Obsessed With Her Curves

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Obsessed With Her Curves Page 2

by Hope Paris

  I glance at Mom, who is also staring at Leah like she’s a savior. We have tried to tell her to stop so many times, but Claire just doesn’t listen. The rules didn’t seem to apply. From the look of it, Leah is standing firm.

  Claire growls and snatches her cell phone back, shoving it into her pocket.

  “I’m going out. This place isn’t so awesome anymore.”

  She storms over to the door. I sigh. My sister is not doing herself any favors.

  “The moving van should be here in a moment with your belongings, Ms. Page.” Leah puts the folder on the coffee table. “Do you want me to go downstairs and show them up?”

  “No, I’ll go. I need something to do.” Mom pauses. “And thank you, Leah.”

  She turns and leaves the apartment, leaving me alone with Leah. Our personal assistant’s self-assured expression turns a little worried.

  “I didn’t speak out of turn with your sister, did I?”

  I smile.

  “No, go for it. She needs to realize that she can’t keep behaving like that.”

  “That’s another reason I’m here. To keep an eye on Claire.” Leah shakes her head. “Mr. Ford’s worried that she’ll do something stupid.”

  “Too late for that.” I grimace, flexing my hand. My fingers are hurting from bending the wrong way when I hit the railing. Nothing seems to be broken, but it’s very sore.

  Leah grunts.

  “I can tell. Also, Mr. Ford said he wanted to see you at the office as soon as possible. He doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  “I do know that much.” I glance at my watch. With the current traffic, it will take me less than twenty minutes to get to the office. “Will you look after Mom while I’m gone?”

  “Of course.” Leah smiles. “Everything’s under control here.”

  I can’t remember the last time anything was under control in our life.


  I glance at the clock for the tenth time in fifteen minutes. I need to stop being so impatient. Leah has texted me that Melanie is on her way over. She won’t be long.

  I wanted to be at the apartment to show Melanie and her family around, but the paperwork wasn’t going to get sorted on its own. Besides, I have a feeling that Claire would say something and upset everyone. Or try and flirt with me. Even in cuffs, the teenager had flirted with me when I caught her trying to steal. It was unnerving. Claire is the type of person to keep well away from.

  Melanie and her mother have the patience of several saints to put up with that brat.

  I focus on the document up on my computer. My eyes are hurting from staring at the screen. Maybe I need to get myself checked and get some glasses. No. I don’t need glasses. I’m just worn out. That’s it. No glasses needed.

  Why does that feel like I’m trying to convince myself?

  There is a knock at the door. I barely look up as I type away at my laptop.

  “Come in.”

  The door opens and closes. I still don’t look around. Then I hear Melanie’s soft voice.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  I look up at Melanie. And then I do a double-take. What the...?

  Melanie stands before me with a black eye and a long slim bruise across her cheek, her cheek swollen. She has makeup on, but it’s doing nothing to hide the bruises. There is another bruise on her chin and a fourth on her forehead, all down one side. And she’s standing awkwardly, putting her weight on her left foot.

  “Good God, Melanie.” I jump to my feet and come around my desk. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  “What?” Melanie touches her face and I see her bite back a wince before she shrugs, also with a grimace. “It’s nothing.”

  “Nothing?” I step up to her and gently grasp her chin. “You call this nothing?”

  “I . . .” Melanie blinks, and I see tears in her eyes. “I thought the makeup would hide it.”

  “You can’t hide something like this.” I’m shocked that she’s close to tears. “What happened to you?”

  Melanie opens her mouth, and then closes it. Then she lets out a little sob, closing her eyes and bowing her head. Her shoulders begin to shake. My anger disappears as quickly as it had come, and I take her into my arms, stroking her hair as she wraps her arms around my waist.

  “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

  We stay like this for a moment longer. To my surprise, I realize that we’ve been intimate twice already and yet I haven’t held her like this. This feels more intimate than actually being buried inside her. It’s something I haven’t experienced in a very long time.

