James, Earl of Crofton

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James, Earl of Crofton Page 18

by Rebecca Cohen

  Adam shifted in his chair, leaning forwards. “James, have I done something to offend you? If so, I apologise profusely, for I do not know what it is that has driven you to such a cool disposition.”

  Now was the time. The perfect opening that could hopefully resolve his troubled thoughts. “There are ways to hear things in the hall that are not known to most, and before my departure I overheard a discussion between yourself and Clement regarding not removing things that could be conspicuous, which to me is not a side of meat.”

  Adam looked to be searching his memory. “Possibly so. I have, at your bidding, tried to befriend the villain. Remind me, where was this conversation?”

  “In the library, but that was not the only topic. You spoke of greasing the sheriff’s palm and of Clement’s brother.”

  “Ah, yes. But I had not the chance to talk with you about these until now.”

  “Yet you begin with a side of meat? Of all the things, you must see that is of the least interest.”

  “I do not understand your concern. The sheriff has been bought off for things not yet planned. As far as I can tell, Clement means to pilfer trinkets, but I have put in place decoys to ensure nothing of value of yours will be touched. And of his brother, he decided it too risky to come this way and instead chose another path.”

  James wanted to believe him. After all, Adam was not hiding more of the conversation than James had heard. But if this was the reason then Adam must have been hiding something else, and James needed to know. “It hurts me to have to say this, Adam, but can you not see my worries? That maybe your allegiance could be in doubt over how you choose to share your news? What if I had not happened to have heard your conversation? What would you have said?”

  Adam’s face had turned ashen. “Upon every fibre of my being, and my immortal soul, I never meant to give you pause that I could be able, or willing, to betray you.”

  “I do not wish to think it, but you cannot deny there is something you are keeping from me. Naturally, my thoughts will turn to the worst when I hear your convincing performances. When you speak to Clement, you do so in such a way that it is hard not to hear the falsehood.”

  “I am doing only as you have asked of me, I swear it. You mean far too much to me, far beyond this charade of advisor—you must know that!”

  “How should I know so? Time after time I have shown my interest, chased no other even though I have been chased, and you have said yourself you think me a jewel to cherish, yet you do not. So tell me, Adam, what should I think?”

  “My reticence to offer more of myself to you is not bound with what is happening within these walls—it is wider than that, and I do not wish to bring you danger, or into disrepute.”

  James scoffed. “Adam, you are speaking in tongues. So I must be plain—if you do not tell me, I will have no other recourse. Speak the truth now or be gone within the hour, and as much as it will pain me, I do not wish to set eyes upon you again.”

  Adam buried his face in his hands, and for the longest time James didn’t know what he would do. Finally, Adam sat up and took a deep breath. James couldn’t read his expression and his heart pounded, desperate for Adam say something and let James into his confidence.

  Adam stood. He looked James in the eye. “It will be easier if I show you. Stay here; I will be back in few minutes. You will understand why I wanted to keep this from you.”

  James was more confused than ever. What Adam was keeping from him had been hidden in the hall, but Adam had been elusive long before he’d agreed to be James’s adviser.

  True to his word, Adam returned in no time at all, meaning he must only have gone as far as his room. He stood holding a polished wooden box large enough that it needed both hands to support it. Balanced on top was a velvet drawstring bag.

  James hastily moved the tray with the leftovers of his meal to the floor, making way for Adam to set the box down and put the bag next to it. He placed his hand top the box. “Before I open this, I don’t want you to think you will have to defend me in any way. I will leave this house, if that is your insistence, with no argument.”

  “For the Lord’s sake, Adam, get on with it. I will explode one way or another. Whatever is in this box means you have not betrayed the household, which was my biggest fear. As I have told you before, I doubt there is anything you have done otherwise which would make me wish you away.”

  Adam opened the box. Nestled on the bed of velvet were two exquisite flintlock pistols, with elaborate silver embellishments that suggested they were Italian in origin. James glanced up at Adam, not quite sure what they were supposed to mean. “They are very pretty, but I do not understand their relevance.”

