Country Wishes

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Country Wishes Page 57

by RaeAnne Hadley

  “Convincing enough. My bag is packed, sir. I’m ready to go.”

  “Sweet. You do really need a television in here. I don’t know how you can live without one. It gets pretty quiet when you live by yourself.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about me. I have an iPad and that does the trick. I can watch movies, news, listen to music, pretty much everything.”

  “Oh, please.” Jace grabs my bag and we both grab our jackets and boots. “I’ll accept your lame excuse because you have just moved in, but you need a television.”

  “Okay, okay… I’ll get one… someday.” I giggle.

  Jace takes my keys. He locks everything behind us and holds my hand all the way to his pickup. He owns a big truck and it sort of fits with his whole persona. Strong and virile, able to plough through anything. While he removes the snow from the windows and hood, I try not to create any type of expectations on what the rest of the night will be like. Already, I had no intention of going out and here I am, out.

  Go with the flow. Take it easy and I know, Jace isn’t the type of man to force anything on me. If THAT was his intention, I think he would have tried before. Right?

  Jace joins me in the car. The poor man looks cold as hell. His cheeks are red but not from blushing. It’s freezing outside. Starting up the engine, he turns the heat to the max and starts driving away.

  “It just occurred to me, I have no clue where you live.”

  “You have probably driven past my house thousands of times already. You just didn’t know it’s mine.”

  “Now, I’m curious.” I mean, it could be any house in town. Right now, it’s impossible for me to guess which one it is.

  “You’ll see soon enough. It isn’t too far.”

  Country music is playing softly in the background. I’m not really fond of country music but since it isn’t my car, I’m dealing with it. Maybe Jace is the biggest country music fan ever. There’s so much I still need to know about him.

  Two minutes later, after driving in the worst conditions possible, Jace makes a turn into a driveway.

  Oh! That house. I nod. “I’ve noticed that house before only because you have the biggest BBQs in the summer and there are always cars parked everywhere.”

  “That’s it. I like having people over when the weather allows it.” This isn’t a typical get together, it’s a massive BBQ. Kids playing around the houses or in the pool. His whole yard is filled to capacity. Cecelia went to one last summer with her brother, that’s how I know all the details.

  “Even when the weather doesn’t allow it, you find a way to invite someone over.”

  He leans his head to the side. “You are right.” He digs behind my seat and grabs my bag. “No expectations whatsoever. It’s basically just like a sleepover. Like kids do.”

  I start laughing at his attempt to make me feel comfortable. “And here I was hoping to get another kiss. Now, that’s a bummer.”

  “Babe, I want to steal one right now.”

  Jace kisses the corner of my mouth and pulls away enough to catch my gaze. When he sees the agreement or lust in mine, he caresses my cheek with his icy fingers.

  “You’re beautiful, Bexley.”

  Again, he brushes his lips against mine, tempting me. I breathe harshly growing impatient for that kiss. As our lips brush, he pulls me closer to him. I exhale and close my eyes before breathing again. Oh God! He runs his tongue over my lips and again, it seems like he’s only teasing me.

  I make the first move and kiss him. Jace kisses me back, trust me on that. He’s devouring me like he devoured the cupcakes earlier. Our tongues are dancing, touching in a way I’ve never experienced before. . It’s sexy, hot…but I’m still not crossing that line.

  Every fiber of me wants it. If he kisses this way, I can only imagine how he’ll manage the act.

  I grab his coat and whimper into his mouth.

  He pulls back. “Jesus, woman. You are taking my breath away. Come on, let’s go inside before this happens again.”

  Well, chalk one up for me, I’ve made Jace King completely dumbfounded.

  Chapter Six

  We walk into his home and music is playing in the background. A powerful male voice with an air of melancholy is leading the melody.

  “Do you always leave music playing in your house or do you live with someone?” I ask removing my boots.

  “I always leave it on. The house doesn’t feel too lonely when I have music playing.”

