Mended Hearts

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Mended Hearts Page 4

by Tammi Lynn

  “My sisters are going to be at my moms and I haven’t seen them in forever, I’ll be flying down tomorrow and coming back with Miklo on New Years.” I don’t really need to pack, I can do that later, but I just don’t want to be in the room alone with him anymore.

  True to my word I come back out of my room right before we have to leave. Yes, I checked and made sure the coast was clear and none of my guys were outside before I ushered Dre and Miklo to the truck. Yes, I may have pulled out a little too fast not wanting any of them to catch us leaving. I didn’t trust Roman and Cade to not come out and confront Dre, and I’m still nervous about the crazy look in Jesse’s eyes when he saw the bruise.

  Once we’re out of our neighborhood I slow it down and take the roads more carefully, driving the slick and icy roads always has my anxiety hitting the roof. I’d heard on the radio the other day a question from one host to another, “Have you ever thought about how you’re going to die?” I hadn’t ever thought about it really until that moment, in my car, envisioning getting into a wreck, while the rain came down. I won’t go five over the speed limit, and I make Miklo sit in the back on the highways and freeways, call me paranoid but it freaked me out.

  Miklo and I are back at the house before two and we don’t even have to call the guys to come over, they showed up outside as soon as we pulled up. Damn that tracker. We all head into the living room and sit on the couches. Jayson pulls me into his lap and Jesse sits on the floor with Miklo. Now this feels amazing. This feels far more natural. Roman turns the TV on and puts on that channel that has the fire roaring, as an overwhelming feeling of love and family rushes over me. This is what was missing this morning and I hadn't even realized it. I curl into Jayson’s lap as the two on the floor start handing out gifts.

  Twining my fingers with his, Jayson reaches into his pocket and pulls something out, enclosing it in his fist. I raise my head from his chest. “What’s that?”

  Placing a small ring identical to Cade’s but with a ruby at the center and his name onto my finger he links it together with Cade’s. The chinks in the center catching together and forming one ring, the jewels side by side. “To remind you I’ll always be here for you.” Kissing my forehead he turns me forward to open more of my gifts.

  I found myself turning a bit red at the entire experience. You have to remember, this past decade I have been alone essentially. So being spoiled like this? Being the center of this type of love was a bit overwhelming. I can’t help but cringe at the price everything must have cost. I meet Miklos’ gaze and I can tell he’s thinking the same thing. I hated that he even considered stuff like that but we aren’t used to this. “I have one more present for you, Lil Man.” Ugh, Cade. “Come on, it’s over in our garage.”

  “What is it?” It’s Cade’s demise is what it is.

  “Well, let’s go see.”

  We all get up and head over to their garage. I’m trailing behind with my arms crossed, yep... pouting again. Jesse laughs and pulls me faster behind him. “Come on Beautiful, we talked about this.” I am momentarily distracted as his fingers smooth over that damn place on my arm again. Alright, maybe Jesse and I needed to have a bit of a talk. There was an intensity to him that I hadn’t fully expected, from my fun loving guy.

  “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” I mumble it under my breath but he hears because it makes him laugh harder.

  “Holy Shit!”

  “Miklo! Language!” I’m in shock. Totally, in shock. Because I obviously never swear so I have no idea who he would have learned it from… I mean obviously, not me. Probably those friends of his. See? Troublemakers the three of them.

  “Sorry, Mom! But are you serious Cade? This is for me?” He points to the dirtbike Cade has set up with a bow on the handlebars. There’s riding gear and the helmet he got for him as well placed on the seat. I have to admit, pretending I’m not a parent for a moment, I can admit it’s a fucking awesome gift.

  “It’s all yours, Lil Man.” Cade says with a proud smile. I have to admit it’s pretty cute.

  “No wonder Mom looked pissed.” Miklos getting a kick out of this.

  “You’re going to learn every single thing about that bike before you ever even start it up. That helmet will always be on your head and unless that dirt is dry your wheels aren’t meeting it.” My rant starts only to be cut off by my son.

  “Okay, okay, I got it mom. I promise.” He runs his hands over the handlebars and I can already see as his mind starts to wander, thinking about riding it.

