You're Mine ~ A Sweet & Steamy Romance

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You're Mine ~ A Sweet & Steamy Romance Page 3

by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku

  Sighing as if it was a matter of life and death, her friend carried on. “I had to tell you. Now I’m sure you don’t want him back, it’ll give me joy to get rid of his cheating hide.”

  When Rachael shut her eyes, Banjo’s gleaming eyes confronted her vision and she jerked upright. “Meanwhile, there’s a hunky guy with sexy tattoos who’s giving me grief here. He’s too gorgeous for his own good, Candice.” Her heart flipped over at the mention of Banjo’s good looks.

  Giggling in her ear, Candice asked. “Did you meet him after I left?”

  “Oh yes! He slammed into me right on the doorstep of this house two weeks ago. He constantly pokes his nose into my personal affairs.”

  “Are you saying you’ve found a new heartthrob to worry about?” Candice laughed so hard Rachael would have slapped her mouth shut if it were possible.

  “I won’t go that far. He’s annoying to a fault. He keeps asking about my bump. How is it any of his business anyway?”

  “Who is he? And in the midst of it all, is he giving you the sweet eye?”

  Grinning despite her best effort, Rachael dismissed her friend’s remark. “All I see is a gorgeous man who’s getting under my skin.”

  “Find out if he’s worth the trouble.”

  “How? He starts an argument with me all the time. I can’t get him off my chest. In fact, we just had another row.”

  “Then stop fighting with him and kiss him instead. You sound like a couple already.”

  Rachael moaned. “You have no idea how sexy his lips look, my friend. A kiss would be lovely, but almost impossible. Banjo’s my auntie’s son and he knows he’s a hunk!”

  “Wow! I didn’t see that coming, girl. Too close to home, are you not?”

  “My thoughts too.”

  After a brief pause, Candice insisted. “Go ahead and find a way to kiss him. You can do it. Sorry, I’ve got to run, girl. But send me his pix.”

  “I’ll send you his photo. Speak to you soon.”

  After the call ended, Rachael shut her eyes and imagined Banjo’s beautifully crafted lips pressed over hers. Slow shivers burnt her chest, hardening her nipples. Moaning, she wrapped her arms around her body.

  Waking herself up from wallowing in Banjo’s good looks, she changed into a one piece, red swimming suit and a white, maxi, flowy beach wrap dress.

  How did she plan to take a photograph of a man who rubbed her the wrong way and watched her like a hawk?

  Within minutes, Rachael strode out of the house and headed toward the beach.


  After his squabble with Rachael, Banjo’s sprint to the beach was quick. He found a great spot right in front of the shore, beneath a few dwarf palm trees. Discarding his clothes and trainers on the white sand, he did not glance at the women sunbathing on towels around him. Women spelt trouble at the best of times.

  Banjo rushed toward the inviting blue waters. As soon as he balanced both feet on the board, he surfed away from the shoreline, riding the waves along with other surfers for a long time.

  Around him, surfers yelled at one another. Laughter and screams rent the air competing with the noisy waves of the sea. Two male teenagers struggled to get on their feet. One woman rode a huge wave with panache.

  It was crazy. Dangerous even. But it was fun.

  Above all, it took his mind away from Rachael and the unnecessary secrecy surrounding her pregnancy and absentee boyfriend. In Banjo’s head, the idea he was being nosy confronted him, but he dismissed it. The fact Rachael and his mum were close-mouthed about it all made him more curious. Pregnant women without fathers-to-be in sight pissed him off. Such women acted as if the men were sperm donors and had no right to be part of the unborn baby’s life, except of course if in this case, Rachael’s boyfriend was not prepared to be a father.

  From his personal experience, women like Rachael–stubborn to a fault–tended to use the children as weapons. And he found such reality hard to understand.

  Completely caught up in his thoughts, Banjo did not spot the approaching huge wave until someone slammed against him.

  Banjo took a tumble.

  On impulse however, he reached out and clung to his surfboard to stop it floating away. To avoid burning energy, he swayed along on the wave until it frittered out and he emerged on the shore.

