Fae- Crowned

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Fae- Crowned Page 13

by Eva Blackwing

  "Let the magic go, Mor. You can close it now." Mor struggled to open her eyes, to do something. She couldn't move, couldn't stop the magic from pouring through the Seeing Stone.

  "Dammit, pull the circlet off of her head!" She heard Asmodeus shouting. Someone grabbed the circlet and yanked it off of her head. As soon as it was off, she felt the Stone's connection to her shut off. She could hear voices around her, but couldn't say anything as she sank into darkness.

  Chapter 20


  Sebastian had gasped as Mor fell from the back of Fury. As soon as Arthur had pulled the Seeing Stone from her head, she had just collapsed. He had panicked for a moment, thinking she was dead, but then he saw her chest rising and falling as she breathed and he had relaxed a tiny bit. Morgana had run up then and ordered them to take her to their suite.

  Now he was sitting on the bed next to Mor, just watching her breathe. Morgana had said it was fine, just a reaction to being drained by using such powerful magic, but he couldn't shake the fear that they had almost lost her. He didn't ever want her to use that kind of power again. She didn't know it, but she had brought back several hundred Fae and shifters. Morgana and Tristan had turned them over to Amelia and her mates.

  Arthur, Ben, Max, and Atreyu were finalizing plans with Morgana and Tristan right now. They were trying to find a way to let the army with Boris know that the hostages were safe. Sebastian had volunteered to stay with Mor. He knew the others were needed for planning. He had always been Ben's Second, but truth be told, Arthur was better suited to leading the armies with Ben than he was. And with Atreyu directing the scouts and Max the field medics, Sebastian was the best choice.

  Which is what he had argued, since in reality there was no way he could leave her right now. He knew it was hard for the others to be away from her, but he didn't feel bad at all that he found a way to make sure he got to stay with her. They all wanted to, but this battle needed to happen sooner rather than later. He pulled her tight against him, just needing to be close to her.

  Arthur opened the door and came in, "How's she doing?"

  "No real change," Sebastian shrugged, "But I think she may be breathing a little easier."

  Just then, Mor yawned and snuggled into him. A moment later, Mor's eyes blinked open. "Sebastian?"

  "Hey, darling, how are you feeling?" The bed dipped as Arthur sat on the bed next to Mor.

  "A little tired." She blinked again and then sat up, panic on her face. "What happened? Did everyone make it through? Was I strong enough?"

  "Yes, my rose. Everyone made it through. You did so well."

  "How long have I been out?"

  "Just a little under twenty-four hours. Morgana told us that Lucifer said it would be about a day after holding that much magic over that kind of distance."

  She yawned again, then stretched. Sebastian tried to ignore the way her shirt pulled tight across her chest. And he certainly was not noticing how hard her nipples were. Nope. "That makes sense, I guess. It was a lot. And over time and space, I suppose, since it was between Realms." She looked down at her shirt and picked it from her body. "Yuck. I need to change."

  Arthur growled low in his throat, "We can help you with that."

  Sebastian groaned as the scent of Mor's arousal hit him. "I do believe our queen likes that idea." He traced his hands lightly up Mor's sides, loving the way she shivered. He pushed her shirt up over her head and threw it to the side. Pulling her hair off of her shoulder, Sebastian kissed up her neck while Arthur bent down and started sucking on a nipple. Sebastian let his hand drift to the other breast and start plucking at her nipple.

  Mor moaned as Sebastian whispered, "Is this the help you wanted?"

  "No, but I want it now." Mor turned her head and kissed him hard.

  Sebastian groaned into her mouth, then slipped a hand down between her legs as he kissed her. Sebastian dragged a finger over her slit, getting harder as he felt how wet she was. "My queen, I think you're rather excited. Let's see what we can do about that." He plunged a finger into her, then two, and started pumping them. She moaned as her hips moved in response and Arthur claimed her mouth. Sebastian pressed the heel of his hand down a little harder, making sure to hit her clit, and then groaned as he felt her explode around his fingers.

