Country Wishes

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Country Wishes Page 65

by RaeAnne Hadley

  He stares at me until he sees that I am agreeing.

  "Are you sure, sweetheart?"

  I nod, licking my lips as his hands slide up until they are tangled in my hair. He drops his forehead to mine.

  "You don't know what you do to me. If we do this, you have to know; you are in control. I know I said I wouldn't be able to stop, but if you say stop, I will. You are in control. Okay?"

  "Okay," I squeak out as he lifts me up yet again.

  "Where are you taking me?" I ask him.

  "To your bed. Our first time should be in a bed."

  "No, the bed will always be there, how about beside the Christmas tree lights near the fire?"

  He looks from me to the rug and back again.

  "Noah, put me down." And he does, so I take his hand, turning the TV off as I go. Only the tree lights and the glow of the fire light the room.

  Noah pulls me even closer. My nipples harden against his chest. His hands run down the small of my back and come to rest on my buttocks. My hips move further into his as his manhood swells through his pants. We are both breathing harder, almost panting as we continue to kiss. It feels so good to be with him finally. I don't want this night to end.

  I slide down his body, trembling with excitement. I pull off my jumper, his eyes narrowing as he sees my naked breasts. I lean forward and begin unbuttoning Noah's shirt, his eyes watching me closely. His shirt comes off slowly as I stop to kiss each bit of skin I expose. He breathes deeply with every touch of my lips.

  When his shirt is finally off, I step backward, unbuttoning my jeans, pulling them down slowly before kicking them aside.

  My hands go to his pants, but Noah beats me to it. He rips them off in a flash.

  "Eager, huh?" I chuckle.

  "You’re playing with fire, baby. A man can only take so much."

  Standing there in only our underwear, Noah pulls me to him, and we begin to kiss again as he lowers us to the floor.

  Noah's naked chest against mine overwhelms me, and I am flooded with desire.

  He takes one of my breasts in his hand to caress and tease my already erect nipple. I moan aloud with pleasure as his mouth soon follows. His fingertips knead my other breast as his mouth continues to feast. He switches his mouth from one to the other, driving me crazy with need.

  Noah begins working his way down my stomach, kissing and nibbling as he does. I nearly orgasm when he comes to a stop on my panties. I feel the warmth of his breath and freeze.

  "You okay, Tessa," he says, obviously having felt me stop breathing.


  "You sure?"

  I nod, unable to talk, taking a breath again. Seeing in my eyes that I'm not saying stop, Noah sits back, his hands going to my hips as he pulls my panties down my legs.

  "Fuck, you're perfect." His hand replaces my panties as his fingers run through my wet folds. "As much as I want to taste you, I need to be inside you."

  I sit up as our mouths meet, Noah pushing his tongue inside me. My hands go to his boxers; he is way overdressed, and I need him naked.

  Noah lies on his back, his erection peeking through, and lifts his hips as he gets rid of his boxers. He reaches over to the jean pocket, ripping open a condom. I watch as he slides it over his large cock.

  Wow, will that even fit? It has been such a long time for me.

  Noah doesn't give me time to think as he pulls me down on top of him, his arms around me, his lips on mine.

  "Baby, we can go at your pace. When you are ready, you put me inside you, okay?"

  I'm ready and have been ready since the first kiss. I rub myself on him for a bit before his cock naturally finds my core. His tip enters me, and I groan out loud, needing more. Looking down at Noah, I can see he needs more too. He is so patient, and I can see how much restraint he is using not to take control. Every day this man makes me fall for him more and more.

  I push down as Noah enters me completely. Even though it has been so long, he slides in so smoothly, filling me like he was made for me.

  Noah begins to move within me, very slowly at first, giving me time to adjust. As I start to move, Noah’s strokes become longer and faster, almost pulling out of me before entering me again.

  Noah slides his hands under my buttocks as he flips us over, needing to take control, and I let him.

