Country Wishes

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Country Wishes Page 14

by RaeAnne Hadley

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “The dogs need to be fed.”

  I stood and headed outside to where our three canines would be eagerly awaiting their breakfast before starting on a full day of work with the men.

  Chapter Seven


  I entered the diner and headed upstairs where I found mama and Christopher in the small sitting room which separated our two bedrooms. Standing in the doorway, I noted the empty mugs on the table before them and suspected they had been doing more than enjoying tea and conversation if mama’s kiss swollen lips were an indication.

  “I’m home as you can see.”

  Both adults turned their gazes on me.

  “Did you have a nice visit with Rowan, darling?” Mama had a light flush to her cheeks.

  “Yes, I enjoyed it very much. Mrs. Long invited me for dinner and then Rowan and I spent the afternoon outside, talking and catching up on town gossip.”

  Mama scowled. “You know gossip is nothing more than fabricated lies.”

  “We know but it’s interesting hearing the tales being bandied about. Rowan and I never take the rumors seriously.”

  “I would trust you not to and I would also trust you not to respond to any of the silly tales.”

  “I won’t respond, mama.”

  “How is everyone at the ranch?”

  “Very well and they send their regards. Edward has another week home from college and has been helping out Max and their father. Rowan’s ankle is healing well, and she should be up and about when I visit on Friday.”

  “It must be terribly frustrating for her, being unable to do much. Please give them all my regards when you visit on Friday.”

  “I will. Did you have a pleasant afternoon?”

  Mama glanced at Christopher who smiled. “We had a lovely afternoon. After dinner at the boarding house, we took a walk along the riverbank. We returned here about an hour ago and had tea.”

  “It was a beautiful day, perfect for a walk. Would you like me to start on supper?”

  “Yes, thank you, darling. I’ll be down shortly.”

  “Will you be joining us for supper, Christopher?”

  He glanced at mama who nodded.

  “I would very much like to join both of you beautiful ladies.”

  I nodded, left the doorway and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I smiled to myself, it was good to see mama so happy and with a sparkle in her eyes.

  The first four days of our new routine had flown by. I’d missed working every day with mama, but I very much enjoyed chatting with Maryanne, as she’d insisted I called her. She made an excellent addition to our little team.

  The diner had been busier than usual, summer seemed to bring more people out and made up for the sparseness of customers during the winter months.

  I wiped down the last of the tables while mama was in the kitchen preparing our supper. The last of the customers were gone, the door securely locked.

  I was deep in thought about my visit to the ranch the following day, wondering if I’d be fortunate enough to see Max, when a knock at the door startled me. I straightened up and crossed to the door.

  “Who would be knocking at this time of night?”

  I edged the door open to find Max on the other side. Butterflies took flight in my belly and tingles danced down the length of my spine, both due to the way his eyes fixed on mine.

  “Max, what are you doing here? Is everything all right at the ranch?”

  “Everything is as it should be at home, I came to speak with you.”



  I stepped back, held the door open wider and invited him inside before locking the door once again. He followed me to a table and held the chair while I sat before taking a seat opposite. I could see he was hesitant to speak, so I spoke first.

  “What did you want to discuss with me, Max?"

  “Us……I mean, you and me……I mean……” he paused and took a deep breath. “Abigail, will you allow me to court you?”

  His question sucked the breath from my lungs, my belly flip-flopped before I was forced to stifle a grin at the sight of his nervousness. It was unlike the big man who was usually so confident and forthcoming.

  “You want to court me, aren’t you stepping out with Mildred?”

  “Mildred and I are friends; I’ve never even had supper with her. If you’ll allow me to, I want to call on you.”

  It was everything I’d dreamed of – being the woman on Max’s arm, but I remained wary. “Why now, after all this time of knowing one another?”

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what I heard you say to Rowan and I think I have feelings for you also. I don’t know why I haven’t realized how I felt before now, but I do know I don’t want you stepping out with other men.”

  I tilted my head. “Jealous, Max?”

  He lowered his head and I watched as the palest pink blush lit up his cheeks.

  “You are! Why on earth would you be jealous about me being with another man? You’re so handsome, you could have any pretty gal in town. Why would you even consider settling for someone like me?”

  He raised his head and ice blue eyes locked onto mine. “First of all, I don’t want to court any other gal in town, and what do you mean, settling for a woman like you?”

  “Look at me, Max. I’m far too tall, have hardly any curves, wild curls and the plainest face any woman could have.”

  The man had an astonished expression on his face. “You’re serious. You really don’t see how beautiful you are, do you? You have skin the color of fresh cream with naturally pink cheeks. Your lips are perfect for kissing and your amber eyes are like jewels which have come straight from the sun. I love the fact you’re tall, a man could get a crick in his back bending down to a short gal all the time. You’re the perfect height for me. I won’t comment on what I like about your hair, it would be considered improper. Let me just say, I find it very appealing.”

  I felt the heat creep into my face. Max really thought I was beautiful?

  “I don’t know where our courtin’ will lead, Abigail and I can’t make any promises, but I’d be honored if you’d agree to be my gal.”