  "That's a good girl, darling," he whispered in her ear. "I love to feel you come all over me. Do it again." He moved his hand faster this time. Arthur was nipping at her neck, his hands plucking at her nipples. Moments later, Mor came with a loud moan. "Such a good girl." He turned her head to make her watch as he put his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean.

  "Sebastian, Arthur - please - I - ”

  "I believe our mate needs us, brother." Arthur's voice was a growl and deeper than usual as he stared down at Mor. He had pulled away and one hand was on his cock, slowly stroking it as he watched Mor with a wicked smile.

  "I think we should give her what she needs." Sebastian laid back and pulled Mor with him. He rolled her on top of him and positioned her over the head of his cock. She tried to push down, but Sebastian gripped her hips tighter and slowly lowered her onto him. When he finally filled her, Mor let out a moan that had his hips buck under her.

  Arthur moved behind Mor and pushed into her ass. Sebastian groaned with Mor at the feeling. She felt so tight, he couldn't wait to feel her come on them. They started moving and Sebastian pulled Mor down for a kiss. She moaned into his mouth as they moved faster, harder, until she pulled her head back and came with a scream. Feeling her pulse around him triggered Sebastian's orgasm, he moaned as he came in her.

  After a moment, the three of them collapsed on the bed. "Well, if doing crazy big magic leads to that, I'll need to do it more often." Mor grinned up at the ceiling.

  "My rose, we'll give that to you as often as you like. No need to nearly kill yourself to get what's already yours." Arthur sat up on an elbow and frowned down at her.

  "I was joking, Arthur." She reached a hand up and pulled him down for a soft kiss.

  "Unfortunately, darling, we need to get moving. We have a lot to get done. The others have been organizing the army and the former hostages."

  "Where does that stand?" Mor pushed up from the bed. "Wait, tell me as we're getting ready." She stood, wobbled for a second, then made her way to the bathroom.

  Sebastian followed her in, but didn't get in the shower with her. He knew what would happen if he did. Arthur came in with some clothes for her and said, "We have the army ready to go. But we're stuck on how to get word to Boris' army that the hostages are all home and safe."

  She was washing her hair, and Sebastian had to look away. He turned to Arthur, who was pulling on his clothes, and said, "What are the ideas so far?"

  "Well, we thought of sneaking in a messenger but then how do we prove it. Then we thought to send one of those hologram things, but we aren't completely sure how they work yet. And that could still be faked. Then we wondered if maybe we should just have them march with us."

  Mor got out of the shower, and Sebastian handed her a towel. As soon as she was dry, Mor wrapped her hair in the towel and pulled on her clothes. She finally spoke as she was pulling her hair back in a braid. "What about picking the strongest - physically, magically, whatever - Fae and shifters and having them come with us? They can stay with us, in the safety of the camp, and then they can be on the front lines with me when we finally go to battle."

  "Well, that could work, but - "

  "I wasn't done, you silly Fae." Mor kissed Sebastian as she passed by him to leave the bathroom. "I can inform Boris's army we rescued the hostages and they'll be able to actually see them there, next to me. But as soon as they charge, we have them drop back and our army come forward. Unless they want to fight, of course."

  They were both silent as they went downstairs. Sebastian looked over at Arthur, "I think that could work."

  "I agree. It's the best of all the options unless they've managed to come up with something while we were, ah
, busy." He grinned.

  "Is everyone in the War Room?" Mor asked.

  "Yes, darling." Sebastian stepped ahead of her and opened the door for her.

  "Mor!" Atreyu whooped from across the room and ran over to her, sweeping her up in a hug and then kissing her silly. "Are you okay? Do you need to sit down? Do you - oh." A sly grin crossed his face. "You're doing just fine, aren't you, beautiful?"

  She winked at him and then went to Ben and Max to be hugged and kissed. Mor finally made her way to her chair, nodding to Tristan and Lancelot as she sat.. "Arthur caught me up. Do you have any new ideas?"

  Ben was already shaking his head. "We haven't been able to think of anything else."

  "Okay, here's what we're going to do. Those of the former hostages who are physically able, and willing, will march with the army. When we get there to start the siege, they will come to the front with me and I will make sure they are seen by Boris' army. If we settle in for siege, then they can go assimilate with the army or head to a safe distance. If Boris immediately attacks, our army will step forward to take their places and keep them protected."

