Tower of Ancients

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Tower of Ancients Page 22

by Jaeger Mitchells

  “Isn’t it a bit far to create a big enough slope?”

  “No, not really. We’re going straight in that direction and have a decent angle. We’ve also managed to provide water for when doing—you know.”

  “Oh? How?” I asked curiously. Back in the capital, we used wells and buckets with water, but they had somehow managed to get a solution here so far out from civilization.

  “Magic, my Lord. Helena is very adept with water and she’s managed to create a line directly from the river to the public bathroom. We even have a big bath that has another magical system designed by her. Fresh water flows in and dirty flows out, which is then again used as water to throw down the shitter.”

  “I guess I have to give her more credit than I did up until now. The sisters really are pretty valuable, huh?”

  “Oh, you have no idea! There are quite a few things she mentioned they will do for us, but she had to run off on an errand for you?”

  I nodded and let out a deep sigh. He could see the worry on my face and suddenly became alarmed.

  “I’m going out on a mission tomorrow from which I may not come back.”

  “What? Are you insane? My Lord, pardon me, but I didn’t have a better word to use!”

  “I am to be honest,” I chuckled. “Gather the other officers and I’ll tell you all together. I don’t feel like repeating it twice.”

  Sentinel turned to a group of soldiers and snapped them an order, then turned back and motioned for me to sit on an improvised log bench. Sentinel waited until the others arrived, sitting next to me in silence. I didn’t even try to have any small talk as I wasn’t much in the mood. All I wanted to do was to get this chat over with, get that bath, and have my armor and weapons polished so I could go have a rest.

  “Who do we have here?” Slayer laughed as they arrived. Stalker, Calina, and Grestal walked behind him. Calina’s gaze was downcast. I assumed what the reason was but didn’t rise to the bait. It must have been her brother giving her advice on how to play me. Not this time.

  “Sit your ass down so I can go get a bath,” I ordered but winked.

  “My Lord!” he snapped and followed the order.

  “How’s everyone holding up?” I asked to start out with a lighter topic.

  “Good, good. Everything’s just dandy!” Stalker laughed.

  “Oh? Stalking on the ladies again?”

  “W-what? Who? Me?” he stuttered.

  “Who else. And no need to deny it, we all have something for the ladies, don’t we?”

  “Some prefer men, thank you very much,” Calina muttered, still refusing to meet my eyes.

  “I see. Then would you like to join me in the river after we’re done here? I could use someone to help me take a bath.”

  “W-what? Do you mean me?” Calina yelped as she got up, both hands clutched to her chest.

  “Yeah, you.”

  “Wait, boss, that’s not alright,” Slayer protested. “Shouldn’t you—.”

  “No, I shouldn’t. You two have been trying to go at me for years, well, here’s your chance. Prove that you’re interested in me.”

  “But I’m on my—you know!”

  “Hey, blood is blood,” Stalker laughed. Calina slapped him on the back and kicked him as he fell over.

  “Fuck you!”

  “No, fuck him! Go prove you’re a woman!” he shot back.

  “Enough,” I growled before it could get out of hand. “I gathered you here to ask for volunteers tomorrow. We’re going out on a hunt.”

  “We? Didn’t you say you were going out alone?” Sentinel asked.

  “I changed my mind. Some of you have more than enough energy to spare, so it would be better to use your enthusiasm and have you spill some guts.”

  “Hah! I like it!” Slayer laughed. “More weak-ass Razorbacks?”

  This time it was my turn to smirk.

  “No, we’re hunting something called a Land Troll.”

  “A new species of monster?”

  I shook my head.

  “No, they’re very well sapient. They’re a ten-foot-tall race just like us but much worse. They’re super resilient to physical damage and can only be killed by causing huge trauma or burning them alive. At least that’s what Dimas said. Other than that, we got nothing.”

  The group remained silent for a long moment before the unexpected happened.