  We all walk back over and into my house after Miklo tries on the helmet and I take a picture of him with it on in front of the bike to send to his friends. “Does anyone want hot chocolate?” I head to the kitchen to make some and everyone says yes.

  “With marshmallows!” Miklo and Jesse yell out together.

  Roman follows me to the kitchen and gets out mugs while I fill the kettle with hot water and get out the packets of chocolate and bag of mallows. Leaning against the counter I wait for the kettle to whistle and Roman stands in front of me. Roman in the kitchen is always fun thoughts for me. “Are you having a good Christmas?”

  “I am.” I grin up at him and wrap my arms around him, he’s so wide in comparison to my small frame. “What about you?” I know the holidays can be hard for him.

  “The best I’ve had in a long time.” Grabbing my hand from around his back he places it between us and grabs a ring out of his pocket. “To remind you I’ll always be here to protect you, to make sure you never break again.” Oh my god I said I wasn’t going to cry today but that was just beautiful. Not crying, not crying. He slips it onto my finger to join the others, his with an emerald and I hug him tight, burrowing my face in his shirt to keep the tears at bay.

  “Thank you, Roman.” The kettle goes off then and I release him to fill the mugs.

  We all settle back into the living room to watch Christmas movies, only the classics. You know the old clayimations and you can’t not watch Home Alone. We’re just about to start The Santa Claus when Jesse jumps up and runs into my room. He comes back in with the blankets and pillows from my bed. “Let’s all just sleep out here tonight. Miklo go get all your blankets and pillows.”

  Count on Jesse for the fun stuff. “There’s extras in the hall closet too, Bubbs.”

  Jesse pushes the coffee table aside and starts making up a bed on the floor. He pulls me down with him and lays me down. Leaning over me he places something just inside his lips and grabs my hand. Sliding my finger into his mouth he places a fourth ring onto my right hand. I turn pink because not only was that sexy as fuck but his bright eyes had me admiring just how beautiful this man was. “To remind you to smile, and that I’ll always be here to pick you up when you’re down.”

  No, that is not a tear in my eye. I’m not crying, you are crying.

  He lays next to me and I snuggle into him as the others make up beds on the floor and couches around me. Jayson and Miklo end up laying across the couches and Cade lays behind me and Roman on the other side of Jesse. It’s hard to pay attention to the movie after that. I keep looking at my rings, all linked together, all mine. Miklo looks super comfortable as well, he’s been laughing and joking with the guys all day. Everything feels… Complete.

  Chapter Four

  Phoenix Found


  “Nooo. I don’t want to get up.” I’m apparently now alone on the floor and I have no intention of getting out of my blanket cocoon I’m snuggled into. It’s warm in here. I wasn’t made for mornings. I am thankful for those that are but it is not, has not, and will never be me.

  “I told you guys to have her coffee ready first.”

  “Shut it, Cade.”

  “Here, Sweetheart.” Jayson hands me a mug of coffee and I sit up to drink it.

  “Mmm.” He used my hazelnut creamer. “I love you. You too Jayson.”

  “Mom you need to get up and get ready, we have to leave for the airport in a half hour.” Miklo states as he walks from
the kitchen holding an apple. I can do that. Plane day, is sweats and comfy shoes day. I know. They say you are supposed to dress up while traveling… but why? That is a ton of work only to have TSA wait on you as you remove cute shoes and jewelry.

  “Alright, I’m getting up.” I stand and look around at the mess of blankets and pillows. I bet it will all be picked up and folded by the time I come back out. “I’ll be right out.” I run into the room and throw on a maroon cat hoodie sweater, it even has ears on the hood, some black leggings and my tan Uggs. My hair goes up into a messy top knot and after putting on a little make-up I throw a few last minute items into my carry-on and carry it out of my bedroom.

  Roman passes by me with a bunch of folded blankets and pillows to set on my bed. “Looking sexy Angel.”

  “Rawr.” I pretend to extend my pretend claws at him and hiss but it totally got caught in a yawn at the end.

