Dare You to Chase the Soccer Player (Rock Valley High Book 5)

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Dare You to Chase the Soccer Player (Rock Valley High Book 5) Page 10

by Lacy Andersen


  “What’s so great about this guy anyway?” Beth shoved her forkful of pasta into her mouth and chewed. “I mean, you’re Lexi Black. You’re cute and petite and girly. You can date any of the guys in Rock Valley. And I’m pretty sure you have.”

  I shot her an offended look. I had so not dated every guy in school...just a few.

  “Maybe you guys should come on set with me today. I’ll give you the tour and you can meet Zane for real this time. Then, you’ll see why he’s so impossible to resist.”

  They exchanged a look, then Charlotte smiled at me. “I suppose I could take some time out of my busy day to meet some movie stars...”

  I could feel my face brighten as I looked over at Beth. She was fighting her own smile.

  “Whatever.” She flicked her fork. “I guess I could cancel my campaign tonight, but my partner’s not going to be happy. You’ll owe me.”

  I squealed and launched myself across the table to pull them both into a crushing hug. “Thank you! Thank you!”

  Ignoring their protests, I sat back into my seat and stuffed another soggy fry in my mouth. Either they’d finally understand my dilemma and support me, or they’d talk me out of making a huge mistake. Either way, it would be good to get soldiers in on the ground floor. I didn’t trust my own judgment when it came to Zane.

  That boy was dangerous.


  “I got to say...this is pretty nice.” Beth hung over the fence surrounding the soccer field and watched as the boys battled on the grass.

  They were filming the big soccer game finale. Zane wore a bright green jersey with the number four on the back. I sighed and leaned my cheek into my hand as he ran by, sliding in the grass for the ball. He really did look like he belonged on the soccer field. His shin guards were stained green, he had sweat trickling down his temples, and his cheeks were dark red from exertion. He controlled the ball masterfully, darting past a defender and making his way toward the goal.

  I knew from the past week that a lot of the moves were choreographed, but at this point, they were just letting the boys free play to capture some filler action shots. It was almost like being at a real game. Freddy ran by a few times and he couldn’t help but wag his eyebrows and shoot my friends goofy flirtatious smiles. He captured a few giggles and eye-rolls, but it only seemed to egg him on.

  “They definitely know how to pick these actors.” Charlotte laughed when Freddy got checked by another player and received a face-full of grass. He bounced back up, unharmed and as energetic as ever. “You know, if I weren’t already taken...”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I gave her the side-eye. “We all know you’ve been crazy in love with Hunter forever. Don’t play that game.”

  She tried to suppress a smile, but failed. “Okay, you’ve got me. He’s the best. I really like him.”

  “We know,” Beth and I said at the same time.

  Finally, the director called cut and the boys all jogged off field to grab water bottles and towels. I kept my gaze glued to Zane. He took a green bottle with a Gatorade logo on the side of it and squeezed the water on his face. My insides turned to mush. I could’ve sworn he was moving in slow motion, a sexy song playing in the background. Shaking his head and spreading droplets everywhere, he rubbed a towel over his head, completely clueless as to the effect he was having on me.

  We watched the boys for another few minutes before I dragged my gaze away and checked my phone. Alanis was going to show me that contouring technique today. I needed to get back over to the trailer if we were going to have time. The girls reluctantly peeled themselves away from the fence to head back toward the gate, but as we went to leave, I nearly ran straight into Janelle again.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, backing away. That was the second time I’d nearly run her over. The girl was quiet as a mouse. I hadn’t seen her anywhere near the set earlier. “I didn’t see you there.”

  “Actually, you’re just the girl I was looking for.” Janelle’s gaze darted quickly over Charlotte and Beth with disinterest, then landed back on me. “The guys and I are looking for something to do tonight. Know anything fun going on? I don’t suppose there’s a club in this tiny little town?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Rock Valley? Have a club? My town wasn’t big enough for a club. Heck, it was hardly big enough for the couple of bars downtown. They were a long way from the LA scene. “No, sorry. We’ve got a mall with an arcade, but that’s about it.”