  “I’d like to take you up on that bathing offer, my Lord,” Calina whispered. “If you decide not to take me with you, that is.”

  I chuckled and shook my head.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, but your idiot brother is coming with me. All four of the guys are.”

  “What?” they replied in unison.

  “You heard me. Work until everyone’s done and then take a bath before going to sleep. Sometimes tomorrow around noon we set out. You’re all dismissed except for Calina.”

  “What about the work here? Who will supervise?” Sentinel protested. I could see all of them were nervous at the mention of having to fight creatures that tall and resilient.

  “Damn pussies. I’m just joking with you. Get lost and return to what you were doing.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  I picked her up in both arms and jumped up to the tallest tree I could see from where we stood. She let out a shrill scream and clenched her teeth tightly as she could. It made me chuckle to see a usually composed Calina turn into a little girl.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not dropping you,” I whispered. “You’re precious to me after all.”

  She looked up at me and shied away immediately. Oh Calina, you were still too young to play around with me.

  “I-I’m not afraid when in your arms,” she murmured and looked into the distance. I smiled and nodded, then looked for a nice place where we could have some privacy. A perfect small stream ran on the opposite side of a rock formation that separated the river and the Western bank.

  I jumped to the edge of the river and lunged across it, landing with a skidding halt.

  “Don’t drop me!”

  “I won’t, what are you so scared about?”

  “I’m still Human so it’s only logical! What if I hit my head on one of these rocks?”

  “I’d honor you by drinking all of your blood,” I smirked. She scowled and began to stutter something, but went silent as a hint of scarlet spread across her face. I pressed my lips against her forehead and took another jump to reach our destination. It was a nice piece of paradise where no one would be bothering us for a while.

  I put her down gently and started undoing my armor. She stepped in and helped, unclasping my breastplate. I stopped and let her do it. After all, I said she’d be helping me take a bath, and this was a part of it.

  She placed the pieces of armor down on the grass, laying them out one by one. I was left in my breeches and a cotton shirt, which I pulled off over my head and let her pull down the rest. Calina gasped and then looked away, both from the scars and from seeing a cock for the first time in her life. At least that’s what I thought.

  I leaned in and almost tore the leather breastplate from her body. It would need some repairing afterward, I was sure of it. Calina’s white skin came into view as I undid layer after layer, leaving her perfectly muscled body bare. Her breasts were bound with a cloth to make them appear smaller and probably to help with the breastplate, but it was such a travesty. They could almost rival Helena’s which were already quite a handful.

  “Why would you go so far? You’re to die for,” I whispered in her right ear as my hands traced down the small of her back. Her body shivered as she closed her eyes, gasping for air.

  “You never—looked at me like a—woman.”

  “And that’s a damn shame if I may say so.”

  “I had to, my Lord.”

  “Don’t Lord me when we’re alone, please. And no, you didn’t have to. You’re a woman, it’s our duty to protect you, which is what I’m going to do today. I’ll make a full Hybrid out of y
ou and from then on only nice dresses and pretty things, alright?”

  “No! I can’t stand being ogled by the troops! The only reason why they respect me is that I’m on the front lines doing as much as they are!”

  “Oh? Do you really think anyone would dare even sneer at you, even less make a funny remark?” I whispered as my hand moved up to her chest and cupped her left breast. She shivered and looked away.

  She let out a moan before I let go, then raised her right arm to cover her breasts while the left hand moved down between her legs, covering a perfectly fine black strip. I had no idea she was into grooming, but it turned me on beyond what any word could describe.

  “No, they wouldn’t. And please, can you stop staring at me? I feel uncomfortable.”

  “Oh? How so? Don’t you see I’m naked as well, Calina?”

  “But you’re used to it! No one has seen me naked in the last fifteen years!”

  I pulled her hands away slowly to reveal all of her divine body once more. I didn’t touch her, and I wouldn’t force myself on her. But after all, they had it coming. Both Calina and Slayer had been nagging me for her to be my ‘woman’ for years now.