  Convinced he could get derailed if his thoughts got in the way again, he tucked his board under his armpit and walked out of the water. He picked up and donned his t-shirt and shorts. Without sparing a look for the ladies crossing and uncrossing their legs by his side, Banjo strolled along the beach with his trainers in his other hand.

  Suddenly, Banjo stopped. From where he stood, he craned his neck as his heart jolted. Then he hurried along, coming to a halt when the woman he thought was Rachael disappeared. Sighing in discontent, he shrugged.

  Everywhere Banjo looked, strangers milled about. Young girls in bikinis smiled at him. Older women adjusted their bikini tops to reveal a bit more cleavage. Only their nipples stayed out of sight. He did not dare wave at them for fear they took it as a come-on signal.

  As he passed in front of Pantone Café, he heard someone yell, “Banjo!”

  In his head, there was only one woman he hoped would be standing there when he turned around. Wiping moisture from his neck, Banjo looked back. It was not Rachael. “Hello Desiree,” he greeted with a wave when she drew closer.

  “Are you in a hurry?” Desiree asked with a bright grin and a flutter of her eyelashes.

  In reply, Banjo looked at his wet clothes and smiled at the dark-brown haired woman who craved his attention every time their paths crossed. “I’m on my way home.”

  “I can get you a clean towel to dry up.” Desiree offered. “Come in for a drink please.”

  The invitation did not include a proviso for him to turn her down. Not that the thought occurred to him. It presented him with a good excuse to stay away from Rachael.

  “Okay, thank you,” he said, following Desiree to the decked area that overlooked the sea.

  Desiree dashed inside the café and before he could find a place out on the deck to keep his surfboard, she was back with a huge grin on her face.

  “Here’s the towel.” Desiree handed him a large, colourful beach towel.

  “Thanks.” Banjo set his surfboard against the wooden railing. Then he turned to Desiree, accepted the cloth and dried his hair. He took off his t-shirt and stood by the nearest plastic seat looking out to the sea.

  “How’s your mum?” asked the woman who was wearing a pair of white shorts and a black and white striped, beach-to-beach wrap bikini top.

  “Mum’s doing great. And you?”

  Desiree carried her almost empty glass from another table to the one he chose. “I was sitting here alone hoping a handsome man like you would stop by.”

  Grinning at her compliment, he sat down. “I take it you’re here alone?”

  Twirling her hair around her small fingers, Desiree giggled. “Of course I’m here alone. Are you the only man in Monaco who doesn’t know I’m single with the hope of bagging myself an attractive man this summer?” Her words were followed by a slow glance over his bare chest.

  With slow gestures, Banjo shrugged on his damp top. He caught Desiree’s wide-eyed stare.

  “Why cover up your sexy tattoos? They make me swoon,” she disclosed with a giggle.

  Swoon all you like, he almost smirked. Instead he said, “I’ll get us a drink, and you can tell me all about the fine-looking man you have your eyes on in this idyllic city, because I’m taken.” He lowered his head as he whispered the final remark so his comment only landed in her ears.

  Pouting her lips coated in a deep purple shade, Desiree crossed her legs and wagged her finger.

  Banjo turned and walked to the bar.

  If I could get Rachael to swoon in my arms, that would be a feat, he reasoned.

  Although fair to look at, Desiree made it too obvious all she longed for was a tumble across his sheets. After
paying for drinks and snacks, Banjo returned to his seat. Only it was no longer empty.

  Desiree was now seated on the chair he’d vacated. He sat on hers with his fingers crossed on the table.

  “What do you mean you’re taken? Your mum didn’t mention you had a woman in the wings.” Desiree’s hazel’s eyes, lined with black pencil squinted at him. Gone was the flirty woman he saw moments ago.

  Laughing off her serious tone, Banjo returned her stare. “I didn’t realize you were interested in me. While we’re talking about others, have you met Rachael’s boyfriend yet?” A woman like Desiree probably fed on the city’s gossip to thrive.

  “Don’t even go there,” she chuckled. “Rachael’s a beautiful person for sure. But I want to talk about you and me.”