  I look around once I hand my winter coat over to Jace. The space is open and inviting. “I think your living room and kitchen are the size of my whole apartment.”

  “I like your apartment, it’s warm and cozy. You made it feel like home while I haven’t done that yet around here.”

  “What are you saying? You have a beautiful home!”

  “I still feel like a stranger wandering the halls most days.”

  He walks toward me and I feel the warmth in me spreading again.

  “You have been living here for a while though.” I try to distract myself with a conversation.

  “Yes, I have.” He adds wrapping his arms around me. “The yard is perfect for large BBQs with my friends, so is the house for Thanksgiving and Christmas but I don’t have the home feeling.”

  “It’s something you have to build. Paint and decoration can do wonders.”

  “I might need your help. A woman’s touch.” He says kissing my neck, my jaw and finally my lips.

  Can the passion between us get any hotter?

  The kisses intensify as we go from standing in the entryway to the couch.

  He sits first and ends up lying down with ME on top. Oh my God. This can go any direction right now.

  Could I?

  I mean, could I sleep with him? Now? Tonight?


  The thought scares me a little.

  “Bexley, everything okay? Do you want to slow down?”

  “No, it’s fine. It’s just that I was starting to wonder if I could sleep, have sex with you tonight?” I pull away, and sit at the opposite side. “Sorry for ruining the moment.”

  “You aren’t ruining anything. If you aren’t ready, I won’t be the asshole forcing you. We have all the time in the world.”

  “You have always been so sweet and gentle with me from the start.”

  I’ve got nothing wrong to say about Jace. He’s more than I ever imagined.

  “Do you want to watch a movie, on a TV?”

  “Oh geez, you have a TV. How weird is that?” I make fun of him. “No horror movies, please.”

  “Are you going to sit there all night or are you going to come closer? I won’t bite you.”

  “I know you won’t.” I scoot closer with a fake ass smile on my face. It’s not that he did something wrong but somehow, I think I may not be ready for this. The first guy I meet that shows interest in me after Derek and I’m going through a block. It’s a battle between my heart and my head. I know my heart wants every inch of him and more. My head is tempted, and I do mean very tempted but it doesn’t give in.

  Not because of Derek. I’m so done with him.

  So then why?

  Sex with Jace is a guaranteed good time. He kisses like a God. Imagine for a second just how good sex could be or will be with him?

  “Are you okay? You seem like you’re somewhere else.”

  “I like being with you, Jace. It’s like you are the ray of sunshine of my days, the light in my darkness. You make everything better like a body cream on dry skin. I mean it may not be the best example but you soothe me. But why does it scare me so much with you when you’re such a good kisser?”

  “Hmm, I don’t know, Bexley. I think you should answer that question yourself. If you aren’t into it now, it’s okay. I’m not forcing you. Yes, it got pretty heated a few minutes ago but that doesn’t mean I’m going to run away if we don’t take the next step tonight.” He explains softly. “I couldn’t anyway. I’m way too attracted to you. You are driving me insan

  I take the decorative pillow next to me and hide my face into it. “Stop, it’s not helping.”

  “Oh, please.” Jace shakes his head laughing and pulls me closer to his side before wrapping an arm around me. “So, you said no horror movies right?”

  “Christmas is around the corner, what about a nice Christmas movie?”

  “Hmm like what? Home Alone?”

  “No, a romantic one. They have tons on Netflix.”

  Jace doesn’t seem entirely enthused about my idea. “Really? Aren’t those movies super predictable, no action whatsoever?”

  “Okay, Mr. Firefighter, put on whatever you want and it’ll be fine with me as long as it isn’t horror.” I say cuddling up next to him. I love the feeling of being close to him.

  I might just not be ready for more. Can I not be ready at my age? I guess so.

  “Okay.” His answer is short and unlike him. After scrolling through the list for a while, he ends up choosing The Boy Next Door. I have seen this movie so many times. Let’s say I was fond of the actor.