  “I’m not doing to do anything to you unless you want me to. However, you and your brother need to be punished so I’ll have you clean all of my body today, and in turn, I’ll clean yours.”

  “What kind of punishment is that supposed to be?” she hissed. “My Lord.”

  “An appropriate one,” I laughed and threw her into the water. She disappeared for a long moment until her head popped out and she stared at me intently as if daring to enter. I slowly stepped up to the edge and dropped inside, pulling her under the water for a long second. To my surprise, she seemed to have anticipated it and had a lung-full of air.

  Our eyes met for the briefest of moments before I pushed her out again.

  “You’ve passed the first test, Calina. Anticipate and prepare beforehand.”

  “You mean the air? Yeah, I thought you might pull something like when you dove in.”

  The way she spoke was slightly different and not so weak anymore. Sure, I could still see that she wasn’t comfortable with all this, but it was slightly less than it had been moments before.

  “Now for the second thing, I want you to scrub my body off. I’ve been inside that steel coffin for weeks now without getting a real bath.”

  She bit her lower lip as she paddled closer to me. Her hands started rubbing my shoulders and my neck. They were soft and warm to the touch, even in the cold water. I let her roam my body, getting herself familiar with it as I kept staring into her deep blue eyes.

  “I have to admit that it’s my loss,” I chuckled, shaking my head slowly.

  “What is?” she asked surprised.

  “I can’t get over the fact how I’ve had a gem by my side all this time and didn’t have the eyes to notice. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that—whatever I said earlier still stands. I’ll make a Hybrid out of you and have you lead from the back. That’s not up for discussion.”

  Her hands stopped moving suddenly. I took the opportunity to do the same to her, turning her body around and started scraping my heavy hands down her back. I tried to be as gentle as I could, but when you had hands that were never soft to begin with, you couldn’t do much about it. Calina didn’t seem to mind as she floated there beside me.

  “You know, it had been my dream for all this time, but after our last conversation—I don’t think I’d be suited. I mean, I plan to devote my life to you in any case since what you’ve done for my brother and me is more than we can ever hope to repay, but it felt wrong. You’re a Vampire Lord and I’ll be a Hybrid at best. We don’t go well together, right? I’ll be old and dead long before you.”

  It felt as if she was searching for confirmation. She wanted to be shunned by me for some strange reason which didn’t make sense anymore. All these years she’d wanted to be used by me, and now when she had her chance, she changed her mind.

  “What do you think of this place?” I asked, changing the subject. She perked up at that and placed her hand on my chest again.

  “I like it so far. It’s a far cry from what we used to have, but the feeling is incomparable. Even though death looms overhead, I’m feeling safer than ever in this place.”

  “Beyond safer, do you think that you could live here forever if we don’t find the tower?”

  “Why not? We can grow food and raise animals for meat. We can establish good relations with neighboring settlements and even Kingdoms with some luck. What isn’t there to like, except for the lack of hygiene for now?”

  “I guess you’re right. Speaking of hygiene, it’s being worked on as we speak.”

  “I know, but you know how women are. Before this—the last time I had a bath was back before we set out and I felt nasty and dirty. So thank you. I’m glad you—did whatever this is.”

  I flashed her a smile and nodded knowingly. She didn’t say anything else as her hands moved down my sides and between my legs. I didn’t stop her, but neither did I urge her to go on. She stopped a couple of inches shy of my member and furiously bit her upper lip as if deciding whether to go on or not.

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want today. I already said I won’t do anything to you, and that includes washing what’s left of me. I won’t be taking you as a woman today either as it wouldn’t be appropriate towards you and Slayer.”

  “Yeah, thanks. However, is there a better way to lose my shyness than with Lord Raziel?”