  “You do not recognise them?” asked Adam with a nervous chuckle.

  James cast his mind back. Perhaps he had seen them at court and Adam had somehow come into their possession in a less then legal fashion. Adam tutted and snatched up the bag. From it he removed a Harlequin’s mask, and the memory of staring down the barrel of these pistols hit James hard. His mind whirled, almost unable to comprehend, a flash of soft lips in a dark alley assaulted his senses with a delicious pang of desire and he could barely breathe. “You are him?”

  “I did try to tell you there was a part of me you should not like.”

  “You think admitting to being the Chivalrous Highwayman would make you less attractive in my eyes?” James laughed. “You are a fool, Adam Dowson, because how could you possibly think that a deterrent to my amour?”

  “If I am caught, I will be hanged, and if you are associated—”

  James cut him off mid-sentence with a searing kiss that he had been waiting forever to deliver. Adam yielded, the kiss deep, fiery, and passionate. James poured his months of frustration into the embrace, using his lips and tongue to tell Adam just how he felt. He tugged Adam’s jacket off while walking him back towards the bed.

  “Wait,” gasped Adam. “You are not thinking clearly.”

  “Me? I have seldom thought so clearly in all my years. You saved my life,” he declared as he unfastened Adam’s neckerchief. “Returned my father’s ring.”

  “I had Tim return it—the boy from the fair—he slipped it into your cuff. No one notices an extra servant or two.”

  No wonder he’d thought he vaguely recognised the young scamp who had accidently knocked into him at court.

  “As Adam Dowson you were a man I would worship, but I will freely admit the dreams I had about my masked rescuer would be too lurid to put into writing.”

  James could have sworn he saw Adam’s eyes darken, and he pressed another kiss to his lips to prevent any further arguments escaping before they reached the bed, where he toppled them both backwards.

  “No more pushing me away, Adam,” he murmured against his lips. “I will not sanction further objections based on your so-called terrible secret. If you have another secret, speak now. Otherwise, we have waited too long for what we both want.”

  Adam grinned. “Then who am I to refuse the Earl of Crofton, when he is right that I can no longer deny myself what I have longed for? I have a deep appreciation of pretty things.”

  James burned with the need to see Adam naked, to peel away the layers of propriety. Their wigs were first to go, thrown haphazardly to the side. His fingers fumbled on the buttons of Adam’s waistcoat, but thankfully Adam had the same idea and they were soon down to their shirts, drawers and stockings while exchanging messy, desperate kisses. It felt so good to put his hands upon Adam, and he hadn’t even got to his skin. He moved backwards quickly, kneeling up, and dodging out of the way to prevent Adam pulling him back down.

  “I want you to lie back and let me unwrap my gift. I’ve been a very patient man. I think I deserve to enjoy this.”

  “You are an incubus.”

  “Oh, you’ll find my flesh is firm.” He smacked Adam’s wandering hands away from the hem of his shirt.

  “I was only trying to vouchsafe your firmness.”

  “Patience, Adam, of tha
t you will have no doubt.”

  He trailed his fingers down Adam’s shirt-clad body, a feather-light touch that brought forth breathy moans from Adam as James ghosted over his hard cock, which stood proud, tenting the material.

  “Tease,” Adam hissed.

  James chuckled and stopped his caresses as he got to the ribbons holding up Adam’s stockings. The lengths of fabric unravelled at his gentle tug and he peeled them down, one after the other, his hand following the shape of Adam’s calf. James loved the feel of Adam’s wiry hair, but he did not linger; he had other things on his mind. “Lift your hips,” he ordered, and Adam did as he was told.

  With well-practised efficiency he glided his hand under Adam’s shirt and removed his drawers. “Take off your shirt. Then lie back down.”

