard for Ursula to not take all of that power to the head. She knew that she would be in charge of all of that magic once her great-grandfather died.

  “Ursula, you will be Queen soon, are you ready for the responsibility?” He asked in almost a whisper.

  “Yes, great-grandfather, I think I am. Do you think I am ready for it?” she asked sheepishly. It was unlike her to be nervous, but this conversation seemed so real and so final. She was scared to lose someone so important to her, even if she knew that the Sand God would accept him into the afterlife.

  “Ursula, you are rightly the Queen. Why do you think I am surpassing my son and grandson for the role of royalty in this family? You were born for this role,” he told her.

  He coughed and gasped a little, then he continued.

  “When you were first born, I saw your future in the burning fires on the seabed. I saw how ruthless you were and how you ruled with an iron fist. Plashinque needs that rule. For this city to transpire you need to be the one to run it. You will reign supreme here and everywhere,” he told her.

  “Great-grandfather, what if I fail?” she asked in a way that made her seem as if she was just pursuing him for compliments. She knew better than her failing. She felt stronger the weaker he became and she knew the answer to this question already, but to appease her family she dumbed herself down for the sake of them feeling needed.

  “You won’t,” his voice boomed.

sp; Ursula startled a little bit, but knew it was just the element of surprise. She didn’t scare easily or at all.

  “You. Were. Born. For. This!” he said in a way that outlined his seriousness. He was almost testing her, with this sentence he wanted her to deny his words, he would rise from his deathbed to teach her to talk back to her elders.

  “Great-grandfather, I will not fail. I know this. I didn’t mean to question you. Please do not get yourself worked up, you need rest. I will rule this world with all of my might. No being will question who their queen is, and this iron fist you speak of, is the rule I plan on implementing. You will not be sorry in your afterlife of how I become leader to Plashinque,” she told him as if he was an audience and this was her big debut.

  She wiped her great-grandfather’s face with the back of her hand and if to whisk away feathers from his cheek. His eyes closed and he filled with love and appreciation for her strength. He knew his choice was the right one, he knew the fear she would bestow upon people and he knew his life would carry on through her. He worked hard throughout his life to build Plashinque to be one of the largest human trading posts in the world, underwater and above. He had to win no matter the outcome, he wanted nothing but power and that is what he had. He felt in his tired body that Ursula would be the Queen to keep the trade going.


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