  Her hands shot out and wrapped themselves around my cock. They started moving furiously as she turned another level of crimson. I remained quiet and motionless, enjoying her touch even if it wasn’t what my body had wanted from her. No, I couldn’t afford to have a split between the officers. They were the backbone of my army.

  My right hand shot out and pulled her in closer as my left started tracing down her chest, rubbing against her nipples and sending shivers down her spine. Her hands stopped for a moment but she quickly started moving them again. One slid down my shaft and grabbed a hold of my balls, squeezing down on them.

  “What are you—?”

  “Please, let me do it. I’ve heard about it many times but never seen or done—you know?”

  “Then do you want to do it?” I asked curiously. Who knew Calina would have it in her to try and make a sexual move on me?

  “I don’t want you to fuck me but I want to—relieve you if that’s alright?”

  I was never as uncertain of what to do with a woman as today, and it all had to do because she was so long with me and even an officer. Whatever, we only live once, so if she wanted to do it, who was I to stop her?

  “Don’t tell Slayer or he’ll be nagging like a bitch for weeks.”

  She chuckled and took my response as a yes. Instead of continuing, she pushed me toward the shore, so I obliged and got out of the water. She climbed out after me and then pushed me down against the sandy bank, laying me on my back. I looked up at the clear, sunny sky as Calina lay down next to me, her head placed on my chest, and her hand wrapped around my shaft.

  “I’ve been dreaming about such a moment for a long time,” she whispered as her hand started moving again. I placed mine around her and traced her right breast gently, cupping it in my hand and holding it like that. She didn’t protest and instead, her hand increased in speed.

  I tensed as she squeezed down harder, sending a rush of pleasure up my body. My nails scraped along her breast as I pressed down accidentally. She yelped and squeezed as hard as she could, her hand tugging at my cock. She pulled herself out of my embrace and leaned in closer, staring down at it as her hand moved steadily.

  “I’ve never seen one before,” she whispered. “It looks good, almost like a sausage.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her statement.

  “Yeah, you can say so I guess.”

  “Can I taste it?”

  I shrugged.

  “Go ahead
. I’m not stopping you.”

  She leaned down and kissed the mushroomed tip with her hot lips. Her hand stopped moving for a moment as she leaned in further and sucked, then started moving her hand again as her head bobbed slowly. I had no idea why, but something inside me stirred at her touch and at her hot mouth and tongue. It wasn’t the same as fucking a Vampire or someone else, no, her body was burning with fire.

  My hand moved up and down her back as she picked up the pace and looked up at me. It didn’t take her long to send waves of pleasure through my body as I tried to hold it in. My cock throbbed hard as she leaned in further, taking my full length inside her mouth. Calina gagged and pulled back but seeing me look down at her gave her some kind of confidence or perseverance. Her lips squeezed harder around my flesh as she moved her head as fast as she could, taking pleasure to new heights.

  “Fuck!” I growled and pressed her head down as I moved my hips, releasing my pearlescent, thick cum inside her mouth. She squeezed her eyes down hard and endured the long seconds before I let go and she pulled back. A thin stream dribbled lazily down the corner of her lips.

  Calina sat up and looked into the water, then got up and jumped, leaving me laying by myself. I got up and followed her inside. She looked away, probably angry or shocked by what just happened. To most it was normal, but it was her first time after all, or so I thought.

  “Hey, everything alright?” I asked as I embraced her from behind. She nodded slightly and took some water in her mouth, gurgled, and spat the cum out.

  “Sorry, I’m not used to—you know?”

  “By the Goddess of Death, Mara, you really are a virgin, huh?”

  She nodded without looking back.

  “I am. Well, not so much anymore,” she chuckled.

  “Do you want me to do the same to you?”

  “No, no need this time. How about you give me what you promised? Your blood.”

  I nodded; indeed I promised as much. I wouldn’t be a man if I didn’t keep my word, and yeah, a promise was a promise.

  “Let’s climb out again once we’ve cleaned up. I’ll feed and watch over you until you’ve—changed.”


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