  Ben looked at her, surprise on his face. "That would work."

  "Don't look so surprised, Ben." Mor raised an eyebrow.

  "I just - ”

  "Wasn't expecting a good strategy from me? I have been listening, you know." She smiled and patted his hand. "So, now that we have a plan I just want to add that if there is a parent with an underage child they will not be allowed to come with us. They need to stay here. We can't risk them being turned back into hostages."

  "Agreed." Sebastian sat forward. "Now that we have a plan, when will we be marching out? The sooner we get moving, the better."

  "We'll take the rest of today to talk with everyone we rescued. Supply lines are ready to go and the army is ready to march. As soon as we figure out what we need for the additions, we'll be ready to go. So tomorrow morning." Arthur said.

  "Morgana, Tristan, Atreyu, and Max. I want you to go to the hostages and tell them about our plan and ask if they would be willing to come. Arthur and Ben, please go inform your commanders that we will be marching tomorrow. Sebastian, I'd like you to help me get our packs ready. Everyone is clear on what they are doing?" When everyone nodded, Mor said, "Good. Recruit others to help you if you need. Let's get moving." She stood and strode out of the room.

  "Holy fuck that was hot." Sebastian held a hand to his heart. His brothers were staring after her too, jaws hanging open.

  Finally, Atreyu cleared his throat, "And that, my brothers, is a queen. Long live Queen Mor." He blinked. "That was so hot to watch." Atreyu held up a fist for a bump and Ben did it without blinking.

  Sebastian stood and started to follow her. "You heard her. Let's get moving."

  Chapter 21


  The next day, everyone was ready to go. All the hostages agreed to go, even the ones with children. Mor held firm in her order that parents with underage children were not allowed to go. Trisha had helped Max figure out how much increase they needed to accommodate the extra mouths. After they'd finished packing their personal things, Mor had gone around to the army and hostages with Sebastian.

  She hadn't gone to bed until her mates had dragged her there, falling into bed around midnight. She woke up, wide awake and ready to go. The army had started making the trip already through the Circle. Ben and Arthur had reported that the army had started staging for the supply chain when they left, so about half the army had already gone through.

  Arthur and Ben had decided to start sending groups of the army through last night. They should be finishing up now and sending the freed Fae and shifters through now. Trisha handed her a cup of coffee and a sandwich as she walked out the door. "Thanks, Trisha."

  "Are ye ready, lass? 'Tis a big day."

  "I don't know that this is something you're ready for. Is anyone ever ready for war?"

  Trisha patted her arm, "No, lass. No one is ever ready for war."

  "Are they already downstairs?"

  "That they are. I'll be glad when this is over."

  "Me too. I don't want anyone else hurt over this." She started walking down the stairs, Trisha following her.

  "I know, lass, I know. But what will happen if ye doona go ta war?"

  "I saw what happened. It's awful. I just wish there was a different way." They reached the doors. "See you soon, Trisha. If I don't - ”

  "Nae, lass. You'll no be goin' there. I'll see you all in a few days. I expect ye ta send fer me, aye? The castle will need quite the cleanin'."

  "I will Trisha. Thank you." She smiled at her and walked out. Her mates were waiting outside for her, horses ready. Fury was standing with them, looking around for all the world like she knew what was coming.

  "Lookin' good, beautiful. I love it when you wear leather."

  She had put on her leather armor today, thinking it would probably be best to wear some form of protection. Her mates were all wearing full armor. She paused for a moment, taking in the spectacular vision of her mates ready for battle. They looked regal standing next to their horses. And so fucking sexy. "I love it when you wear armor." She winked, walked over to Fury, and swung up on to her. "Ready, mates?"

  They swung on to their horses and started out. They made their way to the circle and Sebastian brought them through. There was a guard set up around the circle. "We're the last through. Time to get going, soldiers." Ben directed them to go in front.

  Falling in next to Max, Mor asked, "Did Morgana and Tristan bring the Daemons through?"

  "Yeah. Surprisingly, she's really backed down on them. Did I tell you she volunteered to take them through?"