  Melanie leans into me, her head on my chest. Then she takes a deep breath and straightens up, easing herself out of my arms.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to break down.” She wipes her eyes with her sleeve. “I must have messed up my makeup.”

  “You look fine.” You look beautiful. I fumble for my handkerchief and hand it to her. “And you don’t have to apologize to me.”

  “I didn’t come here to cry on your shoulder,” Melanie mumbles, dabbing at her eyes.

  I touch her cheek and urge her to look up at me. I give her a smile.

  “You can do whatever you want with me. I’m not going to tell.” I kiss her forehead, hearing her sharp intake of breath. “Now, talk to me. What happened?”

  Melanie takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out.

  “After we . . . after the cafe . . .” Her face goes red. “I went to talk to Claire. She tends to go onto the roof of the apartment building to smoke. We ended up arguing, and Claire . . . ” She’s now shaking. “She tried to push me off the roof.”

  “She what?”

  I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. Claire tried to kill her own sister? Melanie wraps her arms around her middle and winces.

  “I fell onto the fire escape, landed on the steps. Twisted my ankle, smashed my face into the railing and bruised my ribs. I also bent my fingers back when I landed.” She flexes her hand and looks miserable. “Nothing’s broken, just very sore.”

  It sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than she’s trying to convince me. I take a deep breath and slowly count to ten.

  “Did you go to the hospital?”

  “No.” Melanie bites her lip. “I wanted to but Mom said we couldn’t afford it. Even after I told her we would be able to, she was scared that Claire would be arrested.”

  “She should be fucking arrested!” I shout. “She tried to kill you!”

  “And Mom begged me not to say anything, that it was an accident. I don’t want to upset her. Claire’s put her through enough already.”

  I’m beginning to wonder what it’s going to take for Victoria Page to get a reality check about her daughter. Claire is going to kill someone one day. I push my anger aside.

  “As soon as we’re done here, I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  “What?” Melanie’s eyes widen. “No!”

  “Why not? You’re clearly hurt and we have to make sure you don’t have any internal injuries.”

  “It’s just bumps and bruises,” Melanie protests.

  “And you could have died.” The thought sends chills down my spine. I push aside a harrowing image. “I can afford it. And we’re going. For my peace of mind. Okay?”

  Melanie looks like she’s about to argue with me. But I can see the defeat in her eyes and she soon slumps, her eyes downcast.

  “Okay. Just don’t punish Claire.”

  “Don’t punish her? Why wouldn’t I want her arrested for what she did?”

  “Because . . .” Melanie closes her eyes and shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter.”

  I don’t know whether to shake her or kiss her. Instead, I rest my forehead against hers and sigh.

  “Look, Mel, I know she’s your sister, but she’s done too much to you already. You need to put your foot down or she’s going to walk all over you.”

  “I know. I’m just so tired of her.”

  “I know yo
u are.” I press a kiss to her head and step back. “But you’re going to have to stop being so tired right now. We’ve got a meeting with one of the VPs in ten minutes. I thought you were going to be late.”

  “A meeting?” Melanie blinks, and I watch as she sheds her vulnerable look and stands up straight, lifting her chin with a cool expression. Good girl. “I take it you want me to take notes?”

  “I do.” I head back to my desk and open the bottom drawer. “But I also have something for you to wear.”

  “You don’t like what I’ve got on?”

  I cast an eye over her attire. A black skirt that stops at the knee, flowing as it follows the line of her leg, coupled with a simple red blouse that hugs her curves. She looks incredible, especially with the heels she’s paired with the outfit. Melanie knows how to look like she’s on the catwalk. My cock twitches at the thought of getting those clothes off her.

  Down. Do that later.

  “You know I love what you’ve got on, but I’ve got something else for you.” I retrieve the paper bag and beckon her over. “To wear instead of something else.”