  Placing his bundle onto the bed he grabs my suitcase from me and slaps my ass making me jump. “Come on, you know Miklo hates to be late.”

  “I know, so weird. I have no idea where he got that trait from. It certainly wasn’t from me.”

  “Certainly not.” Roman smirks.

  Everyone is already outside, the house empty as we pass through. I know I’m only going to be gone for a few days but I’m going to miss my new home. Miss my guys. I grab my purse from the counter and take Roman’s free hand into mine and squeeze it. “Let’s go.” We head over to Jayson’s truck and Roman throws my suitcase into the back, I can see more than just Miklo’s suitcase back there. “Hey, who else is going somewhere?”

  Jayson’s holding the door open for me and I get in on his side. “Oh, I’m going to be staying in Seattle for a few days. Since I didn’t have Emma for Christmas her mom’s letting me take her for a few extra days and we’re going to stay at my moms for a couple of them.” He kind of rushed through his explanation.

  Oh okay. “Tell her I said Merry Christmas and give her those barbies I got her.” She needs new ones. You would not believe all of the new hairstyles and outfits they have for barbies now and the ones she has now can't handle anymore makeovers. I know Emma would love them.That little one is straight up diva.

  “I will. Don’t worry we’ll get to have her over for a night when you’re back, before school starts up again.”

  “She’s been wanting a girls night, says your guys hair isn’t fun to do anymore and wants to do mine. Please hide all of the scissors before I get back.”

  He pats the top of my bun. “Don’t worry, your mess is safe with me.”

  We take off after that and I get increasingly fidgety as we get closer to the airport. Okay, I don’t want to sound super clingy but I haven’t spent more than a few hours away from at least one of them since that day I took that basketball to the face. I like them being around, I love them. How’s Cade going to sleep? I turn to look at him over the back of the seat. He’s sitting with Miklo watching some videos on his phone and he looks up. I manage a small smile and he winks at me before going back to the video. When I turn back around I lean my head onto Roman’s shoulder who’s sitting on my right and place a hand over Jayson’s that’s resting on my thigh. Shit, I’ve fallen so hard.

  When we get to the airport my feet drag, the ride went way too fast. Why does time always have to do that when you just want a little more? We get Miklo and I all checked in and we walk him to the gate. My plane leaves two hours after his.

  “Love you Mom, see you later guys.” He tries to just wave and walk away but I grab him in for a quick hug followed by the guys giving him side hugs and pats on the back. My baby boy blushes, are we embarrassing him? Oops… not!

  “Love you more Bubbs, Stay safe, I’ll see you in a few days when I pick you up to fly home.”

  When he gets out of sight we all go and sit down at a table in an airport cafe. Roman pulls me into his lap and Jayson picks my legs up and sets them in his lap. We get a few looks from some bystanders but I don’t even care. This is my new normal, my crazy and passionate normal, and I don’t care if anyone else cares. After all, why should I give a shit what a few people we were never going to see again think?

  “You better call me every night, Angel.” Roman moves his chin to my shoulder and rests it there. “I want to hear your voice before I go to sleep at night.”

  “Maybe I’ll send you a little video.” I tease.

  Jayson’s eyes get wide and he fake coughs into his hands trying to not look surprised at my words. “Um... I’ll take a video.” I blow him a kiss and wink.

  “I’ll think about it.” Jesse and Cade are actually being kind of quiet, they haven’t said much since we got here and it makes me a little sad. Out of all of them those two are the ones that have been stuck to my side like glue.

  Just like the whole day the time flies and they are all walking me to the security entrance gate. I give them each a kiss and a hug once again not caring about the looks we’re receiving. “I love you guys, I’ll see you in five days.” It’s going to be a long five days. Turning I walk towards my gate, wheeling my luggage behind me.


  “See-ster!” I’m barely out the gate exit and I’m nearly bowled over by my exuberant older sister Melanie. “It’s been too long!” I let go of my suitcase and hug her back. Immediately, her familiar perfume is surrounding me and I smile at the familiar scent.

  “Let her breathe Mel. Come here, baby sister.” My eldest sister Mariah, sweet and calm and the complete opposite of Melanie. I love them both but me and Mel have had some blowouts... we may or may not be competitive with each other. Mel lets me go and I give my other sister a hug too.

