After Dark

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After Dark Page 5

by Olson, Yolanda


  “Either you are or you aren’t, Daisy,” I purr, pulling her closer and wrapping my arms around her hourglass frame. “Does he like to share his pretty little pet?”

  Daisy reaches up and wraps her arms around my shoulders clumsily as she stumbles against me. I use a hand to push her hair out of her face. I can see a fresh bruise hidden just beneath her hairline and I have to do my best to continue to disassociate myself from this.

  It’s not my problem.

  If she hasn’t been smart enough to walk away from him yet, then maybe she enjoys it in her own way. Perhaps it’s their kink, one that I plan on ending before the night is over and done with.

  She nods.

  I grin.

  I wonder what your screams will sound like, I think wistfully as I kiss the back of her hand gently and lead the way to Sid. I’ve never had more than one at a time, but I’m going to make a fucking exception.

  He’s earned it.

  Chapter 11

  I watch Bodhi’s window from my spot in the alleyway, not caring if he sees me; hoping that he does. I can see part of the entryway to his building from where I stand, so I will be able to see him if he leaves.

  I check my watch; it’s 10:27 PM. I take a cigarette out of its pack and light it, inhaling the smoke and exhaling my anxiety. I stand there, staring at his window, willing the light to come on. I finish my cigarette and light another one. And another. And another; checking my watch nearly every minute until 11:00.

  Finally, I convince myself that he isn’t home. Maybe he went into work early? Maybe he’s away? Is he on a date? Oh, shit. What if he hurt himself and he’s lying there, unable to call for help? I need to go check to make sure he’s okay.

  When I get to the door, I push the button to every apartment in the building; someone is bound to let me in.

  “Yeah?” a voice comes over the speaker.

  “Hi, I live in unit 201 and I lost my key, are you able to buzz me in?”

  “There is no apartment 201, get lost!” the voice answered back.


  A second later and I hear 2 more buzzes, one right after the other. I quickly pull on the handle, relieved that one of the tenants doesn’t care enough to ask who it is before they let someone in.

  During my numerous stakeouts in the alley over the past week and a half, I’ve deduced that he lives on the second floor in the first unit on the right. His bedroom and his bathroom are the first two windows in the row on the outside of the building.

  As I reach the top of the stairs that led me to the second floor, I feel like someone is watching me. I look around me, but no one is there. I shrug it off and chalk it up to the fact that I shouldn’t be here; that I am infringing on his personal space. But when have I ever cared about that before? I knock on his door but, after waiting a few minutes, there is no answer. I place my ear on the door to see if I can hear any movement from inside his unit. Nothing.

  “Bodhi,” I call out softly, “are you in there?”

  Suddenly the door across the hall opens, causing me to turn around in surprise. An older lady walks into the hall.

  “He ain’t home. Left a little while ago.”

  She has wrinkled skin and no teeth, making her a little hard to understand. I guess I was being watched. I stare at her, confused. Who is she? How does she know that Bodhi left? Why is she offering me this information?

  “Saw him through the peephole,” she explains, except hole came out as ho.

  “Oh, okay. Thank you,” I say as I walk back toward the stairs.

  “He a weird one, that boy; at least I think he a boy.”

  I stop in my tracks and turn to face her again.

  “Not sure he one you wanna be hangin’ around with. Just my two cent,” she shrugs her shoulder and walks back into her unit.

  Very few people weird me out. But her, I think she’s the one to stay away from.

  My stomach rumbles as I exit the building and I realize that I haven’t had anything to eat today. There is a small bodega up the street that I can stop at on the way back to my apartment.

  Or… an even better idea pops into my head. I could go to the diner.

  I did end up stopping by the bodega on the way home to get my car, but only to get some more food and drinks to take to Jessa. I got her some of her favorites; turkey and swiss with mustard, veggies and dip, the dried fruit and nut trail mix that she was always eating when I watched her in the studio, and an unsweetened iced tea. I also grabbed a few rolls of medical tape for her fingers. They didn’t have anything that would be useful to use for a splint, so I decided that I needed to stop by a store on my way to see her tomorrow to look for something else.