  From the way Janelle pursed her lips, that wasn’t the answer she’d wanted. “What about a pool? I’ve got an amazing new bikini I’d like to try out. You’ve got to have a pool somewhere.”

  “Did I hear the word bikini?” Freddy came up and leaned against the fence, wearing his obnoxiously large grin. “I’m in. Doesn’t matter what, I’m there.” He smiled at my friends and then winked. “Hello, ladies.”

  It seemed Freddy was going to be disappointed. The city pool had closed up as soon as school started around here. There weren’t enough people to keep it going.

  I shrugged helplessly. “Sorry, but the city pools are closed.”

  “That’s too bad.” Freddy draped his arm around Zane, who’d just appeared next to him at the fence. My stomach did a traitorous little flip as his blue gaze met mine for the briefest of moments. “My man Zane could use a few distractions. He’s been so out of it lately. I think he’s wound too tight.”

  “Just because I don’t flirt with every girl in sight, doesn’t mean I’m wound too tight,” Zane argued. He shoved Freddy playfully. “If you ask me, you’re wound a little too loose.”

  Freddy smiled as if he were proud of the label and pumped his shoulders. “Whatever keeps me young, right ladies?”

  “Actually,” Beth interrupted. “Lexi’s dad has a pool. Maybe we can all go there?”

  I gaped at my so-called friend. That was totally not a Beth move. I wondered what she was playing at. We hadn’t discussed renting out my home to the entire cast, but I couldn’t exactly take back the offer in front of them. In front of Zane.

  Janelle’s gaze shot to Beth. The dismissive attitude she’d displayed earlier was gone and excitement danced behind her eyes. “Is that right? A big pool?”

  “Yeah. It’s fancy, too. It’s even got an in-ground hot tub.” Beth grinned at her. “Perfect for showing off new bikinis, if you ask me.”

  Janelle cocked her hip and placed her hand on it. She directed a charming smile in my direction. “Sounds like you had the solution all along, Makeup Girl. I knew it. What do you say? Party at your house tonight? The boys and I are gagging to get out of the hotel. You’d be a lifesaver.”

  Normally, I was the first person to jump at the idea of a party, but having the entire movie cast over to my house was a little more pressure than a high school party. Plus, there was Zane. How was I supposed to act normal if Zane was gracing my backyard in nothing but his board shorts? I wasn’t sure what Beth was doing, but she’d sure put me in a tight spot.

  “I don’t know, Janelle...”

  “What?” Her smile faltered. “Is there a reason you don’t want us all at your house? It’s Friday night and it’s the only evening we’ve had off in weeks. Don’t leave us hanging.”

  I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. This girl was impossible. One glance over at Freddy and Zane, and I found them still standing on the other side of the fence watching me closely. Freddy fidgeted against the chained link, about ready to explode with nervous energy. I was pretty sure he would’ve died if I’d turned down his chance to see Janelle, or any girl, in a bikini. Zane had a different look on his face. He seemed...conflicted. I was having a hard time getting a reading on him.

  Did he want me to do this or not?

  “Well, I guess that could work,” I said with more confidence than I felt. “Just let me check with my dad first.”

  Janelle squealed and wrapped her twig arms around me with a squeeze. “Perfect! Text me with the address and we’ll see you there af
ter Allen closes for the day. Right boys?”

  “Right.” Freddy grabbed Zane by the neck and tried to pull him into a headlock, but Zane easily broke free. “We’ll be there, right, Zane?”

  He rubbed the back of his head and made a face, hesitation clearly written all over his face. “I don’t know...”

  “It’s fine, Zane.” Janelle shot him a smile with enough wattage to power up the soccer field lights. “I’m sure Makeup Girl’s home is perfectly safe. And she won’t stalk you. She told me you weren’t her type. She’s not that pathetic. Promise, Makeup Girl?”

  With a start, I realized she was talking to me. I was the pathetic Makeup Girl she’d mentioned. I nodded dumbly, unsure how to respond to such a sugary-sweet insulting tone. The girl had passive-aggressiveness down. Charlotte and Beth both bristled beside me, but they managed to keep their cool long enough for Janelle to add her number to my phone and then stride off with more pep in her step than usual.