  “Where’s Mom? And the kids?” I haven’t gotten to meet my baby niece Sophia yet, Mel was about four months pregnant with her when they moved to Denver last year. Between the two of them and my brother I have about nine, nieces and nephews. I had always loved the concept of having a large family so the fact that ours continued to grow makes me happier than you’d ever know.

  “She stayed home with the kids and sent us to get you.”

  “Mariah’s driving right?”

  “Ha! Come on sis, let’s get home. I want to hear all about your new boyfriends mom was telling us about, she says they are quite the hunks.” Mom’s such a blabbermouth. She hip bumps me, almost knocking me into a couple walking the other direction and laughs.

  “Yeah Mia, four of them? I’d spit my tea out when she told us and Katie was listening in and said she wants four boyfriends.” Katie is five, so just a year younger than Emma.

  I can’t help it, I bust out laughing. “Let her know she’s going to have her hands full.” Mel starts laughing with me and grabbing my bag from me Mariah starts walking faster. Linking arms with my sister we follow after. This was what was amazing about my family. Despite the different situation of my relationship, my siblings didn’t bat an eye and took it in stride as if it wasn’t a unique situation.

  They grilled me on the way to the house, about anything they could think to ask about my men… definitely a conversation to not have around kids. They wanted to know everything. Everything. But hey, I only made Mariah swerve the car once or twice. It was kind of nice to talk about it all with them. No judgement. Mel agreed to being a little jealous and Mariah thinks I’m crazy stating she can barely handle her one husband. I smiled a bit at that because I was sure we would have our fair share of annoying one another, but I could just feel it in my bones that my life with them would be amazing. Man, I miss them already.

  When we pull up to my mom’s all the kids run out and I have to give each and every one of them a kiss and hug, I miss all their little faces, even the grumpy teen ones. Mom hands me Sophia as Mel makes her oldest Caleb get my bags out of the car. I miss holding a baby, I miss Miklo being a baby. Sophia’s a little chunker just like he was at her age. I tilted my head in thought. I hadn’t thought much about the future at all. Not like that, not what was past dating the four of them. I suppose that’s probab
ly an important conversation to have since we’ve gotten so close in the past nearly half of a year.

  “Caleb put those bags in your Aunt’s old room, let’s all go sit in the living room.” Mom ushers us all inside. “It’s cold out here.” Is it? It feels about like a sunny day in Sammamish right now to me.

  I sit on a couch next to Mel in the living room and chaos ensues shortly after. Mel put Sophia to bed and us adults are all trying to talk while a grip of kids run around screaming. The familiarity of it has me weirdly relaxing.


  “What baby?” My seven year old nephew David is standing next to my mom in his dinosaur footie pj’s and pulling on her sleeve.

  “There’s two guys at the door.”

  “Davy you know your not supposed to be answering the door, I didn’t even hear a knock.” She gets up to see who it is, but she has a huge smile on her face.

  “Ooh Mom! What guys are coming over for you this late?” Mel and I share a giggle and my dear ole mom has us almost in tears as she goes to the door.

  She’s sashaying her hips back and forth as she walks. “Oh you know, just two hunks I happen to have met.”

  “Mom!” Since when did she start dating again? And two? I would like credit for giving her that idea. Just saying.

  I’m grabbing tissue and blotting at mine and my sisters tears of laughter when her jaw drops. Like literally, I close it by lifting her chin and turn to see what has her attention.

  “Thank you Momma Mary, we didn’t have any trouble getting here, the Uber was great.”

  “Hey, Baby Girl.” A very familiar smile has me grinning like an idiot.

  Jesse and Cade. Jesse and Cade in my mother’s living room, holding luggage like they’re staying. What. The. Fuck? “What are you guys doing here?!” I squeak standing up so quick that my sister throws an arm out to stop me from falling.

  “We came to be with you, and meet your family.” Caleb and Mariah’s oldest Anthony, takes their bags from them and down the hall. My mom probably told them to put them in my room. I. Can. Not. Get. Over. This.


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