  The diner isn’t too far from my house; ten minutes, maybe. I don’t even know if he’ll show, but I will sit and wait as long as I need to. It’s been days since I’ve seen him and even if I don’t approach him or talk to him, even if I don’t get to touch his smooth skin again, I’ll be happy just to catch a glimpse.

  When I pull into the parking lot, my hunger is replaced with nerves. I look at the clock; it’s only 11:45. If he doesn’t wake up until 10:30 for work, then it would be far too early for him to go on break at this point. Looks like I’ll be here for a while. I stay in my car, watching as people enter and exit the diner. After a couple of hours, I can’t stand being in my car anymore and I decide to go in and wait.

  As I grab the door handle, I see a car pull into the lot and I stop. I don’t want to go inside at the same time as them. My stomach flip-flops as I see him get out of the car.


  He’s here.

  As it has done every time that I’ve seen him, my cock begins to stiffen and I adjust myself to allow it more room in my pants. I let go of the door handle, suddenly no longer in a hurry to go inside. I wonder what he would do if I showed up. Would he let me sit with him? Would he let me touch him? Let me run my fingers through his hair? Let me have another taste of him?

  The thought of it sends blood rushing to my tip.


  It broke my normal routine when he found me watching him from the alley. It was too soon. I wasn’t finished following him, studying him, collecting more details about his life.

  Maybe I need to start over from the beginning.

  I duck down beneath my dashboard as he casually glances in my direction, but he keeps walking without falter. I watch as he follows the waitress to the same booth he was in on the night we met. As he sits down, I quickly crawl into the back of my car so I can watch him more freely behind the cover of the front seat. I can see him in the window directly across from my car, so I have him in full view from where I am parked.

  Within seconds, another car pulls into the parking lot and their headlights shine right into my windows. I crouch down again, just in case, and curse them for their horrible timing. I watch as the guy grabs the girl and kisses her hard; almost violently. She tries to push him away but without luck and then she appears to go limp. It’s clear that they’re wasted by the way the guy has to practically drag the girl across the gravel lot before entering the diner.

  I look back to Bodhi and notice immediately that he is annoyed.

  Is he annoyed because he wanted it to be me who walked through the door? I begin to rub myself over my jeans.

  I watch as the waitress greets them before they disappear to the other side of the restaurant where I can no longer see them.

  When my gaze falls back onto Bodhi, I see that the couple still has his attention. But, his look of annoyance has been replaced with disgust and I wonder what he is seeing. He places his elbows on the table and brings his fingers to his temples. I watch as he rubs the area in a circular motion; around and around. Over and over again. My cock grows harder with each rotation and I squeeze it hard.

  I close my eyes and I’m back in the alley with him, as if I were a bystander watching the whole thing happen. All the while I can feel his touch on my skin as if it were happeni
ng all over again. I watch as he pushes me up against the brick wall. I can feel the way his knee rubs against my balls when he pushes between my legs.

  I pull my cock from my jeans and stroke it vigorously. It’s hard and painful, leaving me hopeful for a quick release.

  Then… then, I see him place his beautiful hands on my neck and push me away before leaving me alone in the dark.

  I open my eyes so I can see him again, but he is gone. No longer sitting at the booth where he was just a moment ago.

  I stop stroking myself. Where the fuck did he go?

  A moment later, he steps from the bathroom and I breathe a sigh of relief. Only, it’s short lived as I watch him walk past his booth and toward the other side of the restaurant, out of view.

  What the hell?

  I tuck myself back into my pants and get out of my car. I crouch down a little and walk toward the diner. When I get to the window, I rise carefully, just enough so I can see over the back of the seat in front of me. The waitress is behind the counter, refilling ketchup bottles. Behind her, on the other side of the counter, I see him again.

  Sitting at their table.