  Melanie frowns, but she approaches me and takes the bag, her fingers brushing against mine. She opens it and she looks confused.

  “Panties?” She reaches in and takes out the red thong. Then she gasps. “Oh, God. Vibrating panties?”

  “Have you ever worn them before?”

  “No, I . . .” Melanie’s face goes red. “I’ve never owned a . . . well, a sex toy. Not when I have a nosy sister.”

  She has never owned a sex toy. I bite back a groan. The image of Melanie lying on my bed with a dildo inserted inside her while she plays with herself is almost too much for me. My cock is certainly keen on seeing that. I swallow and gesture towards my private bathroom.

  “Go and put them on. We haven’t got long.”

  Melanie hesitates, but then she goes into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Moments later, I hear her flicking the lock. Probably a good thing. If she left it unlocked, we’d be late to the meeting. I rub my hand over my erection and try to think of something that isn’t Melanie putting on vibrating panties. It doesn’t work.

  I pick up my cell phone and open up the app I’d downloaded for the occasion. I’d picked this device specifically because of its smartphone compatibility. I press the button that flashes up, and I hear a gasp and then a slight moan.

  This was certainly going to liven up the meeting.


  I can’t believe that I’m doing this. I’m sitting in a meeting with one of the vice presidents droning on and on like a damn fax machine and I’m wearing vibrating panties. I’m very aware of what is pressed up against my clit. Jason has been turning them on for just a moment every so often, sending a charge through my body. I can feel my orgasm building throughout the meeting, and it’s difficult to stop myself from begging Jason for more. Instead, I grit my teeth and try to focus on my note-taking. Luckily, it’s just us and the VP, and he doesn’t seem to have noticed that I’m in a state of permanent arousal.

  But every time I think I have myself under control, Jason turns the panties on and I lose hold for just a moment. I glare across the table at him, but he simply leers at me. Why did I agree to do this? I should have just said no, but I find it very hard to say no to Jason. He’s just too . . . addictive.

  Chocolate is addictive. Jason is something else entirely.

  It’s an hour of sitting there listening to a very boring man—an hour of Jason catching me off-guard by turning the panties on. My clit is throbbing so much, desperate to give me release. I am so close to coming, and yet I can’t. Jason seems to know how close I am before he eases back and I’m left teetering on the edge. Then he starts again when he knows I’ve climbed down again.

  I’m sick of climbing down over and over. I need a release, and Jason won’t give that to me.

  He is so dead.

  Somehow, we get through the meeting.

  Jason shakes hands with the vice president, who looks very pleased with himself. Giving me a nod, the man saunters out. Then Jason comes around the table and stands over me with a shit-eating grin.

  “That was certainly a lot more entertaining.”

  “You bastard,” I hiss. “I was so close so many times, and you kept stopping.”

  “You wanted to cum during a meeting? Make that man think he was turning you on?”

  I feel my face getting warm. I manage to get to my feet, scowling at him.

  “You are a bastard.”

  “I know,” he winks. “Go on back to my office. I’ll get us some coffee, and then I’m taking you to get checked over.”

  “But . . .”

  “Don’t argue. Go.”

  I can’t argue with him on that point. But I know that I need to get back at him. I head to his office, bumping into Rebecca on the way. Rebecca gasps and stops as she knocks my shoulder.

  “Oh, goodness, I’m sorry.” Then she stares at my face. “What happened, Melanie? You look like you’ve been in a war.”

  “That’s one way of putting it.” The throbbing is still there, but my face isn’t throbbing nearly as much as my clit. “Mr. Ford’s going to be taking me to the hospital now. I told him I could get a cab, but he insisted, said he was going that direction anyway to meet an associate. I’m giving in. This . . .” I touch my cheek. “It’s more painful than I thought.”

  “I can imagine.” Rebecca nods. “Mr. Ford doesn’t have any pressing appointments and I’ll cover everything else.”

  “Thank you. I’ll let him know.”