  So, his mum and Desiree thought Rachael was a lovely woman. But Banjo failed to see Rachael through their eyes.

  The red-haired barista with a black apron tied around her skinny hips set a tray on the table. With quick fingers, the woman offloaded two cocktails, a plate of fried snails, seafood platter and pastries in front of them.

  “Snails! Thank you!” Desiree beamed, taking one fried snail with the toothpick provided.

  “My pleasure. What do you do?”

  After chewing and swallowing, she responded. “I own one of the clothing shops in Fontvieille shopping mall located near the quay. If you date me, I’ll give you so much pleasure you won’t remember to go back home.”

  Banjo chuckled. Having pretty women throw themselves at him was commonplace in his line of work. But each time it happened, it was still a surprise. At twenty-eight, it felt great to be wanted. Only now he had other things on his mind. He took one crab claw, spun it around on the end of the toothpick, before he cracked it in two halves with his teeth.

  “I’m taken,” he insisted, “but I’ve a few friends you can pick from who might be interested.”

  “Don’t you find me exciting? On paper, you’re my type and my gut instinct is never wrong.”

  Then why are you still single, Banjo almost blurted, but he sipped his drink and watched her brow crease before a smile showed up on her coated lips.

  “As far as I know, you’re not married. Let the best woman win. If you and I get together, there will be no regrets. It’s a promise.”

  Swallowing without choking, Banjo set his glass down. “You were saying something about Rachael’s boyfriend.”

  “No, I wasn’t,’ she refuted. “You sound as if you’re attracted to the woman who lives under your mum’s roof. I thought you just said you were taken.’

  Shrugging off her remark, Banjo threw a chunk of fried snail inside his mouth. He chewed slowly, pretending Desiree missed his point. “I’m not interested in Rachael. Besides, I’m only here for a couple of weeks more.”

  “Then stop asking about Rachael’s boyfriend. Or go and ask her. What a shame. Men like you are hard to come by, but if you change your mind, give me a call at any time. My offer is still open.” She gulped her drink and wolfed the snacks.

  “I’ll remember that, only you might be married with kids by the time I get back to you.”

  Desiree burst out laughing as she struggled to swallow the food. “The thought of a husband and kids sounds good to me,” Desiree said after she swallowed. “Send one of your friends to me--the one who wants a wife. Who knows? I might just let you get away for good.”

  “One of my friends will definitely give you a call.” Banjo winked, hoping Desiree had finally agreed they would not end up in bed together.

  “As long as he’s as gorgeous, full of tattoos and charming as you are, I’ll settle for him. Else, I’ll come after you, I promise.” Giggling at her own commentary, Desiree’s cheeks flowed into double dimples he had not noticed earlier.

  “I’ll be very careful in my selection for you,” Banjo pledged with a grin. And he was rewarded with a pat on his arm.

  When they finished eating and drinking, Banjo got on his feet and straightened his top. “I’ll see you around, Desiree.”

  “Remain charming,” she called after him with lust still raging in her eyes.

  For now, he was free of Desiree’s affections. His thoughts immediately swayed back to Rachael.

  As Banjo lifted his head, he could have sworn he saw Rachael walking up the street. She was wrapped in a backless white dress that flowed with the light wind. His chest thudded as he quickened his pace to catch up with her. Within a short period, she turned the corner that led to the house. Even from the distance, he could make out her hair was limp suggesting she must have had a swim on the beach. The idea Rachael was swimming while he surfed filled him with delight or immense desire.

  Banjo’s grip on the surfboard slackened. Lured to scream out her name, he took in a sharp breath instead because he knew she would not welcome the intrusion. Yet, his abs tensed as her backside bounced with every step she took away from him.


  Three Days Later

  “I need your help tomorrow,” Banjo heard Rachael say from where he balanced at the top of the ladder. He had just added a final coat of white paint to the side wall of his house. “My bodyguard of choice can’t be with me as I had hoped.”

  For a few seconds, Banjo said nothing. But his chest soared with elation.