  I arch my back, coming up to meet his every thrust.

  He feels so good inside me. I can't hold back any longer, and I scream out his name — my whole body arches and writhes with pleasure. My orgasm continues as I feel Noah readying himself. He thrusts until he too reaches orgasm, screaming my name.

  Noah kisses me softly as we lay there, savoring the moment as our heartbeats start to slow. My head on Noah's chest, I slowly feel my eyes begin to close, his hands playing with my hair.

  Chapter Ten


  I wake up with Tessa curled in my arms, her face in the crook of my neck. I gently play with her hair, my heart so full. This woman. This amazing woman chose me and has made me the happiest man in the world. I never knew such happiness could exist but last night brought things to another level. The intimacy that we shared was surreal. I thank my lucky stars every day that I was the one to be on the road the night that Tessa fell and not some other bastard. Tessa stirs but doesn’t wake, but that doesn’t surprise me. Last night ended up being a marathon, both of us not able to get enough. Whenever one fell asleep, they would be awoken by the other. And the sex was phenomenal. I have never had the fireworks that we shared last night with any of my previous lovers.

  Looking at the time, I see that if I want to get to work on time, I need to leave the warmth of this bed now. Gently, so as not to awaken Tessa, I untangle myself from her, placing a kiss on her forehead. Walking into the lounge, I pick up my clothes, quickly getting dressed. It’s so fucking cold I decide to start the fire to warm up the house for when Tessa wakes. I let Max out, writing a note for Tessa to find, leaving it under her favorite coffee mug. Letting Max back in, I lock up and drive home for a quick shower before work. I really should leave a change of clothes in the car since I end up staying over at Tessa’s so much. Making a note to do up a bag later that day, I check through my appointments for the day and see that it’s a really busy one.

  The staff give me a hard time as I am in such a good mood. I’m apparently humming and smiling so much, but I’m not going to let anyone ruin my mood. Not when I now have Tessa in my life.

  Thinking of her yet again I send her another message. I sent her one earlier this morning but have not heard back from her. Placing my phone down in my drawer, I continue with my appointments. I get a funny feeling in my gut when I finish work and check my phone and see no messages or missed calls from Tessa. Oh god, please tell me she doesn’t regret what happened last night.

  Deciding not to call her and have her reject my call, I grab my jacket, determined to just show up at her door. Locking up, I near my truck when I hear Sue purr, “Hey there, handsome.” She places her hand on my chest.

  “Hello, Sue,” I say, moving her hand, but she takes a step closer, placing both hands on my chest so there is no room between us.

  “So, when are you going to give in and take me out?”

  “Sue, stop right there. I told you the other night, I’m seeing someone.”

  “Oh, stop it, Noah. She’s not for you, you need someone pretty by your side, someone like me. She is not—”

  I take both her wrists in my hands, taking a step forward which makes her stumble backward. “Sue. Enough,” I say, raising my voice. “You have been trying to get my attention for a while now. I wasn’t interested then, and I’m not interested now. Tessa and I are happy together, you need to move on.”

  “Well I never. That ugly Tessa will never make you happy, and now she’s been told exactly how it is between us.”

  “What do you mean she’s been told? What did you say to her, Sue?” I say through clenched teeth.

  She must realize that I mean busines
s because she stops fussing and says quietly, “I may have called her this morning and told her to back off my man.”

  Well shit, that explains why I haven’t heard back from her all day. What must she be thinking of me?

  “If you ever call Tessa again and say mean and untrue things, you will have to deal with me. Now I’d appreciate it, if you take your hands off me and keep them to yourself.”

  She simply nods, shocked at the forceful tone I have taken with her. Running around the car, I jump in, quickly starting the truck, taking off, wheels spinning in the snow as I make my way to Tessa’s house in the hope she will let me in to talk to her.

  Chapter Eleven


  I hear Noah's truck arrive, and I almost think about not answering the door when he knocks. But Max barking at the door makes that hard to do. I open the door but block it, making it clear that he is not welcome to come inside.