  I hurry back to Jason’s office. Because of its prominent location, people can look into the office and see what’s going on. However, there’s barely anyone in the building. Good. I have something in mind to pay Jason back, and I don’t want us to be disturbed.

  I go into his office and close the blinds. Then I turn the overhead lights off and flick on the desk lamp.

  Then I undress, folding my clothes and placing them on Jason’s desk. I can’t stop myself from giggling. The look on his face when he sees me sitting naked on his chair is going to be worth it. I’m going to make him pay for teasing me like that.

  The door opens. I freeze. For a moment, I think it’s someone else—another colleague has come in and now I’m standing before him stark naked. It’s silent enough that I know I’ve shocked them. But then I hear a familiar growl and the door closes.

  “Nice view.”

  I turn and see Jason standing by the door, two mugs of coffee in his hand. He is openly staring at my body, eyes fixed on my breasts. Then he looks further down and his nostrils flare. I manage my best sashay over to him and take the mugs, giving him a saucy wink.

  “Lock the door, Mr. Ford. We don’t want to be disturbed right now, do we?”

  “I . . .” Still staring at me, he reaches back and locks the door. “What’s going on, Mel?”

  I turn my back on him and walk to the desk, putting the mugs down. When I glance over my shoulder, Jason’s gaze is fixed on my backside.

  “I was so close to cumming, and you denied me an orgasm multiple times. So . . .” I walk around the desk and sit in his chair. “I’m going to have one right now.”

  “In my office.”

  Jason sounds dazed. This might be the first time I’ve caught him on the back foot. I like this power.

  “You like to do it in public, don’t you? No one is going to disturb us.”

  I spread my legs, looping them over each arm of the chair. Jason’s breath hitches. I see his cock hardening beneath his pants. He growls.


  He starts towards me, but I hold up my hand. That stops him.

  “Don’t. Stay right where you are.” I squeeze my breasts, feeling the familiar tingling in my body. “And keep your hands by your sides.”

  “You’re giving me orders?”

  “After what you’ve done, you bet I am.” I pinch a nipple as my other hand reaches between my legs. I’ve
never done anything like this before, but the look on Jason’s face emboldens me. “If you touch yourself, I stop. You want to see this? You keep your hands away from your cock.”

  “Mel . . .”

  I circle my clit with a finger, which sends shudders through my body. God, I’m close already. Just a little more, and I’m going to be cumming on my boss’ chair.

  With my boss watching me.


  I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I never expected to walk into my office to find the woman who can turn me on just by walking into the room naked and ready to make herself cum in front of me. My cock is pressing hard against my zipper, desperate to be freed and explore her pussy. She rubs her clit. Her head falls back, her eyes closing as she moans.

  She looks so beautiful. And her brazen step is more erotic than I would have imagined.

  I want to touch myself, but Melanie’s order has me clenching my hands into fists. The sight before me is incredible. Melanie pleasures herself on my chair, butt-naked, her body flushing as her orgasm builds—just like when we were in the meeting. I could tell when Melanie is close and I would draw back, leaving her wavering on the edge but never letting her fall. I love seeing her like that.

  Melanie moans as she thrusts two fingers into her pussy, her other hand worrying her clit. She’s writhing on the chair, shifting her legs even wider. If she gets any louder, people in the office are going to hear her.

  Let them hear. I want people to know I’ve got a beautiful woman making herself cum in my office.

  To hell with her rules. I cross the room and undo my pants, lowering the zipper. My cock is grateful to be free, and it twitches in my hand as I stroke myself. I need this so much. More than I thought possible. I don’t care about the rules, as long as I get to touch her.

  Melanie’s eyes are closed as I loom over her. Her breathing is short and sharp. She is so close. But not without me.

  I pick her up, looping my arms underneath her thighs. Melanie stops what she’s doing and grabs onto me with a gasp as I lift her off the chair and her arms wrap around my neck. She stares at me.


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