  “Bikinis and babes.” Freddy rubbed his palms together as he walked backwards toward the director calling them back in. “Two of my favorite things. Can’t wait.”

  Zane groaned good-naturedly at his friend’s behavior and then waited until Freddy was a few steps away before turning back to me. With an unsure glance at Beth and Charlotte, he swallowed hard and pinned me with a questioning gaze.

  “Your dad’s house?”

  I nodded, feeling the unvoiced questions behind his tone. “Yeah. See you there?”

  There was an unmistakable flash of longing in his eyes. His chest rose and fell in a deep breath. This time, I knew what was going on in his head. It was the same struggle going on inside mine. Do we fight this, or give in? Either way seemed to have its problems.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there,” he said finally, nodding his head sharply. The indecision I’d seen there only moments ago was completely gone. “See you tonight.”

  I watched him turn and start to jog back toward the director. It was like seeing a slow-motion video on Tik Tok. Every time his foot hit the ground, my heart pounded painfully. And when he was finally back in place, I turned back to Beth, placing my hands on my hips and staring her down with my sternest expression.

  “What. Was. That?”

  “What?” She shrugged innocently. “You said you wanted to try exposure therapy. I figured this is the best way to do it, without getting you both in trouble.”

  My cheeks warmed as I gaped at her. “This is so not the exposure therapy I had in mind.”

  Secretly dating him, yes. That worked for me. Watching him splash around in the water looking recklessly sexy while the whole cast stood nearby? Nope. Not going to work.

  “I know it sounds tough.” She shot me an ornery smile. “But if you can spend time around him in nothing but swim trunks, then you’ll be golden. We’ll be there to help you. Besides, after what we just saw, I think we can all agree that you need the extra help.”

  I rolled my eyes and put on my most convincing voice. “Come on, guys. It’s not that bad. You know we’re just coworkers.”

  Charlotte laughed and nudged me gently with her elbow. “That’s like me saying that Hunter and I are just friends. You drool every time you see him.”

  Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair. They were so not helping. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “Exactly what you said at lunch today. You’ll have to learn how to be around him without reacting,” Beth said, pressing her lips tightly together. “And we’ll be there to help. It’s exposure therapy. The more you’re exposed to him, the less you’ll react. Trust me, I know you. You lose interest in a guy faster than it takes to get through a rerun of Friends. By the end of this party, you’ll be onto your next conquest.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. I wasn’t exactly thrilled at her description of my dating habits. So, maybe I had a habit of losing interest quickly. That didn’t make me a man eater. And I doubted it would work here.

  Still, I wasn’t one to waste a good party and it didn’t hurt to give Beth’s plan a try. With a smile, I draped my arms over her and Charlotte’s shoulders before walking forward.

  “Fine, we’ll party. But I think it’s time we find someone for Beth, too. Don’t you agree, Charlotte?”

  “Ooh, a movie star for Beth?” Charlotte rubbed her hands together. “I’m all in.”

  I snuck a glance at our friend. Her face had gone white. I giggled inside and kept my mouth shut. It was still pretty clear that she had someone on the side. Maybe with a little prodding, she’d fess up soon. Either way, I wasn’t about to let this party go by without having a little matchmaking fun...even if it wasn’t for myself.

  “So...how do you feel about redheads?” I asked, glancing over at Freddy running down the field.

  Charlotte and I laughed at Beth’s mumbled and rambling response. Payback was going to be delicious.

  Now, if only this therapy idea would work.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dad knew that my obsession with boys was bad, but I don’t think even he ever expected me to have over an entire soccer team-worth of movie stars to his house. They were everywhere, wearing their board shorts and jumping into the gorgeous new pool with natural brownstone lining Marie had built before my dad moved in.

  The poor guy would occasionally appear in the kitchen window, staring out the back yard with worry etched into the lines of his forehead. Meanwhile, my stepmother had taken it upon herself to cook the only thing she knew how, Totino’s pizza bites, and was serving it to the boys on her best silver platters. They scarfed them like they were gold encrusted truffles from the finest LA restaurants and washed them down with the mystery Kool-aid flavor made from ten-year-old packets Marie had found in the back of a drawer.