  The movie begins and Jace is still quiet. Maybe he doesn’t like being called Mr. Firefighter. I snuggle closer and put my legs over his. A subtle corner smile appears on his mouth.

  “You are my teddy bear.” I say and I’m surprised I’ve even said that. With Jace I always feel safe and comfortable. Isn’t it what teddy bears are for?

  “Am I?”

  I nod. “Yes. I’m sorry for being complicated.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It has been a very long day and it’s only the second time that we’ve hung out.” He kisses my forehead and tucks me into his side and focuses back on the movie.

  While he watches the movie, I watch him. The little lines at the corner of his eyes when he laughs or how he bites his lips when the actors make out and how his hand drops down to caress me at the very same time. It gives me chills.

  “Are you cold? Hold on, I’ll get a blanket.” Without getting up from the couch, he stretches his arm out to a wicker basket and grabs a fleece camouflage blanket. “Don’t ask about the camo. It was for hunting. I went last year and hated it.”

  “It’s soft.”

  “That’s why I kept it.” He adds wrapping me up like a burrito. “Better?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  Once I’m warming up in the blanket, he wraps his arms around me.

  “You smell so good, I could stay like this forever.” He says with that low and sexy voice.

  “After a while, the perfume will wear off and you’ll find that very unattractive.”

  “Woman, I’ve been hooked on you forever. Trust me that it won’t matter.” I love when he says things like that to me. It’s different than being treated as a maid.

  “Hooked on me forever.” I repeat, turning my head and kissing his shoulder. “That’s kind of flattering.”

  “It should be. I waited in the wings long enough and I’m pretty sure Derek knew the entire time.”

  “What makes you think that he knew?” Now, he has me curious. What a way to pique my curiosity.

  He puts the movie on pause.

  “Remember, maybe, three months ago, at Cassie’s Steakhouse when...”

  “When the waiter spilled Derek’s beer on me? How could I forget?”

  Jace laughs. “I felt so bad for you. I rushed to your table with napkins and asked if you were okay before Derek had a chance to. We laughed together but Derek was furious.”

  “I know. Wasting a beer is tragic.” I sigh. “That was actually supposed to be a romantic dinner for his birthday. It sure didn’t turn out that way.”

  “You were gorgeous. I had never seen you like that. Not at the bakery or when I ran into you in town somewhere running errands.”

  “Thank you... I don’t dress up very often.” I yawn.

  He puts the movie back on and I snuggle back into him.

  “What are you doing for Christmas? Do you have family plans?”

  I shake my head. “No, it’s the biggest, busiest time of the year at the bakery, I stay in town and work my ass off to make sure everything is delivered on the 24th or the morning of the 25th.”

  “You already work long hours, you will be exhausted.”

  He is right about that. I’m already exhausted and it isn’t Christmas yet so I can only imagine how I will be when the time comes.

  “I know but that’s how it goes. Cecelia helps out a lot and she’s someone I trust too. I normally celebrate Christmas around the 28th. I fly home and stay the night, or they fly here and spend Christmas with Derek and me whenever I get off work. We always make it work.”

  “I want to spend Christmas with you. I know it doesn’t give you much time but I would love if we could spend part of the day together.”

  My heart speeds up. “Really? You want to be with me?”

  “Of course, silly. We could try and do something special even if you have to work.” He kisses my head.

  I nod against his arm. “I want a Christmas tree. I left everything behind when I packed my things. At the time, it didn’t cross my mind and now it’s probably burnt to a crisp.” I haven’t called my parents and they haven’t called either. Nothing is planned and we are just a few days away from Christmas. It’s unlike me, but I've had a lot on my mind since I moved out of Derek’s.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll help you with that.”

  If I need a man in my life, it’s him. “Thank you.”

  “Are you comfortable?”

  “Of course I am. You are warm and I love cuddling with you. Plus, you smell amazing.”