  Only forty-eight hours ago, he had been the first person in the line-up of six people who showed up to be interviewed for the position of her bodyguard. Up till now, he still did not know why Rachael needed a bodyguard in the first place. The woman kept things to herself.

  After their little tiff three days ago, he had called a truce with Rachael for his mum’s sake. Since then, they’d spoken to one another like two grown-up adults. Tinu had made it clear their frequent spats had put a strain on her heart. And he was not ready to lose his mum because he wanted to fan his ego. Without sparing Rachael a backward glance, Banjo brushed another unneeded layer of paint across the wall. “I thought you said I did not fit the person you had in mind to be your bodyguard? If I recall correctly, you mentioned something about my extensive tattoos and my knack for appearing topless. I’ve not changed who I am, so what altered your choice?”

  The slight breeze from the ocean carried up a sigh he could only describe as frustrating from Rachael’s lips. Still, he carried on painting as if it was the only job he had to do this Saturday morning in the new month of July.

  “I know exactly what I said. But you’ve taken it the wrong way. Do you still want the job?” Gone was her sarcastic tone.

  If he did not want the damn job why would he have responded to the ad she put out in the local store down the road? “What happened to the person who got the job anyway?” he asked with a casual air, holding his breath. He had prayed that whoever got the job would fail to show up. It seemed his prayer had been answered.

  Rachael sighed, flicking one hand in the air. “Oh, he called in sick with an ear infection and I have to attend an event tomorrow evening. I need you to take his place.”

  Forced to almost laugh in her face, Banjo swallowed the mirth working its way to his gut. “You need me or you find me a convenient choice because I happen to sleep in the same house with you?” Banjo knew he was being obstinate, but she deserved it after the way she turned him down at the last minute.

  “Both.” Her eyes held a glint of cheekiness.

  At her sassy attitude, Banjo set the paint brush down on the paint tray and curved on the ladder with care. From his top spot, he stared down at Rachael’s rounded cleavage.

  Captivating, his head declared as sweet flame lit up around his groin.

  The tender swell of her big boobs pressed against the round neckline of her snug, tan dress. Straight-on, another dose of hot current sprayed between his legs and he gripped the ladder tight. Any woman with Rachael’s boob size would leave a rousing imprint on any man. But Rachael was off his dating chart. Apart from the obvious fact she was another man’s woman, he could not cope with a woman with an ego as big as his own.

n the ground, Rachael folded her arms on top of her bump, inadvertently pushing up her breasts and heat pushed its way up to his stomach. He clenched his fists around the ladder. From below, she drilled a well into his chest with her eyes while waiting for his answer.

  Banjo swallowed, intent on making her sweat. “I’ve a list of tasks as long as my arm to get through this weekend. I might just be able to fit you in.”

  Instead of accepting his kind assistance, the curvy woman who had spent the better part of the last two weeks avoiding his gaze, now scanned his bare chest and abs. For once in his life, he felt naked and he was almost tempted to throw a covering across his chest to shield him from her scorching gaze.

  “Happy my body meets your taste after all?” Banjo scorned to distract her from stimulating his ardour. There was no way he was attracted to Rachael. No way.

  A huge smile popped up on her lovely face and her cheekbones stood with dignity.

  Without warning, warmth forced a path to Banjo’s chest. He squinted, hoping to stamp down the rising heat around his body. Meanwhile, Rachael’s full lips parted as her smile changed into a body-melting laugh. Powerless to quell the laughter welling up inside, Banjo’s body shook as he made his way down the ladder steps.

  Rachael stood where she was beside the folding ladder, not backing away as he had expected. He deliberately lost his footing, crashing against her.

  Letting out a yelp, Rachael fell backwards. Of course, Banjo righted himself easily and caught her with both hands.

  “Disaster averted,” Banjo murmured, relieved she did not hit the ground. Not that he would have allowed her to fall on his watch. A little shake-up of the Amazonian Queen was what he wanted.

  Fear mingled with something else flashed across her interesting dark eyes as she clutched his forearms.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he told her with a grin. Yet Banjo curled one hand around her shoulders and his right hand wedged her waist. Her body, supple and luscious almost felt right in his arms.


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