  Mor smirked, "I'm not surprised."

  "Oh? Have something you'd like to share with us?"

  "Nope, I'll wait and see if I'm right."

  "Ah, Mor. Not cool." Max whined.

  "You know, you look ridiculous whining in a full suit of armor."

  He winked at her. "Just trying to keep that smile on your face, love. The more we can smile now, the better."

  "Thank you, Max." She smiled over at him. "How much further until we reach the army?"

  "Just a few hours. We'll be there just after lunch."

  The rest of the trip was uneventful. They didn't stop to eat, figuring it was safer to push through until they reached the safety of the army. There were no signs that Boris was doing anything other than trying to break the defenses of the castle, but it didn't hurt to be careful. When they finally got there, Mor swung down with a groan. Tristan came up immediately and bowed to Mor and Arthur.

  "Anything to report, Tristan?"

  "No, my lord. Everything is ready to go. The army is settled in with the freed Fae and shifters divided among the units for protection. The Daemons have reinforced our protective shielding. Supply chain for a siege is in place."

  "Excellent work. Where is our camp? I'd like to get our queen fed and rested. I'm sure she'll want to go inspect the troops later."

  "Well, maybe not inspect. But definitely check on." Mor rolled her eyes.

  "Either way, tent?" Sebastian said.

  "Of course, my lord." Tristan bowed and said, "If you would follow me?"

  Falling in to step next to Arthur, Mor gave him a confused look. "Why is he so formal?"

  "Tristan is always formal, my rose."

  "Yeah, but this is extra."

  "I am merely ensuring that proper chain of command is maintained, my queen. Formality is a way to remind all that you are in charge."

  "Ah. Well. Good, I guess?"

  "It is very good. You have a great many civilians here, as well as shifters and Daemons who do not know you. In addition to that, you were the lost royal so all must adjust to your presence. Formal address by a high-ranking officer is one of the easiest ways to remind others without shoving it in their face." Tristan bowed his head slightly.

  "He thinks of everything." Arthur grinned and clapped him on the shoulder. "It's part of why I wanted h
im on our Council."

  "What's the other part?" Mor asked.

  "You'll see that in battle, my rose." Arthur's voice was grim.

  "Here we are, your majesties, consorts." Tristan gestured to a large tent with guards around the perimeter. "I took the liberty of having lunch brought to you in the tent. As you requested, Queen Mor, you will be receiving the same rations as the army."

  "Perfect! Thank you, Tristan." Mor smiled and dismounted. A groom came over to take Fury who thought about it before finally going.

  Entering the tent, Mor sighed and struggled out of her leather boots. "Formality is exhausting. And annoying as fuck." She sank into a chair at the table. Lunch was sitting out, and she dug in.

  "I can't argue with that." Atreyu said, joining her at the table.

  "So what's the plan now? I assume we are going to go start the siege this afternoon?"

  "No, we'll wait for first light. Today we rest, make the not-inspection rounds, and try to boost morale." Arthur picked up a sandwich and took a bite.

  "We will also need to consult with Morgana and Asmodeus to talk about what we are looking at, magically speaking, in terms of offense and defense."

  "Great. So lunch, plans, rounds."

  "Basically. Then sleep if we can and then tomorrow we begin."

  After lunch, Mor sent for Asmodeus, Morgana, Tristan, and Lancelot. They were there within a few minutes. "Asmodeus, I need you to tell me about traditional Daemon offensive magic. We know that Boris has added a bunch of shit, but I want to know what is normal."

  "Well, our powers are as different as our looks. Boris always had the ability to talk to animals and would use them as spies. He never led a battalion or anything like that. He was a scout."

  "I wonder if that's why he was able to get to the shifters in the first place. We'll need to make the Dragons aware. I'd hate to find them turning on us." Ben said.

  "Absolutely." Arthur nodded.

  "I can tell you what some of Shax's powers were before Boris stole them. That dark wave you all talked about? It binds whoever it touches and renders them incapable of movement, hearing, or seeing. Now, it typically has a limit and it would drain Shax fairly quickly. I do not know if that is the case with Boris."


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