  I was trembling, my heart thundered in my chest. Was this real or a dream? If I was dreaming, I never wanted to wake up. “Um, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes. Please say you’ll give us a chance.” Max stood, rounded the table and pulled me to my feet. “Please, Abigail.”

  Tears broke free. I nodded and whispered, “Yes, I’d be honoured, Max.”

  He hollered, swept me into his arms and pressed a kiss to my lips. Wrapping my arms around his neck, and with my body against his, I responded. Nothing had ever felt so right.

  When he drew back, he gazed down at me. “Will you have supper with me on Saturday night?”

  “Ye….Oh, I promised I’d have supper here with Mike.”

  Max growled deep in his chest. “I’ll tell him it’s cancelled, you’re my gal now.”

  I smiled at the possessive tone in his voice. “I’m visiting the ranch tomorrow; I’ll tell him myself. I don’t want him becoming annoyed with you.”

  Max shrugged. “I don’t care if he does get annoyed, no other man is having supper with my lady.”

  “Max, Abigail, what’s all the hollering all about?”

  I attempted to jump away from Max on hearing mama’s voice, but he held me firm in his arms and turned me to face her.

  “Mrs. Miller, Abigail has consented to allow me to court her.”

  Mama placed a hand on her chest. “Oh my. Well, it’s about time.”

  With those words, she spun around and disappeared back to the kitchen.

  Max and I laughed.

  “It seems everyone knew we should be together except me,” Max confessed.

  “You were just taking your time and making darn sure of what you wanted.” I laughed.

  Warmth spread through me when h
e leaned forward and pressed another kiss to my lips.

  “I have to be getting back to the ranch. I don’t know if I’ll see you tomorrow, it depends on where pa wants me working. You be careful with that buckboard on the way out and back, I worry about you.”

  “I have asked the livery to saddle Joy for me so I can ride her instead of bringing the buckboard. You were right when you said the road was dangerous and rutted. I’ll be safe on Joy, so there’s no need for you to worry.”

  He placed another kiss on my lips. “I’ll still worry.”

  Taking my hand, we crossed to the door. I unlocked it once again and held it open. Max stepped into the night, but before heading to where Phantom stood, the reins looped over the hitching rail, he pulled me to him and kissed me again.

  He released me somewhat reluctantly, or so it seemed, unlooped the reins and mounted his horse.

  “Please be careful going home.” I didn’t know what I would do if anything happened to him now.

  He assured me he would ride carefully, blew me one last kiss and I watched as he rode away. Once he had disappeared from sight, I stepped back inside and secured the door. I wasn’t aware of the figure which lurked nearby in the shadows.


  Edward handed me a glass of iced tea and we both sat in chairs on the porch while we waited for ma to put the finishing touches to supper. He gave me a moment to sip at the drink before questioning me. I knew his curiosity would get the better of him.


  “So what?” I teased.

  He thumped the top of my arm. “You know what. How did Abigail respond to what you had to say?”

  I felt a huge grin break out over my face. “She agreed to stepping out with me. I explained, I’m unsure of my feelings for her, but also assured her, I feel deeply enough to give a possible union between us a chance.”

  “Did she ask you, why now after all this time of knowing her?”

  “Yes, I explained I’d been doing a lot of thinking about what she said to Rowan and I discovered I also had feelings for her.”

  “She accepted what you said?”

  “Yep. She also asked why I’d be happy to settle for a woman like her?”

  “Like her?”

  “She thinks she’s too tall with no curves, wild hair and a plain face.”

  Edward appeared as taken aback as I had when Abigail had spoken the words to me. “Abigail’s beautiful and has a womanly figure any man would like to lie next to in bed.”

  I growled at my brother’s words and pictured Abigail being bedded by another man. The image in my head was not welcome.

  “Sorry, I was just trying to say…..”

  “I know what you were trying to say,” I snapped.

  Edward held his hands up. “Whoa, big brother, I’m not about to steal her from under your nose.”


  “Accepted. The fact that she’s tall works in your favor. You have your head in the damn clouds you’ve been blessed with such height and you would have ended up with a mighty bad back with some of those short gals every time you wanted to speak face to face.”

  “That’s what I told her and on the way home I got to thinking.”

  Edward raised an eyebrow.

  “I use my brain sometimes, baby brother, regardless of what you might think. Just because I didn’t go to college doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

  Edward laughed. “So you got to thinking?”

  “Abigail is beautiful. Her height makes her appear elegant and she doesn’t seem to walk, she glides like she’s moving on air. When her curls aren’t pulled back in some sort of fixin’, loose to hang over her shoulders like on Sundays, they catch the sun and it looks like she has a halo around her head. Until I overheard what she said, I hadn’t even considered how I might feel. Really feel about her, but now…..”

  “Now what?”

  “It seems the feelings have hit all at once. Earlier, at the diner, I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her until we were forced to part for air. My heart was thumping so darn hard, it’s a wonder you couldn’t hear it from here. Felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest.”