  Janelle and a couple of the extras were the only girls in sight. Plus, of course, myself and my friends. As girls often did in these kinds of situations, we’d taken up residence in some reclining chairs next to the pool edge to show off our bathing suits. Janelle hadn’t been kidding about the bikini—if she could even call it that. It looked more like a string with two triangles that threatened to pop off her chest the moment she dared to inhale a full breath. Still, the girl totally rocked it. And somehow, most of the boys were able to function, even as she sat up on her chair to give me a look from behind her sunglasses.

  “This was a lifesaver. Thanks, Makeup Girl. You actually pulled through.”

  I flashed her a thin smile and checked the positioning of my bikini. After my conversation with Mr. Garret this morning, the nickname “Makeup Girl” had taken on a sour tone for me. There was more to this business than just spraying hot guys with glistening juice. There was real talent involved. And skill. Not just anyone could hack it.

  “How do you like Rock Valley, Janelle?” Charlotte sat on the other side of me in a green one-piece. Her boy, Hunter, was currently tossing around a football with a few of the extras in the pool. He blended right in with his muscles he’d inherited from a summer working at his grandpa’s ranch and learning how to ride bulls.

  “Yeah, how boring are we?” Beth added. Her blonde curls were spread out around her head like a halo. She’d worn a black one-piece suit beneath a black coverup. Despite her efforts, she’d still caught the glances of a few of the guys in the pool, even if she didn’t realize it. “Because I’m pretty sure we’re on another level and we don’t even realize it. I’m so jealous you get to live in LA. That’s where everything exciting happens.”

  “Yeah, it’s definitely not LA.” Janelle leaned back and closed her eyes. “Trust me, the boys in LA are so much hotter. Don’t you agree, Makeup Girl?”

  I choked on a sputtered response as she opened one eye to peer at me.

  “I...uh...I don’t know. I’ve never been to LA,” I said.

  She smiled deviously. “You don’t have to go to LA to know if the boys are hot. Look around you. This is just a sample, but it’s a pretty good representation.”

  I couldn’t help but rake my eyes over the selection in f
ront of me. Yes, there were about two dozen of the finest examples of high school boys around, but my gaze landed on one in particular. Zane sat on the edge of the pool, his feet dangling in the water as he called out for the football. The boys were going on hour two of tossing it around and dunking anyone who got in their way.

  Just as I had suspected, he looked utterly fabulous in swimming trunks. Like jaw dropping, heart pumping fabulous. His trunks were navy blue with white anchors. Just above the drawstring tie that held those bad boys up lay row after row of torso muscles that glistened in the remaining sun of the evening. Staring at him made me drool, which is why I’d tried to avoid looking at him the entire night. But when he looked up from his game just then to meet my gaze, my whole body went numb.

  I pressed my lips together, panicking internally, but stubbornly refusing to let him affect me. This was exposure therapy after all. I had to sit there and take it, if Beth’s plan was going to work. But it was one thing to stare at Zane from across a pool—it was another to break eye contact with him. I just couldn’t. He had to be the strong one if I had any chance of getting out of this experiment alive.

  With a slight tensing of his jaw, as if he knew I was struggling, he went back to his football game and I could finally begin to breathe again.

  “Um? Hello?” Janelle waved her hand in front of my face. “Makeup Girl? I asked you a question.”

  With a start, I looked back at her. Thank goodness I’d picked my darkest shades for the poolside. I’d nearly been caught staring. “Oh. Uh...yeah. These guys are pretty dang cute.”

  She rested her arms above her head, watching me with knowing eyes and a victorious smile, as if she knew something I didn’t. I cleared my throat and looked down at the solo cup in my hand. It was time for a refill—even if it was still half-full.

  “I’m off to the kitchen,” I said, standing up to stretch. “Anyone need anything? Maybe some pizza bites?”

  Janelle made a face. “Ugh, no. My agent would kill me if I put on even five pounds. And just looking at those things makes me bloat up like a balloon.”


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