  The drunk couple.

  Does he know them? Are they friends? The couple looks younger than him, but I guess that doesn’t really matter. No, he can’t be. The look of annoyance that was present on his face a few minutes ago proves that.

  I can hear the cook yell, “orders up” through the window and place the food under the heat lamps behind the counter. As the waitress turns around to grab them, I walk back to my car, ready to fly out of the parking lot, and kicking up a shit ton of dust as I go. But when I sit down in the driver’s seat, I realize I can’t leave until he does. I have to see the exchange between him and the couple when they say goodbye.

  Dazed, I sit there for about thirty minutes before I see them walking toward the door. I hunch down behind my steering wheel once more, not ready for what I am about to see.

  He opens the car door and helps the guy lay the girl down across the back seat. Bodhi’s behavior seems normal, under the circumstances. The other guy is a little handsy, but if that’s his girlfriend, I guess I get it. But the moment he places his hand at the small of Bodhi’s back, I start to lose it. Just as I am about to jump out of the car, I see Bodhi do something I’ve never seen him do before.

  He smiles.

  He’s never smiled at me.

  Not in a friendly way.

  Not in a playful way.

  Not in a loving way.

  Not at all.

  Watching the scene play out has my emotions all over the place and I am having a hard time pinning any of them down.

  Bodhi opens the passenger door for the guy before he walks to the driver’s side, gets in, and drives away.

  I don’t know how long I sit there, still staring at the spot where his car used to be, but eventually my hand finds my keys, swinging from the ignition, and I turn my car on.

  I leave the parking lot full of anger and heartache, and the worst case of blue balls that I’ve ever had in my entire life.

  Chapter 12

  Sid is sitting next to me on the couch.

  He’s watching Daisy’s pretty little mouth sliding up and down my dick, and he looks absolutely ravenous.

  I would have assumed that once his question about what I “am” was answered, he would have skittered away like a scared little boy, but he didn’t. Instead, he told Daisy to get to work because he wants to watch.

  What he doesn’t know is that he’ll be part of the show soon enough.

  I turn my face toward his, lean my head back against the cushions, and rest a hand gently on the back of Daisy’s head. She’s damn good at what she’s doing, but she won’t make me come—it’ll take more than a blowjob to do that.

  Sid’s eyes leave his little concubine’s actions, slowly grazing the length of my torso, until they come to rest on my mouth. He licks his lips quickly before finally raising his eyes to mine and I smile.

  He wants to play it seems, and I intend to indulge them both.

  Leaning over slightly, I lick Sid’s lips gently and he lets out a bated breath. One I’m sure he wasn’t even holding, but that’s what happens when someone is confronted with something they don’t quite comprehend.

  The reaction is either repulsion to the monster they’ve become enamored by, or seeing the beauty in the chaos before their eyes.

  Sid reaches over and roughly places his hand on the back of my neck. He pulls my face toward his, crushing his lips against mine, and I grunt, giving his chest a gentle shove.

  “Not like that,” I tell softly.

  “What?” he damn near begs as he reaches for me again.

  I glance down at Daisy who’s stopped sucking my cock long enough to watch the two of us. Her palm is slick with her spit and she’s running her hand up and down my shaft, playing with my balls, and waiting for our next move.

  “Like this.”

  I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him close. I leave an inch of space between our lips, his breath hot against my mouth, as I snake my tongue out to lick his lips again. A whimper escapes him as he moves a hand down my shirt. He slides his fingers beneath the fabric and I shudder slightly as the tips graze my bare flesh. It doesn’t surprise me that a simple touch from him does more to me than her mouth on my cock, but it does surprise me that I’ve already let them live longer than most.

  “Who told you to stop?” he barks at her, resting his head against my chest. Daisy immediately swallows the head of my cock again as Sid’s lips find their way to my neck.

  I don’t like the way he treats her and I’ll have to find out why before I slit her throat.