  I try to push myself higher to reach his lips. Once he realizes what I’m doing, he helps me up and our lips collide.

  “I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you.” There is so much truth behind those words. Everything he is doing for me, I don’t understand.

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” His lips find mine again. He keeps it short but the intensity gets high fast.

  “I don’t think we should kiss anymore tonight. It gets more dangerous every time.” He chuckles.

  “Right. No more kissing.” I giggle.

  In silence, we put our focus back on the movie and slowly, the TV gets blurrier by the second. I try to force my eyes to stay open but soon I lose the battle and my eyes drift closed.

  “Bexley, babe, you have to wake up. The alarm on your phone has been ringing for a little while.”

  “Oh no!” I jump up from wherever I am but as the view around me settles, I remember I’m not home and instead, I’m in Jace’s bedroom. Dizzy, I sit back on the bed. Today is going to be rough.

  “What time is it?”


  “Ugh. Can I shower before I go?”

  “Why don’t you stay with me a little longer?”

  The temptation to say in bed is much greater than I want but the small amount of will still in me makes me get up and stretch. I notice that his side of the bed is still untouched. Where did he spend the night?

  “I sleep on top of the covers. Sleeping on the couch might have been the right thing to do but I couldn’t. That’s the best I could do.”

  I nod shyly. The fact that he couldn’t bring himself to sleep on the couch makes me blush. “Where’s the bathroom?” I ask.

  He follows me out of the bed, wraps his arms around my waist and guides me toward the bathroom. “Towels, shampoo and soap are all in there, I think you are all set.” His lips find my neck. “You’re cute in the morning, even with puffy eyes.”

  “Oh, please, Jace. I look like a mess.”

  “My mess.”

  My mess? Oh, are we to that stage?

  “Your mess?”

  “Yeah. My mess.” He grins. “My girl. You.”

  Hearing him say those words gave me teary eyes. Jace wants me as his, for real! The idea of him playing never crossed my mind but he really does want me.

  “Are you my mess too?”

  “Only if you want me to be?”

  He removes the small teardrop from the corner of my eyes.

  “You’re my mess too.” I pull him by the elastic band of his boxer briefs. Why is he so sexy in morning? While I’m still fully dressed in my clothes from yesterday, he’s only wearing red boxer briefs. I know, red. The universe keeps sending me sign. It’s okay now, I get it. It’s him. Jace is a keeper.

  It might be my brain still being groggy but I pull my top over my head and my pants down.

  “Do you need to shower too?” I ask him wondering where this newfound sense of courage is coming from.

  “Bex... are you sure?” He lifts my chin up with the tip of his index finger.

  “Don’t make me doubt myself, Jace.”

  “Alright.” He gets the water running and we move under the warm water half-naked.

  “I respect your boundaries, last night...”

  “I know.”

  I want more of him. We spent our first night together and I was too exhausted to enjoy it. He moved me into his bedroom without me even noticing.

  I reach the clasp behind my back, ready to remove my bra and reveal myself to him. My heart is pounding as if I had never done this before. It’s hard to believe that I am doing this but I only have one life to live and Jace seems to want to be part of it.

  I might have gotten my wish in the end.

  “I don’t know what to…“

  “Jace, don’t stop me. It’s taking everything in me to do it, to take the next step. I want to, I swear.”

  My hands are replaced by his and as softly as I could ever ask for, he removes my bra, allowing it to slide off my arms. I expected him to touch or look but he didn’t. Instead he takes me in his arms and moves us under the water. His lips collide with mine, his hands are everywhere around me, holding as much as caressing me. My skin comes alive so does every part of my body.

  We’re not even having sex yet and I feel like he’s going to make me reach for the stars and fall from the clouds in the most beautiful way.

  Entwined in his hair, my fingers hold on to him for dear life. I suck on his lips as if they were lollipops. My breathing is loud and my body seems to be high on him. I melt against him allowing the heat from his body to seep into mine.


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