  "Noah," I say.

  "You going to let me in?"

  "Mmmm, nah." I shake my head and try to close the door, but Noah sticks his foot in the gap, stopping the door from closing.

  "Please, Tessa, let me in. Sue cornered me and told me she called you. Please."

  I don't know if it's the tone of his voice, but something makes me give in, and I let go of the door, making my way to the sofa. Taking a cushion, I hug it to my stomach as I tuck my legs under me.

  Noah walks in, patting Max on the way to meet me. He takes a seat adjacent to me, knowing I need some space. Good man.

  After the phone call I got this morning, I've been fuming. When Sue rang, I didn't believe her, but the more she spoke, the more I started believing it all. And even though I tried to sit down and get some words down, I couldn't. Instead, that phone call has been replaying in my mind over and over. Well, that and last night. When I think of what we shared and that it meant nothing to him when it meant everything to me.

  "Tessa," I hear Noah say. He's sitting down on the edge of the seat, his elbows on his knees with his hair messed like he's been running his hands through it.

  I look up at him and that gives him the message to continue.

  "I spoke to Sue, and she said she called you."

  I just nod.

  "Tessa, everything she said was a lie. I know we haven't known each other a long time, but somewhere deep down you have to know what she said was a lie. I never have and never will be with her. She has been chasing me for years and has never been able to understand that no means never." He reaches out, his eyes pleading with mine. “Please say something."

  I think about what he has just said. "After last night, to get a phone call like that… She made it sound like I was the other woman. A mistake. Because how could someone like you ever pick me over someone like her. And it's true, Noah, she's beautiful."

  Noah stands, walking across the room and crouching down in front of me.

  "No, she's not, Tessa. You are the beautiful one, inside and out."

  I scoff, and he shakes his head. "One day I will have you seeing yourself exactly how I see you. Beautiful. As for Sue," he continues, "she is not a pretty person at all, and her insides are even worse. I don't know what she said to you, Tessa, but from your reaction, I can only assume it was horrible. Whatever she said, it’s not true.

  "The past couple of weeks have been the happiest in my life. You shine a light so bright, it warms me from the inside out. There's no one I would rather spend time with. Besides, between my hours at the clinic and the time I’m here with you, when would I ever have time to see Sue? Please say you believe me."

  I tilt my head, taking in what he has said plus all the debates I've had with myself during the day. There was always a part of me that thought what she said was untrue, well not all the ugly things about me, but her being with Noah. What he said is true, he has spent nearly all his free time, including quite a few nights here on my couch with me. Man, women can be cruel. I didn't go through bitchiness like this in high school, and I'm not going to start now. I've gotten to know Noah well these past couple of months, and I think I know him well enough to trust him.

  I throw the cushion away and then cup his face. "I'm sorry I ignored you all day and let her get in my head."

  He meets the distance and captures my lips. "Thank god,” he says between kisses. "Just when I get you, I did not want to lose you."

  He sits beside me then drags me onto his lap, and I curl up in his chest.

  "Tessa, promise me one thing. From now on, you talk to me first. Never ignore my calls, baby."

  I squeeze him tight. "Promise." My eyes drift down to his lap, and I shift uncomfortably. "I'd say are you just happy to see me, but that seems sharp." I laugh, moving off Noah's lap.

  "Oh, I forgot I had that in there. I wasn't opposed to resorting to bribery if I had to," he says, pulling out a long rectangle box wrapped in Christmas paper.

  He hands me the box, and I reluctantly take it from him.

  "Noah, what is this?"

  "Look, I know we haven't known each other long, but when I bought the Christmas decorations, I also saw this and thought it was perfect for you."

  I look up at him.

  "Tessa, I don't know where things are going with us, but I want you to have this, please," he nods to the gift in my hands, "open it."