  Adam’s lazy grin was achingly attractive, as were his slow, seductive moves as he removed his shirt. James slid off the bed and stood staring in open lust at the sight of Adam sprawled across his sheets—something he’d thought he might never get to see. Adam was a fine specimen of a man, worthy of his fantasises. His long legs were well muscled, and his torso and chest firm, no doubt formed by his activities as the Chivalrous Highwayman.

  James glanced around and saw the portion of butter on his supper tray, but then he remembered the small flask of olive oil he kept hidden in plain sight amongst his selection of scents.

  He rolled his stockings down and threw them to the side, along with his drawers; then he quickly grabbed the oil. With a great show he pulled his shirt over his head and stood proudly at the end of the bed, naked and on display.

  “You are even more bewitching without your clothes,” said Adam, his gaze travelling up and down appreciatively.

  James crawled onto the mattress, settling between Adam’s thighs, which were spread wide in invitation. The first feel of skin against skin made him tremble, and he pressed kisses up and over Adam’s flat belly and worshipped his nipples, loving the noises Adam made as he squirmed under James’s attentions.

  He lowered himself so he could claim a kiss, deep and messy, and his body hummed at being pressed naked against Adam’s. “You are intoxicating,” he murmured, as he left a trail of kisses across Adam’s jaw. “My dreams were a pale reflection of the reality. Will you let me indulge in my wicked desires? Take and consume you?”

  “If you don’t I fear I might wither away. James, you are not the only one with dreams.”

  James could not wait any longer; Adam’s words made his patience desert him. He moved back and snatched up the oil from where it had rolled next to his pillow. His prize was waiting and willing. He poured a little oil into his hands and rubbed them together, coating his palms and fingers. He wrapped his left hand around Adam’s cock and slipped the other behind Adam’s balls. From past experience, lovers had adored it when he stroked them while opening them up, and Adam was no different. His low groan was gratifying as James slowly worked his fingers into Adam’s tight heat, and Adam’s cock felt impossibly hard in his hand.

  “Enough!” Adam nudged him with his foot. “I am ready.”

  James grinned and removed his fingers. “Your wish is my command.”

  He used a little more oil to coat his cock. Finally, after so many months, he had Adam in his bed, ready and willing, and he would enjoy the encounter to the fullest.

  Adam canted his hips in invitation, and James lined his hard cock with his entrance and slowly sank inside. He couldn’t stop the low moan as, inch by inch, Adam accepted his intrusion. He had to wait a moment and take a deep breath as he reached as deep as he could go, fearing if he moved just yet he might reach his peak too soon. Adam wore a look of willing abandon, head back and lips slightly parted.

  James began to move in and out, setting a slow, steady rhythm, feeling his passion coursing through, building with every thrust. Adam moaned beneath him and James picked up the pace, determined to ensure Adam had his pleasure as much he did. He reached out and grasped Adam’s cock, and a few short strokes was all it took to send Adam soaring, his essence shooting out in pearly ribbons across his belly.

  James lost himself in the heat and building desire, the pressure of Adam all-consuming, and with one final, deep thrust, he released inside Adam, the thrill almost blinding. He collapsed forwards and it was several moments before he could slide out of Adam and land next to him.

  James was sure the grin he was wearing would cause a physician to pause, but he cared not one whit as Adam trailed a line of kisses across his shoulder before pillowing his head on James’s chest.

  “The rumours at court do not do you justice,” said Adam as he nuzzled closer. “I had thought, with its propensity to over-exaggerate, you could not possibly be in possession of the skills they declared, but I am happily proven wrong.”

  “Oh ye of little faith. I do hope it did not add reason for you to keep me at arm’s length for so long.”

  Adam laughed, a huff of warm air tickling James’s nipple delightfully. “You do not know the temptation I have fought. To keep myself in check, my hands to themselves. It has been a torture not even Hades could’ve bested.”

  “The worst is, you imposed it upon yourself.” James stroked Adam’s close-cut hair. “But you have seen the light.”

  “You forced my hand. I know that keeping secrets is not the best way to forge a deeper friendship, but I kept this from you because it is a burden you should not have to carry along with everything else.”