  But for now …

  “Think you can do better?” I ask him in a thick tone. Sid looks up at me with lust-filled and equally confused eyes. He’s never been with a man before—the look on his face tells me as much. “Daisy,” I say softly to her, giving her a gentle shove away. “Let Sid try now.”

  “You want me to suck your dick?” he asks uncertainly. I can see the turmoil raging inside of him. He wants to, but he doesn’t. I won’t let his macho bravado ruin this moment though.

  “Yes,” I tell him in a low, commanding tone. I reach down for Daisy and pull her up on the couch next to me. I snake a hand toward her, my eyes locked on Sid’s the entire time, and push her knees apart. Because she’s wearing an extremely short skirt, I don’t have to worry about moving that out of the way. I begin to rub her already wet pussy over her panties.

  Sid wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, glances down at my hard dick, then rubs the palms of his hands on his jeans before he cuts his eyes quickly toward Daisy as she lets out a blissful moan. I’ll slip my fingers inside of her once he’s on his knees—it’ll be a little reward for the both of them.

  He moves slowly, too slow for my liking, but I like the feeling of control I have over him. He’s doing something he’s conflicted about, and it begs the question why. I turn my face up toward Daisy as I slide further down on the couch. I want his full attention on the task at hand, but I won’t let her think I’ve forgotten about her too.

  I use my free hand to reach down and palm my dick, gently pressing it against his lips. Sid sits back on the balls of his feet for a moment, still unsure, yet seemingly intoxicated at how bold I’m being with him.

  “You can do better than that,” I tease him, shaking my cock at him as I lean my head against Daisy’s tits. “Show me that I’m not wrong about you—about what we’re here for tonight.”

  He hesitantly puts his hand on mine and I slip it away to let him grab my cock on his own. He looks at it for a moment, then toward Daisy whose eyes are closed, then his gaze drops to my fingers which are still rubbing her wet panties.

  With a grunt, he lowers his head onto the tip of my dick.

  A quick lick to see if he likes the taste, then he moves his mouth slowly down my length.

  “Good boy,” I groan softly as I use my fing
ers to slip the fabric of her panties aside and slide one of my long fingers into her warm, wet pussy.

  She lets out a louder groan as I place a hand on the top of Sid’s head. I won’t force him to take more than he can handle, but I won’t let him finish until I’ve had my fill.

  Daisy puts her hand on mine, pushing my finger deeper into her, and I can feel the euphoria rising in all of us. It clings to the air like the last breath of a man that knows he’s slowly dying, longing for release.

  But it’s still not time for that yet.

  Sid moves his head up and down faster; Daisy squirms a little harder.

  I suck in a breath and pull away from her slightly as she uses her free hand to expose one of her tits, gripping her own nipple tightly and giving it a tug. She quickly wraps a hand around my shoulders and I begin to suck on her tit. It’s small, perky, and smells of sweat and booze.

  And it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting.

  She begins to grind her pussy against my finger, so I slide another in to give her more of the pleasure I know she’s seeking. Sid is still on his knees, dutifully sucking my cock like the good boy I knew he could be with some guidance.

  “Rub your clit for us, little Daisy,” I tell her after I’ve pulled away from her nipple, and she does as she’s told. The hand I’ve had on Sid’s head balls into a fist in his hair as I pull him away from my cock. He looks dazed, confused, and a little angry at being interrupted, but I want him to watch Daisy.

  I want him to see how good she’s being.

  For him.

  For us.

  Daisy begins to buck wildly, and I know she’s going to come soon, so I move my fingers faster, deeper, harder.

  “Oh fuck!”

  As her pussy begins to convulse on my fingers, I watch her carefully. Her entire body is trembling, she looks like she’s in pain even though I know she’s not. When she regains her sense and a lazy smile begins to creep across her lips, I slide my fingers out of her cunt and sit up.

  “Open your mouth,” I say to Sid, still gripping his hair in my fist, and when he does, I shove my fingers down his throat. I want him to see what pleasure tastes like when it’s done right.


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