  I slowly look down and tear open the paper seeing a jewelry box. Opening the box, I see a diamond necklace. "It's beautiful, Noah," I choke out, trying not to cry.

  "It's a choker, and I know you don't like people seeing your scar, so I thought this piece would help you to cover it up whenever you go out." The tears I was holding back start falling down my cheek.

  Noah gets up behind me, moving my hair to the side so he can clasp it.

  Putting my hair back in place, he takes my hand, leading me to my bathroom, making me face the mirror.

  He wipes my tears from my face. "You are beautiful without this necklace, scars and all. This necklace is just one step to help you see yourself as beautiful too."

  Looking in the mirror, I see that he has chosen well. The diamonds shining around my neck hide the hideous scars, making it look like it’s not even there.

  Turning to face Noah in his arms, I reach up with my hands around his neck and place a kiss on his cheek.

  "Thank you, Noah, I don't know how you have stayed single for so long, but I thank my lucky stars that our paths have crossed."

  "I was waiting for you, Tessa."

  After dinner, Noah insists that we walk through town to look at the lights. It's late, and I want things to work with Noah, so I agree. Lucky for me, it snows in Colorado so I can rug up. Parking the car a few blocks away from the town center, we jump out of the truck, Noah wrapping me in his arms.

  There're a few families out enjoying the night too. Many know Noah and say hi, Noah introducing me to them.

  As we get closer, he suggests we walk through the park. Hearing the familiar tinkling of water, I ask, "Have you heard of the wishing properties of the wishing well?"

  "Yes, when I first arrived in town, I was told all about the history of it, but it was only recently that I ventured out to check it out."

  I stop and face him.

  "So, you made a wish?"

  He smiles. "I may have. Have you made a wish?"

  "Yes. That day my car broke down, I stumbled across the well and thought why not? What did I have to lose?"

  "And… what did you wish for?" he asks.

  "I can't tell you that."

  "Sure, you can. You say, Noah, I wished for…" He winks making me smile.

  What the heck. "I wished to be normal, to find someone special." I look away, not wanting to see his reaction.

  He pulls my chin up. "So the wishing well works." He kisses me gently.

  "Maybe," I say, biting my lip.

  "Tessa, look around you; you are out in the middle of town with me. I'd say you got your wish."

  He puts his arms around me, hugging me close.

nbsp; "What did you wish for, Noah?"

  He takes a few minutes before saying, "You."

  I step out of his arms, looking at him, bewildered. There's no way…

  "It's true," he continues. "I wished that the sexy Tessa would one day let me in. And look where we are." He places his hands on my waist, then spins me around, making me squeal before slowly lowering me but not quite enough for my feet to touch the ground.

  "Wishes can come true, Tessa." His lips find mine again just as I feel snow start to fall.

  I couldn't have dreamed a better place to be; they say things happen for a reason, and now I believe. If not for my fall earlier this month, I don't know if Noah and I would be together. I will forever be grateful for my car breaking down that day.

  Fairy tales used to be what I wrote, now I’m living my own happily ever after and couldn’t be happier.

  The End

  Passionate Wishes

  Barbra Campbell

  Chapter One


  Hailey sang while she helped me get the blankets off our two older horses. The winter storm had passed and several sunny days were in the forecast.

  She had a song for everything, even branching into old stuff from my generation. Singing seemed like more of an addiction than a hobby for her. Appropriately, this morning’s song was Walking on Sunshine.

  I wasn’t sure where she’d gotten her talent because I had none and her mom considered singing frivolous. Trish considered a lot of things frivolous, like running a ranch. We’d gotten married shortly after high school and she hadn’t believed me when I’d told her my dream was to run cattle. Eventually she let me in on the grandiose plans she’d made to take over my family’s ice cream shop and branch out to the Denver area, certain we would get rich. My parents didn’t have any interest in her shenanigans, as they put it. When that plan fell through, she left for the big city and got a law degree The only common thread I’d found was getting away from me.


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