  “What burden? Unless you think me incapable of stilling my tongue, which, if so, it is too late now.”

  “I know you can keep a confidence, that does not concern me, but I did not want to put you in a position where you would find yourself having to lie to the Lord Lieutenant.”

  “As if it would be the first time. A few false truths are not going to cause me consternation. What would cause me great sorrow is if you were caught. King Charles himself cannot get a highwayman spared—not even one as beloved as you.”

  “I do not intend to be caught.”

  “What criminal does? But you should not take the risks you do.”

  Adam snorted. “As if you would know. I am as sensible as I can be.”

  “According to my sources, you were almost caught in Hertford. The livelier gossips at court thought that was why you had been less prolific of late. I know better. You have been too busy here with me, which means when you have been off visiting friends you have been charging around in a mask on horseback—hardly sensible.”

  “It is not as if I can simply give up the ruse.”

  James tutted. “Whyever not? You are a highwayman, not a knight of the realm.”

  “You think I do it for pleasure?”

  In the moments between learning of Adam’s additional profession and their coupling, he’d had no time for, or interest in, Adam’s motivations. “It was certainly my pleasure when you tied me to that tree, and on the other occasion when you kissed me. Half of the court lives to hear your tales, so perhaps you do for the notoriety.”

  “Being charming meant I was less likely to be shot, and by being nice to my victims they do not feel the need to go running to the sheriff. Some of them even offered more than their jewels.”

  “Of that I am well aware.” He smirked. “You should hear the wistful sighs of the ladies you have failed to despoil.”

  Adam mouthed at his side. “I know of a certain gentleman who would have been willing.”

  James gasped at the sensation. “I have never denied it. And I am one of many! But you can’t tell me you went charging through Epping Forest for the opportunity to make a noble weak at the knees. Your access to court means you would have ample opportunity for that.”

  “No, but it was a nice aside.”

  James could see the reasoning, but still he didn’t understand why Adam took up the mantle of highwayman at all, and he wasn’t sure there could be anything beyond monetary incentives. “It is certainly lucrative—I know how much money you took off me that one time, and the sapphires in
Tilly’s necklace were not glass. But by now you must have enough put by to stop this madness.”

  “If it were solely money for my use I would have stopped already, but there are many who rely on my activities.”

  James knew only too well there would always be people with an open hand who needed money. That did not mean their palms deserved to be filled at the expense of Adam’s neck. “Who are these people? If you so willingly risk your life for them, they should not wish you to continue doing so indefinitely.”

  “I do not intend to do it indefinitely, just until I have enough.”

  “Money, if you believe its naysayers, is the root of all evil. Would you truly ever have enough? From what I see you have plenty.”

  Adam lifted his head from James’s chest. “I do not wish to argue with you, especially given the blissful state I find myself in, wrapped around you naked in bed, but you cannot begin to understand what it is like to be close to starvation, to see your children with empty eyes of hunger, or to have to rely on your daughter bringing money home, and not asking where she got it from.”

  “I do not argue that it is the case, but you cannot claim it either.”

  “There are some who have found themselves in desperate straits, families who my father would have wanted me to help—I cannot turn my back on them.”

  “Your father, the general? But would he have wanted his son to help them in this way?”

  “Considering he did it himself before he was able to escape overseas after the war, you can safely say he would have no qualms in my doing so.”

  “What? Your father was a highwayman?” spluttered James, hardly believing his ears.

  “Yes, but only for a few months. It was what gave me the idea to do the same. There were men, good men, my father fought alongside who lost everything—wives who lost their husbands, children without fathers who still suffer today. I see crime and poverty everywhere I look in London, so I try to help those I can, especially those whose kin helped my father and the Cavaliers. I can’t do nothing. I myself was close to penniless, and if it weren’t for a kind soul helping me, I would not have been in the position to do what I do. I made my fortune and found comfortable positions, yet I could not turn a blind eye to those around me who needed help.”


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