  “Seems like you’ve gone from one extreme to the other when it comes to Abigail.”

  I nodded in agreement. “You know how people often say, you don’t notice what’s at the end of your nose? I guess that applies to me when it comes to Abigail.”

  “Well, I hope it works out for you both. You certainly make a handsome couple and Abigail is a beautiful woman inside and out.”

  “She certainly is. Thanks, little brother.”

  “Boys! Supper is on the table.” We both stood and headed inside when ma called out.

  We all relaxed and enjoyed coffee following our meal, I glanced around the table at my family. Ma chatted animatedly with Rowan about Millie the schoolteacher who was apparently thinking about moving to the city where she felt there were better prospects for marriage. Pa was discussing, or rather arguing about, the law with Edward. Our father believed the courts were far too lenient with the penalties they handed down. My brother felt they suited the crimes. This had been an ongoing disagreement almost since Edward had first started college. I doubted there would ever be any agreement.

  This was what I wanted some day. A woman who loved me as much as ma loved pa. A woman who filled my thoughts when we were parted. A woman who was everything in the world to me. Could it be Abigail?

  Every thought about Abigail conjured strange feelings and sensations which took hold of my body. I had never experienced anything like them before and they puzzled me somewhat.

  I found myself looking forward to Abigail visiting the ranch the following day and planned to make sure I came back to the house for the midday meal. I knew both ma and my sister would invite her to stay. Excitement at seeing her in a few hours surged through me.

  After helping ma clear the table and take care of the dishes – we all took turns in helping ma and every few days pa would step in and insist on ma putting her feet up. It wasn’t usual in most homes for the men to help out the womenfolk, but pa had insisted our mother was nobody’s slave.

  Our home was filled with love and consideration, it was what I yearned for in my future.

  After finishing up, I wished everyone goodnight and headed upstairs to read before turning in.

  Chapter Eight


  It was a beautiful day. The sun shone brightly overhead, birds called excitedly to each other, a howling dog expressed its distaste loudly and I heard someone yelling at it to be quiet.

  Some townsfolk negotiated the street, heads up, focusing on their ultimate destination. Others stood chatting on boardwalks in front of stores. Men were grouped with men, women with women.

  As I crossed the street toward the livery, being careful to avoid buggies, wagons and the daily stage, I waved a greeting to several people I knew.

  There was a lightness to my feet as I walked, excitement at encountering Max at the ranch bubbled within.

  I stepped into the cool, semi-light of the livery and was met by Mr. Ryles, the son of the owner.

  “Morning, Miss Abigail.”

  “Morning, Mr. Ryles.”

  “I have Picket saddled ready for you.”


  “Joy pulled up lame yesterday after Sissy Cooper rode her. I know you have ridden Pickett before and she’s similar in nature to Joy.”

  “Thank you. Yes, she’s a nice old mare, not quite as eager to be coaxed into a trot as Joy but I’m in no hurry. Taking it slow will enable me to enjoy the scenery.”

  “I’ll go and get her for ya.”

  While he ducked down the aisle of stables, I stepped outside to wait. My attention was drawn to Mildred, I couldn’t help but feel jealousy at knowing the woman had spent time with Max. She appeared to be deep in conversation with a rough, unkempt man who I’d never seen before.

  I was distracted when Mr. Ryles led Pickett outside, the clip clop of he
r feet sending up small puffs of dust.

  He assisted me to mount, not that I needed it, the horse was on the small side. I guessed he felt it was the gentlemanly thing to do, so I accepted. He handed me the reins and bid me good day.

  Urging the horse forward, she settled into a moderate gait. A soft breeze pulled tendrils of hair from beneath my broad-brimmed sun bonnet and they danced around my face in an intimate caress.

  It didn’t take long before we left the town behind and the scenery changed to gentle, rolling hills with the exception of the view off to my right. Majestic mountains soared into the sky. They would be hidden in deep snow when Winter arrived in a few months’ time and although the temperature would plummet, the wind become bitter, the landscape would have a beauty all its own.

  My mind drifted to Max’s visit the previous evening. His appearance had shocked me, asking my permission for him to court me, had left me almost speechless.

  Chaotic thoughts and emotions had prevented much sleep the previous night. I was thrilled about being courted and sparking with Max but terrified he might decide I wasn’t who he wanted after all. When I’d managed to set the negative thoughts aside, my insides had become gooey at the prospect of maybe one day marrying the man and bearing his children.

  I resolved to say a special thank you at church on Sunday. I would thank the Lord for answering my prayer at the well. My friendship with Max wasn’t in jeopardy and He may have given me so much more.

  As I guided Picket onto the road leading to the ranch, the sound of thundering hooves approaching from behind carried on the wind.

  My heart raced with a staccato beat and I pulled back on the reins, bringing my horse to a stop before turning in the saddle. A frown creased my face. I’d expected it to be Max who must have seen me arriving, but it was the stranger I had seen speaking with Mildred in town.

  Prickles of warning speared through every nerve, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Something wasn’t right.

  “Miss Miller!” The man called out as his horse thundered toward me.


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